ANDHRA PRADESH IRRIGATION PROJECT-Ill SOCVO-ECONOMIC STUDY OF PROJECT AFFECTED PERSONS UNDER SRBC Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized TRIBAL CULTURAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE, TRIBAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT, Public Disclosure Authorized GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH, HYDERABAD. 1995 PREFACE RAYALA SEEMA named after its illustrious ruler Krishna Devarava had a reqularvisitor - DROl!GXHT.The ominous visitor tised to leave a trail of hunqer and dloom and famine in the reoioneach time it visited. The dreadedvisitor stalked throuah the vast exnanseof t.heregion caausing uintold devastation and misery to the neopleand all other forms of life. The drought was so freaouentin this reaionthat RAYAtASEEMA (Land of Ravalti) t,urnedinto RALLA SEFMA (Landof Rocks).The Kurnool district. the heart of Ravala Seema experienc.eddrotiuht periodicalIv till the watersof Thuinqabhadrahave been harnessedfor the irriaation of this area. But.the watersof K.C.OAnalwere too inadeouatAeto irriqate vast stretches of narched lands of this district. Government of Andhra Pradesh determined to ward off the much dreaded drouahtand providelife aivinawaters for the lands in the nroverhiallvlow rainfallareas, launchedseveral irriqation nroiects in Ravala Seema. The SRBC is one such irrigation projectaimed at eradic.tionof pnov.rtv in the interior places of Ravala Seema. The SRB. is a sourceof areat. hone and promisefor eternally rain deficit areas like Banaqananalli. Owk and KoilAkuntla mandaIh of Ktirnnoldistrict. With the arrival of Krishna waters throuqhSRBC and its distributories,the fabled i Midas will arrive in the command area with his magical totich the area will soon turn into A bowl of agric.ulturalaffluence. But it is one side of coin, Behind this rosy ic.turein the command area is a trail of tears for several land holders and their dependants. Tt is to wipe off the tears of PAPs and to brinq back their old standard of life.and if possihle, to imDrove upon it.,this studv has been commissioned bv the Government. of Andhra Pradesh. This report is an nutcome of survev of PAPs of SRBC, The naces of this repOrt tunfoldvnrious nositive as well as adverse impacts that SRBC has created in the studv area, But most of the Problems are transitorv in nAture and amenable for solution, Various action points have heen suggested to tackle these problems. It is our fond hope that the findings of this report and its recommendations will form basis for the preparation of Action Plan for the rehabilitation and resettlement of the PAPs So that the problems of PAPs are effentivAlv tackled and pave the wav for fuill rehabilitation and resettlement of the PAFs and PAPs can jioin the multitudes of happv farmers in the SRBC command area, We take this opportuinitvto express ousrprofound aratitude to thAhefnenrtment of Irriaation and Command Area Develooment. Government of Andhra Pradesh for entrusting this study to Tribal ii Culttiral Research and Traininq Institutte.Tribal Welfare Department. HYderabad. We are partic.ularlyindebted to Sri.C.S.Rao, TAS. former Prl.Secretaryto Government,I & CAD Deoartment. Sri,K,Koshal Ram. IAS, nresent Prl,Secretarvto Government. I & CAD Department,Sri,P.KAa.arwal, TAS. Secretarv tn Government, I & CAD Denartmentand Sri.M.G.Gopal-.TAS, Joint Secretary to Government. T & CAD Department for their unstinted sunport and atuidancein conductina of the stuAd. we also wish to expressour oratitudeto Sri.K.MAdhavaRaon TAS. Addl.Chief Sec.retarvto Governmentof Andhra Pradesh.Finance Department and SrijM,V.Nataraian5!AS, Prl,Secretarvto Government. Finance (Projects Wina) Denartment for timely release of funds for the completionof the study, We wish to place on record our immense gratitlt.deto Dr,W,R,Reddv.IAS, Joint.Secretary to Government. i & C.AD (Pronects Wina) Deoartrmentwhose sustainedsupnort and autidance has been a source.of inspirationto usz, Dr.W,R.Reddyhas not only evinced keen interest at various staqes of this survev but also nrovided the full cooperation by mAkinq Arranaementsfor the smooth and exoeditious completion of the survey, We are deeply indebtedto him for all the help and quidance. iii We wish to conveyour deeo aratit.udeto Sri.NarasimhaReddyv former Chief Enalneer, Projects, Srisailam Project, SRBC, Sri,P.Gonala KrishnaMurthv. present Chief Engineer. Pro-iects. Srisailam Projeict SRBC, Sri.RameswaraRao, Ex-Sunerintendent Enqineer. SRBC. Nandval.Sri.nAsaratha Ramaiah. SE., Circle 1. SRBC.Nandval. Sri N.VeeraSwamv, S.E., Circle 2 SRBC.,Nandyal, .Sri.V.V.SubbaRao, S.E., Circle.3: Nandval,Sri,M.K.Rahman E.E., SRBC Division, Panvarn,Sri.Naaeswara Rao. EE., SRBC Division, Owk and variousother Enqineering and non-enoineerinastaff who have extendedcooperat-ion to the st.udy team in conductinq of this studv. Snecialmention must be made of Sri.M.K.Rahman, F.E., qSRRC Oivision, Panvamfor the snontaneous cooperation extended to us and survevteam in orovisionof accommodation,and transport.We are speciallyarateful to him. We are speciallvgrateftil to Sri-S.-Sinah, lAS, Ex- Collector.Kurnool and Sri.K.Raei.lAS, Present Collector, Kurnool and Sri,S.Bhattacharva.I.A.S.Ex-Joint Collector. Kurnool.Sri-.javesh Ranjan, IAS, SUb Colleotor,Nandval for extendinatheir fullest cooneration 8nd issuina instructions to all the DistrictOfficers and MROsand Mfls to furnish the informationreqiuired bv the studyteam. iv We place on recordour soecialthanks and hiah anoreciation of the cooperationand servicesrendered by Sri.Sahaik Madina. EX-SOO (LA), Nandyaland Sri,G,HannumanthaRao, PresentSDO (LA), Nandyaland his staff. We also acknowledge with thanks for the information furnished and cooneratinnextended by variouisDistrict Offiners of whom soecial mention must be made of Dr,Viiayakumar.!AS. Pro.ect Direc.tor.DROA Kurnool. District Revenue Officer, Kurnool. .jointDirector, Aqriculture. Kurnool- Chief Plannina officer.Kurnool end tnr,RAyudu. DistrictTribal Welfare Officer, KUrnoolI Special mention must be made of Sri.B.K.Bala Subramanvam. SpeciAl Offiner, PP & M and Sri.MadhusudanRao, Executive Enaineer,PP & M- Hvderabadand Sri.gastrv,PP & M, Hyderabad for providinaus the.nec.essarv literature and data and for extMndina excellent cooneration withotutwhich the st.udycould not have been comnleted in a short time, We are immenselv gratefulto them esPeciallYSri.Madhusudan Rao, We olace on recordour aratit.udeto Sri.T.Munivenkatanoa, JAR. Prl,Secretarvto Government, Social Welfare Denartment, v Government of Andhra Pradeshand Sri.K.K.Banaar,TAS, Secretary to Government(TW), SocialWelfare Department, Smt.M.Chaya Ratan, FormerCommisioner of TribalWelfare and Dr.P.V.Ramesh,Director of Tribal Welfarefor kindlynermittina. us to undert.akethis study. Our specialthanks are to the awardeeswho have unoredgingly provided the requiredinformation and cooneration durina the survey. We thank our colleaques in the Institute and r.N. SudhakarRan, Anthropologist, Sri.K.ASR.Husssin. Ex. joint Director of TCR & TI.. for extendingtheir active particination startina from formulationof schedules,field work and draftina of the reDort, Last huitnot least,we also thank Sri.T.Jagan MohAn Rao and Sri,Ch,S,KameswAraRao for their anod secretarial assistanceorovided for the nroiect. D.R.Raju, Dr.K.MohanRao, Senior Sociologist Director, TCR & TI., of the Project., and Project Director vi RESEARCHTEAM OF THE PROJECT Project nirector : Or.K.Mohan Rao, M.A.,Ph.D., Director. TCR & TI.T Soecialitts . Sri.D,Ramachandra Ra.iu,M,A.,M.Phil Joint Director, TGR & TI., Sri.K.A.S.Hussain. Rtd. Joint Director. TCR P TI., Dr.N.Sudhakar Rao, M,A.,.Ph.D., Anthronologist Women Sociologist : Smt.K.R.Vinavakumari-M.Sc., Editor, TCR TI. Comnuterisation : Sri.M.N.Sharma,M.Sc., M.A.. Tabulation Officer, TCR & TI., TEAM LEADERS I) Sri.K,Chandra Rait. M.Sc., Field Officer. TCR & TI. 2) Rri.K.V.Murali Krishna, M,A. Field Officer. TCR & TT_ 3) gri.M.Anantha Savanam Raiu. M,A.A Research Officer, TCR & TI.. 4) Rri.S-Mohan,M.A- Research Officer, TCR & TI., 5) Sri.P.L.Satyanaravana.M.A.. Research Officer. TCR & TI., S) Sri.M.A.Aleemr M,A,. Statisticinn, TCR & TT.T 7) Sri.8.Ravinder. M.A.. Research Investioator TCR & TI.- 8) Sri.V.Narayanudu.M.A. Research Investi½ator.TCR X TT, 9) SRt,.M.Sviatha,M,A., CCFl, TCR & TI., vii INVESTIGATORS 1B Sri. P.Surendra, M.A., 2) Sri.M,Bhaskara Rao, MA.- 3I Sri.l<,8haskara Rai.u. M,A.5 41 Sri.Ch,Lenin Behs7, M.A,, Sl Sri.P.Naaeswara Rao, M,A,. 6) Rri,P.Mohan Rao, M,A.. B,Ed- 7 ! R1rj,r. .V .Prnsad., M,-Al! R) sri.M,V,Raaha.vulti. M.A. Ph.0,j 9) Sri, Y. Sri-sai lI M,WA- B.Ed, 10) SrjiA,0aqt.airi MrA., M.Phil tlB Sri,N.Srinivasa Reddv. M.A-. M.Phil 12) Sri.P.Hari Prasad. B.S.Wh., 13) Sri.G.Rama Rao. M.(Com-mS.l.. 141 qri,V.Venkata Reddy, M.A, Ph.0. 1') Rri.Mallikarjun, M.A.. 16) Sri,V,SubbArnvudu, MA., 17) .Sri,M.SririvasA Rao. M.A-, IR) Rri.K.Navin (trmar RCoBn.m-Din in IRPM.. 1Q) Sri .T.*Srirarmulu.7 M.A.,M.lPhi 20)! ri.V.VenkAteswar1u. B.A.. Ed- 211 Sri.B.Manik Rao, M.A., ?? qri.-,R} a- Kulmar- B,.,W., 23) K(um.Lil1v Aanes. M.A., ?41 Klm rridevi. M,A, , viii CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE RESEARCH TEAM OF THE PROJECT vi a. INTRODUCTION - Background 1 - Aim of the Study 6 - Objecivesof the Study 7 - Specific Objectives of the Study 8 - Family Profiles 9 - Methodology of the Study 12 - Analysis of the Data 16 IL PRuJECT AFFECTED AREA: 18 - Physiography 19 - Soils 19 - Climate 20 - Flora and Fauna 20 - Land Use Pattern 22 - Land Holdings 23 - CroppingPattern 24 - Agricultural Implements 24 - Live Stock 25 - Use of Chemical Fertilisers 26 - Cost of Cultivation 27 - Productivity 28 - Socio-Economic Infrastructure 28 - Agricultural Infrastructure 29 - Regional Agricultural Reserach Station, Nandyal 29 - Krishi Vignana Kendra at Mahanandi and Banaganapal7i 31 - Animal Husbandry 32 - Roads and Transport 32 - Medical, Public Health and Drinking Water 33 - Education and Communicational Infrastructure 34 - Proximity to Urban Centres and Power Supply 36 ix - Accessibility/Availabilityof Banks and AgriculturalCo-operative Societies 37 - Mineraland Agro based industrial Potentialities 38 - Governmental Programmes for Development 40 - TRYSEM 41 - OWCRA 42 III.
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