PROJECT DESCRIPTION VCS Version 3, CCB Standards Third Edition RESEX RIO PRETO-JACUNDÁ REDD+ PROJECT Document Prepared by Biofílica Investimentos Ambientais SA Project Title: Resex Rio Preto-Jacundá REDD+ Project Version v. 2.2 Date of issue May 15th 2016 Prepared By Biofílica Investimentos Ambientais S.A. Contact Plínio Ribeiro – CEO – [email protected] Thaís Hiramoto – Project Coordinator – [email protected] PROJECT DESCRIPTION VCS Version 3, CCB Standards Third Edition Project Title Resex Rio Preto-Jacundá REDD+ Project Brazil, Estate of Rondônia, Municipality of Machadinho d’Oeste and Project Location Cujubim Biofílica Investimentos Ambientais (primary project proponent): Plínio Ribeiro, plinio@biofílica.com.br, +55 11 3073-0430 Associação dos Moradores de Reserva Extrativista Rio Preto- Jacundá Project Proponents e Ribeirinhos do Rio Machado – Asmorex: José Pinheiro Borges, [email protected], +55 69 3581-2084 Rainforest Alliance: Lawson Henderson, [email protected], +1 (202) 903-0717 Auditor IMAFLORA – Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola: Bruno Brazil de Souza, [email protected], +55 19 3429-0848 Project Start Date October 1st, 2012 Project Lifetime 30 years GHG Accounting Period From October 1st, 2012 to October 1st, 2042 Full validation or gap Full Validation validation History of CCB Status Validation initiated in October 19th, 2015 CCBA. 2013. Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards Third Edition. Edition of CCB Standards CCBA, Arlington, VA, USA. December, 2013. At: www.climate standards.org. Expected Climate Benefits: It is expected a total of 12,367,970 tCO2eq avoided emissions by the Project, opposing a baseline scenario of 14,653,702 tCO2eq emitted under an unplanned deforestation context. In the Project scenario, deforestation of 35,222 hectares is avoided and 368,374 tCO2eq are reduced yearly over a 30-year period. Expected Benefits to the Community: Promoting the welfare of the 130 residents of Resex and enhancement of extractive way of life through activities developed and promoted by REDD +, some of them: Brief Description of the Expected Benefits for Climate, Community and Social organization: Biodiversity monthly workshops with the board of Asmorex related to management and finance; Structuring of internal committees formed by residents in the following subjects: health and education, infrastructure and land tenure security. Health: Training of at least one health worker per community; Providing courses on hygiene, health and family planning for at least 20 families; Income generation: Installation of a processing center for açaí and bazillian nut; v3.0 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION VCS Version 3, CCB Standards Third Edition Education: implementation and maintenance of an educational center for youth and adults; Facilitating access to distance learning courses for residents of three communities present in Resex. Infrastructure: Improvement of sanitary conditions in houses of families living in Resex; future implementation of 3 new communities, seating about 12 families. Empowerment of young people and women: Promotion of workshops on empowerment and leadership focus on the most vulnerable of public at Resex. Environment workshops and quarterly training for interested residents on the following topics: agroecology, waste disposal and composting Expected Biodiversity Benefits: Maintenance of forest cover in the Project Area ensures the protection of habitats, provision of natural resources and ecosystem services, enabling the continued provision of timber and non-timber forest products and favoring socio-economic stability in the region. The area is categorized as of “Very High” priority for conservation, as it contains several species in some degree of threat (according to IUCN) and for being located in the Endemism Center of Rondônia, one of the most important areas of bird endemism in South America. There are 16 species of flora with some degree of threat and restricted use, and 14 species of fauna, especially the bird Rhegmatorhina hoffmannsi (endemic of Rondonia) and the primate Ateles chamek which is Endangered. The project meets the criteria: GL2. Exceptional benefits for communities. The project is Community-led and implemented on a specific Brazilian category of Protected Area of which traditional communities own the rights of managing its resources. The project will generate short-term and long- Attendance to Gold Level term net positive well-being for community members and empowerment of Criteria community members. GL3. Exceptional benefits for Biodiversity. The Project zone includes a site of high conservation priority. It meets the vulnerability criteria, due to regular occurrence of threatened species, such as the Endangered (EN) Black-faced Black Spider Monkey (Ateles chamek), according to IUCN Red List. Date and Version of PDD May 15th 2016, version 2.2 First Verification on CCBS two years after Validation and verification Expected Verification consequently every two years during the Project life-cycle. Schedule VCS verification is expected to occur on every two years. v3.0 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION VCS Version 3, CCB Standards Third Edition “ARTE MATUTA” por Patativa do Assaré Eu nasci ouvindo os cantos das aves de minha serra e vendo os belos encantos que a mata bonita encerra foi ali que eu fui crescendo fui vendo e fui aprendendo no livro da natureza onde Deus é mais visível o coração mais sensível e a vida tem mais pureza. Sem poder fazer escolhas de livro artificial estudei nas lindas folhas do meu livro natural e, assim, longe da cidade lendo nessa faculdade que tem todos os sinais com esses estudos meus aprendi amar a Deus na vida dos animais. Quando canta o sabiá Sem nunca ter tido estudo eu vejo que Deus está por dentro daquilo tudo aquele pássaro amado no seu gorgeio sagrado nunca uma nota falhou na sua canção amena só canta o que Deus ordena só diz o que Deus mandou. v3.0 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION VCS Version 3, CCB Standards Third Edition ÍNDEX 1 GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................... 10 1.1. Summary Description of the Project ........................................................................................... 10 1.2. Project Location .......................................................................................................................... 11 1.3. Conditions Prior to Project Initiation ............................................................................................ 12 1.4. Project Proponent ....................................................................................................................... 22 1.5. Other entities involved in the project ........................................................................................... 24 1.6. Project Management and Governance ....................................................................................... 26 1.7. Project Starting Date ................................................................................................................... 28 1.8. Project Crediting Period .............................................................................................................. 28 2 Design ................................................................................................................................................ 29 2.1. Sectorial Scope and Project Type ............................................................................................... 29 2.2. Description of the Project Activity................................................................................................ 29 2.3. Management of Risk to Project Benefits ..................................................................................... 50 2.4. Project Financing ........................................................................................................................ 52 2.5. Employment Opportunities and Worker Safety ........................................................................... 53 2.6. Stakeholders ............................................................................................................................... 57 2.7. Commercially Sensitive Information ............................................................................................ 68 3 Legal Status ........................................................................................................................................ 69 3.1. Compliance with Laws, Statutes, Property Rights and Other Regulatory Frameworks.............. 69 3.2. Evidence of Right of Use ............................................................................................................. 72 3.3. Emissions Trading Programs and Other Binding Limits ............................................................. 78 3.4. Participation under Other GHG Programs .................................................................................. 78 3.5. Other Forms of Environmental Credit ......................................................................................... 78 3.6. Projects Rejected by Other GHG Programs ............................................................................... 78 3.7. Respect for Rights and no Involuntary Relocation ...................................................................... 78 3.8. Illegal Activities and Project Benefits .........................................................................................
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