Etn1960 Vol06 23 F Oly Trials

Etn1960 Vol06 23 F Oly Trials

r . TRACK,NEWSL£TTER:· •:g:. ·~l\tlfa~Si~ER ~. ~ ~, ) ~QR\.\)) (ovrn;:v,,L. PUBUCA.T\01'(Or . iRK\(. NUiS OF"'H-{E . \l~l~c.) Vol. 6, No. 23 · July 6, 1960' Semi-Monthly $6 per year by first class ,man , · Edited by Hal Bateman FINA.L .OLYMPIC TRIALS, July 1-2, Palo Alto, Calif.: l00m, Norton (SCVYV) 10. 4;' ' Budd (Phila. Pioneers) 10. 4; tie, Sime (Duke AC) and Wtnder (Morgan St) 10. 4; Woodhouse (Abilene TC) 1'0. 5; White (Calit) 10. 5; Fuller (USAF) 10.15; Tidwell (Kansas) did not finish (Pulled muscle). 1 200t, Norton 20. 5 (world record); Johnson (Grambling) 20. 8; Carney (Cleve­ land Striders) ?0. 9; Morrow (Abilene TC) 21.1; Winder ·21. 2; Givens (Okla) 21. 2; Collymore (USMC). Oobuson ran 20. 5 in hC+1t). 400, Yerman (Calij) 46. 3; Young (Abilene TC) ,16. 5; O. Davis (EEAA) 46. 7; Woods (Colo) '16. 7i tie, Hall (Cal .Poly, SLO) and Roberson (USA) 46. 9; Edmunds (Princeton) 47. 0 (Yeiman and O. Davis ran 46. 0 in heats) .• 800, Murphy (NYAC) 1:46. 7; Siebert (Calif) 1:46. 8; Cunliffe (Stanford) 1:47. 5; Dupree (New Mexico) 1_:47. 5; Merri­ man ·(Wichita TC) 1:47.9; Tague (Kansas) 1:50,6; Stack (Yale)' 2:05y,ialked a:cross (Stack 1: 47. 8 .and Evans (NYAC},1: 47. 9 in heats). 1500, Burleson (Oregon) 3:46. 9; Grelle (EEAA) ,. 3:47. 4; Close (USMC) 3:49. 0; Moran (NYAC) 3:49. 0; Weisiger (Duke TC) 3:49. ·2; San Roll)ani (\Nichita TC) 3: 50. 2; .Rodda (USA} 3: 50. 3; Fleming (USMC) 3:5:J,.2; Holland (UCLA) 3:53. 0; Dotson (Kansas) 3:53. 3; Dahl (UCLA) 3;54. 5; Seaman (SC Striders) 3-:55, 2; Larson (Oregon) 4:00. 3. 3000SG, Young (USA) 8:50. 6; Coleman (UCTC) 8:51. 0; Jones (USA) 8:52. 5; Oakley _ (una) 9: 04. 0; Higdon (UC'FC) 9:21. 3; Sargent (SCVYV) 9:26, 9; Hoffman (Oregon St) 9:33. 8; Matza (USA) 9:41.1; Mo_orhead (Penn St) 9:58. 3. 5,000, Beatty (SCVYV) 14: 13. 6; Dellinger ,, (EEAA) 14: 13. 8; Soth (SC Striders) 14: 18. 6; Whiteley (Emporia St) l •J: 28. 4; Robertson (SC Strider~) l,4:38,2; Mills (Kansas) l~l:47.6; Truex (USAF) 14:57.2; Ashmore (W., Mich) 15:02_.3; Eisenman (Okla. St) 15: 11. 4; Vinton (Georgetown) 15: •13. 5; Stieglitz (USN) 15: 54. 8. ll0HH, Calho1,1I1(una) 13. 4; May (UCTC) 13. 5; Jones (E. Mich) 13. 5; Cobb (USN) 14, 2; Arl; (Wash, St) 14, ~; Casey (Bowling Green) 14. 2; Odegard (Minn) 14. 5; Tarr (EEAA) 15. 5. 400H, G. Davis (Ohio l'C) 49. 5; Howard (New Mexico) 49. 8; Cushman (Kansas) 49. 9; Southern (USAF) 49. 9; Culbreath (Pllila. _'fioneers) so.2; Don Styron (NE La.) 50. 3; Cawley (Sy Strider s):...filt..._ Boston (Tenn A &I) 26'6½"w (26'4¼"); Watson (Okla, frosh) 25'9¼"; Roberson (USA) 2·5'5¼"; Bell (una) 25 1 4 11w (25'2½"); Horn (Oregon St) 25'3"w (24:'ll¼"); Meyers (Colo) 24'8½"w (24'2'')'; .• , .., Wile_l (SC Striders) 24'6"; Close _(Oregon) 23'11!''; Kelly (Stanford) 23'4¼"; Ritchie (Nevada) 23-114 "; Lawson (EEAA) 22'6¼"; Herman ~PC) no fair j1,1mps• ..!:!fili_I. Davis (Phila. Pioneers) 1 1 1 53 1¼"; Stokes (SC Striders) 51'11"w (50'8¼"); Sharpe (Phila. Pioneers ,) 51 9¾''w (50' '"~"); • Andrews (SC Striders) 51'½'.'; Floerke (USA) 51'½"; Hayes (Southern Cal) 50 1 5½";-shi.. (Phila. Pioneers) 49'8"w (49'4¾"); Hom (Oregon St) 49'3"; Middleton (Winston-Salem) 49 1 1½"; Kelly (Stanford) 48''2'¾"; Moore (Winston-Salem) 47 1 6¼"w (46'5½"); Dyes (NE La) 47'6". HJ, Thomas (Boston U)-7'3¾'' (world record); Faust (Occldental frosh) 7'; Dumas (Southern Calif) 16'11"; E. Williams (San Jose St) 6'10"; Lewis (Grambling) 6 1 10"; Wyatt (SCVYV} 6'9"; Barnes (San Jose St) 6 1 7½"; tie, Fehleh (USN), Gosta (Brigham Young), C, Williams (Mexico ; Mo), Wy­ borney (Wash. St); Gardner (USMC) and Sheppard (Indian_a) 6 15½". PV Bragg (USA) 15'9¼" 1 (world reco:.J}; Morris (SG Striders} 15'5¾"; Clark (N. Texas _St) 15 ~"; Wadsworth (F1a) 15'3"; 'Graham (una) 15'; Dooley (Okla. St) 15'; tie, Martin (Okla), Johnston(USA}, Cramer (Wash, frosh) and Gutowski (USMC) 14 18"; tic, Elkins (SMU) and Kimmell (San Jose St) 14'4"; Schwarz (USMC) passed 14'4" but missed at 14'8"; Mattos ((SCVYV)misscd at 14'4". SP, Long ,. (Southern Calif} 63 13¾''; O'Brien (SC Striders) 62 13¾''; Davis (SC Striders) 62'3½"; Nieder 1 (USA) 61 '9!''; Winters (Stanford) 59'11¼"; Lewis (Occidental) 56 14¾~';Bantum (NYPC) 55'3"; ,_ 1 Johnson (SC Stridcrs} 54'9"; Nutting (Ga. Tech) 54'½"; Marchiony (Manhattan) 53 7¾'1; Kohler (NYAC) 52'4½". DT, _Babka (SC Striders) 192'3½"; Oerter (NY.AC) 183-'3"; .CochraniMo) . 1.81'11"; Silve~ter (USA) 181 12"; Humphreys (SC Striders) 178 1 U½"; Ellis (NYAC) 178'2½"; / • °1\\. - . {, .:f,;_·,,~,.r.1~1- ·l· )/ I f,( 'jl ' •.'1,·' .l <1( ·\ ___f ,... ·,1 :~_]_. ',' .i ...·,_ ~-,.. /' ',,1 __~I 1 '1·1't} ··?_·,·-~.t!l~ . ..r•·'>._f •. ,• ,:.;,i' • ..;., ,r; :_ - l/ ·\ "' l ♦ ?' 1 ,. • ·1 ,-.,. ,--" . • 1 • \t. .,_'t t _tX • v - • · , • ( . 1 ~ r ) ...· , t,( ..t Al l '' 1 1 1 j • I • : ' /• i \ -: ~ . '(. ' ' ' ' '----- / I • ~: - I • • j' •) '-._;.' , ( f r • , "!./• ' (· - Gprciien (~G$trider~) 175~-½";Eg~(USA) i 7411½';;Bur~e (A.rµ;ona\, 16818°; .O''Bfien (SCStrideJ;s) 1 11 1 11 :i: •.'p: 168'2"; ,Wade (Southern _Cali!) 167 5½'(; Stubblef~ekl (Oregon) l6s:2i ; 'Pubw?J (llCLA) 155 2½ , ·· 1 11 r , , .. /'t '., HT, Hall (NYAC) 214 7 ; Q'fouiolly (SC Stride~s) 212'3½"; Bagdonas (USA) 205'11"; McWilliain~ J' , · (US.b) 20_1 '8"; P~g~i (NYAC) 200'1"; Backus (NYAC) -194!11½";.Aoten (Harvar~) 191 '9½"; . l ,,~' ', .Thoms ,9_n (NYAC:)190~6"; Keerd -(USA) 18:7'6 \'; Wilsen (Han1ard) 178'8-\'; C,r0ss .(Yale) 175~; t, Pryde ('C:JCSanta l~arbara) 160'5½-";Bµrke (San Jose ::it) 159:7½"; Sage (Navy) no jair 'thr?ws. 1 1_ 1 •. rY' ffi. CaJ!tello (USMC} 277'7"; Alley (Kansas) 269'7½"; Beucher ( 255'11"; Froinm (Seattle , \ ,, • 11 rtz, 00) i~9L8"; Sbordone '(Southern Calif) 244'10"; Conley (una) 2,u ~llj- ; R. Johnson (SC $tridcrs) t :,, .: · -?40'; Stuart (Santa Ana JC) 2361 3½"; ((!SMC) 232t5½"; Frye (§C Stride;rs) 230''5''; - ·_ .· Stenl~d .(Oregon St) 227'9"; Wilkins (!n (Replands) 224'6,½"; Ulrich (UCLA) 222'9"; Millis : 1 .,'J , (Chico-St) Wlt8",. , · i , ' _./ 1 ' , _ -\ · r , Zurich, June 21: 1oom-, H1µy (German~ 10~0 (rolling start); Seye (France) 10. 3;- Meun- ' J -► • 1-· _,ier (Fran<;:e) 10. 3;"Schuttler (Germany) 10. 5; Genevay (France) 10. 6; Muller (Switzei,land) · "·, \ 10. ;6,_.Second -race: Hary lQ. 0 (world record); 1".ll;lller10. 3; Schuttler 10. 4. 200t, Seye 20., 7; '· , _t • , 1 . Gehevay 21. 2; G.iannqne '(It_a_ly} 21. 3., 400, -j<auf~ann · (Germ~n)'.') 46.1; Milkha Singh (India) ·., ~. ' 46~2; 47;4; Bonmar1to (Italy) 47. 5. 800, ,Klaban (Austria) 1:51. 2; Jazy (France) 1:-51. 7. , · ~ , . I , ~..,,,....,,., ,. / 1 \...: · 1 J. 1500, Cegled11 (Austria) 3:45. 2; Rizzo (Italy) 3:'45. 4; Baralcti (Italy) 3_:48,2. 3000, Bernard ' · ) ··1 ·(Franc '~ 8: 00. 0; Bogay (f;rance) ,,~: oo.8; Hiess~~nd 8:·~5. 8, i10HH, , Lauer (Germany) 13. 8; · \ . · Mazz~ (Italy) :u. 0; Svara (Italy) 14.1; , Roudniska (Fran~~)14. 2; Schottes (Germany) · 14. 3. , J(. , 1 t. \), r, . 400H, Morale (ltalyj 9;, Mfl,r,tini- (Italy) 52~2. : " . r ' ;I;,' -·so. 1 , ..< _1 , Munich, Germany, June 24: lO0m, Hary 10. 4; Giannqne (Italy) 10. 6. 200, Sardi (1~¥Y) · ' "21. 4/ 400, Kaufmann 45. 9; Milkha Singh 46. O; Klimbt •::17•.6; H,aas 47, 6. 800, Schmidt 1:50. 4;" 1 J ·' Klaban (Austria)' 1:·50. ·~; Wrlssalla 1: 51. 6. 1500, Ostach 3: 44. 4; C egledi (Austria) 3: 44. 4·; ' ' .-}. Rizzo (Italx_) 3:45, 5. <11ot-IH,Lali!er 14~ 1j 400H, Janz 51. 3; Morale (Italy) -52.1; Matthias 52. 4. 1 r:f1• :< SP, Meqqru: (Italy) 57'8i)'. DT, Rado ·(Italy) 172'7". J.'.L.Frommhagen 21,4'4". HJ, Pull 6'8!'r, t ,, _ " Kiel, <Ge:rmany, Jun.e 23: Kinder 47. 3;, Oberste 47. 4n; Bakle 1: 50. 8 1 1 . , · · ROSICKY MEMOIUAL, Pr~gue, June 18: 100m, K~ohn (Gefmany) 10. 6. 4100, Trousil ··' /l 47. 3; Hellsten (Finland) 48. 1. 1500,Namos (Rumania) . 3:40. 2; Gro4otski (Germany) a:41. 7;­ Mbt1:1otkbv,(USSR) '3:42. 7'; Jungwitth 3:44.1; Szekeres _(Hungacy,) 3:46. 6 •.1!L_ ·B0lshov 1(U£SR) 6'8!"; Si Tschung-fan (CJlfua) 6'7!". HSJlJ. Schmidt (Poland) 5·1'2¾"; Kreer (USSR) 53'3!!'; ~, r , Mal9herczyk (Poland) s2 :1i"; ~upala 90 9½,"~~ehak 5Q'5!". -:DTl Szecscnyi' (Hungary) 18.8'5,½"·, \f~ 't \. Piatkows9(Poland),J.80'4½u; Lyakhov (USSR) 17st3f•; Cihak ·~73 7¾": Nemec 173'4¾~. H'.f, , 14. ,-; ---;-: 1 1 : / _ Zsivotzky (Hungary) 214!11''; Rudcqkov (µSSR) 212'7½"; Thun (A_Ustfia)'.205'9"r June l.9: 200~ • '( ' Mandlik 21. o• . 800; $mi~ (Great Britain)' 1:49~·9; :l3ruszkowski- (Poland) 1: 50. 3; Odlozil 1: 50, 4; '\ ,:,. Balke (9ermany) 1:50. &. 5000,Jurek .13:58. 8; Bohaty 14:02. 6; Merriman (GB) 14:03, 4;, Barabas ,' , . t \ )-(l)umania) .].4:-03!6. 3000SC, Zhanal 8:43.4; Pawvassiliou (Greece) 8.:45.8; Rzhishchi~ (USSR) 8:47.

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