CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO NewspaperNewspaper of the Archdiocese of San FranciscFranciscoo www.catholic-sf.org SERVING SAN FRANCISCO, MARIN & SAN MATEO COUNTIES SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 $1.00 | VOL. 14 NO. 29 (PHOTO BY JOSÉ LUIS AGUIRRE/THE CATHOLIC VOICE) PAGE ABC2: Archbishop called to evangelize CROSS & GOLD:LD: PAGE ABC10: Alemany’s story Teaching, service top concerns still inspires PAGE ABC17: Archbishop’s coat of arms PAGE ABC23 PAGE ABC32: Installation on St. Francis’ feast Alemany Chalicece ABC2 ARCHBISHOP SALVATORE J. CORDILEONE CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO | SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 New archbishop: We are called to evangelize and convert VALERIE SCHMALZ CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO “When Catholics are confused When he is installed on Oct. 4 as by what the church teaches, ninth archbishop of San Francisco, Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cor- that’s where he feels he needs dileone will be the second-youngest archbishop in the United States, part to be really strong and clear – of a wave of young bishops appointed by Pope Benedict XVI in Northern whether around immigration California. The 56-year-old California native or marriage or abortion or the will be the fi rst baby boomer arch- bishop of San Francisco, joining death penalty, he wants to, at other boomers appointed to Bay Area dioceses in the past fi ve years. least, articulate the church’s In 2011, Pope Benedict XVI appoint- ed Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Daly, 52, teaching very clearly.” to the San Jose diocese, and Bishop Robert Vasa, 61, to Santa Rosa. Sac- JOHN WATKINS ramento Bishop Jaime Soto, 56, was life and justice coordinator for the Diocese of Oakland appointed in 2007. The archbishop is also the latest in “When Catholics are confused by a string of Pope Benedict XVI’s ap- what the church teaches, that’s where pointments of outspoken archbishops he feels he needs to be really strong who urge political action in support and clear – whether around immigra- of Catholic and natural law prin- (PHOTO COURTESY DARWIN SAYO) tion or marriage or abortion or the ciples, particularly Catholic social Archbishop Cordileone is pictured at the 2011 Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco. death penalty, he wants to, at least, teaching on immigration, consistent articulate the church’s teaching very ethic of life and marriage. Recent in 2002. Pope Benedict XVI appointed shrink from the political arena. His clearly,” said John Watkins, life and appointments include Seattle Arch- him to head the Oakland diocese work on behalf of preserving the justice coordinator for the Diocese of bishop J. Peter Sartain, Los Angeles in 2009 and on July 27 appointed traditional defi nition of marriage in Oakland. Archbishop Jose Gomez, New York Archbishop Cordileone to the larger the law earned the grandson of Sicil- However, Princeton University Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Baltimore responsibilities of the San Francisco ian immigrants the appellation “the professor Robert George says that Archbishop William E. Lori and metropolitan see to succeed Arch- godfather of Proposition 8.” Archbishop Cordileone has taken to Philadelphia Archbishop Charles bishop George Niederauer, who is Religious people are obligated to heart the Second Vatican Council’s Chaput. retiring. bring their values with them, and to teaching on the primary role and Archbishop Cordileone was or- vote with reference to those values, duty of laity in the modern world. dained a priest in 1982, during the Brings Catholic values to the world the archbishop said in an Aug. 13 The new archbishop was 6 years old pontifi cate of Pope John Paul II (1978- A canon lawyer, who attended interview on Immaculate Heart when Vatican II (1962-65) convened. 2005), the same pope who appointed public school through high school, Radio. “Our light is supposed to shine him auxiliary bishop of San Diego Archbishop Cordileone does not brightly for all,” the archbishop said. SEE NEW ARCHBISHOP, PAGE ABC3 The Archdiocese of San Francisco extends its congratulations, its welcome and its prayerful best wishes to the Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone, our Ninth Archbishop. Ad multos annos! His Eminence William Cardinal Levada, Their Excellencies George Niederauer, John Quinn, William Justice, Robert McElroy, Ignatius Wang and the clergy, women and men religious, and lay faithful of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO | SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 ARCHBISHOP SALVATORE J. CORDILEONE ABC3 NEW ARCHBISHOP: Called to evangelize and convert FROM PAGE ABC2 can Ideals and Institutions at Princ- eton and one of the authors of the Manhattan Declaration. The 4,700- “He’s a team player. He doesn’t as- word declaration speaks in defense sume because he’s the bishop he’s in of the sanctity of life, traditional charge of everything,” said George. marriage, and religious liberty and Archbishop Cordileone’s support calls Christians to hold to their con- for other lay initiatives includes victions in those three areas. Signed speaking at a 2010 action on immi- by more than a half-million people, it gration and labor rights in Oakland, was originally formulated and signed walking each year in the Walk for by Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catho- Life West Coast, and visiting Protes- lic and evangelical Christian leaders. tant minister Walter Hoye II who was “Those who really make an attempt jailed for trying to counsel pregnant to know him and befriend him will women outside an abortion clinic. not be disappointed,” said Father He also signed the 2009 Manhattan Jim Poulson, the San Diego diocesan Declaration on religious freedom and priest with whom the new archbish- spoke at the March 23, 2012, Stand Up op, as a teenager, discussed his call to Rally for religious freedom to protest the priesthood. “We are friends. We the federal contraceptive mandate. enjoy dining together and smoking a “How dare the government tell us cigar.” our religion requires we only serve people of our faith,” then-Oakland Track record of outreach Bishop Cordileone said to loud cheers Archbishop Cordileone has led or at the March 23 demonstration at (PHOTO BY DENNIS CALLAHAN/CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO) encouraged initiatives in the Oakland the San Francisco Federal Building. Archbishop Cordielone talks to a young adult outside Oakland’s Cathedral of Christ the Light Aug. 22. diocese in the areas of faith educa- “This time it’s Catholics, but it won’t tion, youth and young adult ministry, stop there.” – all during the pontifi cate of Pope deportation of some undocumented Hispanic ministry, support for mar- John Paul II. immigrants who arrived as children. riage and families and ecumenical Heart of a shepherd He takes seriously the bishop and “By virtue of his ordination, then, action. The son of a commercial fi sher- priest’s role of shepherd. His homi- the priest is the one who lays down He encouraged parish education of man, Archbishop Cordileone at- lies, speeches, interviews and col- his life for his friends after the man- families to reduce gang violence, and tended public elementary and high umns address substantive and often ner of Our Lord himself,” then-Bish- serves on the Oakland Police Foun- school, and earned two bachelor’s controversial topics. Those topics op Cordileone said May 14, 2011, at dation board. Fluent in Spanish, he degrees in philosophy and theology span the gamut – from supporting the ordination Mass of four Oakland was interviewed regularly by Univi- before obtaining his doctorate in natural family planning as an alter- priests. sion and each year led the 7.5-mile canon law from the Pontifi cal Gre- native to artifi cial contraception and “He’s just got a wonderful heart. Oakland pilgrimage in honor of Our gorian University in Rome. In total citing the World Health Organiza- He’s a person of great conviction but Lady of Guadalupe, said Mike Brown, he spent 15 years in Rome, including tion’s classifi cation of hormonal con- also of great compassion. He has a diocesan director of communica- seven working as an assistant to the traceptives as Class 1 carcinogens, to dedication that is quite extraordi- tions, Diocese of Oakland. church’s high court, the Supreme applauding President Barack Obama nary,” said George, director of the Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura for his executive order blocking James Madison Program in Ameri- SEE NEW ARCHBISHOP, PAGE ABC4 Congratulations Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone Archbishop José H. Gomez and the people of God in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Rejoice in your installation as Archbishop of San Francisco May the Lord bless you and your ministry to the faithful of the Archdiocese of San Francisco for many years to come! ABC4 ARCHBISHOP SALVATORE J. CORDILEONE CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO | SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 NEW ARCHBISHOP: Called to evangelize and convert FROM PAGE ABC3 “Bishop Cordileone is not On an ecumenical level, he worked teaching anything closely with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the revolutionary. All he is very successful East Bay Interfaith Blood Drive that this year expanded asking for is for the Gospel to to most of Northern California, Brown said. He worked closely with be taught, but as we know, various faiths for justice for workers while auxiliary bishop in the Diocese the Gospel is revolutionary. of San Diego and in 2008 he allied with evangelical Protestant and Mor- It can change the world. It has mon leaders to pass the pro-marriage Proposition 8. changed the world and it will As East Bay bishop, the San Fran- cisco archbishop supported creation continue to change the world if of the annual diocesan youth rally IGNITE, Bay Area Catholic Under- people live it authentically.” ground for young adults, and Oak- land’s participation in the Northern SAMUEL VASQUEZ California high school event NorCal coordinator of catechesis and adult faith formation, On Fire Jam day at Six Flags Discov- Oakland diocese ery Kingdom, as well as the multi- diocese Catholic College Fair, said (PHOTO COURTESY Z’MA WYATT) he would draw a line in the sand in Patti Collyer, youth and young adult Archbishop Cordileone is pictured with a family at Our Lady, Queen of the World Parish in Bay “famously liberal” San Francisco.
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