•Ml THURSDAY. FEBRUARY It. 1950 > ;01anrl|»0t»r Ifpralii It *8 Helping HereGive to the Heart Drive Wins Promotion To Open Auto Average Daily Net Preea Ran Tha Weather Two Arrested Par 1 at 0 . t . WaatStr For tke Moats «l JaaoMy, IMW O ffice Here OoMideraMa eloadUMw tMa aft- M r. n « d K. aad M n. !!< ](» o< As Cars Crash onMon with nght omw flanloai Mm M o tt ohureh bar* 9,839 iianrljPBtpr Siiputng llpraUi HUIo ooldor toolghtt Satorfia, tair IbvIM tb* Bpvrorth LM«u« « » “»■ Registration Branch to MeaUiar o f the AoO t bin to iBMt at tlM pwaDM(«> Third Arrest for Intoxi­ Borma el Otaeolatlaae with Httto ehaage hi tompeiaton. nrdasr a m ia s at 7:80 ,wh*n a Be in State Arm oiy ManeheMtor^A CUy of Vittage Charm naoB ct young paopla tn tn CTtriat cation Listed by Police S 3 & T M a l K r N i w York city, For Rest of the Month ^ ba guwU. Attar hia dlacta^a Here Today VOL. LXIX, NO. 117 (ChMOaeS Advertlatag Page I f) MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS IB ibM tro« tba U. 8. Am y whara Stats Motor Vehtclea Oommls- IM 1m/4 MTfvd M cbftplftin for nvo Three arrests, two Involving sloner Cornelius F. Mulvihlll said M M . ai months ovtrssss in Af- motor vehicle violations, were re- today that a sub-branch office of rtn and Italy. Mr. W r waa ap- ported by local police today. the Motor Vehicle Department will Blast Wrecks Chemical Plant pointad aaaoctata paator to open here Friday at the State Ar­ Monday Goal W. Sockman and ramalnad William J. Spltiel. 21. of 487 mory to Issue 1950 eutomobile reg­ Truman Discloses tban untU ha aaaumad the paator- South Main street, -New BrlUln. Bowles Sure State istrations. ^ thi South Msthodlst church Is charged with speeding and Office houre will be from 8:30 a. For Settling hera, January 1 .1M8- failure to sign his operators li­ m. to 5 p. m. daily and from 8:80 a. m. to 12 noon Saturdays through ’50 Political Line; Vlrrlnla Martin, a pupil of Man- cense. the remainder of this month. The Coal Dispute diaatar Hl|^ achool. won an Ocorge D. Mallcy* 17» of office will be cloaed next Wednea- Will Have Steel Mill ^chtsvsmsnt hoy in th« OonnocU- Middle turnpike, e o t, w m w - day. Washington’e birthday. cut rational acholaatic art conteat rested for \dolaUon of rules of ihe The local office will eerve Addi- Settlement I* Desired to with an oil palnUng. road following a colllalon ye*!*'- eon. Bolton. Bolton Center. Bolton Raps Republicans dar the auparvlalon of MLm Hope day St the Center In which Donald Notch, Buckingham. Buckland, Do Your Weekend Food Shopping Stall Off Possible Henderaon, art teacher on the High Yeomans. 17, of 215 Oakland stree^ Eaat Glastonbury. Olaatonbury, ■chool faculty. June Chambers, an­ Contempt of Court was Injured. Yeomans was seated WUlkun T. Hath* Highland Park. Manchester, Man­ Says Opposition P«rty r r - j i Within Half Decade other pupil of Miss Henderaon. won iri the front seat of the Malley v’*h- chester Green, Manchester (north). Action Against Miners alt^ar honora for her transparent icle when the Impact threw him William T. Harris. Hartford dis­ South Bolton and Manchester (faking About So•IJ^e'^rg l l C l D l t S water color picture. It la expected agalnat the windshield, fracturing (south). these painting* with others will be hu jaw. His condition was re- ; trict aales manager of Blgelow- cialism to Hide Own | prom (4*) Wires Bullettn! CJlief Executive Confi* .Sanford Carpet Co., has been ap­ At HALEYS Self-Serve ported as -good ’ by authorities at on exhibit In the Avery Memorial ^Negative Inaction* on Washington, Feb. IV—4/n— (lent Project Will Be court room Saturday, through the Manchester Memorial hospital pointed to a newly created position rrealdent Truman today asked Commission Finds M ar^ 4. today. of New England salea manager for Authorized Agents For Problems; C h a l l e n g e | Sean McBride, foreign minister his fact-finding board In the Financed by New Eng* Malley was driving north on that firm. Mr. Harris will have _ _ J i Independent Irish republic, en- coal dispute to give him n per­ ■n»« Tuesday meeting of the Main street when he struck the headquarters at Boston and will HELENA O f Vote Test Issued ten Brltlah-govemed Northern sonal report tomorrow. The land Interests; Re­ Keeney street Parent Teachers rear of a car operated by Robert continue to aupervlse the Hartford RUBENSTEIN and Health Market Ireland to boost two candidates While llouRe announced the Elections Method club was cancelled due to the views Efforts Made p. McKeon, 31. of 68 Drive B, office. Mr. Harris' appointment Washington, Feb. 17.—<4^ for British Parliament who are president's move amid signs storm. The meeting Is scheduled Sliver Lane Homes, according to marks the consolidation of two ter­ agalnat partition of Ireland. that the government waa put­ For Location; South­ for tonight at 7:30, All members Patrolman George McCaugliey who ritories which heretofore had been Arthur Drug Stores — President Truman is tak­ Dock workers In three more Ital­ ting on hravy pressure to get ate requested to be at the school ing for his 1960 political line: ian cities have voted to unload the dispute wound up this investigated. separate districts. NO. 2 Vi CAN HUNT’S Hale’a Large Size Issue Too Tough eastern Sector Seen promptly at thia time. Miss Emily Joseph A. Gllmartln. of 71 Mr. Harris sUrted hli Blgelow- The Republicans are croaking Americana arms coming to Italy week end. Smith will show colored slides and Forbes street. East Hartford, will Sanford career In the Boston office S u n l i g h t under military aid program. Offering Best Site , about socialism to hide their CIO National Maritime 'union Washington, Feb. 17—i/P)-Gov­ talk about her recent trip to Eu­ be presented In Town Court Sat­ In June. 1923. In 1927 he was ap­ F r e s h own “ negative inaction.” rope. urday on an Intoxication count. pointed Connecticut salesman, in chief, Joseph CTurran, says Presi ernment mediators said today they TAXPAYER! PEACHES That brought new G.O.P. dent Truman has promised that SM , O rjj& (.«io» vJ^rec America Hartforei, Feb. 17.—( 4 V - 1930 branch manager of the Hart­ are "shooting for a settlement by Gov. Chester Bowles ex­ Peter E. Fagan, 429 Main street, ford office and In 1936 district For help on Income challenges today for a No­ no more American ships will be it Unable to Reach \ transferred to foreign flags. Monday" of the coal strike. locid-salesman and service repre­ Young Democrats sales manager of Connecticut. Tax Returns Phone Butter vember vote test of the issue. Agreenwnt on Way to pressed confidence today that sentative of the Magnus Chemical Mr. Harris has been a resident can Mr. Truman told a ghttPring gath­ ..Official polish news agency'dis David L. Cole, chairman of Menace Seen a $260,000,000 steel mill, fi­ company. Is In Garwood. New Jer­ of Manchester since 1936 and at Manchester ering of 6,300 Democrats at the closes that Bishop Kail mien Bresldent Truman's Board of In­ Solve So-Called * Rot­ nanced by New England in­ sey. receiving technical training ‘‘Charier Night” the present time resides at 59 •100 a plate Jefferson-Jackson Kowalski, Roman Catholic bishop quiry, told a reporter a week-end terests, "will be located in in speiclal chemicals for the auto­ Brookfield street. He is msrrled dinner here last night that the Re­ of Chelmo, has' been placed under I'lils Is the remains of a latex cliemleal plant. In Midland, Mich., where ten Borough* Problem; lb. a blast, foUowed by a huge ball of fire, destroyed the plant and killed seUlcmenl la desired to stall off Foes of Move Toward Connecticut within the next motive Held. and has one son. Robert, who is 4993 IVORY doz. publicans just sit around waiting house arrest at hia home In The Young Democratic Club of captain of the Manchester High for the Democrats to propoae Pomerania . Senate-House eight workmen. Three oUmtm are In sertoua condition. Cause of the possible contempt of court action Other Changes Urged World Government See five years.” In a “ report to Manchester is planning an Infor­ SOAP SNIDER’S school swimming team. Winthrop Merriam something. Atomic Energy committee opens explosion waa aot known. (NBA telephoto). against the strikers. the people,” made public in Lesal Notices mal Charter Night dinner at Mur- *H>utlmrst of Scare Words’* Destruction in Plan hia abaence from the state on va­ phy'B restaurant Friday. Febru­ Public Accountant 2 For Inquiry into state of nation’s The 370,000 miners have Ignored Hartford, Feb. 17.—(4*)— c o u r t p r o b a t e "Then they react with an out­ cfvtilaa defenses against atomic cation, the Democra'tio chief ex­ a t a o r held ary 24. at 6:30 p. m. The guest 849 Main St. Room 15 25e all this week an order from a Fed Sweeping legislative reforms at Manchester within end for the Local Realtors LAROf SPIN A CH Snow Crop Frozen Foods burst of scare worda,” he said. To a-tack .... Feb. 25 strike ersi judge for a return to work. Washington, Feb. 17—OP)—Con­ ecutive reviewed the efforts being District of Mancheeter.
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