June 27, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1197 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CDC good prenatal care for expectant mothers are the public and specific segments of the popu- vital endeavors. Prevention measures and lation about the hazards of tobacco use. In ad- interventions can mean the difference not dition, it has worked closely with partners to HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN only between life and death but also in the OF CALIFORNIA quality of life. ensure a strong tobacco use prevention net- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In meeting these challenges, we will work work. In recognition of this significant 50-year Thursday, June 27, 1996 closely with our traditional partnersÐlocal and state health departments, departments milestone, I would also like to commend CDC Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, on July 1, of education, voluntary and professional or- for its outstanding efforts to protect women's 1996, the Centers for Disease Control and ganizations, partnerships with churches, health through preventive health services, re- Prevention [CDC]Ðthe Nation's prevention schools, and businesses. CDC brings to these search, and surveillance and for its important agencyÐwill celebrate its 50th anniversary. partnerships a comprehensive, systematic research and surveillance activities for pre- approach to health promotion and disease This represents 50 years of commitment to im- venting HIV/AIDS. provement in the public health, a commitment prevention and expertise in laboratory science, epidemiology, surveillance, infec- I congratulate the agency and its dedicated that has been carried out by a dedicated and tious disease control, environmental and oc- workforce, and I look forward to another 50 highly professional work force. cupational safeguards, and quality assur- years of outstanding work to enhance the Over the years, I have been a strong sup- ance. health of the American people. porter of this unique Federal agency. Along The anniversary is a milestone for our Na- f with my colleagues, I have helped authorize tion. It is a sobering reminder of the chal- and expand CDC prevention programs which lenges we face as we enter the 21st century, A TRIBUTE TO ED POSHARD have made and will continue to make signifi- when, clearly, public health will be a global cant improvements in the public's health. concern. Increased disruption to the tropical environment will result in diseases that are HON. GLENN POSHARD These programs include: immunization, HIV no longer contained in a localized habitat OF ILLINOIS prevention, tuberculosis control, lead-paint poi- but, rather, migrate with their human hosts IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES soning prevention, and the Breast and Cer- to cities and neighboring continents. The vical Cancer Mortality Prevention Program, to mobility of people, through air travel, natu- Thursday, June 27, 1996 name a few. ral disaster, or civil war, is reshaping the Mr. POSHARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Throughout that period, and indeed its entire routes of infection and the course of pay special tribute to my brother Ed Poshard history, CDC's scientists and epidemiologists epidemics. who is retiring on July 31 after 36 years of have responded to countless challenges do- Our work and that of our partners during CDC's first 50 years has contributed to pow- service with State Farm Insurance Co. mestically and around the world, including Le- erful scientific discovery and momentous Throughout my entire life, my brother has gionnaire's disease, environmental and work- public health achievements that have im- been a great inspiration to me, having given place hazards, smallpox, plague, and Ebola. proved health throughout the world. As we me the benefit of his love and wisdom since In recognition of this 50-year milestone, I review our past accomplishments, we are I was a small boy. I could not begin to count am pleased to share with my colleagues a proud. As we look forward to our exciting fu- the benefits that have accrued to me over my message from CDC's distinguished Director, ture, we are energized. lifetime as a result of my brother's influence Dr. David Satcher. I heartily commend the CDC's 50th Anniversary Celebration is an on my life. excellent opportunity to reinforce our com- CDC for its accomplishments and look forward Some of my earliest memories as a child to its achievements in the next 50 years. mitment to our vision, ``Healthy People in the Healthy World Through Prevention''. was Ed getting up at 4 a.m., still in his teens, REMARKS BY DR. DAVID SATCHER, DIRECTOR, f packing a lunch bucket and heading out over AT THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CDC ice slickened roads to work in the oil fields. During 1996, Atlanta will be the site of sev- CDC'S 50 YEARS OF PREVENTION Whatever money he made, he shared with the eral events of worldwide significanceÐthe EFFORTS SHOULD BE COMMENDED family, especially with my sister Jolene and Centennial Olympics, the Paralympic me, who were still young and in school. Going Games, the 200th anniversary of the develop- ment of the vaccine ultimately responsible HON. RICHARD J. DURBIN into Norris City with him every Saturday morn- for the eradication of smallpox, and the 50th OF ILLINOIS ing, getting a burr haircut at Will Harlow's bar- anniversary of the Centers for Disease Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ber shop, and washing his car, always wash- trol and Prevention [CDC]. ing his car, for his Saturday night date were As CDC celebrates a half century of public Thursday, June 27, 1996 some of the highlights of my youth. He was health excellence, we are mindful of the skill Mr. DURBIN. Mr. Speaker, on July 1, our my big brother who I always looked up to and and courage of these early public health pio- Nation's preventive health agency, and the was always proud of. neers, who risked their lives in order to ad- dress environmental hazards and control dis- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention He finished high school, went to college eases such as smallpox, polio, malaria, and [CDC], will turn 50. As a strong proponent of while he was still in the Army, sent pictures to diphtheria. We are honored to continue on in prevention strategies to enhance public health our home of far away places, told me in every their work and committed to the difficult in the United States, I would like to commend letter to get a good education, and fueled my challenges that lie ahead. the CDC for its prevention efforts. As co-chair- own dreams of learning and contributing to my CDC has contributed to the control of in- man of the Congressional Task Force on To- fellow man. fectious diseases such as the Ebola outbreak bacco and Health, I would like to specifically But more than the dreams he inspired and in Africa and tuberculosis in the United acknowledge CDC's efforts to lead and coordi- the encouragement he gave and the wisdom States. We also have protected workers from environmental hazards, improved early de- nate strategic activities that prevent tobacco he shared there was something else he gave tection and control systems for breast can- use. me that only had to be observed. It's called cer and cervical cancer, recommended for- For example, CDC has worked extensively work ethic and it's a little out of vogue today. tification of foods with folic acid to prevent to reduce teen access to tobacco and the ap- But not with my brother. Ed has worked hard birth defects, and conducted research to peal of tobacco among young people, reduce at everything he's done. He's worked hard at identify potential dangers of airbags to in- exposure to secondhand smoke, strengthen being a good husband, a good father, a good fants. and expand the scientific foundation of to- son, and a good brother. And for the folks in Now, more than ever, public health pro- grams and services are needed to ensure the bacco control and prevention, and build the this room, he's worked really hard at being a best possible health for everyone. Providing capacity of States and organizations to con- good insurance agent. In fact, my brother isn't safe living and work environments, develop- duct tobacco control programs. just a good insurance agent, he's a great one. ing methods to immunize populations CDC has also served as a primary resource He has lived and breathed and loved his work against infectious diseases, and maintaining for tobacco and health information to educate in a way few people ever do. After his family, · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 27, 1996 his first love has always been selling insur- in their drinking water. It will for the first time carried on this route are medical supplies such ance. Late at night, early in the morning, any- give us drinking water standards for arsenic, as Hepatitis B serum, hemodialysis supplies, where or anytime a customer had a need, my radon and sulfate. It will give our local commu- insulin, samples requiring laboratory testing, brother would find a way to get there first and nities the tools they need to build proper drink- and blood packs for rare blood types. Because make the sale. He never sold them more than ing water treatment facilities. Perhaps most ocean shipping can take up to 2 months, per- they required and he never misrepresented importantly, it will continue the landmark com- ishable food items such as bread, vegetables, what they were getting.
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