/olume XLVIII Number 483 The Lifeboat ournal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution Spring 1983 30p Help yourself.... and the R.N.L.I. Special rates on loans to buy what you want- now! Every loan a RNLI member takes out, under a special arrangement with Mercantile Credit Company Limited, means a welcome donation to the R.N.L.I. funds. And you help your- self, too, because the loan will be arranged at attractive rates. Confidential Personal Loans all arranged by post, are included in the arrangement, in addition to the complete range of plans to help with the purchase of boats of all kinds. With a Personal Loan you can go out and buy what you want, where you want... now, without waiting. Your loan will come to you directly as a personal cheque so you can enjoy all the benefits of paying cash when you make your purchase. You can apply for unsecured loans from £200 to £7,500* repaying by equal monthly sums, over periods between 1 and 5 years which you choose. But please note that advances up to 80% of the purchase price are normally available on motor cars and the repayment period is limited to a maximum of 3 years. Typical example: Amount borrowed £2,000; repaid by 36 monthly instalments of £78.06; total amount payable £2,810.16; APR 26.5%. To obtain full details of our RNLI supporters loan facilities, tick the appropriate box, and complete and post the coupon. No stamp is needed. *Of course there is no upper limit to the amount you can apply for, but on loans in excess of £7,500 you may be aske<•dn provide security in the form of guarantee or other charge To, Mr. L. Fraser, Mercantile Credit Company Limited. FREEPOST, P.O. Box 75, London WC2B 5XA. (\'0 stamp reared., Please Send me details Of: (Please tick appropriate box.) l am a member FREEPOST Personal Loans Sailing Loans ofRNI.1 SEND FOR k Name DETAILS NOW. Address PnstroHe WE PROMISE A Dhone No. T wish to horroW/ fplpnw Vale amount SPEEDY ANSWER. A I Mercantile Credit if possible) I Fast friendly finance 17181 Royal National Lifeboat Institution^ WestQuay R7a™"" THE LIFEBOAT Spring 1983 Contents ^0^0^ ,82 Lifeboat Services 184 XL VIII LongService Awards 191 40J The naming Of the 37ft 6in Rother lifeboat RNLB Princess of Wales by HRH The Princess of Wales 192 Eleven Years On ... a look at the Atlantic 21 rigid inflatable lifeboat by Chairman: some of those who know her well 193 THE DUKE OF ATHOI.I. Boat Shows: London and Birmingham 199 Director and Secretary: REAR ADMIRAL W. J. GRAHAM. CB MM Letters -. 200 Here and There 201 Down to the last detail: a model of RNLB Ruby and Arthur Reed 203 Some Ways of Raising Money 204 Editor: „, .. _.„., Sh relme 2 9 JOANDAV,ES ° ° Awards to Coxswains, Crews and Shore Helpers 210 Headquarters: .,Rova, • l „ Nationar, l j Lifeboar> i tT ^ Institutionr> i-. Lifeboa, ... , t Services„ . , cSeptember»u/~,», Octobeu r anjd MNovembe u r mo198o2 i21n3 West Quay Road. Poole, Dorset BH1TT 3 y 1HZ (Telephone Poole (0202) 671133). Telex: 41328. Books 215 London Offices: Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Index to Advertisers 216 202 Lambeth Road. London SE1 7JW (Telephone 01-928 4236). Editorial: All material submitted for Advertisements: All advertising enquiries consideration with a view to publication should be addressed to Dyson Advertis- in the journal should be addressed to ing Services, PO Box 9, Godalming. the editor, THE LIFEBOAT, Royal Nation- Surrey (Telephone Godalming (04868) al Lifeboat Institution, West Quay 23675). Road, Poole. Dorset BH15 1HZ (Tele- phone Poole (0202) 671133). Photo- Subscription: A year's subscription of graphs intended for return should be four issues costs £3.00, including post- accompanied by a stamped and addres- age, but those who are entitled to sed envelope. receive THE LIFEBOAT free of charge will continue to do so. Overseas sub- COVER PICTURE scriptions depend on the cost of postage Next issue: the Summer issue of THE to the country concerned. Write to The 44ft Wavenev lifeboat Khami exercising LIFEBOAT will appear in July and news RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset with a Sea King helicopter from RAF Col- BH15 1HZ. tishall. When the picture was taken, by items should be sent by the end of Richard J. Wilson, Khami was on station at April. News items for the Autumn Great Yarmouth and Gorleslon; she is now in issue should be sent in by the end of Printers: The Friary Press, Grove Trad- the Relief Fleet. July. ing Estate, Dorchester, Dorset. 181 Return to Mablethorpe Since 1963 lifeboats under 10 metres, When HRH The Duke of Edinburgh including the Atlantic 21 rigid inflat- visited Mablethorpe and Sutton-on-Sea ables, the 18ft 6in McLachlans. the D on February 4 to examine the coastal class inflatables and the Dell Quay defences it was a renewal of an ac- Dories, have launched on service more quaintance which had begun when he than 26.000 times and have rescued had come to these resorts with Her nearly 12,0(K) people. Majesty The Queen a few days after the East Coast floods of 1953. While at Inspector's lifeboat Mablethorpe this February His Royal Girvan's new 33ft Brede class lifeboat Highness called briefly at the lifeboat has been provided by a legacy from Mrs station where he met branch officials Elizabeth Vaux in memory of her hus- and members of the crew. band Cdr Philip Vaux, DSC RN, who served as chief inspector of the RNLI Twentieth anniversary from 1939-1951; the legacy is also in The opening of this year's summer memory of their son Lt-Cdr M. P. season marks the twentieth anniversary Vaux. DSC RN. Present and past lifeboat of the introduction in 1963 of the D inspectors were invited to make dona- class inflatable lifeboat, the first of the tions to provide a piece of equipment NOTES OF fast, modern lifeboats under 10 metres for the lifeboat and have funded the in length to enter the RNLI fleet. compass, also paying for its fitting and THE QUARTER During the summer months of 1963, first adjustment. starting in May, D class inflatables were placed at Aberystwyth. Gorleston. Three great supporters FOR LIFEBOAT PEOPLE 1982 was a very full Redcar, Wells, Mudeford. Southwold, The winter months have unhappily year. The Institution's lifeboats were West Mersea and Whitstable, and a seen the death of three men who, called out more than 3,000 times and new page had been turned in the history between them, have given very many the number of lives rescued was the of lifesaving at sea. These little life- years of much valued service to the highest in the past seven years: 1,244. boats, the smallest in the Institution's Institution as members of the Commit- These figures are provisional as more fleet, can be launched quickly off the tee of Management. service returns have still to be added. beach and are particularly fitted to Captain the Hon V. M. Wyndham- Fund raising reached new heights and respond to 'holiday incidents'; their Quin, RN, who died on February 27, £16 million was raised during the year. numbers grew fast and in summertime joined the Committee of Management It seems that a slightly increased surplus there are now 92 of them on station in 1939 and served on it for 44 years, was achieved but this must be balanced round the coast, doing excellent work— right up to the time of his death at the anainst future commitments such as the of these, 25 remain on station all the age of 92. He was deputy chairman of building programme of the new 47ft year round. the Committee of Management from Tyne class lifeboats which, at current 1956 to 1964 and chairman from 1964 to prices, cost £430,000 each. 1968. Captain Wyndham-Quin, who was elected a vice-president in 1956, Thanks from Danish Prince served at one time or another on all the Last January HRH Prince Henrik, standing committees and was chairman Prince Consort of Denmark made pri- of the Operations Committee from 1954 vate visits to the lifeboat stations at to 1964. His daughter, Pamela, Lady Barra and Islay to present plaques to Egremont, is President of the Ladies' crews in recognition of their efforts in Lifeboat Guild. 1979 to rescue the crew of the Danish Captain Valentine Wyndham-Quin ship Lone Dania. Both lifeboats, a 52ft served at sea in the Royal Navy in both Barnett and 50ft Thames, were capsized the first and second world wars and was by huge seas in winds gusting up to four times mentioned in despatches; hurricane force; both righted successful- The late Captain the Hon V. M. Wyndham- from 1944 to 1947 he was naval attache ly without any serious injuries to the Quin, RN, chairman of the Institution from at Buenos Aires. After joining the crew and returned safely to station. 1956 to RNLI's Committee of Management, Captain Wyndham-Quin always took great interest in the well-being of crew members; he made it his personal con- cern to find out about their problems at first hand and frequently took passage in lifeboats on delivery trips round different parts of the coast. Towards the end of 1982, on Decem- ber 3, the death occured of Rear- Admiral K. St B. Collins. Rear-Admiral Barra Island: HRH Prince Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark, presents a plat/ue to Coxswain John Macneil in recognition of the efforts to rescue the crew of Lone Dania made b\ Barra's 52ft Burnett lifeboat R.
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