www.ever-monaco.com 20 12 7TH edition ECOLOGIC VEHICLES & RENEWABLE ENERGIES INTERNATIONALTIONAL CONFERENCECONFERENCE & EXHIBITIONEXHIBITION from MARCH 22nd to 25th 2012 • GRIMALDI FORUM — MONACO OFFICIAL PARTNERS D B E U M L O C - N O A T C O O M ORGANISED BY & .miti.mc www ecologic vehicles & renewable energies international conference & exhibition ver Monaco is an international event reco- gnized today as the meeting for ecological E vehicles manufacturers and the parties in- volved in the renewable energies sector. For more than 15 years, Monaco has positioned itself as an open and competent country, with ex- pertise in clean transport and renewable energies, in order to contribute to the collective awareness for the need to develop and exploit new solutions, both to save the planet and to continue being auto- nomously mobile. EVER Monaco is organized under the patronage of HSH Prince Albert II. 2 www.ever-monaco.com aDDress bY hsh the SOVEREIGN Prince inauguration of the EVER salon 2011 Grimaldi Forum Monaco, Thursday 31st March 2011 or its sixth edition, the EVER event is offering us the opportunity to turn the spotlight on a number of innovations in the field of F sustainable development and clean mobility, and to take stock of good environmental practice. The serious economic crisis experienced worldwide, and more particularly the latest events taking place in the Middle East and in Asia, have shown us to what extent we are dependent on energy. HSH PRINCE ALBERT II Solutions developed in the mobility sector, and within everyone’s reach, such as those linked to the use of alternative energies, fortunately give us hope for a healthier and more serene future. Consequently it is important for EVER to continue to provide a forum for exchange and dialogue between scientists and technicians at the various conferences offered at the event. As such, EVER illustrates the Principality’s commitment towards the protection of the environment, a field in which I would like my country to be exemplary. HSH Prince Albert II www.ever-monaco.com 3 > EVER Monaco was created by two Mone- serve the natural heritage “EVS21”, the world sym- gasque entities, the com- or making an eco friendly posium for Electric and pany MITI and the asso- path along the coast. Hybrid Vehicles. ciation MC2D-Monaco From then on, the collabo- Développement Durable, Since 1988, MITI has deve- ration between MC2D and whose main activity is re- loped know-how in nume- MITI has increased since newable development. rous sectors of commu- it became obvious that the nication (public relations, fair must open its doors to Created in July 2004, press photo agency, all alternative and clean MC2D-Monaco Dévelop- publishing, PAO, direct energies. pement Durable encom- marketing, advertising, passes and coordinates etc.). Originally speciali- > EVER Monaco aims to the actions of different zing in event management sensitize and incite the Monegasque associations for automobile sport in public to use clean ener- working for the protec- Monaco, MITI was at the gies. tion and improvement of origin of development and The urban transportation the quality of the environ- success of fairs of refe- contributes for the global ment, such as Amave (As- rence in the electric vehi- warming up of our planet sociation for the Friends of cle sector like EV-MC until and the pollution of the Electric Vehicles), Ecopo- 2004 or the 21st edition of atmosphere, while consu- lis, the Monegasque Asso- the EVS world fair in 2005. ming a large quantity of ciation for the Protection > EVER Monaco puts the non-renewable energy. As of Nature, etc. MC2D’s Principality at the fore- a result, the car industry work involves raising the front of all innovations clearly understands that awareness of the popula- concerning future ener- they will have to find solu- tion and public powers on gies in the large sense of tions very quickly. environmental problems. the word, from automo- This association has ins- biles to forms of non pol- > EVER Monaco allows tigated numerous projects luting energies such as both big and small buil- like Monaco Meetings solar energy. ders to show their latest Youth and Renewable In 2005, Monaco was models of clean vehicles, Development, creating notably selected for the whether they be series or a protected zone on the “World Electric Vehicle prototypes, electric, hy- Saint Martin cliff to pre- Association” to organize brid, combustion battery, 4 www.ever-monaco.com ▶ Autonomy test ▶ Closed parking gas or organic fuels as parties in this sector. welcomes the exhibition well as all modes of pro- under its immense and pulsion presenting a real > EVER Monaco is also bright sun lounge. ecological interest. Bat- the “Monte-Carlo Rally tery manufacturers and of New Energy and > EVER Monaco gets to- equipment suppliers are Electric Vehicles”. This gether specialists in the also present at the fair. race, organized by the area of ecological vehi- Automobile Club of Mo- cles, renewable energies > EVER Monaco is also naco is registered in the and sustainable deve- a unique opportunity for calendar of the Interna- lopment during scientific car makers to let visitors tional Automobile Fede- conferences. or potential buyers try out ration (FIA) and gives their vehicles: groups, en- the exhibiting brands the > EVER Monaco is the terprises and the general opportunity to show tech- occasion to welcome public. nological innovations, specialists coming from Managing energy and de- performances and the so- both universities and veloping alternative solu- briety of their productions. industries, involved in tions o primary energy R&D projects in the area sourced from fossil fuel > EVER Monaco is held in of ecologic vehicles and is one of the major chal- the prestigious Grimaldi renewable energies. They lenges of the third millen- Forum which has already will have the opportunity nium. Thanks to recent welcomed numerous to share their scientific, government measures, international events and technical, business and France, with its sunshine, notably EVS21 in 2005. social experiences with its wind quality and abun- Thanks to its competent other attendees coming dant biomass, is in a staff and technical facili- from all over the world, position to become the ties, the Grimaldi Forum through the presenta- European country with the has everything necessary tion and the discussion greatest growth potential for the fair. of their recent works and in renewable energies. With its 35.000 m2 of mo- innovation in the confe- dular space, this congress rence sessions or in the > EVER Monaco is the centre personifies the different booths of the opportunity to unite the meaning of great events. exhibition. different international The 4.000 m2 Ravel Area www.ever-monaco.com 5 renewable energies exhibition sPecial Draw > HSBC Private Bank repeats since 5 years its Partnership and offers an ecologic vehicle. This vehicle is displayed in the Exhibition Hall. The visitors fill in an entry form and leave it in a special box. The draw is held on Sunday. PerforMance challenge > Only in Monaco, EVER is organising a Performance Challenge for two-wheel vehicles. This challenge is open to series vehicles (salon exhibitors only) and to prototype vehicles. There are two tests: an autonomy test that uses part of the Monaco Grand Prix circuit and an acceleration test performed in prestigious Monte-Carlo Terrasses. Each stage leads to a specific classification. At the end of the Challenge, which is covered by the press, the first three participants in each category receive a prize. The prize-giving ceremony takes place at the official EVER Monaco dinner. 6 www.ever-monaco.com > Conference topics: EVER’11 covers topics related to ecological vehicles (EV), those linked to renewable energies (RE) and those shared by both (REV) > EV1: Ecological Vehicles > RE3: Hybrid Renewable a: Road vehicles Energy Systems b: Trains and trams a: Wind/solar hybrid c: Boats and yachts energy systems d: Others b: Other hybrid renewable energy systems > EV2: Ecological Propulsion c: Smart grids systems d: Energy storage and a: Electric propulsion management systems b: Hybrid propulsion > RE2: Solar Energy Systems systems a: PV cell sizing and c: Clean thermal optimization propulsion systems b: PV panels and d: Flywheel propulsion associated converters systems c: PV system control and grid connection > EV3: Traction Drives d: Solar water pumping, and Generators heating and treatment a: Electric machine design and control > RE4: Efficient Energy b: Static converter design Management in Buildings and control a: Buildings and c: Variable speed drives renewable energy and generators integration d: Monitoring and b: Networked energy diagnostics aware white-goods c: ICT for sustainable > EV4: Ecological Power Supplies homes a: Batteries and d: Smart home ultracapacitors b: Recharging > REV1: Marketing and infrastructures Economical Impacts c: Fuel cells a: Market analysis, d: Hydrogen research and prediction infrastructures b: Employment market expansion > RE1: Wind Energy Systems c: Economic benefits in a: Wind turbine design and short and long terms control d: Demonstration, training b: Wind generator design and maintenance and control c: Wind farm generating > REV2: Education systems and Regulations d: Interfacing to the grid a: National programs and GCRs b: Public policies and facilities c: Public education and youth programs Pierre Loing, Vice President of Nissan International SA d: Safety, recycling and David Myers, President of Johnson Controls standardization HSH the Prince Albert II of Monaco Anthony BERNBAUM, Head of Global Special Opportunities, HSBC Bank Plc More information on http://conference.evermonaco.com Mark Kenber, President of The Climate Group www.ever-monaco.com 7 > EVER Monaco would like to thank the following numerous international companies for their confidence and past participation in our events: 2GETTHERE • Actia NORDIC AB • ADS TECHNOlOGIES • Advanced DC Motors CONVENTION AuTHORITy • MONzA AuTODROMO NAzIONAlE • MP.
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