USAID/HONDURAS Honduras Local Governance Activity Annual Performance Report October 01, 2019 - September 30, 2020 Activity Title: Honduras Local Governance Activity Sponsoring USAID Office: Democracy and Governance Office IDIQ Number: AID-OAA-1-14-00061 Task Order Number: AID-522-TO-17-00001 Contractor: DAI Global LLC. Date of Submission: October 30, 2020 This report is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of DAI and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. ii | FY 2020 // ANNUAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive summary 8 Result 1 - Civil Society Influence, Through Evidence Increased 10 Sub-Result 1.1 Citizen participation in service delivery decision-making strengthened 10 Sub Result 1.2 Evidence-based citizen oversight of service delivery increased 12 Result 2 Local Service Provider Performance Improved 15 Sub Result 2.1 Accountability of Service Providers Increased 15 Sub Result 2.2: Service Provider’s Capacity to Manage Service Delivery Improved 19 Sub Result 2.3 Local Government administrative management capacity increased 21 Local Government Management to Reduce Migration and Promote Local Economic Development 27 Coordination with USAID IMs, IPs and Other Donors 30 Crosscutting Themes 33 Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) Agenda 35 Grantee Report 42 Financial Report 43 Annual Report on Non-Expendable Property 45 Annex 1: Technical Assistance Summary by Sector (FY 2020) 46 Annex 2: Progress by Sub-Activity, divided by Sector 46 Annex 4: CCTT Social Auditing Tool 46 Annex 5: IAIP Scores 46 Annex 6: Basic Biosecurity Practices Course 46 Annex 7: Status of CAM Law Implementation 46 Annex 8: Lower Level Indicators 46 Annex 9: Success Stories 46 Annex 10: Counterpart Contribution 46 iii | FY 2020 // ANNUAL REPORT ACRONYMS ACS Alliance for the Dry Corridor ACJ* Alliance for Christian Youth AIN -C* Integral Community Attention to Childhood AJAAM* Association of Municipal Water Management Boards AMHON* Association of Honduran Municipalities APF* Parents and Family Association ASJ* Alliance for a More Just Society ATM Municipal Technical Assistants BPA Blanket Purchase Agreements CAM* law Municipal Administration Career law CEN Nutritional Training Centers CENISS National Center for Social Sector Information CEB* Basic Education Center CCT* Citizen Transparency Commissions CCTT* Territorial Citizen Transparency Commission CDE * Center for Entrepreneurial Management CIT* Indigenous Transparency Committee CJAS* Youth Social Auditing Commissions CLA Collaborating, Learning and Adapting CM * Municipal Commissioner COMAS* Municipal Commissions of Water and Sanitation COMIPRONIL* Mixed Co -op of North Intibucá Producers CONADEH* National Commissioner of Human Rights CONASA* National Advisory on Water and Sanitation CONEANFO* National Commission for Non -Formal Education in Honduras CRS Catholic Relief Services CSO Civil Society Organization DDE* Departmental Education Directorate DLAL USAID Honduras Reading Activity DME* Municipal Education Directorate DO1 Development Objective 1 iv | FY 2020 // ANNUAL REPORT DO2 Development Objective 2 DR Director of School Networks FHIS* Honduran Fund for Social Investment FONAC National Convergence Forum FUNDAUNAH* Foundation of the National Autonomous University of Honduras FUNIDE Intibucan Foundation for Development* FY Fiscal Year GBV Gender Based Violence GOH Government of Honduras GUC Grants Under Contract HLG Honduras Local Governance Activity HR Human Resources HRA Honduras Reading Activity IAIP* Institute of Access to Public Information ICT Information and Communications Technology IDECOAS* Institute for Community Development, Water and Sanitation IM Implementing Mechanism INFOP National Institute of Professional Training IOM International Organization for Migration IP Implementing Partner IQS Indefinite Quantity Subcontract ISO International Organization for Standardization IT Information Technology LED Local Economic Development LEPP Local Education Performance Plan LGBTI Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex MELP Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan MERECE * Round Table of Cooperators in Education MESCLA Monitoring and Evaluation Support for Collaborative Learning and Adapting M&E Monitoring and Evaluatio n MOU Memorandum of Understanding NAS Network Attached Storage NGO Non -Governmental Organization OCAT Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool v | FY 2020 // ANNUAL REPORT OCDIH Christian Organization for Integrated Development of Honduras ODK Open Data Kit OIP Public Information Officers OMM* Women’s Municipal Office ONADICI* National Office of Integral Development and Internal Control ONCAE* National Procurement and Acquisitions Regulatory Office PDM* Municipal Development Plan POA* Annual Operating Plan PPE Personal Protective Equipment PPLE Public Policies for Education Q1 First Quarter Q2 Second Quarter Q3 Third Quarter Q4 Fourth Quarter QR code Quick Response Code QRMA Quality Reading Materials Activity Red ITC Community Technical Institute Network RENTCAM* National Registry of Municipal Administration Career Technicians RFA Request for Applications SAFT* Integrated System for Municipal Financial Tributary Management SAMI* Integrated Municipal Administration System SANAA* National Autonomous Aqueduct and Sewage Service SEDUC* Secretariat of Education SESAL Secretariat of Health SETCAM* Technical Secretariat for the Municipal Administration Career SIARED* School Networks Administrative System SIARH* Integrated System of Administration of Human Resources SINAGER * National Risk Management System SGJD* Secretariat of Governance, Justice and Decentralization SMI Service Management Index UDEL* Unit of Local Economic Development UGD* Unit of Decentralized Management UMA* Municipal Environmental Unit UMAP * Municipal Personnel Unit vi | FY 2020 // ANNUAL REPORT UMAR Municipal Unit of Attention to Returned Migrants UNAH National Autonomous University of Honduras UNITEC Central American Technical University USAID U.S. Agency for International Development USCL* Supervision and Local Control Unit USINEH * Unit of the National System of Educational Information of Honduras USG United States Government WMB Water Management Board *Acronyms with an asterisk are in Spanish. The meaning of Spanish acronyms has been translated for the clarity of this report. vii | FY 2020 // ANNUAL REPORT Executive summary Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 was a year of adaptation. At the start of the year, the Honduras Local Governance Activity (HLG) began preparing to close the project due to funding restrictions. In March 2020, COVID-19 arrived in Honduras and forced the nation into a seven-month and counting quarantine period. The Activity responded to this challenge by adapting its technical assistance model (see Exhibit 13) and redirecting over in donated supplies and medical equipment to support local actors on the frontline of the pandemic (See Sub-Result 2.3, Special Report on HLG’s Pandemic Response). By the close of the year, the Activity had received in additional obligation to support the COVID-19 response and recovery and was again planning to accelerate implementation in the 40 municipalities as well as five new municipalities under Development Objective 1 (DO1). Under Result 1, citizen influence continued to spark local government and service provider action to improve local service delivery. From October to March, civil society played key roles in monitoring local government’s human resource management, participating alongside local governments in decision-making spaces such as the January Accountability Events and monitoring municipal transparency plans. Cumulatively, both before and during the pandemic, the Activity supported citizens, local governments and service providers to implement 105 recommendations stemming from citizen oversight and approve 40 public policies. Many of these recommendations and policies allowed for local governments and service providers to improve quality and/or access to critical services during the pandemic. For example, in the Jesús de Otoro municipality and as a result of the implementation of citizen recommendations, water management boards (WMB) are institutionalizing management mechanisms, such as cleaning schedules and operation plans to provide access to clean water, which is vital to combat COVID-19. Strengthened by four years of technical assistance from the Activity, civil society was prepared to put the learned skills and knowledge in social oversight into practice as they turned their focus to the COVID-19 crisis and the urgent needs of their communities. Citizens provided effective oversight of the distribution of humanitarian aid through the Government of Honduras’ (GOH) Bolsa Solidaria and Fuerza Honduras1 programs. For example, within the Activity’s 40 target municipalities, 38 Citizen Transparency Commissions (CCTs) actively monitored the distribution of donations to ensure essential supplies reached approximately 97,993 households in need. To institutionalize youth participation in the oversight process, the Activity also strengthened seven Youth Social Auditing Commissions (CJAS) and financed a new internship position to coordinate their oversight of local governments’ response to the pandemic. Under Result 2, the Activity continued supporting citizens, local governments, and service providers to work together to build a culture of transparency. Local governments
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