..------------------------------------------------ "mu'19-'0 Serving the five Grosse Paiutes and Harper w~ \,ol.h2. '0. I~~. ~-t pdg"s (;ross{' Poilltt', ~Iirhigall 1I0llw Ikli\'('r~ 71( • :\(,\,.., ....1.. 1111)1.00 \/ilj IfL lfHJI INSIDE Dispose of your hazardous waste Saturday By Jim Sttckford pose 01 matenals need a vahd dIsposed of waste A worker had vent. based poh!>hes, anti-freeze, • The manicured lawns of Patterson Staff Writer duver's hcense to venfy reSiden- Just put several boxes mto a fuels, pesticIdes, fertilizers and Park In Grosse POinte Park should Gros:,~ Pomte has a lot of tra- cy m any of the five Grosse garbage truck The crusher was fungiCides, herbICIdes, both but- remain green this season despite the ditIOns One of the better and POIntes or Harper Woods The lot activated and the boxes explod- ton and dry cell batteries, paint heat 01 summer A sprinkler system IS newer ones IS the annual house- IS located at Lakepomte and ed, spraYIng the man wIth some thmners, varmshes and stams, to be Installed this week Page 8A hold hazardous waste drop-off those drlvmg are asked to enter sort of aCId We thmk It's the water solvent-based glues, photo- • Bon Secours Cottage Health day, which allow:, reSidents of the at the LakepOinte entrance stuff used to clean off bncks graphiC chemicals, pamt and System opens ItS Edith McNaughton Pomtes and Harper Woods to Diane VandenBoom of the After he was sprayed, he Imme- wood preservatIves Ford Center for Radiation Oncology :,afely, and at no cost to them- Park pubhc "ervlce department diately Jumped Into the snow and They are also accepting the fol- Page 16A :,elves, ea~lly dispose of danger- said that reSIdents should take used It to wIpe the stuff off But lowmg types of pamts and • Wayne County health oftlclals ou:, products they mIght have advantage of the day for several he still suffered severe chemIcal pnmers latex or water-based warn local authorities of the dangers of around the hOl.!se reasons, not the least of whIch IS burns" pamts, enamel or solvent-based the mosquito-born West Nile VirUS, Thh year'!> drop-off day IS SImple safety Items accepted at the Park paints and lead-based pamts which first appeared In the New York bemg hosted by Grosse POinte "It's a good way for people to drop.off site Include ammonia But there are some Items that area Of the 62 people who contracted Park on Saturday, May 12, from aVOId Injury," said VandenBoom cleaners, detergents and bleach- they won't accept These mclude the disease, seven died Page 3A 9am t03pm at 15175 E "In the winter of 2000, we had a es, dram and oven cleaners, rug • Grosse POinte North High School Jeffel son Those wlshmg to dl~- senous mJury from Improperly cleaners, moth balls, aCid or sol- See WASTE, page 3A holds a bone marrow drive Friday, May 11, for the 3-year-old son of a North bUSiness teacher suffering from H. W . purchases Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Page 17A • Students at Pierce Middle School use Legos to learn about robotics and house for more computer programming, which may lead to competition opportunities for area students Page 10A • Grosse POinte North defeats city office spac~ Grosse POinte South 6-2 In the cham- pionship game of the University Liggett By Darren Donaldson School Lacrosse Tournament Page Staff Wnter 1C CIty manager JIm "We are • Grosse POinte South's girls track Leldlem spotted a house up constantly team fInishes first In the prestigious for sale slttmg directly Sterling Heights InVitational meet Page behmd cIty hall two weeks struggling 1C ago and In a matter of days a • Regina and Notre Dame win the speCIal meetmg of the to find a place for team championships at the fifth annual Harper Woods CIty Council Connection Invitational track meet was called to dISCUSS pur- groups to meet." Page 2C chasmg the parcel Jim Leidlein, InsuffiCient office space City Manager has been an ongomg concern for the CIty Leldlem felt the WEEK AHEAD opportunity the suddenly WIthout conference room Woods flower sale available adjacent property space available" Saturday, May 12 The 37th annual Bower sale sponsored by the Grosse Pointe prOVIded should be looked He added that a long- range goal for the area Grosse POinte Park hosts the 2001 Woods Beautlflcation Commission will be held Friday, May 10, mto Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m .• and Saturday, May 11, from 8 a.m. to 3 At a speCIal counCil meet- would probably mclude ren- Day Those wishing to dispose of dan- p.m., on the front lawn of city hall, 20025 Mack. Profits from the mg called a few days later, ovatmg the space to make It avaIlable for employee park- gerous waste should go to Lakep0lnte sale will be used to beautify public areas in the city. Showing the matter was dIscussed mg to ease the congestIOn and East Jefferson between 9 a m and some of the Bower baskets and bedding tlowers to be featured at and recommended At that the current lot often sees 3pm the sale are commission members, kneeling, An,elo DiClemente. meeting the cIty adrmnlstra- tor was authonzed to make Recently, the city had Standing from left. Bower sale chairperson Marge Kingsley. Jef- looked mto bUlldmg a facili- Monday, May 14 frey Neilson. Catherine White and pennts HydiJk. a bid on the house The bId of $134,900 was ty near the DPW to house The Grosse POinte Park City council accepted by the home owner the Dlal-A-Rlde offices and a meets at 7 p m In the Park City hall, Leldlem saId that the cIty bay to wash eqUipment 15115 E Jefferson The meeting IS would most hkely mcur BIds carne back m the neIgh- open to the public Shack relieves tank duty costs upwards of $20,000 to borhood of $750,000 Several make the house SUitable for members of the counCIl com- The Grosse POinte Farms City coun- By Darren Donaldson machine off theIr hands, the CIty'Sneeds mented on the slgmficant Cil meets In the Farms City hall, 90 Staff Writer The tank was to be sent to Fort Plans for the property cur- saVIngs Kerby, at 7 30 P m The public IS invited With the tank gone, the Harper Knox to be recondItIOned and then rently mclude usmg the The cIty WIll not take pos- to attend Woods HIgh School semors needed sent on to West Pomt for aesthetIC horne to hold the office oper- sessIOn of the property until a new canvas to pamt after the duties The tank and the army are ations of Dlal-A-Rlde, which July 1, a conditIOn of the Tuesday, May 15 annual semor banquet The guard not returmng calls at thiS time currently finds Itself m a current owners Leldlem The Village of Grosse POinte Shores shack near the front of Johnston Smce the tank pamtmg had converted bathroom m the expects the property WIll be holds Its annual board of trustee elec- Park was deSIgnated by school om.- evolved mto a supeTVlsed event and basement of cIty hall In ready for occupymg m early lion The polls are open from 7 a m to clals as the new sacnficlallamb a nte of passage for Harper Woods addItion, Leldleln saId that September 8pm The annual tradItIon of pamtmg students, a replacement was one of the rooms IS Ideally Leldlem saId that there the tank at the end of the school deemed necessary SenIOr class SUIted to be used as a con- are no addItional plans for The Harper Woods Public Library year began around 1960 From sponsors approached the city to see ference room purchasmg other adjacent presents "Great Escapes Eight Hours flower power to Y2K, the tank had If the shack could be used as the "We are constantly strug- propertIes If they went up (or Less) Away'" a slide presentallon by seen the brushes and emotIOns of annual outlet They agreed, but ghng to find a place for for sale Kathy Thornton at the Harper Woods nearly 40 years of graduatmg class- only for thIS year groups to meet," Leldlem "We would have to reeval- public library, at 7 p m Refreshments es splashed across Its two-ton car- What next year WIll brml;- ~ saId "With the court usmg uate the sItuation If that are served To register for thiS free pre- cass uncertain, but it IS unlikely the the counCIl chambers five happens," he said "There sentation, call (313) 343.2575 The Last summer, the tank was sent flames of tradItion WIll fizzle out days a week and mme bemg was no real plan to purchase Harper Woods library IS located at out to pasture Worned about Iiabll- What WlIl be pamted next year IS used constantly, we often thiS property untl1lt became 19601 Harper, at the 1-94Allard eXit Ity problems that could anse from up for debate, a bIg rock, a new find ourselves m a SItuatIOn available" chIldren climbmg on the metal statue, the cIty manager's van and Thursday, May 17 monster, the cIty went lookmg for a pnnclpal Hesse have been men- The Grosse POinte Community E:lood buyer The Umted States Army tloned but are unconfirmed at thiS stepped up and took the big time CounCil holds a blood drive In St James Lutheran Church, 170 McMillan In Grosse POinte Farms, from 1 30 - 730pm BabYSitting and transportation prOVid- A 40- Home: CIty of Grosse ed on request Walk-Ins are welcome year tradi- To reserve a time call (313) 881-6094 tion con.
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