•!/1 fYOUR STATIONERY NEEDS GUIDE TO HOTELS 'Supplied quickly and . pleasingly by' the ’ Hotel season announcements appear S ; i pages 6 and 7; bIbo lull Summer i Times Job Prlntini Season Program in Ocean Grove VOL. LVXIV No. 36 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1944 FIVE CENTS Many Faculty Changes Announced! BISHOP TELLS STORIES OF THE SOUTHLAND $7 5 , 0 0 Q| Jubilee Goal $ 1 4 , 0 0 0 ■Bishop Moore, .who is a As Nept une Schools Open Monday southerner, told a story of the deep south. His train hap­ pened to stop at a little ham- Season Closes With Army Band \ A ll Boys And Girls Between 16 And 18 let of run-down cabins. He r +f' f, • : ------; ; ; stuck his head out of the “We come to another assump­ ^ Employed In Summer War Jobs Urged window .and'addressed an old tion equally personal^ If we are darky sitting comfortably on praying to aome’one who hears, To Return To Their Studies. the-. baggage truck. “Uncle; Traditional; "March Around Zion*’ At Noon we. ure going to have to g ran t George,” he said, “Is there llim.the right to be near us when anybody in this town who en­ we yell at someone. also. Any A National “Go-to-School” OPENSNEPTUNE SCHOOLS joys! his Christianity?” “Yas, Monday Followed By Victory Celebration At prayer must be absolutely hon­ drive has opened this week sah,” said the old darky. est before it becomes prayer,” “ Them’s that have it do.” lie declared. “There isn’t any­ throughout the country, for Again the Bishop was in a the purpose of having a Might, Attended By 5,000; Season Attendance thing we can hide from Him*” small Southern city where he Dr. Smith said in discussing the well-educated, intelligent noticed' two churches fating third assumption, “and .that is the group in the post-war pro­ each other on the same street 195,000;}; Reports Of Leaders. glory of our Gospel. Under gram. All boys and girls with remarkably tall steeples. every circumstance and under One was a Baptist and the ■J: overy condition, you can be ab­ of pre-military age, 16-18. other was a Methodist. They occasions, sang three verses of a Who are employed in war jobs Ocean G roves Dia-mond Jubilee camp meeting ended gospel hymn. - solutely sure th a t God loves you.- were so striking iti appear­ Joy, peace, triumph and victory this summer are urged to come ance that he surmised a story on a high note of enthusiasm and accomplishment on Thursday Evening back to school and make the , most Dr. Smith opened the service in life, depend upon cooperating was connected with them. Monday; Not only was the material goal of clearing with God.;’ ; of their educational opportuni­ He asked the Baptist minis­ Thursday evening on a personal ties. As General H. H. Arnold note, “I’d like to : have, you; feel Dr. Smith told of his musical ter about it. Well,” said he. the $75,000 indebtedness reached, and surpassed, but the experience with a piccolo. He isays in the “Education fo r Vic- “the Methodists built their that I’m talking with, you indi­ tory”, magazine, “This is not only many thousands ^increase in attendance over last year vidually;” Hundreds of- thou­ chose that instrument because new church first. Then the it was the smallest to carry in a a brave man's war—it i salso a Baptists built theirs. Before testifled to the spiritual interest in the meetings, sands' of church members - smart man’s war.” whose, religion makes no differ­ marching band. Several years ago it was finished a woman par­ The season closed in.,the tradi- — '' —— he was in a serious automobile Dr. Onsville J. Moulton, super­ ishioner said that if we would tional manner with reports of the bodies a living sacrifice, holy, ence are. getting no benefit from visor of the schools :in Neptune their , faith,, thus maintaining a ccident and was laid up in tho make our steeple taller, than various leaders, the march around acceptable unto God.” hospital twelve weeks with a township, announced this week the, Methodist’s she would con­ Zion led by the. Salvation Army “We have all sinned,” declared barrier ' between' themselves . and that the drive will begin here at the' Divine Power said the speak­ broken leg. At the time of tho tribute §10,000. So we'built, band ' Monday morning', and, taps. Bishop Moore, “and by reason accident he was on his way to the opening of school on Monday, our steeple taller.” The closing benediction was pro­ of sin we have passed Out of the er.' V 'in i !,;i- ;,!;Jy :'i' ■ September 11. The theme for the “Christianity'; is; a promise play at some musical affair. nounced . by the president, Dr. favor of God. In our first’ll chap­ While lying in the hospital in schools this year will be “Edu­ George W. Henson. 7 ■ ; ters, St. Paul has. been writing of of power. If you’re not living cation for a Changing World!” more satisfactorily, more com-, a cast, he Received a telegram An extra feature was the vic­ what God has done for us through frjMn his daughter, who was in a Dr. Moulton announced the ORGANIST HERE 19 YEARS tory celebration in the evening Jesus. In .the fifth chapter, verse fortably : than-’ -your . unchristian neighbor, then you’d, better ex­ university . several hundred miles many changes in the faculty of DR. O. J. MOULTON, Supervis­ in the great Auditorium attended 1 he' says, ‘Therefore being justi­ ' the high school and grade schools amine your ! case, and .find out away, reading something like ing Principal, announces “G'o- by ’more than 5,000. The 390th' fied by faith, .we.\have! peale with this: “Play the rests Dad with as follows: In the high school, U. S. Army band of,Camp Charles God through our Lord- Jesus why”. God . made life to work, Miss Dorothy Martin, a graduate to-School” drive as Schools continued Dr.; Smith.! Life is ex­ your chin up. Love, Pauline.” open Monday. Wood played classical! numbers Christ.’ Now in 'the 12th chap­ of Neptune high school and pected',, to be productive—-pro­ Much to the doctor’s amazement, and a medley of popular tunes, ter Paul starts to talk about he said,1’I was out of the hospi­ Trenton State Teachers’. College, The congregation Joined in the what we are to do for God be­ ductive of joy; power* and, satis­ is taking the placc of Miss Col a graduate of the State Teachers faction. If you get no satisfac­ tal four weeks before tho sched­ College in Newark. She taught singing of favorite hymns of the cause! of- Jesus,” continued ! thhe uled time. o'-ette Moser, commercial teacher, season, led by Walter D. Ed­ speaker... ■ . , tion out of your work, you’ll get for 13 years . at Tinton Falls. no pleasure out of your work. If he gives you some rests, who has given up teaching; for dowes, minister of music. “I believe that what a sinner business work,- Benjamin N. Mrs. Millicent Rutledge, secre­ Power is available to the man piny, them with your chin up. tary at the Bradley Park school, The final cancelled note of the must’ do to be converted and what That’s "the . fundamental assump­ Tyran, of- Rochester, N. Y., a, series of indebtedness was burned; who w ants to do the. work of Grid, was granted a year’s leave of ab­ a person must do to be wholly declared the speaker. tion of prayer,” he concluded. graduate of Rider College.,, who The note was held. by j the presi­ converted _’ is entirely different.” taught last year at Hamilton high sence and will be replaced by her e.Dr. Smith pointed out how life Dr. I’cale—Young People’s Night sister, Mrs., Grace Estrow. At dent and the match,, applied. by BLshop Moore gave a good defi­ With a male chorus of several rchool, will, replace Robert KiU Uncle Bill Thomson, chairman of s served on a cafeteria plan— the Ridge Avenue school oflk» nition of sin: “Sin is a collisionthat, you can look it over and take hundred filling the choir loft and gus, who has accepted . position the business committee, while between the human will and the in Collingswood; and Carl Peter­ Miss’ Dorothy Penn, a graduate of what you want. ‘You can have over oOO young people gathered Neptune: high school in 1041, will members of the Association and highest, will ot the universe, God. in the ■..center’ of the A uditorium ,' son, music supervisor, who will of the Diamond Jubijee" commit­ the kind Of life you \\'ani—can pick teach this year in East Hartford, take the .place of Mrs.’-; Norma It isn’t a struggle to give up the it out. - throngs of people .rallied to the- Mansfield. hm- h e . tee gathered around on the plat­ bad. things, but' a struggle to give Auditorium . to celebrate Young Conn., will be - replaced by : Miss form . ■■ , up the good -!things. This strug­ Dr. Smith explained the four Ethel MacKray,' of Philadelphia. ,'The: Victory Corps program will, steps a man must undertake - to People’s night Friday, under the he continued in' the high school, Said Dr. Henson: “Let us look gle as to who’s going to be su direction of Dr. Wells.’ Even Miss MacKray is a graduate of back a few minutes, to four years come to. Clod.
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