"To exercise our abilities to a maximum so as to minimize our disabilities " that we may live most and serve best. IGMA IGNS 1978-1979 & 1979-1980 Published by Delta Sigma Omicron, Alpha Chapter In Cooperation With Delta Sigma Omicron, Inc. Address: Room 130 Rehabilitation-Education Center Oak Street at Stadium Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820 EDITOR-iN-CHIEF: Lynne Mullen TABLE OF CONTENTS (from 9/78 -1/79) ADVERTISING MANAGER: Mary Siekert ALUMNI BRIEFS EDITORS: Debborah Russell FEATURES: PAGE Cathleen Chereck Beckwith Living Center 9, 10 Wheel-A-Thon - 1979 and 1980 20, 21 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Wheelchair Varsity All Sports Awards Banquet 32, 33 John Denooyer 24th National Wheelchair Games 34, 35 Ellen Drewes Alums Working on Campus 42 Lori Dubowski Brad Hedrick MESSAGE FROM THE CHANCELLOR 3 Dr. F. D. Maglione Mike Makeever REHAB. -EDUCATION CENTER STAFF, PROJECTS 6-10 Phil Mirell Jeanette Nugent DELTA SIGMA OMICRON: 11-23 Kathy Oosterbaan Messages from the 1978 and 1979 Presidents 12 Dan Robinson Banquet 1978 13 Lew Shaver Harold Scharper Achievement Awards 14, 15 CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Harold Scharper Service Awards 16, 17 T. J. Nugent Awards 18, 19 Kurt Beamer - News-Gazette Bob Crandall Student Activities 22 Jeff Hately PVA Grant, Donations 23 Bob King - News-Gazette SPORTS: 25-35 Dr. F. D. Maglione Sports - 1978-79 26 Joe Wilske - News-Gazette Softball - 1979 27 CONTRIBUTING ARTIST: Wheelchair Football 28 Jeff Montag Wheelchair Tennis 28 STAFF ADVISOR: Gizz Kids and Ms. Kids 29 1980 Gizz Kids Tour 31 Dr. F. D. Maglione ASSISTANT ADVISOR: GRADUATES 36-37 Jeanette S. Nugent HONORS: 38-39 TECHNICAL ASSISTANT: Honor Roll 38 Shirley Arnote George Huff Award 39 Cec Broeren Gloria Hassett ALUMNI 41-52 FRIENDS OF SIGMA SIGNS Inside Back Cover COVER: Rick Maranda, Senior in Economics, Evanston, IL and Cheryl Eklund, Junior in French, Barrington, Rl. Photo-Courtesy of Cham- paign Urbana News-Gazette NOTE ON THE EDITOR Photographer - Bob King SIGMA SIGNS continues to serve as an educational and public student body relations brochure. It also functions as a year book for the and alumni. The editor, Lynne Mullen, was appointed in September 1978, and resigned in January 1979 due to the unexpected relocation of her husband because of his job. We were sorry to see her leave. Our appreciation and A special thank you to thanks are extended to Lynne for the work she did on SIGMA SIGNS prior Mr. Rusty Sandberg and Mr. her departure. Orrin Steffy of Rantoul to 1978-79 and 1979-80 Press for their help Due to staffing and production problems the and encouragement. issues were combined. Dear Readers, bringing official I am pleased to continue the tradition of greetings to the readers of Sigma Signs on behalf of the faculty and staff of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. During the more than thirty years of my association with this University as a student, faculty member, and administrator, I have had the pri- vilege of observing the exceptional quality of the Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services and the continued expansion of opportunities for disabled students. Delta Sigma Omicron has played a key role on this campus for many years in the provision of positive, constructive, and suppor- tive opportunities and activities for our students. I salute the many accomplishments of Delta Sigma Omicron and look forward to working with that organization in continued service to this campus in the years to come. With warm best wishes, Cordially yours. John E. Cribbet Chancellor In 1933, Mr. Jennings built a special wheelchair for his good friend, Mr. Everest. Today that same special care goes into over 500 special products. It all started over forty years ago in this the company to add new products to meet small garage. these needs. In the midst of the Great Depression, Harry Today Everest & Jennings markets a broad C. Jennings Sr., a mechanical engineer, built a line of medical equipment and supplies. new kind of wheelchair. The first that could be Hospital stretchers, aspirators, walkers, patient folded so it could be stowed in an automobile. lifters, and crutches. All are built with the same He built it with special care and attention. special care and attention that went into that Because it was for his friend, Herbert A. Everest, first wheelchair. Both of the founders are gone. who had lost the use of his legs in a mine cave-in. But Everest & Jennings today, under the That chair was a first. Constructed from leadership of Gerald M. Jennings, continues tubular steel and a hammock-type fabric seat its dedication to making products and back, it freed Mr. Everest from the that help make the lives of their restrictions of the heavy wooden wheelchair users a little more meaningful. of that period. The chair attracted attention The garage still stands. wherever it was seen. Soon Everest & Jennings And so does the quality were making custom wheelchairs, each designed for the personal needs of a customer. As orders multiplied, it became clear that certain models were in enough demand that their dimensions and features could be standardized so they could be sold at lower cost. Without sacrificing the personal pride of Mr. Everest and Mr. Jennings, the company grew rapidly and became the country's largest manufacturer of wheelchairs. Now we're more than just wheelchairs. The long years of personal involvement gave Everest & Jennings unique knowledge Knowledge of the special needs of their special customers. With this, it was onlv natural for Special Products for Special Needs Everest ^ Jennings The Rehabilitation-Education Center s T A F F S E R V I C E S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THE REHABILITATION-EDUCATION CENTER STAFF T. J. Nugent NEW STAFF: N. Yeisley, Secretary Division of Rehabilitation Education Services J. F. Konitzki -Associate Director W. Grindley, Secretary G. M. Pfeiffer -Procedures and Systems Analyst D. Elam, Accountant II Business Office T. Martin, Secretary J. Peterson, Receptionist E. Nicholas, Coordinator -Federal-State Agency Ser H. Scott, Secretary S. M. McCluer, M.D., Supervisor -Medical Services B. Connell, Supervising Nurse Consultants for: W. L. Daily, D.D.S. Dentistry M. H. Kulwin, M.D. Dermatology W. S.Johnson, M.D. -Plastic Surgery W. R. Petersen, M.D. Orthopedics R. B. Rowe, M.D. Urology C. D. Elmer, Supervisor . Physical Therapy and Functional Training J. S. Nugent, Supervisor Occupational Therapy and Prosthetics S. Arnote, Secretary F. D. Maglione, Supervisor .Counseling Services G. Hassett, Secretary J. Floyd, Supervisor . Services for the Visually K. Farrell, Secretary and Hearing Impaired P. Mirell, Supervisor Recreation and Athletics K. Bowman, Secretary J. R. Kamradt, Supervisor -Equipment and Facilities F. F. Fergusson, Head Transportation Operator Transportation B.V. Conover R. A. Jinks M.Cox B.Smith R. Cook, Properties Technician G. Bell, Exercise Therapy Supervisor Affiliate Staff Member G. Drews, Secretary L. Lussier, Assist. Prof. -Physical Education -Affiliate Staff Member Director of Sports Medicine R. Sinclair, Studio Director . Affiliate Staff Member Gloria Hassett, Professor Maglione's Recording for the Blind, lllini Branch She participates in the athletic program as a member of the Medical committee of the National Wheelchair Basketball Association and the National Wheelchair Athletic Association (NWAA). She is Regional physician for the Central States (NWAA) and assists with classifica- tion of athletes at the regional and national games. Preven- tion of injuries and other medical problems such as heat in- tolerance during athletic competition are of special in- terest. Several different research projects have been initiated at the Rehabilitation-Education Center. One involves the study of the response of quadriplegics to exercise. This C Shirley McCluer joined the staff of the Rehabilita- will include the collection of oxygen consumption, cardiac tion Fducation Center as Supervisor of Medical Services in output and other cardio-respiratory data which should January 1978. She is a physiatrist (specialist in Physical eventually help to explain some of the many practical Medicine and Rehabilitation) who came to us from the questions that arise in relation to quadriplegics and other University of Missouri Medical Center at Columbia where wheelchair users — such as: What type of exercise is she was chief of the Spinal Injury Service for four years. necessary for "physical fitness"?; Why do quadriplegics Dr. McCluer is a native of Jena, Louisiana and at- not get the same increase in pulse rate that others do in Louisiana University and Louisiana State tended State response to exercise?; etc. Another research project in- University School of Medicine. She has been in the field of volves a study of the use of contraceptive methods by Rehabilitation since 1955 and has had experience in a spinal injured females. This will attempt to answer the variety of Rehabilitation Centers around the country, in- question of whether the complications are the same or cluding Hot Springs Rehabilitation Center in Arkansas, different from able bodied women. Other more tentative Montebello State Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland and projects involve investigation of safety of transportation of Sister Kenny Institute in Minneapolis. individuals sitting in wheelchairs - what type of tie-down She reports that she first learned of the University of is best, what kind of injuries occur and why, etc. and Illinois program about 1960 from David Ager who was a investigation of the cause of pressure sores using an ultra student here from Maryland. Then in 1964 she visited the sound technique to measure depth of tissue. A grant campus from the Hot Springs Rehabilitation Center along proposal has been submitted to the Bureau of Education with four other staff members (two P.T.'s, one O.T., and for the Handicapped to produce three educational video one nurse). The program was still housed in the old tar tapes dealing with the handicapped.
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