1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Meeting of the Convention Committee 8 On

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Meeting of the Convention Committee 8 On

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MEETING OF THE CONVENTION COMMITTEE 9 ON RULES AND ORDER OF BUSINESS 10 11 12 13 14 15 8:00 a.m. 16 Friday, August 24, 2012 17 18 19 20 Hyatt Regency 21 Tampa, Florida 22 23 24 25 1 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 CHAIRMAN SUNUNU: Eight o‟clock, let‟s call it 3 to order. I trust you all slept well and nobody‟s cranky. 4 We‟ll open with an invocation. 5 Carol Mumford, delegate from Rhode Island, are 6 you here? 7 Do I have a volunteer? 8 MS. MUMFORD: Our Father in heaven, we are 9 grateful to be here this morning to accomplish our very 10 important tasks. We‟re so grateful for each delegate and 11 committee member and staff member that has sacrificed and 12 dedicated themselves to this very important cause. And we 13 ask for your blessing upon us today. In the name of Jesus 14 Christ, amen. 15 CHAIRMAN SUNUNU: Amen. 16 Thank you. 17 Name and state, please? 18 MS. SKAF: Hawaii, Jacquelyn Skaf. 19 CHAIRMAN SUNUNU: Hawaii, Jacquelyn Skaf. 20 Pledge of Allegiance. Bruce Hough, are you 21 here, from Utah? 22 MR. HOUGH: Yes. 23 Will you please follow me in the Pledge of 24 Allegiance? 25 [Pledge of Allegiance.] 2 1 CHAIRMAN SUNUNU: Thank you. 2 Let me again introduce the officers that are 3 serving on this committee. 4 Up at the head table, we have Enid Mickelsen, 5 co-chairman of the Convention Committee on Rules and Order 6 of Business and national committeewoman and delegate for 7 Utah; Bill Crocker, RNC general counsel and national 8 committeeman and delegate for Texas; John Phillippe, RNC 9 chief counsel; Bill McGinley, counsel to the Convention 10 Rules Committee. 11 And at the side table, we have Louis Pope, the 12 vice chairman of the Convention Committee on Rules and 13 Order of Business and national committeeman and delegate 14 from Maryland; Bruce Ash, senior counselor of the 15 Convention Committee on Rules and Order of Business and 16 national committeeman from Arizona; and Terry Campo, 17 parliamentarian of the Convention Committee on Rules and 18 the Order of Business. 19 And our staff, a cast of thousands over there, 20 but two in particular: Jon Waclawski, associate counsel; 21 and Jen Voldness, administrative director for the 22 counsel‟s office. They will be here to help us do things 23 effectively, efficiently, and properly. 24 At this time, I‟d like to ask co-chairman Enid 25 Mickelsen to act as secretary for the purposes of calling 3 1 the roll. 2 MS. MICKELSEN: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 3 Alabama, Christopher Brown? 4 MR. BROWN: Here. 5 MS. MICKELSEN: Bettye Fine Collins? 6 MS. COLLINS: Present. 7 MS. MICKELSEN: Alaska, Pete Higgins? 8 DR. HIGGINS: Here. 9 MS. MICKELSEN: Catkin Burton? 10 MS. BURTON: Here. 11 MS. MICKELSEN: American Samoa, Sua Carl 12 Schuster? 13 [No response.] 14 MS. MICKELSEN: Amata Radewagen? 15 [No response.] 16 MS. MICKELSEN: Arizona, Randall Pullen? 17 MR. PULLEN: Here. 18 MS. MICKELSEN: Laura Knaperek? 19 [No response.] 20 MS. MICKELSEN: Arkansas, Tom Lundstrum? 21 MR. LUNDSTRUM: Here. 22 MS. MICKELSEN: Reta Hamilton? 23 [No response.] 24 MS. MICKELSEN: California, Robert O‟Brien? 25 MR. O‟BRIEN: Here. 4 1 MS. MICKELSEN: Mary Mack? 2 MS. MACK: Here. 3 MS. MICKELSEN: Colorado, Dudley Brown? 4 MR. DUDLEY BROWN: Here. 5 MS. MICKELSEN: Florence Sebern? 6 MS. SEBERN: Here. 7 MS. MICKELSEN: Connecticut, John Frey? 8 MR. FREY: Here. 9 MS. MICKELSEN: Patricia Longo? 10 MS. LONGO: Here. 11 MS. MICKELSEN: Delaware, Richard Forsten? 12 MR. FORSTEN: Here. 13 MS. MICKELSEN: Catherine Murray? 14 [No response.] 15 MS. MICKELSEN: District of Columbia, Ben 16 Ginsberg? 17 MR. GINSBERG: Here. 18 MS. MICKELSEN: Margaret Melady? 19 [No response.] 20 MS. MICKELSEN: Florida, Andrew Bonderud? 21 MR. BONDERUD: Here. 22 MS. MICKELSEN: Susan Wiles? 23 MS. WILES: Here. 24 MS. MICKELSEN: Georgia, Brian Kemp? 25 MR. KEMP: Here. 5 1 MS. MICKELSEN: Anne Lewis? 2 [No response.] 3 MS. MICKELSEN: Guam, David Sablan? 4 [No response.] 5 MS. MICKELSEN: Donna Jones? 6 MS. DONNA JONES: Here. 7 MS. MICKELSEN: Hawaii, David Chang? 8 [No response.] 9 MS. MICKELSEN: Jacquelyn Skaf? 10 MS. SKAF: Here. 11 MS. MICKELSEN: Idaho, Damond Watkins? 12 MR. WATKINS: Here. 13 MS. MICKELSEN: Abbee Hawkes? 14 [No response.] 15 MS. MICKELSEN: Illinois, Steven Daglas? 16 [No response.] 17 MS. MICKELSEN: Demetra Demonte? 18 MS. DEMONTE: Here. 19 MS. MICKELSEN: Indiana, Michael McDaniel? 20 MR. MCDANIEL: Present. 21 MS. MICKELSEN: Paula Hughes? 22 MS. HUGHES: Here. 23 MS. MICKELSEN: Iowa, Stephen Scheffler? 24 MR. SCHEFFLER: Here. 25 MS. MICKELSEN: Analies DeGroot? 6 1 MS. DEGROOT: Here. 2 MS. MICKELSEN: Kansas, Jared Suhn? 3 MR. SUHN: Here. 4 MS. MICKELSEN: Helen Van Etten? 5 MS. VAN ETTEN: Here. 6 MS. MICKELSEN: Kentucky, Ian Koffler? 7 [No response.] 8 MS. MICKELSEN: K. Russell? 9 MS. RUSSELL: Here. 10 MS. MICKELSEN: Louisiana, Roger Villere? 11 MR. VILLERE: Present. 12 MS. MICKELSEN: Gwendolyn Bowen? 13 [No response.] 14 MS. MICKELSEN: Maine, John Jones? 15 MR. JOHN JONES: Here. 16 MS. MICKELSEN: Ashley Ryan? 17 MS. RYAN: Here. 18 MS. MICKELSEN: Maryland, Louis Pope? 19 MR. POPE: Here. 20 MS. MICKELSEN: Diana Waterman? 21 MS. WATERMAN: Here. 22 MS. MICKELSEN: Massachusetts, Vincent DeVito? 23 [No response.] 24 MS. MICKELSEN: Amy Carnevale? 25 MS. CARNEVALE: Here. 7 1 MS. MICKELSEN: Michigan, Stanley Grot? 2 MR. GROT: Present. 3 MS. MICKELSEN: Christine Donahue? 4 MS. DONAHUE: Here. 5 MS. MICKELSEN: Minnesota, Bill Paulsen? 6 MR. PAULSEN: Here. 7 MS. MICKELSEN: Marianne Stebbins? 8 MS. STEBBINS: Here. 9 MS. MICKELSEN: Mississippi, Henry Barbour? 10 MR. BARBOUR: Here. 11 MS. MICKELSEN: Cindy Phillips? 12 MS. PHILLIPS: Present. 13 MS. MICKELSEN: Missouri, Harvey Tettlebaum? 14 MR. TETTLEBAUM: Here. 15 MS. MICKELSEN: Patricia Thomas? 16 MS. THOMAS: Here. 17 MS. MICKELSEN: Montana, Scott Reichner? 18 MR. REICHNER: Here. 19 MS. MICKELSEN: Karen Pfaehler? 20 MS. PFAEHLER: Here. 21 MS. MICKELSEN: Nebraska, Mark Fahleson? 22 [No response.] 23 MS. MICKELSEN: Peggy Popps? 24 MS. POPPS: Here. 25 MS. MICKELSEN: Nevada, Kurt Criss? 8 1 MR. CRISS: Here. 2 MS. MICKELSEN: Cindy Lake? 3 MS. LAKE: Present. 4 MS. MICKELSEN: New Hampshire, John Sununu? 5 CHAIRMAN SUNUNU: Here. 6 MS. MICKELSEN: Renee Plummer? 7 MS. PLUMMER: Here. 8 MS. MICKELSEN: New Jersey, William Palatucci? 9 [No response.] 10 MS. MICKELSEN: Marcia Silva? 11 MS. SILVA: Here. 12 MS. MICKELSEN: New Mexico, Don Tripp? 13 MR. DON TRIPP: Here. 14 MS. MICKELSEN: Rosie Tripp? 15 MS. ROSIE TRIPP: Here. 16 MS. MICKELSEN: New York, Edward Cox? 17 MR. COX: Here. 18 MS. MICKELSEN: Jennifer Rich? 19 MS. RICH: Here. 20 MS. MICKELSEN: North Carolina, Robert Rucho? 21 [No response.] 22 MS. MICKELSEN: Helen Pannullo? 23 MS. PANNULLO: Here. 24 MS. MICKELSEN: North Dakota, Curly Haugland? 25 MR. HAUGLAND: Here. 9 1 MS. MICKELSEN: Margaret Sitte? 2 MS. SITTE: Here. 3 MS. MICKELSEN: Northern Marianas, Ramond 4 Palacios? 5 MR. PALACIOS: Here. 6 MS. MICKELSEN: Ohio, Robert Bennett? 7 MR. BENNETT: Here. 8 MS. MICKELSEN: Cheryl Grossman? 9 MS. GROSSMAN: Here. 10 MS. MICKELSEN: Oklahoma, Stuart Jolly? 11 MR. JOLLY: Here. 12 MS. MICKELSEN: Linda Lepak? 13 MS. LEPAK: Here. 14 MS. MICKELSEN: Oregon, Kevin Hoar? 15 MR. HOAR: Here. 16 MS. MICKELSEN: Ande Hofmann? 17 MS. HOFMANN: Here. 18 MS. MICKELSEN: Pennsylvania, Robert Gleason, 19 Jr.? 20 MR. GLEASON: Here. 21 MS. MICKELSEN: Christine Toretti? 22 MS. TORETTI: Here. 23 MS. MICKELSEN: Puerto Rico, Mario Gaztambide? 24 MR. GAZTAMBIDE: Here. 25 MS. MICKELSEN: Jenniffer Gonzalez? 10 1 [No response.] 2 MS. MICKELSEN: Rhode Island, Carol Mumford? 3 MS. MUMFORD: Present. 4 MS. MICKELSEN: South Carolina, Drew McKissick? 5 MR. MCKISSICK: Here. 6 MS. MICKELSEN: Susan Aiken? 7 MS. AIKEN: Here. 8 MS. MICKELSEN: South Dakota, Debra Watson? 9 MS. WATSON: Here. 10 MS. MICKELSEN: Tennessee, John Ryder? 11 MR. RYDER: Here. 12 MS. MICKELSEN: Mary Kate Brown? 13 MS. MARY KATE BROWN: Here. 14 MS. MICKELSEN: Texas, Louis Davis? 15 MR. DAVIS: Here. 16 MS. MICKELSEN: Melinda Fredricks? 17 MS. FREDRICKS: Here. 18 MS. MICKELSEN: Utah, Bruce Hough? 19 MR. HOUGH: Here. 20 MS. MICKELSEN: Enid Mickelsen? Present. 21 Vermont, George Schiavone? 22 [No response.] 23 MS. MICKELSEN: Susan Hudson? 24 MS. HUDSON: Here. 25 MS. MICKELSEN: Virgin Islands, Warren Cole? 11 1 MR. COLE: Present. 2 MS. MICKELSEN: Gwendolyn Brady? 3 MS. BRADY: Here. 4 MS. MICKELSEN: Virginia, Morton Blackwell? 5 MR. BLACKWELL: Here. 6 MS. MICKELSEN: Anne Gentry? 7 MS. GENTRY: Here. 8 MS. MICKELSEN: Washington, David Nelson? 9 MR. NELSON: Here. 10 MS. MICKELSEN: Diane Tebelius? 11 [No response.] 12 CHAIRMAN SUNUNU: If there‟s any members of the 13 committee who were not here when their -- 14 MS. MICKELSEN: Mr. Chairman, we still have 15 three more states. 16 CHAIRMAN SUNUNU: Oh, I‟m sorry. 17 MS. MICKELSEN: It‟s all right. 18 CHAIRMAN SUNUNU: You paused, I jumped. 19 MS. MICKELSEN: I had to flip the page. 20 West Virginia, Bill Phillips? 21 [No response.] 22 MS. MICKELSEN: Donna Gosney? 23 MS. GOSNEY: Here. 24 MS. MICKELSEN: Wisconsin, David Anderson? 25 MR. ANDERSON: Here. 12 1 MS. MICKELSEN: Maripat Krueger? 2 MS. KRUEGER: Here. 3 MS. MICKELSEN: Wyoming, Bob Grady? 4 MR. GRADY: Here. 5 MS. MICKELSEN: Barbara Cubin? 6 [No response.] 7 MS. MICKELSEN: Now we‟re done, Mr. Chairman. 8 CHAIRMAN SUNUNU: My apologies to West Virginia, 9 Wisconsin, and Wyoming. 10 If there are any members of the committee who 11 were not here when the roll passed through their state, if 12 you‟d raise your hands, we‟ll try and add you to the 13 rolls.

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