University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers Graduate School 1976 Early Miocene mammals from the Lemhi Valley of Idaho Ralph Nichols The University of Montana Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/etd Let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Nichols, Ralph, "Early Miocene mammals from the Lemhi Valley of Idaho" (1976). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers. 7542. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/etd/7542 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EARLY MIOCENE MAMMALS FROM THE LEMHI VALLEY OF IDAHO By Ralph Nichols B.A., University of Montana, 1942 Presented in partial fulfillm ent of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science University of Montana 1976 Approved by: Chairman, Board of Examiners GraduSteSchôôï UMI Number: EP38343 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMT Oissaftation PùWiahmg UMI EP38343 Published by ProQuest LLC (2013). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code uesf ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346 ABSTRACT Nichols, Ralph, M .S ., 1976 Geology Early Miocene Mammals from the Lemhi Valley o f Idaho Director: Robert W. Fields The f i r s t fauna to be described from an early Miocene lo c a lity in the Lemhi Valley of east-central Idaho contains two new aplo- dontids. Men i s comys yeari an i and Meniscomys petersoni; the upper dentition of the aplodontid Niglarodon; skull fragments and associated upper and lower dentition of a new mylagaulid, Promy- lagaulus lemhiensis; two new primitive geomyids, Entoptychus fieldsi and Entoptychus sheppardi; and the associated upper and lower dentition of the cricetid Pacicuius insolitus. Other mam­ mals are the soricid Domnina; a scuirid; the ochotonid Oreolagus; a procyonid; three oreodonts, Megoreodon grandis, Mesoreodon che- lonyx, and a small species; an equid, Miohippus cf. gemmarosae; and a rhinocerid. A trend toward increasing hypsodonty is evident in the two species o f Meniscomys. The age of the beds would con­ form, in part, to the Meniscomys Concurrent-range Zone and lower part of the **Entoptychus-Gregorymys" Concurrent-range Zone of the John Day Formation of Oregon. This is equivalent to the upper Sharps and Monroe Creek formations of South Dakota, which are middle Arikareean (e a rly Miocene). The Peterson Creek Local Fauna has genera in common with both the John Day and South Dakota faunas, but is more closely allied to the faunas of the nearby intermontane basins o f Montana. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT i i LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF TABLES v ii LIST OF PLATES v i i i Introduction 1 Abbreviations 2 Geologic Setting 3 Age 4 Order Insectivora 8 Family Sericidae 8 Domnina 8 Domnina sp. in d e t. 8 Order Lagomorpha 10 Family Ochotonidae 10 Oreolagus 10 Oreolagus sp. indet. 10 Order Rodentia 11 Family Sciuridae 11 Sciurid gen, et. s£. indet. 11 Family Aplodontidae 13 Meniscomys 13 i i i TABLE OF CONTENTS (c o n t'd ) Page Meniscomys yeariani sp. nov. 14 Meniscomys petersoni sp. nov. 16 Niglarodon 18 Niglarodon sp. indet. 18 Family Mylagaulidae 20 Promylagaulus 20 Promylagaulus lemhiensis sp. nov. 20 Family Geomyidae 25 Entoptychus 25 Entoptychus fieldsi sp. nov. 26 Entoptychus sheppardi sp. nov. 28 Family Cricetidae 35 Pacieulus 35 Paciculus insolitus 35 Order Carnivora 39 Family Procyonidae 39 Procyonid gen. et. sp. indet. 39 Order Artiodactyla 40 Family Merycoidodontidae 40 Megoreodon 40 Megoreodon grandis 41 Mesoreodon 44 Mesoreodon chelonyx 44 Oreodont gen. et. sp. indet. 46 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS (c o n t'd ) Page Order Perissodactyla 48 Family Equidae 48 Miohippus 48 Miohippus c f. gemmarosae 48 Family Rhinocerotidae 51 Rhinocerotid gen. et. sp. indet. 51 Conclusions 52 References 54 LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. Area map of a mid-portion of Lemhi Valley showing location of U niversity o f Montana vertebrate lo c a litie s . 2 2. Diagramatic slope profiles of exposures at MV 7303 showing stratigraphie occurrence of Entoptychus, Meniscomys, Niglarodon, Paciculus in s o litu s , and Promylagaulus lemhiensis. 4 3. Correlation chart of Arikareean faunas and formations showing re la tiv e position of the Peterson Creek Local Fauna. 7 4. Nomenclature of dentition of Promylagaulus and Meniscomys. 14 5. Comparison o f P^s o f Meniscomys petersoni and M. y e a ria n i. 15 6 . Comparison of P^s o f Meniscomys yearian i and Niglarodon sp. 15 7. Stages of wear in P^s of Promylagaulus lemhiensis. 21 8 . Occlusal patterns of P^s of mylagaulids. 21 9. Medial view of partial right jaw with P4 - M3 o f Promy­ lagaulus lem hiensis, ISU 18594. 21 10. Restoration of skull and jaw of Promylagaulus lemhiensis. 21 11. Nomenclature of dentition of premolars of Entoptychus sheppardi. 29 12. Deciduous premolars o f Entoptychus sheppardi. 29 13. Paciculus:insolitus'Cope 1878. ; i f 36 vi LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Measurements o f d e n titio n o f Meniscomys and Niglarodon. 57 2. Measurements o f d e n titio n of Promylagaulus. 59 3. Measurements o f s k u ll, mandible and d en titio n o f Entoptychus fieldsi. 60 4. Measurements o f s k u ll, mandible and d en titio n of Entoptychus sheppardi. 61 5. Measurements o f postcranial elements o f Entoptychus sheppardi. 63 6 . Measurements o f d e n titio n of Paciculus in s o litu s and montanus. 64 7. Measurements o f s k u ll, jaw and d en titio n o f Megoreodon grandis 65 8 . Measurements o f s k u ll, jaw and d en titio n of Mesoreodon chelonyx. 67 v n LIST OF PLATES Page 1. Domnina, sciurid, Promylagaulus lemhiensis. 6 8 2. Niglarodon, Oreolagus sp., Meniscomys yeariani, and petersoni. 69 3. Entoptychus sheppardi, skull, jaws. 70 4. Entoptychus sheppardi, dentitions. 71 5. Entoptychus sheppardi, postcranial elements. 72. 6 . Entoptychus fieldsi, and Paciculus insolitus. 73 7. Megoreodon grandis, Mesoreodon chelonyx, and Miohippus c f. gemmarosae. 74 v m INTRODUCTION The Lemhi Valley of east-central Idaho lies west of the conti­ nental divide and is drained by the Lemhi River, a northwest flowing . upper trib u ta ry o f the Columbia River system. T e rtia ry exposures are common throughout the seventy-five mile length of the valley. They range in age from Pal eocene or Eocene (Anderson, 1959, p. 21) north of the Lemhi's confluence with the Salmon River, through ques­ tionably Late Oligocene (Anderson, 1957, p. 16) as one proceeds up­ r iv e r , to early Miocene at Peterson Creek, la te Miocene at Mol l i e Gulch and Pliocene at the Lemhi's headwaters in the vicinity of Gil­ more (Text - f ig . 1 ). These youngest sediments have been te n ta tiv e ly dated by a small collection of vertebrates containing Pipoides sp. made by a field party from the University of Montana in 1973. Peterson Creek, intermittent in its lower reaches, flows for about seven miles from the continental divide southwestward and emp­ ties into the Lemhi River forty miles upriver from the town of Salmon I found fossil bones on Peterson Creek in 1936 and continued to col­ lect for several years thereafter. In 1941, Dr. John A. Wilson and an assistant from the University of Idaho at Moscow spent the summer collecting in the valley (Wilson, 1946, p. 1262). From 1959 through 1961 Dr. Lawrence P. Richards o f Idaho State U niversity at Pocatello camped at Peterson Creek and collected in the region. Dr. J. Leroy Kay v is ite d the area and took back specimens to the Carnegie Museum at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Starting in 1970, I have added to my original collection, all of which material is now deposited in the Museum of Paleontology at the University of Montana at Missoula. 1 Late Miocene vertebrates from s tra ta overlying the Peterson Creek beds are to be described in a study now in progress. That study in­ cludes the geology and the stratigraphie relations of this area and adjoining parts o f Montana. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank Dr. John A. Wilson, Dr. Lawrence P. Richards and Dr. John A. White for making material available to me for study. Dr. John M. Rensberger and Dr. Thomas H. Patton for their criticism and advice. Dr. Don W. Rasmussen for his help and cooperation. Dr. Edward T. Ruppel for prompting me to begin this study, and Dr. Robert W. Fields of the University of Montana, for his instruction and en­ couragement. ABBREVIATIONS AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New York CM Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh FM F ield Museum of Natural H isto ry , Chicago ISU Idaho State University, Pocatello MV University of Montana vertebrate locality PU Princeton University, New Jersey SDSM South Dakota School o f Mines, Rapid C ity UCMP University of California, Berkeley UM University of Montana, Missoula UT University of Texas, Austin r YPM Yale Peabody Museum, New Haven ^ ,, Lemhi IDAHO 4 4 1 0 113*20' Text-fig.
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