Sociedad Unipersonal and Its Subsidiaries (Unicaja Banco Group)Group)

Sociedad Unipersonal and Its Subsidiaries (Unicaja Banco Group)Group)

UNICAJAUNICAJA BANCO,BANCO, S.A.S.A. -- SOCIEDAD UNIPERSONALUNIPERSONAL ANDAND ITS SUBSIDIARIESSUBSIDIARIES Auditor’sAuditor's report,report, consolidated annualannual accountsaccounts and consolidated directors’directors' reportreport at 31 DecemberDecember 2013 P. upwcpwc AfreeAfree translationtransiaHon ofof thetite report on thetite consolidated annual accounts originally issued in SpanishSpanish andpreparedand prepared ittin aecordanceaccordance withwith generally accepted accountingaeeounftng principiesprinciples in Spain. In titethe eventevent of aa discrepancy,discrepancy, titethe SpmzishSpanish languagelanguage versionversionprevalis prevails AUDITOWSAUDITOR'S REPORT ON THE CONSOUDATEDCONSOLIDATED ANNUALANNUAL ACCOUNTS To thethe Sole Shareholder of Unicaja Banco, SA.S.A. -- SociedadSociedad Unipersonal,Unipersonal, We havehave auditedaudited thethe consolidated annual accountsaccounts ofof UnicajaUnicaja Banco, S.A.SA. -- SociedadSociedad UnipersonalUnipersonal (the(the ParentParent Company) andand its subsidiañessubsidiaries (the Group), consisfingconsisting of thethe consolidated balancebalance sheetsheet at 31 December 2012, thethe consolidated incomeincome statement,statement, the consolidated statement ofof recognised income and expenses, thethe consolidated statement of changes in equity, the consolidated cash flowflow statementstatement and related notes to the consolidated annual accountsaccounts forfor theme yearyear then ended.ended. AsAs identifiedidenfified inlii Note 1.3 toto methe accompanying consolidatedconsolidated annualannual accounts,accounts, methe Parent Company'sCompany’s DfrectorsDirectors areare responsibleresponsible forfor methe preparation of methe Group’sGroup's financialfinancial statementsstatements inin accordance withwith InternationalInternational Financial ReportingReporting Standards,Standards, adopted by methe European Union, and otheromer provisions of thethe financialfinancial reportingreporting frameworkframework applicable toto methe Group.Group. OurOur responsibiityresponsibility isis toto expressexpress anan opinionopinion onon methe consolidatedconsolidated annual accounts taken as a whole, basedbased on methe work performedperformed in accordance with legislafionlegislation governing methe auditaudit pracficepractice in Spain, whichwhich requiresrequires methe examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporfingsupporting methe consolidated annual accounts and an evaluation of whetherwhether meirtheir overalloverall presentation,presentation, methe accounting principlesprinciples andand criteria applied andand methe esümatesestimates made are in accordance withwith methe applicable financialfinancial reporfingreporting framework.framework. IiiIn our opinion, thethe accompanying consolidatedconsolidated annual accounts for 2013 presentpresent fafrly,fairly, inin aliall materialmaterial respects,respects, methe consolidated financial position ofof Unicaja Banco, SA.S.A. --Sociedad SociedadUnipersonal Unipersonal andand itsits subsidiaries at 31 DecemberDecember 20132013 andand methe consolidatedconsolidated resultsresults of itsits operaüonsoperations andand consolidated cash flowsflows forforme theyear yearthen then ended,ended, inin accordanceaccordancewith withInternational International FinancialFinancial ReportingReporting Standards,Standards, adopted by titethe European Union, and omerother provisions of methe applicable financialfinancial reportingreporting framework. The accompanyingaccompanying consolidatedconsolidated directors’directors' reportreport forfor 2013 containscontains methe explanafionsexplanations whichwhich methe ParentParent Company’sCompany's DirectorsDirectors considerconsider appropriateappropriate regardingregarding the situation of methe Group, methe development of itsits businessbusiness and other matters, and does not form an integral part of methe consolidated annualannual accounts. We havehaveverified verifiedmat thatthe the accounfingaccountinginformaflon information containedcontained inin methe consolidatedconsolidated directors’directors' reportreport is liiin agreement dmwith matthat of the consolidated annual accounts for 2013. Our work asas auditorsauditors is limitedlimited toto checldngchecking ffiethe consolidatedconsolidated directors’directors' reportreport inin accordanceaccordance wimwith thethe scopescope menfionedmentioned inin ffiisthis paragraphparagraph and does not include a review ofofinformation informationomer other manthan matthat obtained from methe accounting records of meGroup.the Group. acE:>'5 0-) PricewaterhouseCoÑPricewaterhouseCoffers 4#cuRrefr,4Øttø& S.L. .\-cv r. 60 Oñ1i%4hnedOrigirt‘ ht b‘signed byby Alejandro rMklorrietaElorrieta PartuerPartner -0‘‘V6' 7 MarchMarch 20142014 PricewaterhonsecoopersPrieewaterhouseCoopers Auditores,Auditores, S.L., Torre PwC,PwC, P°deP° de lala CastellanaCastellana2598, 259 B,28046 28046Madrid, Madrid, EspañaEspana TeL:Tel.: +34 915915684 684400 400/ / +34 902 021021 111,111, Fax:Fax: +34+34913 9.13083566, 083 566, R.R. M. Madrid,Madrid, hojahoja 87.250-1, follofolio 75.75, tomo 9.267,9.267,11brolibro 6054,8.054, secciónseociOn 3’ InscritaInscrIteen enel elROSO. R.O.A.C.con canel etnúmero dimero 50242.S0242 - OIP:CIF: 8-799-79 031290031290 Li UNICAJA BANCO, S.A.S.A. -- SOCIEDADSOCIEDAD UNIPERSONAL AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (UNICAJA BANCO GROUP)GROUP) ConsolidatedConsolidated AnnualAnnual AccountsAccounts atat 3131 DecemberDecember 2013 and ConsolidatedConsolidated Director’sDirectors Report 2013 UNICAJAUNICAJA BANCO,BANCO, S.A.SA - SOCIEDAD UNIPERSONAL AND ITSITS SUBSIDIARIESSUBSIDIARES (UNICAJA BANCOBANCO GROUP) BALANCEBALANCE SHEETSHEETAS AS ATA? 31 DE DECEMBER 2013213 AND 2012 (Thousands(Thousands ofof auras)euros) ASSETSflSETI Natelisa 2013ICU 30130511 LIABILMESuAIaJTin ANDMIO EQUITY!0500fl NoteNc 7013mi, 2012mit CASHCAESI ANDÑO BALANCESBÑ.N4CU ATAl CENTRALCEWRAL BANKSONdAS 7 11113257 013 257 516Sa 482402 LIABILITIESUA0?UTIU FINANCIALRNMOAL ASSETSASTS HELD0501.0 FORPOR TRADINGTRAO4FC a 29177120? 771 124124 633833 FINANCIALFINWIOAL LIABILITIESUALflES HELDt€LO FORFON TRADING1RAND 1 11‘1051 051 77580 580 LoamIon end.nd advance.dv.nca tois creditsoso 1notrorionsbwlIuta,. - - DepositsDe fromfrsn —central —bank. - LoamLoa,. endsil askances8*eiI tois other45W debtaro - - DepositsD.pod* ssofromusd1 wait Martutlane?.tbn - - Debt0 aastsse:utile* 277377 1001 116110 717idi DappidteD sso hemfl othersida,. mato" - - EibityEØl Instrumentsjifle* 0800 420 57545704 DebtO— securitiese issued—— - - Tmdlts)Tnns derivativesdr?vflm 65237 237 22 112112 TradingTmla0 derivativesdelydva 11,, 951 7 68058 MemorandumMei”son&jm ten,:lam LootedLoa,.l crn, advanced.dv.nced ases,? 108lOO 816055 22 676378 Shen5001 poollonsposare CherOlor Itnenrosi5ml ladollitlimOsblSn - • OTHERDIMEN FINANCIALFIMfl4CIAL ASSETSASOSTO ATAl FAIRFMN VALUE OTHEROTIlEN FINANCIALF?NM3CML UAS?UTIEOLABIUM& ATAT FAIRFMR VALUEVALUE THROUGHTKROUGH PROFITPROFIT ORDR LOSSWSS - - THROUGHTHROUGH PROFITPROFII ORDR LOSSLOSO - MemorandumMemc,endum kern:len,. LoanedLoened orsr advanced,dv.nced ases cotaferarroten.,.? F1NANC1ALFWW4CLAL UASLOT1EOLIABILITIESAT ATÑ.40Rfl000 AMORTISED COSICOST 1815 3835542300 542 300 37 927027 576878 AVAILABLE-FOR-SALEAVMLASLE-FDR-SALP FINANCIALFINN4CSAJ. ASSETSASESTO 0 23500 558 037 22745058 745 656 DeportsDopo.??. fromOso cenUalteol.? banksben?. 4 0112502 045 60017080 017 BBB DebtDibi,O.. 11001000 051 OH 11034250 024 2513 DepositsDepcs?a fromSoso creditcodo Inedrollonsdesisto,,. 1 858050 514 11 030030620 621 EquityCØÁt4 Instrumentsamsma* 6145,450, 061 631‘21 69900) Deposita— fromSosn other— oredtars— 2625 712712001 061 2871T1M 717 165 MemorandumMwnarar Mumla,,: LoanedLoa,.d orsr advancedelvri eaa collateralfl 11W 387 108100 11n535 309 838 DebtDe1 socurtiaoa Mimed— 22 503503 646845 33 122‘U 101101 Subordinated— liabilities— 60ion 079 204392204503 OtherOSen financial llakilidesL0s5 611515005 055 838835004 604 LOANSLonm ANDMIO RECEIVABLESNECENASLES 10 2528805000 885 050 272730520 363 523 Loam0-sn endsil advances.d,w,cn toa emeltsedl Modtationsj,sfljls,s 68011033 011 025 2317400 174 an Loan*Un andsil advances.d,.ra. toa other*., debtorslibio,. 2121 761780386 390 242411000? 118 gat CHANGESDIMIDOS INP4 THET050 HAIRFMR VALUE OF TOSETHE HEDGED€nD rItMoITEMS INII - Debto- securities— 11100644 105 644 11005703 DU 712 PORTFOLIOPORTFDUO HEDGESMEDOES OF0€ INTERESTwirENnT RATERATE RISKOOJÇ MemorandumM.muenosm tem'Sen,. 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B5 682853353 363 88100511 100511 HEDGINGHE001NO DERIVATIVESDERIVAT1VEO 11II 4444088 085 16415400 41111 UABILEIIESUASIU1105 ASSOCIATEDAS5000ATEDWNN WITH NON-CURRENTNON.CUNNENr ASSETSASESTO HELDMOLO FORFON SALESALE - - HELD-TO-MATURfTYHELO-TO-MATUNOTY INVESTMENTSIMSIMENTS 9 44242658 242 650 05325 325 911IdI MemorandumMemos en&m Nom:Sen,: LoanedLamed oru advancededvenced eaes cordderalmbls.W 33013404 916 484 80 180150 867087 INSURANCEINSURNICE CONTRACTSCONTRACTO LIABILITIESUASIUT105 1010 55 740740 68514 514 CHANGESCOW000S IN0N THETKE FAIRFA VALUE OPTHEOF THE HEDGEDHE0000 ITEMSITSMO INli • - PROVISIONSPROV0010NS 1717 345345 161IdI 335335 274 PORTFOLIOPORTPOUO HEDGESMOnDES OFOF INTERESTINTSREST RATERATO RISKM05 ProvisionsPooolln forlo, pensions.pindooe andenlomO?., td miler m134019=1eOIs.dn 163583 000RN 1114184 207287 PareilomP1v. for— tares—a andes.? other— legal?.i contingent:1a - HEDGINGME0GJ0 DERIVATIVESOAT1VEB 11 543843745 745 745745 061501 Pro/IslamRosbes,. forfo, pollinator°“-0 I8.45ta ebillies oldsol

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