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THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 2010, 63 (2), 209–215 Rapid Communication Show or tell: Testimony is sufficient to induce the curse of knowledge in three- and four-year-olds Keera Bhandari and Hilary Barth Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, USA Because much of what children learn extends beyond their first-hand experience, they are reliant upon the testimony of others to acquire information about aspects of the world they have not experienced directly. Here we asked whether testimony alone would be sufficient to induce cognitive biases in knowledge attribution that have been observed when children acquire information through direct observation. A total of 80 three- and four-year-old children were tested on a “curse of knowledge” task to assess their inability to override their own knowledge when asked to assess the knowledge of a naı¨ve other. In the present study, we tested children’s ability to override knowledge gained through testimony rather than knowledge gained through visual experience. Testimony alone was suf- ficient to induce the curse of knowledge in three- and four-year-olds. Knowledge obtained through the testimony of others is apparently subject to some of the same cognitive biases that are present when children learn through observation. Keywords: Social cognition; Cognitive development; Testimony. Though children learn extensively from their own state that they are knowledgeable about the refer- observation of the world, much of the knowledge ents of those words (Sabbagh & Baldwin, 2001), they acquire comes from the testimony of others. and they selectively trust the testimony of a Downloaded By: [Wesleyan University] At: 18:14 20 January 2010 Information from social partners is not passively speaker with a history of accuracy over a speaker received even by very young children, however with a history of inaccuracy when learning new (for recent reviews, see Gelman, 2009; Heyman, object names (Koenig, Clement, & Harris, 2004; 2008). Three- and four-year-olds are sensitive to Koenig & Harris, 2005, 2007; Jaswal & Neely, both explicit and implicit cues to source credibility. 2006; Nurmsoo & Robinson, 2009) or functions They prefer to learn new words from speakers who (Birch, Vauthier, & Bloom, 2008). Correspondence should be addressed to Hilary Barth, Department of Psychology, Wesleyan University, 207 High St., Middletown, CT 06459, USA. E-mail: [email protected] The authors thank the participating parents, children, and preschools who made this work possible, and Nicole Gray, Jessica Sullivan, and Kyle MacDonald for assistance with data collection. This research was conducted by Keera Bhandari in partial completion of the requirements for the M.A. degree in Psychology, with support from the Wesleyan University McNair Fellows Program. # 2009 The Experimental Psychology Society 209 http://www.psypress.com/qjep DOI:10.1080/17470210903168250 BHANDARI AND BARTH These preferences for the testimony of pre- Lowenstein, & Weber, 1989). Both adults and viously accurate speakers are not fleeting: Even children are subject to this bias, and younger chil- three-year-olds spontaneously preferred the dren are more susceptible than older children, testimony of a previously accurate informant up to leading some researchers to propose that the one week after learning of that informant’s accuracy curse of knowledge, rather than a more specific (Corriveau & Harris, 2009). Some four-year-olds difficulty with mental state attribution, underlies even make use of testimony in a flexible manner, young preschoolers’ great difficulty with tra- reversing an initial pattern of trust after observing ditional verbal false-belief tasks (Birch & Bloom, a previously reliable speaker become unreliable 2003, 2007). (Scofield & Behrend, 2008). Four-year-olds also In the knowledge attribution task of Birch and appear to track the relative frequency of speaker Bloom (2003), children saw two sets of toys. One error, forgiving incorrect responses if the speaker set was familiar to a puppet, Percy, and one set was is correct a majority of the time. Three-year-olds, not. Children were told that each toy had an object on the other hand, do not demonstrate this hidden inside. For half of the trials, the children statistical monitoring strategy, mistrusting infor- were shown the object hidden inside, and for the mants who make even a single error (Pasquini, other half they were not shown the object. The Corriveau, Koenig, & Harris, 2007). children were asked whether Percy knew what For young children, does knowledge acquired was hidden inside the toys. When three- and through testimony hold the same status as knowl- four-year-olds (but not five-year-olds) were edge acquired through first-hand experience with knowledgeable about the toy’s contents, they the world? Knowledge gained through testimony attributed more knowledge to Percy than was may be more fragile than knowledge gained directly warranted, even when questioned about a toy (Perner, 1991; Robinson, Mitchell, & Nye, 1995; with which he was unfamiliar. This curse-of- Zaitchik, 1991). Preschool children show less con- knowledge effect may be distinguished from a fidence in knowledge of a toy’s identity when it is more general tendency toward egocentrism in gained indirectly (Robinson, Haigh, & Nurmsoo, childhood: The bias arose only when children 2008), and some evidence suggests that infants were more knowledgeable about the toys’ contents “never treat language ...asakintofirst-hand than Percy, not when they were less knowledge- experience” (Koenig & Harris, 2007, p. 270). On able (Birch & Bloom, 2003). the other hand, by the age of two years, children Is the testimony of a social partner sufficient to make inferences about ambiguous entities based induce the curse of knowledge, or is knowledge on adults’ unexpected verbal labels, even when gained through first-hand observation required those labels conflict with their own perceptual to induce this bias? We conducted a variant of Downloaded By: [Wesleyan University] At: 18:14 20 January 2010 classifications (Jaswal & Markman, 2007). Even at the study described above with a key alteration: 22 months (but not 19 months), children readily Children were told what the toys held, rather update their mental representations of unseen than being shown. We tested three- and four- objects based only on the testimony of others year-old children in this task in order to determine (Ganea, Shutts, Spelke, & DeLoache, 2007). whether or not preschool children exhibit biases in Here we investigate the status of knowledge knowledge attribution after learning from testi- that children gain through testimony by asking mony rather than visual experience. specifically whether such knowledge is subject to a cognitive bias that has been shown to apply to Method knowledge gained through perceptual access: the “curse-of-knowledge” effect. The curse of knowl- Participants edge is the tendency to be biased by one’s own A total of 40 three-year-olds (19 females; mean 3 knowledge when attempting to judge the perspec- years 6 months; range 3 years 0 months to 3 years tive of a less knowledgeable other (Camerer, 11 months) and 40 four-year-olds (17 females; 210 THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2010, 63 (2) SHOW OR TELL: TESTIMONY AND KNOWLEDGE mean 4 years 5 months; range 4 years 0 months to then gestured to both bags and all of the toys and 4 years 11 months) contributed data to the study. said “Each one of these toys has a different little Four additional three-year-olds completed the thing inside. That’s what makes them special. task, but their data were excluded due to docu- Each one has something different inside.” mented language delays. Children were recruited The experimenter then brought the hand from preschools in central Connecticut. A range puppet from behind her back, introducing it to of ethnicities and socio-economic statuses was rep- the child as her puppet friend Percy. The puppet resented in the sample; approximately 15% of the was again hidden behind the experimenter, and participants were nonwhite. the child was told that when Percy was out of sight he could not see or hear what was happening.
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