Unibail-Rodamco: Innovative performance 2012 ANNUAL ANd sUstAiNAbLe deveLopmeNt report 02 milestones 2012 CorporAte The values which distinguish us 08 interview with the Ceo and the Chairman of the management board 12 interview with the Chairman of the supervisory board 14 Corporate governance and risk management 16 Figures on the rise 18 eprA performance measures 20 shareholder’s report strAtegy Re-inventing the customer experience 24 re-inventing the customer experience 26 so ouest – a new generation shopping centre 28 the 4 star shopping experiencel 30 projects in the pipeline operAtioNs Iconic Assets 36 moments to remember 42 iconic shopping centres 48 our shopping centre managers 50 offices 52 Convention & exhibition sUstAiNAbLe deveLopmeNt Creating sustainable value everyday 56 Unibail-rodamco’s sustainability journey 58 A transparent governance for sustainability 60 material issues to create sustainable value 62 re-align our sustainability vision and priorities with the group’s strategy 64 A motivated workforce empowered to deliver change 66 Creating opportunities for communities to prosper 70 building resilience through innovation citizenship 74 Unlock opportunities for tenants and customers to make sustainable decisions 82 shopping centres Nordic countries * in Europe Germany* 9 shoppiNg CeNtres Netherlands 7 Central Europe* 5 shoppiNg CeNtres shoppiNg CeNtres 8 shoppiNg CeNtres France Austria 34 shoppiNg CeNtres 3 shoppiNg CeNtres Spain 16 shoppiNg CeNtres Offices and Convention & Exhibition venues in Paris C&E oFFiCes MAJOR eUROpeAn cities from west to east which host Unibail-Rodamco assets: seviLLe / vALeNCiA / mAdrid / bArCeLoNA / bordeAUX / LYON / NiCe / pAris / LiLLe / AmsterdAm / the hAgUe / CopeNhAgeN / STOCKhoLm / prAgUe / vieNNA / brAtisLAvA / WArsAW / heLsiNKi / * Including shopping centres consolidated under the equity menthod: • Central europe: Złote tarasy. • germany: mfi (6 standing managed assets: paunsdorf, gropius passagen, pasing Arcaden, höfe am brühl, gera, ruhr-park). PROFILe CReAted LIsted On the PARIs stOCk ReCOGnIsed In The 89% OF the GROuP’s stROnG “A” RAtInG fRom In 1968 exChAnGe SInCe 1972, on The dJSI (WoRLd and shOPPInG CentRes bALAnCe STandaRd & PooR’S amSTeRdam SToCk exChange eURoPe), fTSe4good, Welcome moRe Than SheeT WITh and Fitch, The SInCe 1983. Included In The STOXX gLobaL eSg 6 mILLIon vISITS PeR a LoW Loan- beST RaTIng In CaC 40, aex 25 and eURo SToxx LeadeRS IndICeS. annUm. To-value The IndUSTRy. 50 IndICeS. (LTv) RaTIo of 37%. SPLIT of ToTaL PoRTFOLIo SPLIT of ShoPPIng CenTRe PoRTFOLIo france Shopping centres 51% 78% Central europe 13% by aCTIvITy by RegIon 9% Convention & exhibition 11% 6% 13% Spain 10% 9% The netherlands offices nordic countries austria 3,383,800* 585,700 616,300 M2 GLA M2 GLA M2 GLA ShoPPIng CenTReS offICeS ConvenTIon & exhIbITIon 797 MILLIOn vIsIts Across The gRoUP’S ShoPPIng CenTReS 364 54 110 * 36* MILLIOn MILLIOn MILLIOn MILLIOn vIsIts vIsIts vIsIts vIsIts fRanCe aUSTRIa CenTRaL eURoPe geRmany 146 52 35 MILLIOn MILLIOn MILLIOn vIsIts vIsIts vIsIts SPaIn noRdIC CoUnTRIeS The neTheRLandS * Including shopping centres consolidated under the equity method. Unibail-Rodamco: innovative performance Experience. One word that sums up the driving force behind Unibail-Rodamco: it represents an expertise in property management, in-depth knowledge of consumer trends, original and exclusive retail and offi ce projects and the best services combined with the most creative and spectacular events. Unibail-Rodamco is Europe’s leading listed commercial property company, a position that can only be achieved through an innovative approach capable of creating value for its customers and stakeholders. MILESTONES 2012 2012, a year of progress and value creation April 2012 THE 4 STAR LABEL is Unibail-Rodamco’s initiative to deliver outstanding services for its retail assets. It is a unique strategy, which sets ambitious targets for improved quality at each stage of the customer’s shopping experience. To ensure the 4 Star label responds to customer expectations, the foundation of this strategy, a rigorous 571 point referential is externally audited and used to guide the Shopping Centre Manager towards 4 Star excellence. 02 • 03 OPENING OF CONFLUENCE IN LYON innovative shopping concepts. It heralds the development Confl uence has a striking façade and a quilted roof made of new services and boasts a unique design, providing April up of air cushions which fl ood the interior with natural customers with an exclusive shopping and leisure light. Symbolising a new generation of shopping centres, experience. In 2010, Confl uence received a BREEAM 2012 it was awarded the 4 Star Label and refl ects the expertise “Very Good” for its environmental qualifi cations, the fi rst of Unibail-Rodamco in selecting and implementing mall to receive this score in France. June UNIBAIL-RODAMCO ENTERS INTO A PARTNERSHIP WITH “MFI” mfi is Germany’s second largest shopping centre operator, investor and developer. Its portfolio includes major 2012 assets such as Paunsdorf and Höfe am Brühl in Leipzig, Gropius Passagen in Berlin and Pasing Arcaden in Munich. In addition, the Group also acquired a 50% stake in Ruhr-Park in Bochum, managed by mfi and one of the largest shopping centres in Germany. Overall the transaction involves 9 standing and future shopping centres, as well as 20 malls managed for third parties. 02 • 03 MILESTONES 2012 THE DINING EXPERIENCE July A new initiative aimed at doubling the space dedicated 2012 to dining in Unibail-Rodamco’s shopping centres, the Dining Experience combines 3 key ingredients: a perfect mix of the best local restaurateurs and well established international concepts, an outstanding Dining Plaza, and an “Experience Theatre” with a dedicated programme of events and marketing activities. Launched in la Maquinista in July, the Group plans to deploy the strategy to 25 shopping centres over the coming years. UR LAB DJSI UR Lab’s role is to defi ne the Group’s vision for innovation, Unibail-Rodamco ranked among the set long-term goals and equip the Group to achieve them top 5% in the Dow Jones Sustainability cost-effi ciently. The Lab unites all of the Group’s innovation Index (DJSI) – this represents a score initiatives from across different departments under a single increase of 46% since 2008. umbrella. September 2012 OPENING OF EL FARO IN BADAJOZ, SPAIN where 100,000 visitors came to visit the mall on the opening week-end. El Faro hosts 97 shops across 66,000m² GLA, including the fi rst H&M, Media Markt and Primark stores in the region. Located 1km from the Portuguese border and 5 minutes by car from Badajoz city centre, El Faro is very well connected to all public transportation and major regional highways. It received a BREEAM “very good” for its environmental credentials. 04 • 05 OPENING OF SO OUEST, LEVALLOIS, PARIS REGION perfect environment for premium retailers and top international brands, Designed in the style of a Haussmannian apartment, So Ouest offers such as Hollister, LEGO and Marks & Spencer. The mall‘s appeal to retailers and visitors alike an attractive mix of grand open spaces and customers was illustrated by the more than one million visits during the cosy rest areas. The shopping centre’s richly decorated interiors feature fi rst month of opening. So Ouest has a BREEAM “Excellent” rating for marble fl oors, leather handrails and a variety of glass elements—the its environmental qualifi cations, a fi rst for a shopping centre in Europe. October 2012 UNIBAIL-RODAMCO CELEBRATES ITS 40 YEAR LISTING ANNIVERSARY ON THE PARIS STOCK October EXCHANGE 2012 From December 1972 to December 2012, the Group achieved a total annualised shareholder RECORD LOW COST OF DEBT return (dividends Unibail-Rodamco successfully issued reinvested) of 16.4%. a €500 Mn bond with a 4.7 year maturity and a 1.625% coupon. This represents the lowest coupon ever paid by Unibail-Rodamco for a public Euro benchmark. Out of €4.6 Bn of medium to long term December fi nancing raised in 2012, the Group raised €2.4 Bn on the bond market at an average 99 basis points over 2012 mid swaps. This issuance contributed to a decrease in the Group’s average cost of debt to 3.4%. 04 • 05 Confl uence by night. 06 • 07 CORPORATE The values which distinguish us CEO & CHAIRMAN OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD Interview with the Chief Executive Offi cer and Chairman of the Management Board GUILLAUME POITRINAL 08 • 09 CORPORATE “It is the end of boring How was 2012 for Unibail-Rodamco? shopping.” I am pleased to report that the 2012 results have surpassed expectations. Recurring earnings per share grew by 6.7%, well above the 4% outlook; this refl ects the fact that prime, centrally located assets have weathered the storm very well, despite a challenging economic climate across Europe. For example, in Les Quatre Temps and Donau Zentrum, iconic shopping centres in La Défense and Vienna saw tenant sales increase by 7.7 and 8.3%, respectively. In Spain, the Group has outperformed national Creating multi-sensory spaces with light, indices and continued to create value – Splau, smell and sound is researched and applied by UR a 55,000 m2 mall in Barcelona, acquired by the Lab–a creative think thank launched in 2012 and Group in October 2011, demonstrates the Group’s responsible for defi ning the Group’s innovation strength in re-marketing and re-designing vision. assets to return them to growth. An important renovation project received a favorable reaction The same innovative vision is being applied to from customers, with footfall increasing by 13.5% the Group’s offi ce segment. With the constraints in 2012. of today’s work life, how can the Group better these environments for workers, whilst optimising the costs for tenants? Our offi ces have considered A central theme in 2012 was re-inventing the these constraints by offering fl exible fl oor plates and customer experience, could you tell us more? the highest standards in terms of design, services The Group has a relentless appetite for innovation and technology.
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