TheThe AscottAscott GrapevineGrapevine Issue 59 Summer 2008 . Grapevine Appeal Church Services The Ascott Grapevine is provided Ist Sunday of the month FREE to every household in 10.00am Holy Communion - Ascott and we wish this to con- Common Worship tinue for a long time to come. 2nd Sunday Although ‘The Grapevine’ does 8.00am Holy Communion – receive support from the Parish Book of Common Prayer Council and the PCC, it only 10.00am Family Service raises a limited amount of revenue 3rd Sunday from advertising. ‘The Ascott 10.00am Benefice Service Grapevine’ survives mainly on do- 4th Sunday nations. If you would like to help 10.00 Holy Communion - The Grapevine continue, any do- Common Worship nation large or small would be ap- 5th Sunday of the month preciated. You can give a donation 10.00 a.m. Benefice Service to any member of the editorial Details and times of the regular serv- team. ices and details of special services are If there is an aspect of village advertised on the various notice life not already covered in the boards around the village and in the Grapevine please contact a mem- church porch or telephone the ber of the team to discuss your Church Wardens - Anne Braithwaite ideas. Articles for the Autumn is- 831282 or Fred Russell 830972. sue of The Grapevine should be We look forward to welcoming submitted by October 5th. you and worshiping with you. Call 01993 831023 or email: Anne Braithwaite wendypearse@ honeydale.freeserve.co.uk Content & Editorial Policy Stuart Fox, Elaine Byles, If you have an article, story or Wendy Pearse, poem you would like to submit for Yvette Keauffling publication the Grapevine editorial team would love to hear from you. Material for publication is grate- fully accepted. Due to space con- siderations material may not be used immediately but may be held over to be included in a later issue. The Grapevine editorial team re- serve the right to shorten, amend or reject any material submitted for publication. The Ascott Grapevine - Page 2 Don’t forget about the Ascott website: Come and enjoy a coffee [and home made biscuits] between 10.00am and mid-day in the Church on: Saturday 6th September Ascott Marquee Ascott residents may like to know that able deposit of £50 payable for all the village charity has recently ac- borrowings. The marquee measures quired a marquee that can be used for 10 metres by 4 and it may need a few summer events and that the marquee strong people to erect it. is available for village residents to bor- Anyone interested should contact row. There is a £30 charge made for Mark Dawbarn (01993 831632) or private and commercial use but it is one of the other trustees. available free for fund-raising for local Mark Dawbarn good causes. There is also a return- Grapevine Quiz The winner of the “collective noun” Vine was Jill Greenaway, with an all quiz in the spring issue of the Grape correct entry. Congratulations Jill! Jill wins a bottle of wine. www.ascott-under-wychwood.org.uk Page 3 - Issue 59 Births Deaths On the 13th May 2008 to Fiona and The funeral followed by interment Sean Foy, a daughter, Martha Eliza- took place at Holy Trinity Church on beth. 22nd April 2008 of Suzanne Julia Kay aged 48 years, sister of Chris Kay, The Grange, Shipton Road. Joe By the time you read this I know a great many of you will know that sadly Joe Packer (the other half of The Last Straw) died suddenly on 3 June 2008 aged 51. Everyone who knew him was in a state of shock. Joe was extremely well liked. He was always smiling and was gentle, kind, thoughtful and very tal- years Paul and Joe performed as a duo. ented. Joe generally playing guitar, double We have known Joe for many years bass and of course singing. Paul and and when we resurrected the folk Joe had been friends and musical part- nights in 1996 The Last Straw fronted ners for 25 years. the evening and continued to do so He will be missed so much by his until the present time. For many years family and friends and is a great loss The Last Straw was made up of Paul, to the world of folk and entertain- Joe and Margaret but for the last two ment. Lyn Collins The Ascott Grapevine - Page 4 Don’t forget about the Ascott website: Ascott Village Fete This year’s fete was moved from July to June Would the weather be good, or was it too soon? Organising behind the scenes started last year With a blank piece of paper and lots of ideas Two months to go with names in the frame We wanted it different but also the same Punch and Judy and CN Brass Band Joined the Morris Dancers and dressage display to lend us a hand Stalls were set up of different kinds With stallholders ready with lots of good finds Strawberries and cream with tea were on sale And people could sit at tables or on bales Beers and Pimms could be bought as well With the BBQ wafting a magnificent smell A call from the MC to announce the raffle prizes Which were then presented in all different shapes and sizes At the end of the day with aching feet The committee hoped that last year’s money we would beat And an amazing £2,464.00 was made! So a very Big THANK YOU to one and all See you next year, let’s hope it’s another ball! Debra Cull www.ascott-under-wychwood.org.uk Page 5 - Issue 59 A Day at the Races: Ascott Village Fete and... The Ascott Grapevine - Page 6 Don’t forget about the Ascott website: www.ascott-under-wychwood.org.uk Page 7 - Issue 59 ...just some of the Scarecrows The Ascott Grapevine - Page 8 Don’t forget about the Ascott website: Talking Shop Ascott Village Shop now continues competitively its fifth year as the firmly established priced goods heart of the community, a business to offer you focused on serving and supporting choice on you, our customers. your doorstep Like any business, we have to keep and avoid that moving forward, making changes and drive. improvements. We’re always on the lookout for We held our AGM in May. Any new ranges. Delicious home made AGM is usually a dry do, but we soups from The Soupery went down avoided that by holding it in The well, especially in those chilly winter Swan! Many thanks to Richard Lait, months. Recently, we brought in who kindly opened up when the pub cards, coasters and bookmarks from was supposed to be closed. The meet- the Ann Edwards range. Ann hails ing was packed and saw Paul Galistan from Blewbury and her quirky and elected as the new Secretary on the humorous artwork based on her own retirement of Rosemary Dawbarn animals brings an instant smile to from the post. anyone’s face. Rosemary has been with the shop In response to demand for frozen since its earliest days and continues fish, we’re now trialling an excellent to do sterling work behind the coun- and well-priced selection from ter and behind the scenes, and we Hellabys of Filkins. Fresh catches thank her for equally sterling efforts from Margate are frozen the same day. as Secretary for so many years. Orders will be placed each Thursday The Management Committee is for Friday delivery. now Alan Chubb as Chairman, Lor- Survey raine Knight as Deputy Chairman/ To help us meet your needs and Personnel, Paul Galistan as Secretary, aspirations, we’ll soon be delivering a Stuart Fox as Treasurer and Nigel Wild short survey form through each as Marketing and PR. letterbox. One of our many volun- Local shopping teers will be round to collect it on Our mantra is local shopping, lo- the date shown on the front. It really cal sourcing. The rocketing price of is most important for us to have your fuel and food has brought a new im- feedback, so please take a few minutes perative to both, with everyone now to complete it. thinking twice before undertaking any As part of our continuing drive journey and watching the pennies. towards eco-friendly shopping, we’re We aim to provide a wide range of trying to reduce the use of plastic www.ascott-under-wychwood.org.uk Page 9 - Issue 59 bags. From Tuesday 1 July, you’ll be prise like the shop is a bit like an ice- asked to donate 5p if you need a plas- berg, the part you don’t see is by far tic bag. In return, we’ll hand you a the greatest mass. green counter to place in a box by the Volunteering is great fun, very re- till. At regular intervals, the counters warding. You’ll be a member of a truly will totalled and a cheque sent to happy and committed team and it’s a Helen and Douglas House, the hos- great way of meeting people. pice in Oxford. No retail experience? Not a prob- If you would like one of our snazzy lem, we offer full training and let you recyclable jute shopping bags, or the work alongside experienced members one you already have is wearing thin, until you’re confident. So, give Alan a new batch is on order. Chubb a call on 830280. Volunteers welcome! And finally, are you a shareholder? Being a shareholder not only boosts Have you ever thought about vol- shop funds, but also gives you a vote unteering for the shop? Our current at the AGM and a voice in the way team numbers well over 40.
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