tn4lgetremrc .lounrry ( cont) also caUeat Sanrderson FLeId, ls a notlce redlngt "llo Schedbted Passdnger Serrlces At Thls Alrport. Sch€aluled Servlce Operatos lron Chtglota County Irrternatlonal Airport, Khross, H1." As ueIL as. planes rEglste]"edln the tlsiA, there rere three Ca^nadlan onest Q.Fl{m ( a Ia:rcalr), C-FTfl erd e-t"ZZff. Th16 16n't 6urprl6lng becausc you can soe Oanad,e froru the torn. One evenlrg we salled florn Sault Ste. l,lar:[e on a p)-easure crulse durh6 which dlrurer nae serrred.. As the shlp ttrlfLed tlonn St. Hary's Rlver, Ca.narla ras on ono slde a^nil thc rTIIS USA on the other. The slghting of a srnall seaplane was a tonus. It ras moored on the rater on the Ca.nadial slde of the rlver. Canada's Ontarlo Seaplane Base ls also si.trxl on the banks of st. I,tary.'s RLver, but no pranes were wlslble r.hen we sailed past. B {F E& ltq" lE $il,. I H,t lri-] A fer days later we were at Toronto Internatlonal Alrport raltlng for Caledonlan Fllght CIA @42 home. It was a ?5?, C-BPW. naned Iake Katrlle. As we were Haiting vul4p la No,5- , L ., (Fgg-PriJate clI;cul3llog glv) .. , rrJune,1993 - to board 1t, EIIA Inernational's pY-TI{N, took off..Ard as we taxied to the hoIdiry3 -L Perter I-erts, llount, HorsforLh, leeds- 818 Sqp I€eds 58r+J[.0 polnt, as well'as an Alr Ontario, we saw sone carBo planes the ftelght termlnal. l:l)ITOR ?0rSpringfleld at M.l{1111nga1e, 1?,Barksfield Ctescent, Yeadon, L€eds Is19 Gul.seley 875137 These were Airborne Dcpress I213FE and an A1r Canada Caxgo plane. dfrIffia},I H.Hee1ey, 2p,Vlctoria Rd, Guiseley, Ieeds' IS20 BDQ CuJ.seley 8?6261 Our fLight back was up Iake Ontario, past, Ottara, Mont:rea1 anrl across I mnmmY Quetec, Roa.d., I-eeds, IS-1! 6118 5o7202 New-fourdJ-a.nd, then Dub1in 'IltDlslifrffi C.Thorntonp 69A, Ha.rrrgate Rawdon, Iel.e over and Liver?ool to Hanchesler. Thene re disentarftcd, -- reed.s IstS Ieeils 6769t+7 leatri-ng the plane to conplete its journey to LM. I l.coldbeck, 2o?., Qreen ra.ne, cookridge, ?JL @ John Jackson, 16, Church Street, Yeadonrr,eeds ISlp Ieeds 503?66 r**+{#***{-x**++*******i* H*#******-*S*}gf*e*****---*-***ffi #{*** x x x }I)'(f IICOI'II NC I,IEMINCS trriAi ng,sE-Clffi-at the Yorkshire Aeroplane C1ub, rceds/hadford ( Yeadon) IBffiIA Two of Lhe 8.72?,s leased t6'lEilTffi-trave since returned. I{ave taken Alrport, ty the courtery of the Dlrectors, conmenclng at 1500h::s. deIlvery of the last of their order for 22 A.320-2LL,s; lt ls currently registered SllN .ltIIJ 1lth k Elleht Commancler Bill t{hamond who served in 105 Sqif. rlth EC-SS6 and 4n )56. "DambusLet'' Gqy Gibson. UTFTHANSA B./+?-23oa LABZA (Z\ZB?) suffe::etl a blrd strl-ke 1n No.2. &glne tturln8 take SrlN AIJC 1st NO MMIING lts off n:n at fYarikfurL on 20th l4arch. The pl1ot aborted the take off and st,lt,rr l,like A].o(ander taJ.ks atoub Ureclts/ReJ-lcs of Iortheu hglad. overshot ffi Eh the end of the nrnway. No1r2, aJd 3 et€ines ard the fuselage were alanagcd SUN Ocl'lrl PauJ. Ishemood rith rno::e of his wonderful slldes of Erropean Airports tut the alrcraf'L ls ::epairable. ancl Alrlines. IIXAIn have returned 8.73? - 2Lp.s IX-rCH (2144)) arlt U(-ICr (21u14) to the lessors. sr.rN Nov Steve Rrgg *ith slirles of Airliners 1n unusual Co].otr Schemes. They ?th ttave slnce been leased to T:rar-sAem as M-730O0 antl M-?9OC1. SUN DNO 5th XMAS PARfY. -C IIAEFSK AIR k VASP B.?3? 4yo rT-iiFIZIrSll) has teen added to the fleet artt has been reregistered as oY-I,tsK. C}I,IIRI{ANS pll}fsr CHAT , J I{AFTIMIR sold DC 10-30CF (45985) to trre Dutch Air trbre€ on 4tn retmary As some of you nay have nottced the head.lrg to the title page of the nSaslne' has rrith tmtred.iate lease back. und.ertaken a ruaJor cbange, over the 1.ast two nonths. The na.De of Trevor ICUAhorrr PAIAIR I{ACDONIA The FoI,Jcer 100 destroyed on 5th }4arch rras P}I-IO(L (11lpl) on has rLleappearerl fY.on the ftllto::s slot, afLer Twelve long yesrs. TrE or ttecl-ded. at the lGffi;EiGr. It crashed shorL\r afLlr take off fron petrovac mrport it s<op;e Last, A.G.ll. that he needed a resL, flon the tlfXr <lemadlry posltlon of ltlitor, as ope:atfug a ffl.Aht to Zurich. 0f the 9? passengers ard. cren on board onJ'y fifLeen 6oon aa one 1a6ue Is pub.Llshetl nork starts on 1lfcparirg the n*t. lssus. Ifo:cmatlon surrlved. The airc::aft had p:reviously been a tlenonst::ator wlth trbkker. !.s sent la and Trenor then checked 1t all, anct I reckon Trevor rust hare ctrbdceil a POFII EA!I',E,UR9PEA{ +IIHAYS (qutte a-J.ong na.ne for a.n atr1lne) @an operatlons good pereerrtage of Alrc:raft on the B:dtlsh Re4llstar. After ctreddng lt res over to ffin28trr uarcr,-uslng leased E n?-lno c-UIaE-(24344). Trevors r.lfe Cherzy rho dld the Typin6. Thezfoxe, on betulf of the SocC.ety, I roultl The alrcrafb ls ope:cated ln modified Virgin Atlantlc narldrgs. like to ttEnl( Both Trenor ard. Ctrerqr, for alI the very hard rodr oiEa the lasb 12 years. slrrf,AlJ ArB have adaled B.T)?)c? TGJTB (23?81) to thelr fleet on rease f)on poraris. f, ml] preaertatlon r1l1 be tmd.e at the JULY neetlrlg, to shon our aplrrecat!.on of all TE-6;E-Tuff Sultan Alr coforr::s ana rs ex N lJ!m. Trevor has d.one' aJd re lool( fo:rrard to seefurg hl-n as aJr Honou:anlr tdeuber at forth- TAT. nnO?EAU on\y F 28 anil F 100 ope::ating inte:aatLonal routes 1111 be palnted in coltng ueertlngs. Orr ner Hltor ls Peter Irrls of Horsforth, rho tE.s pmducodl the IasU f\rlL BA colours. The renal-nder are e>pected. to :-tall the currant colour sctrene. tro nagazlnes. Peter 18 a one flnger typlst, so please Let us hare Jrolr @rrtd.butlons TAPAIR SA of finln l-ost DC 3 (ct+?A) ru-reH (g:36) rhen lt orastred onto the apmn at to the na€lzlne !-n plerty of tlue, or better stlll pre-typed or rotd prooBssd, on a Palna on\r 200 netres fron the te:milral and close to the hanger co[plex just after foolscap (Ar+) she€it,. Also na^4r thanks to all our regu1ar contd.hrtoasrTe'r:y Sykes gettlng alrbourne. the aLrcr:aft was dlst::oyed.. (r1r t[6 noveuaerts), &dJr Ba^d<er (Laa), c.r.rrown (ALrtlne ]ferrs), r"r rqufa,r scdtes, CAI{ADIAN HMITAGE I'.IT'SEI'M Sm^n Gil,ftlths, Jt-n.StandLeld, Iierri ScheftslJc, iohn Jadreon (tap fers) ard alJ- rho Not alrllne nefis but lnforrnation that rnay be of i-nterest to menbers. The Carudl-a.rr serd ln the odd item, aaeober the nagaztne 1s the llfe 1lne of the mcnuty. Her:l-tage l'fuserm at IIamILton trad a ha.nger fire on lJfir fubuary. The Ia.ncaster ifas ln Churctr Fenton Thl-E takeE pil"ace thts year on SU{DAI 18th. Jlr[f, Jurt one reelc a.fter the lra.nger at the tlne but only suffer€d nJlor sr4>erf1cial 42mge, tt rrilr stirt be our neetllg. Ye a^re ilesln:ct€qy, I.n neeil of sa]eablle lteusl 1.e. a,4r avaltlon rle1ated. alrtorttry. llnforLrmate\ though the follorlng alrcrafL al:e nofl known to have been books or ragazlnes. If you have arsr ltens you wor:ld llke to ilonate, Dileae let us d.estrrqred' T4!-3 C-GCvc (t+35il; Hurrlcane XII C-CCIIH (I+ZOIZ)1 Spltfrre LF.D(c M pBL knon-hr telelrtpae, sqrre.can arorange to plckjlfrem W bef"f" SUnfet,llffff t922.. (cBArLU-1514)5 sttnaon 105 C-FtssU (ZoW1, Au.ster Aop.6 c-riXr (ZSgo) anrl Aero - Comnrrder 68ov c-rTro (1g6yZz). I TRI?S i A na"jor hlow for the rnuseun, but, lt could have been nuctr worse 1f al]. the aJforLs on iiffi-z<tfr "Du:cfozd Avlatlon Museun' Historlc Al.rccraft F1yfuls. d6 each(lnchdes enteanrce :re6tor:at1on of the la.ncaster had been 1ost. sFx,l 26th IoNDoN HEATlmo{ DAy TRrp s16 each. (Based on lJ:S p"-"o")pereons) NUv alh RAF scAl,rloN oarinrr 1nm arnouii-ri0-;;.--riff*,i-rI-.= pr"*. AIll Y0HK;IIIRE, ITS COI4MIITffi AI,ID JOHN JACKSON CAN NCII m HEID IJEFrr. It At{T gAY O.F.hown l{lU\l'li0L-Vlrlli FOR ANY INJURIES, INCONIIH{CE AND COSIS,HCffEVffi INCIJRE) lIfiII,St P4]grqrglNc rN Alu.Ac..rwqrEs.-rtr ArE;oqJlE 3pIE. :j ._. L :- - CIUIITS T.t{.Sykes A.Sedgwlck J.Stanfield A.Teqrest J.D.An:rdel J..Iackson P. !,trartln L. SchefLslk C. F. Brorn 1 --------.--------- 5 2 0a c-cslll C.r!n. l21c 01a 2 c-oBlx thort 360 0t11 c-rtcx short 350 0816 Br-cFc 8tl8 310 0E5t G-8LD[ Trc9 09t0 9H-IBB Boclng ?3? 095t c-BLzT ghort 360 0958 c-BoDI Cessna 3l0R 102 5 Oo-DTJ Brasllla 1033 G-8LVI T67l{ Plrefly 10 52 G-BNSP T5?ll Flrefly 1100 c-zFDB TYln Squlrrel 1111 tEEE/ffifm flIIEIHITS, G-ELDH DC9 1238 G-BYIE Boelng ?5? 1250 fllag ffi.
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