f '' LATEST CABLED SCGAR QUOTATIONS 0nta Dollan CMtrlfnfAla H. T. lb per toa Frie, HwaUM baait ft6.40 $128 00 lait prTlovt quota- tion J,.... 6.02 $120.40 ,. ,.r; ; .. .... - ., ,,,;,.,.,. .,,,, . HONOLULU. HAWAII "TERRITORY, FRlfAYl JUN'K X ISiSTSfiMl-WEEKLY- . WHOLE NUMBER 451 5 KffiRS TIE UP C0MMERC1 IN ALL MA1LAND PACIFIC PORTS F RI1TI R m poutical pons Sugar Industry Backs Lohgshbremen STEVEDORES ni'iS'BlJBBljNGW IEI of, Sector of Verdun Front, uShi RENCH Mortar Throwing Bomb Into Lints Teutom In Vaux HAWAII BUSINESS Where Germans Have Shifted Their Attack! and Also Met With Stiff Rettance From Oallici COAST ARE '''hiv. ; ; ; I. - a I H 111 MB I I II I 11 r ULIIUUII LII1L Progressives May Nominate - ' - INTERESTS FAVOR : i ,.. v . , - Roosevelt Without . i . .i ' l . '' v . Waiting Republican Action : ' ' , - .7. IDLE: VESSELS 'hi w t CAUSEOFDOCU 'V t - HAWAII MAY GET TWO VOTES CANNOT LOAD Planters' Association. Sugar Fac Cummins and Governor Brum- '" VAUX AGAIN tors and Commercial Organi i baugh Launch Their Booms zations Uphold Strikers As Candidates Great Strike of Longshoremen Is Inaugurated and Unless Settle- For Time At Baffled Le.Mort MUCH SUGAR IS AFLOAT ment Is Reached Very Soon of (AiMeUUd Ptm by TUntl Wlralaw.) Homme West Meuse Crown AND MUST BE UNLOADED Will r'.. CHICAOO, Jan 8 The political pot S- Commerce Be Paralyzed Prince Turns Attention To i bubbling right merrily here. New Sectors East of the Stream boomn are being launrked or are In the air and moch talked about by. the ii Stevedores' Union Powerful and NON-UNIO- N WHARFMEN from all parta of the country Hii Influence of Local Ship- LOADING IN SEATTLE who are in town getting ready for the FIRST ASSAULTS CARRY At Back convention, at appearing before the na- pers Its SOME FRENCH TRENCHES tional committee in connection with the contest over aeata that that body is Some San Francisco Maritime hearing. eW possible Influence Is being The committee yesterday made two brought to bear by the combined Concerns Indicate Willingness Russ Block Offensive Launched important deeUions. The first gave business Interests of Hawaii to To Reach Understanding With two delegates to the convention from Pacific By Num- btTO the demands of the By Turks Reinforced Hawaii, two from Porto Rico and two Coast Zaongsboremen's TJnlon grant Laborers and Others Weaken from the Philippines, The committee bers of German and Aus- ed uncondltionsti and without voted to place toe names of these dele- undue delay. "A trian Columns In Asia Minor gates upon the temporary roll of the convention, with the recommendation Thia information was given out yes- (Associated Press by Federal Wlrslsss.) that they be allowed to vote. terday afteraon by members of the FRANCISCO, June 2. Vote Now Beems Assured Hawaiian Planters' Association, the JAN (AMocUUd Ptm rsdarsl Wireless.) AS J Shipping on the Pacific Coast It is believed here that the recom- CARRANZA NOTE IS REGARDED BY WASHINGTON AN INSULT Sugar Factors representatives of the June 2. Beaten for the is at a standstill. Not a stroke of LONDON, mendation will carry full weight with steamship companies, and prominent at their efforts to break the convention and that the delegates work was done in any of the through the French lines west of mentioned wiU be permitted to exercise officers of the chamber of commerce the Mpiino, the commanders under the their fuU fe notions members of, Honolulu! s thevf onsensus of western ocean ports yesterday,' after- as voting Of ,Worjs i!t German Crows Prince yesterday of the convention. President Is Expected To Reboke Writer Sharply For fensive Jblic opinion that this is the only save in Seattle, where there 'werey noon switched their prorations' to the course . s.4r The other tiecision of the committee ope. 675 non-unio- n longshoremen:'' pomtioiiM of that river and launch ', 'V'lVe must sew that their demands " oted to seat Henry Jackson, dele- - are granted. has everything loading some ships, , while thev . j- - " m. Jrenr.h who are hulding torVrnthe shell- - (Associate sess Wt federal Wlrslesa.) having done in his conduct of the ingthe American troops- - unun And r gate from Alabama. This msans that ' Uvlons notbine gLsfriM battered trenches defending Vaux and ' - - -- o- itf. ' tna Hnirhes iswm srinl .. Isaa ilitMi Mexican problem';' " ran 4 sc. ofjier IHonrsw sudioo, TWls ' tlx- - country-- ' ASUlNGTON, June "2c- - lavru goyrpungHT Lrrotbjng and makfnfc too' Effort to Thiuiimnyt and between vetes wheaV iaef a fleer treaisnreT 0 Citstlw. Jok:e, ' , lghtma. iht Arto, those pointa;"' This accusation' against the can show beyond ill question that com- strike-breaker- s. v. of the convention. Official Washington ir de sad HroMe n many plantation, interfere with the , In on'1 sector, between - polic- .Dousumont Senator A. B. Cummins of Iowa .and President of the United States it is capable of thoroughly panies said concerning . the situation. in Seattle is typi- e by Insulting The situation and Vaux, whnre the Governor Martin O. Brumbauch of cidedly incensed the "Cnder ths Iji Toilette Seamen's Art shells indeed, is the one thing that has ing the Mexican border. When cal of of dockwork-er- s have played such havoc with the Pennsylvania, both of whom are can- of note, no vessel can leave an American port the strike the (allie the Teutonic swarm tone the latest Carranza up greatest commo- this proof is given, say. the offi- treuches, didates for the Republican Presidential stirred the inleas its crew U certificated. The on the Pacific ; Coast so far. was and drove the French nomination, opened their respective demanding the immediate with- tion here, and there was not a cials, the American columns will crews lire unionised throughout and nut of their advance positions, after Xot a single case of violence has headquarters and tbelr followers im- drawing of the American troops little talk last liiglit that be ordered back home, and not are work inn in fierfect harmony with hours of ter rills fighting in which the mediately got down to hard work mak- the stevedores and worhingmen s asso been reported and the men are ap- nttackers unffered heavy caHuolties. ing smooth the paths of their ehiefa. now south of the Mexican border. is considering sending a before. The reply to the Carran- ciations nshore. parently under excellent disci- Elsewhere Attacks rail Moose May Nominate Rooeerelt It became known last night strong rebuke to the Mexican of- za note will, it was declared last " I Ins is a big movement and an deter- Klsewhi're in jliis section of the Ver- organized one and there is no course pline. They are, however, dun front the Germans were unable to The politicians received a slight sur- that President Wilson considers ficials for that charge. night, undoubtedly contain a open other than to accede to thi mined to win nnd feel con6dent make their numbers eount for as much prise when a despatch from former the general tenor of the commu- Never, say the authorities, has positive statement to that effect demands of the unions, else we will President Roosevelt, in Pittsburgh, an- that they are going to triumph. and the French machine guns and hand offensive" and have no men to load and unload the nounced that he probably will not at nication as "most the United .States received such .....1 ........ , . KrenadtiH rolled up a frightful score of .hi... .r tk.iu-m- i tum-ii- " Union Bound 1 1 .in., To Win fir O C I SI Saif IMIfinl mii.n, .i....: ti i.j. (lend and wounded as the Bavarians tend the convention of the Progressive may send a sharp rebuke to the an offensive communication from rcnanimu rnu qnvinH uunrcn t Hawaii Has mnuence party. Me 6 as 'speecb-makia- J. Foley, president of the and I'niNHiuns charged repeatedly completed his head of the de facto government a loreign country. ,INot even COLON A DUB LAN', Mexico, This view of the situation was the J. itKiilnxt Hteadfast lines. tour of the Middle West, aud one commonly Pacific Longshore- the Brit- udvnnred yesterduv district of the Kiirlier in the day the French, by a is on his way back to Oyster Bay. at Mexico City. from Spain, nor from Great June 2. General Pershing and Thc cable was kept hot with messages men's Union, in a formal state- - . Hweexni ill counter attack, hud ousted There was a deal of talk regarding State department officials were ain, nor indeed 'from Mexico, it- General Gavira held a prolonged nil day and wireless Advices and re the Teutons from the trenches they rec- the possibility that the Progressives quests for further information kept im-n- t issued yesterday 'afternoon, will go divided between a desiri to laugh self, has there ever come a mes- conference yesterday afternoon ently captured south-eas- t of Le Mort ahead and nominate Roosevelt all the lines luisv. Hawaii's concert declared that the strikers will Homme. In without waiting to see what the Re- and their anger at the wording sage so replete with veiled insult on the details of the cooperation ull, 400 meters fAl into ed effort should have considerable stand out all their demands." the limnlx of the Gallic troops, who publicans will do'at their convention. used by General Carranza in ad to the administration and to the between the Carranza and Ameri- weight with mainland shipping inter fir hold re- Chairman Perkins of the Progressive in- e said "we can add 30,000 fust to their gains despite the received here can forces. the ests. for the monthly export and that pented iind desperate efforts on the national committee, in speaking of this dressing this government.
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