ALGOMA ANGLICAN November 2012 Official Voice of the Diocese of Algoma – A section of the Anglican Journal Vol. 55– No. 9 Inside New organ in Sault Ste. Marie Algoma By the Rev. Peter Simmons On Thursday, August 30, 2012 at 10:00 a.m., St. Luke’s Cathedral was filled to capacity for a very special occasion. A service was held for the Blessing and Dedica- tion of the new Beckerath Pipe Or- gan. This musical instrument was designed by Rudolf von Becker- ath Orgelbau and custom built in Hamburg Germany. The organ was given to the Glory of God in lov- ing memory of Capt. Nichola K. S. Goddard, and in thanksgiving for the lives and service of Janet and Perry Short. In attendance at the service were His Excellency, The Rt. Hon. David Johnston, C. C.. C. Vacation Bible M. M., C. O. M., C. D., Governor General and Commander-in-Chief School held in of Canada, and Her Excellency Thunder Bay Sharon Johnston, C. C. Children gathered during Capt. Goddard, a graduate of the the last week of August for a Royal Military College in Kings- time of fun and learning at the ton, was serving in the 1st Cana- Vacation Bible School held at dian Horse Artillery when she was St. Paul’s, Thunder Bay. killed in action on May 17, 2006 while serving in Afghanistan. See p. 4 Nichola Goddard was the first female in the Canadian Armed Forces to die in combat. She was NEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: St. Luke’s Cathedral in Sault Ste. Marie was filled to the granddaughter of Dr. Michael capacity for a very special occasion. Governor General David Johnston and his wife Sha- West, a parishioner of St. Luke’s Cathedral. Dr. West is a veteran ron, were in attendance at the service of the Blessing and Dedication of the new Beck- who served as a Medical Officer erath organ on Thursday, August 30, 2012. The organ was given to the Glory of God in in the 49th Field Royal Canadian loving memory of Capt. Nichola K. S. Goddard and in thanksgiving for the lives and ser- Artillery. vice of Janet and Perry Short. (Photo courtesy of the Office of the Governor General). Perry and Janet Short were very much involved and devoted to the arts in the city of Sault Ste. Marie. After the singing of the hymn O for Bishop Andrews also noted both and find themselves drawn inward The website for the cathedral notes a Thousand Tongues to Sing, the the ancient view of Boethius and and upward, where they will dis- that Mr. Short, as an architect, was second passage of Scripture from that of modern psychologists and cover the healing love of Jesus pivotal in helping to preserve the Revelation 15: 2-4, was read by neuroscientists that, “music en- Christ. Amen”. Mary Sherwood heritage of the city of Sault Ste. Cl. The Ven. John Fletcher, C. D., joins both the body and the emo- Following the Apostles’ Creed, Marie. It was through a generous Deputy Chaplain General, Angli- tions, the rational and the supra- and the Organ Voluntary Allein speaks in Goulais gift from the Janet Perry Estate can Military Ordinariate. The Rt. rational, even the physical and the Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr, BWV 662 River that a fund was established to fi- Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews, Bishop spiritual.” by J. S. Bach, intercessions were Mary Sherwood came home nance the cost of the new tracker of Algoma gave the homily. He went on to outline the fact offered. The Lord’s Prayer was from Madacasgar for a visit. organ. Bishop Andrews, in his homily, that music operates as a Scriptural said before the singing of the offer- She spoke of her experiences The service began with a Vice- acknowledged the generousity of theme in three spheres. The first of tory hymn Crown Him with Many at St. James’, Regal Salute by the 49th, Sault St. those “who made the purchase of these is “the sphere of nature and Crowns. At this point in the lit- Goulais River on Sunday, Marie, Field Artillery Regiment, the organ possible, especially the the created order.” The second is urgy, the new Beckerwith Tracker September 30, 2012, R. C. A. The service continued Short family.” He went on to say: the manner in which “Scripture Organ was blessed, dedicated and with the processional hymn Holy, “But nowhere is our debt and grat- speaks of music as the sphere of unveiled. The choir, under the di- Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty. itude greater than it is to those who God himself.” The final sphere“ rection of Organist and Choirmas- See p. 5 Following words of welcome from have put themselves in harm’s way that music enjoins both the body ter Stephen Mallinger, then sang The Very Rev. James Lawrence in order to protect and defend Can- and the emotions, the rational and the anthem Fear not, O land by Sir Next deadline McShane, Dean of Algoma, Sally ada, to promote international peace the suprarational, even the physi- William Harris. The final blessing The deadline for the next Goddard, mother of Capt. Nichola and security, and who have done cal and the spiritual.” was given by The Most Rev. Colin issue of The Algoma Anglican is Goddard, addressed the congrega- so by paying the ultimate sacri- Bishop Andrews concluded his Johnson, Archbishop of Toronto Thursday, November 1. tion. Versicles and Responses were fice. It is fitting that their memory homily with the following: “It and the Metropolitan Ecclesiastical Send items to: said. The Cathedral Choir then should live on in the music of this is my prayer that the gift of this Province of Ontario. The service Mail or courier: joined voices in the singing of the instrument, for from ancient times Rudolf von Beckerath Organ will was concluded with the singing of P.O. Box 221 1148 Hwy 141 Venite. music has been regarded as one of enhance the ministry of St. Luke’s the Recessional Hymn O Praise Ye Rosseau P0C 1J0 The first passage of Scripture the few things shared by both hu- Cathedral in this way: that those the Lord. E-mail: from Isaiah 42: 10-13, was read by mans and angels, resounding on in who do not know the divine song [email protected] Governor General David Johnston. heaven as well as on earth.” may detect its strains in this place, An overview of the Diocesan Strategic Plan facing declining membership and in Algoma, a Renewal in Mission Plan for the Diocese, to include ministry, spiritual growth and re- Strategic Plan financial restraints, have been Task Force was formed which, af- measures providing for its imple- sponsible management. and continue to re-think their ap- ter consultation across all levels mentation and the necessary fi- In the Bishop’s Charge at Syn- articulates way proach to ministry. Facing such within the Diocese, brought its nancial resources. The new Plan, od 2011, Bishop Andrews stated: challenges, diverse Dioceses report to the 2007 Synod. “Live the Vision and Proclaim the “The nearly unanimous endorse- forward across Canada have entered into a At the 2007 Synod, in response Joy“, was approved by the Execu- ment of our Strategic Plan at our By Craig Hurst process of thoughtful and prayer- to the recommendations of the tive Committee in March 2009 last synod is primary evidence of Chair of the ful discernment resulting in the Renewal in Mission Task Force, and approved by Synod in Octo- our resolve and resourcefulness. Implementation Team development of plans for renew- the Executive Committee was ber 2009. The Plan articulated a It is not an efficiency plan, or a Many Christian denominations, al. Starting with the 2005 Synod requested to develop a Strategic way forward, which is rooted in See Core – p. 5 (2) Algoma Anglican, November 2012 Diocese of Algoma We are all God’s Anglican Church Women DEVOTIONS FOR NOVEMBER children By the Rev. Grahame Stap killed Christ Jesus the son of I wonder sometimes why we Mary, the messenger of Allah; but seem so fanatical about the rite of they did not kill him nor crucified religion and the bricks and mortar him, but so it was made to appear of our churches, Mosques Temples to them, and to those who differ or Synagogues. I guess it is therein are full of doubts with no mainly because everything around knowledge but only conjecture to us is changing at an alarming pace follow, for of a surety they did not and our place of worship is the kill him. Nay, Allah raised him up last bastion of comfort we have. to himself.” It seems as if the hour we spend I am not suggesting we should on a Saturday or Sunday morning agree or accept the wisdom of the gives us some sense of normality Qur’an but I believe we should at that we cannot get anywhere else. least understand where those of The world around us seems full of chaos and we have such a hard time understanding why there is Thoughts from so much hate, misunderstanding Grahame and ignorance. The recent uprisings in the Middle East are changing our abil- other religions are coming from ity to comprehend the ease of with and accept that God loves all “No one can tell clothesline broke and everything be themselves, listen to them, and which those of the Islamic faith things God created. Nobody knows, ended up tangled in the dirt. Any- ask that God reveal self while we can rise in hate against the west.
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