' ' I ' . ■ I■ “ASTERN75 ; I■ ‘^555 2s 0 0 . I LA, • ' " V '■ •_____________Md V 8 Goodf m o r n i n g G ouii r t U f tt s g r a i d u a t iS o n p ]r a y e r Today’s forerecast: r b an r Panly; cloudy[y with^ isolated aHemoonI Tbe Associated Presa-I-................... “ San Francimcisco-bascd 9lh U.S. Circuit thundershowers. lit Court Oregon and Washiashington. rs. Light morning winds pru^ test rulingi g - A 3 o f Appcaheals to disntiss as moot — no-:0 longer The Grangeville ' becoming northwihwest at 10 to IS mph’By" /ille School District’s appcij ^ WASHINGTON —— The! Supreme Court — legally relevantrel — a ease in which1 thet ap- had arrived atthe the nation’s highest court in midday. Highss 858: 10 90 degrees. LowsI lifted a ban on studeiident-led graduation hadnd urged^hc justices lo taltake Ihe Idaho ' peals couiourt said such prayers viola near 50. ilaie the January, but no0 invocationin or bcncdiciibn prayers in Idaho andd eightei other Western cas<ise. constitutioItional. doclrine of church-stat Pag«A2 tate scp- was allowed att \hthe commencement ccrf: states Monday, but skirskirted the broader is- “The public schools ar? cunurrcnily the site aration. mony for Harris’s’ graduatingg class. - — sue,,that^facials, saidid had: sparked “reli- offr religious warfare,” the assiissociation said The jusjustices’ order will'removeve as a “Sam won whaivhat he wanted, but things gious warfare” in publublic schools nation- |nI ai friend-of-thc-court bribrief. “School binding5 piprecedent the 9lh Circuit ccourt’s arc as muddy todaytoi as ever." said hi.s wide. bdttjSards are Saught in the midd]ddle and do not ruling inn'the ll case of Samuel Harris — who American Civilil L^ieniesL Union lawyer, g is not precedent-sct- knolow which way to tum.” ' graduateded from Idaho’s Grangevillelie High Stephen Pcvar of Denver.C Although the ruling■s isand confusion-still o Campgrouncind pernUt denied ting on such prayers a Other giiduation-prayerr controversiesc School on June 2 — and with it anyny legal Jay Sekulow,V, a lawyer with the pro- ; Constitution allows.__ore.'C-in.theJigaLpipeline.and.id.could-arrive __ Impedimeinent to^tudent-lcd school-pi■prayers— prayer-Americanin-Center-for-Law-and-Jusr C ------- — -------------A'Dcclomanhtvhns-been‘denied'al)CTmif“I_____ reigns over what the C' lers called the court's for•r Supretw Court action inIn its 1995-96 in the nineine wesiem states that comprijrise the lice, callcd Monda; to set up a compgrpground oh proper^ with- school-pmyer supportcn nday's action "on encourag- se a victory. temm i,.^hicfi^gins in Octobcr)cr. 9th judiciaicial circuit: Alaska, Arizona,la, Cali- ing sign in the fightfigh to protect the ... righ|<i, in the City of Rod^ocks near Oakley.' action in an Idaho case a The National Schoolol IBoards Association - In tbeir"-Wef order, the justusticcs lold the . fomia, HaHawaii, Idaho, Montana. Ne Pag* Cl / -TA’i- ■ ' ' A -PI.Please see PRAYER/A2 Cost cuttinglg bringsI changes As o f Saturday,lay, the Area Agency on AbortiSon ^ yjfh Beeth<loven n Formner Fox Aging will run theth< adult protection pro* I grams for the state4ite. r Pag* Cl foes latlunch H assist;tant ^ >n fe notaiiware . Kimberly losioses a pair petitioi Marsh Valleyy handedh Kimberly two losses Monday in an American Legion aign of sexX countv baseball doubleheaheader. campa Page Dl xl . b M By Frank E. Lockvckwood 1 . By FnnkE. Lockwood M Times-News writerriter . Sampras win!ins Times-News writer abortion coalition is M BOISE - ferryrry L. Haws, former chief Pete Sampras: remainedrei in the hunt for BOISE - An ami-ab( ibortions in Idaho, deputy to Statee SchoolsS( Supcrinlendent his third consecuti\utive Wimbledon title de- targeting ”late term” abo: ck of Idaho Citizens ' H H Anne C. Fox. denieenied charges Mondoy that . feating Kaisten BraaschBr Monday. Monday, John Slack hisgroup-will-seek-to------ ^ . he lied - three timi ---------------r Page 01------------for-Compassion-said-his- :r the 13th week of ^ job applications1 amand professional certifica- outlaw abortion after t K J tion forms in Idaho.aho. ____ ; • ------'Rodman in cccourt ....... -pregnancy. The group.wii.will pass petitions'to e Idaho ballot. •• H | State Deparmeninent o f Education ofiicialS Derfhi^'Roama ____ put-the-meosure on the Id man spent~MoiTday^jn am Late T^em Abor- say Haws pleadedded “no contest” to con- ^ r __ court over charges’ges that he gave an The “Protectioh from tributing to the: delinquencyde o f a minor serleader herpes. ■■ 'laiita HawK^'cheerl' tion Actl^^would:----------I pcrfomi an abortion ‘ charges in Alaskaska in April of 1984. but PageD2 * Make it illegal toII peweek of pregnancy, covered up his legallegi problems on ccrtifi- iri Idaho afler the 13dithcr’s w life. cation>and employnloyment forms here in Ido- except to save the mothei ;ognition and protec- * “Expand legal recogal right to life.of liv- Despite Alaska>ko Superior Court Judge, tion o f the fundamentalleir t prenatal develop- Charles Cranston’stn’s finding that Haws was Growth needsMismanaging V ing children during their guilty o f a mistie:stiemeanor, Haws main- menl.” thers and in some rained for yearss thatth he had no criminal Local offlcialsIs musti plan for future * Give mothers, fathe:nts the right to col- . record. instances - pimdparents road needs, even-eri ifth e y m ak e^o m e,: bortionists who per- . Education Depaitpartment Attorney Kirby p re p a y ownersI unhappy,un today’$.edito;| ;• lect damageS'from'aborin Idaho. Nelson said Haws’ws’ written denials violot- - ' , . rial says. , , form lUesal abortuins gels-'abortionisTs;tn I i t ^ ed the teaching}g profession’si code of r ^W hilcVe^ilhtargeliIs o f thfc women who ,v ethics. By lying; aboutab< his crimirul record. doesn’t make «niinin^s o Haws: seek illegal abortions. e, the landmark 1973 ; • ^ • “Engage(d)) in c o n d u c t which is of- Under Roe vs. Wade,lat tl legalized abortion • fcnsivc to the ordiDrdinory dignity, decency Supreme Court case that;ion I is readily avail- ^As'^e solinds wsum mmer t music dilft through|h theI haliwiay»4 nd re- and morality of otheO lhers.” in ail SO states^, abortionnd second trimesters ' Hearsal rooms o fj^ e Fin■Ine A rk Building a t Musluslc Fest '95, the annualJl • Did not presentsent his professional quali- Home sales reboundre able during the first and loctors even perform '• m t^lc camp d r a ^ aspirairing mUsldana and voc fications accuraftlyR!ly ahd completely. ' The lowest mort o f pregnancy. A few doci vocalists to the College ol lortga^e rates in over a )ns: aborting fetuses i S<Southem Idaho.^^pus. On April 3. 1984984. Haws was ordered to ‘____ I year pulled prosp'>spectivc home~buyers third-trimester abortions: is.’Oakley music teacherier Jim Keezerwas-pro*- pay a S350 fine,, an:and complete three years 1 or ninth month of ! lading an appreclatton ol . -back into tbe markeiket in May, sending cx- in the seventh, eighth oi of Beethoven to som e9 ofo his students on Mon- o f p^bation. Hawsaws was also given a sus- to Slack. daday. Related story^ PageaoC I. isting home saless upu; 4.7 percent. pregnancy, according tom SLate Term Abor- | ' pende'd 60-day/ jiul'Sentenceja after he Page Bl The “Protection from;e that. 1 — J pleaded “nolo comejniendre." don Act” would changeIte t} o f Idaho has the *]|r''' But on April 15,15. 1992.1 asked on a Narni- “We believe the statei interest in protMt- I pa School Distric WidespreadI wwoes right and a compelling ir trict application fprtm . A trade war betw.stween the United States )om," Slack told re- J.S., Jappan kees p t r y i i i j , ; “Have you everbeen beei found guilty, enter^ ing the life o f the unborrse Monday. ( v. and Jafjan — theie world's two largest porters at the Statehouse ^ I a guilty plea pleaor plei o f nolo contendre of economics — wouI<ould bring woe to evci^ litiative'campaign is Thes AssociatedJ Press . smiling andJld seemed in good spirits afl ifler a enlcrcdeferred into a prosecutiondefer or de- The anti-abortion initia;ve to be launched in part ofthe world. the fourth'initiative drive ■ thathat lasted about 3K hours. - ferredjudgemenu:nuinvolving-a-crimeli;’- - S — f tg e B I I , the past four days. ' GEiENEVA (AP) — J a i ^ andnd the United "We'foumlund more work is needed,"g i< ' Kan- Haws dansw “No” ered and “ signed his The first, an anti-gay;ay rights measure^ . S tto:ties, quamsling economic giants,,begangie tor said asas theI ministers adjourned1 untilu name. Idaho Citizens Al- a Iwt was unveiled by the Ida Ut attempt Monday, tb'resolsoWe an auio Tuesday. In 1987 and agaiiigain in 1992, Haws told .......liance on Friday.------------ 3Ute before it virtually locks:ksthousands ------“Thereisis some distance to be covevered.^ the Office o f Teachc ed initiatives drives o f l « Bcher'Centfication that he ‘ Two education-related iapancsc cars out ofthe U.S.S. imarket but we aree makingn: our maximum cffonarts to jjad never been “adjudicated“ad guilty iri a n Saturday. The • Bolloth U.S. Trade Representatiative Mickey achieve the were announced on . he resolution o f the problen courtdflawofanofn offense other than a mi^ Obstruction chargecl likely spokesman at Saturday’:ly’s announcement Karitcitor and Japanpsc Trade Mirklinister Ryu- Hashimoto:o said.s o f Burley - ofTice taro t nor traffic violation.’iori.” -’f W hen the Senat«late Ethics Committee was Kelly Johannsen of i.Hashimoto came to theiabliible holding a In a publi<blic appearance before the m .
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