PATHWORKS for DOS SEDT User's Reference PATHWORKS for DOS SEDT User's Reference Order Number: AA-MM86C-TE August 1991 Revision/Update Information: This document supersedes the SEDT User's Guide, Version 4.0, order number AA-MM86B-TE. Software Version: PATHWORKS for DOS, Version 4.1 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts First Published, September 1988 Revised, April 1989, May 1990, January 1991, August 1991 The infonnation in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the tenns of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. 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Contents About This Manual Xl 1 Moving the Cursor U sing Direction Settings ................................. 1-1 Using Cursor Movement Key Sequences. 1-2 Repeating Cursor Movement Sequences. 1-3 Setting Marks in Text ... 1-4 2 Working with Text U sing Screen Buffers . 2-2 Creating and Selecting Screen Buffers. 2-2 Displaying Two Screen Buffers .......................... 2-3 Switching to a Previous Screen Buffer . 2-3 Clearing the Current Buffer Contents. 2-3 Loading Another File in the Current Screen Buffer. 2-3 Screen Buffer Scrolling ................................ 2-4 Saving a Current Screen Buffer in a File. 2-4 Saving a Default Screen Buffer in a File . 2-4 Inserting Text ......................................... 2-4 Adding a Blank Line ............. 2-4 Including the Contents of Another File . 2-5 Inserting an ASCII Character . .. 2-5 Selecting Text. .. 2-5 Appending Selected Text ..... 2-6 Canceling Selected Text . 2-6 Changing Case in Selected Text . 2-6 Copying Selected Text . 2-6 Deleting Selected Text . .. 2-6 Loading a File into the Paste Buffer ....... 2-6 v vi Contents Pasting Text into a File . .. 2-7 Searching for Text . .. 2-7 Searching for and Replacing Text. .. 2-7 Searching for a String . 2-8 Searching for a Previously Entered String. 2-8 Canceling an SEDT Operation . 2-8 Deleting Text. 2-8 Deleting a Character to the Left of the Cursor .............. 2-8 Deleting a Line to the Left of the Cursor. 2-8 Deleting from the Cursor to the End of a Line. 2-9 Deleting to the Next Word . 2-9 Deleting to the Start of the Previous Word ................. 2-9 Swapping Characters . 2-9 Formatting Text . .. 2-9 Aligning Text Using a Tab Stop . 2-9 Centering a Line ..................................... 2-10 Reformatting a Paragraph. .. 2-10 Reformatting a Paragraph from the Cursor Position. .. 2-10 Setting the Indentation Level to the Cursor ................ 2-10 Using Hyphenation in Formatting. .. 2-10 3 Additional SEDT Features Redefining SEDT Function Keys. 3-1 Using CtrllB to Perform Repetitive Tasks. .. 3-1 U sing Any Key to Perform Repetitive Tasks ................ 3-2 U sing Commands to Change SEDT Configuration Options .. 3-2 U sing Command Line Options . 3-3 Changing Command Options . .. 3-6 Changing Automatic Screen Shifting . 3-6 Changing Expansion of Tabs . 3-6 Changing Line or Block Cut and Paste .... 3-7 Changing Insert or Replace Mode . .. 3-7 Changing the Screen Display from 80 Columns to 132 Columns. .. 3-8 U sing Commands that Prompt for Information . 3-8 Writing the Contents of the Current Buffer to a File. .. 3-8 Contents vii Performing a Command in a Subprocess. .. 3-9 4 Troubleshooting and Messages U sing Troubleshooting Techniques. .. 4-1 Startup Problems. .. 4-1 Autosaving . .. 4-2 Messages . .. 4-2 A Setting Up the SEOT Editor Understanding the SEDT Files ....................... .. A-I U sing the SET Command ................................ A-2 Creating and Editing the Configuration File . .. A-3 Default Configuration File . .. A-3 Configuration Commands. .. A-4 Display Commands ................................... A-4 COLUMN=DISPLAYEDIOFF. .. A-4 CURSORLINE=FIXED/FLOATING . .. A-4 EGA43=ON/OFF ....................... .. A-5 PALETTE=<HEX STRING>. .. A-5 RULER=ON/OFF . .. A-6 SCREEN=COLORIMONO ....... .. A-7 SCREENSHIFT=ON/OFF ............................ A-7 VIDEO=BIOS/DIRECT .............................. A-7 DEFINITIONS=ON/OFF . .. A-7 Hardware Commands. .. A-7 KEYBOARD=x. .. A-7 MOUSE=ENABLEDIDISABLED . .. A-8 NUMLOCK=SET/CLEARED . .. A-8 SYSTEM=x ....................................... A-8 Customizing Commands. .. A-8 ESC=n ............................. '. .. A-8 MAXSCROLL=n. .. A-8 REMEMBER=ON/OFF .............................. A-9 CONTEXT=x . .. A-9 viii Contents Editing Commands ................................... A-9 CONTROLZ=ON/OFF . .. A-I0 RETURN=ON/OFF ................................. A-I0 TABS=EXPANDEDIINSERTED . .. A-I0 Recovery Commands .................................. A-I0 BACKUPFILE=ON/OFF ............................. A-I0 AUTOSAVE=ON/OFF ............................... A-I0 BUFFERING=EMS . .. A-II BUFFERING=NOEMS .............................. A-II BUFFERING=FREE . .. A-II BUFFERING=NOFREE . .. A-II B Keyboard Mapping Utility MAPKEY Program. .. B-1 Function Definition File . .. B-2 Keyboard Map File. .. B-3 Section 1 ........................................... B-4 Section 2 B-4 Section 3 B-6 Section 4 B-7 C Workstation Keyboard Mappings D ASCII Character Set Charts Glossary Index Contents ix Figures D-l ISO Latin-l Character Set 0-7 ....................... D-2 D-2 IBM All Character Set (GR). .. D-3 Tables 1-1 Direction Settings ................................. 1-1 1-2 Cursor Movement Key Sequences ..................... 1-2 3-1 Command Line Options. .. 3-3 A-I SEDT Key Definition and Help Files for DOS. .. A-2 A-2 IBM Color Settings ................................ A-5 A-3 Keyboard Configuration Options ... .. A-7 A-4 Workstation Configuration Options. .. A-8 A-5 Context Options. .. A-9 B-1 Internal key values ................................ B-5 C-l LK250Keyboard .................................. C-2 C-2 PC/ATKeyboard ................................... C-4 About This Manual Purpose SEDT is a full-screen editor for creating text on PATHWORKS for DOS client workstations. The SEDT User's Reference explains how to: • Use advanced editing features • Use cursor key sequences and features • Create configuration files and function keys • Troubleshoot SEDT and read error messages NOTE When referring to keys, this manual uses the IBM enhanced keyboard terminology. To see how these keys relate to your workstation keyboard, see Appendix B. Audience This reference manual is for users who are experienced with text editors, especially SEDT. Before using this guide, be sure that you learn the basics of SEDT, described in the User's Handbook. xi xii About This Manual Organization This guide contains these chapters and appendixes: Chapter 1 Contains advanced information about cursor movement. Chapter 2 Contains advanced information about key sequences used to insert, delete, or substitute text, such as inserting escape sequences, recalling text, and searching for and replacing text. The chapter also contains information about formatting text. Chapter 3 Contains information about additional SEDT features such as function keys, command line qualifiers, command options, and commands that prompt for information. Chapter 4 Contains information about troubleshooting and error messages. For each message, a cause and a corrective action are given. Appendix A Contains information about SEDT files for
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