Zdenek 0URIŚ W>prawy Geograficzne na Spitsbergen Department of Biology UMCS. Lublin. 1995 University of Ostrava Hladnowska 19 71-000 Ostrava CZECH REPUBLIC DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS COLLECTED IN NORWEGIAN AND SPITSBERGEN WATERS DURING THE SUMMER CRUISE OF THE R/V OCEANIA, 1995 INTRODUCTION The 8th Arctic cruise of the Polish r/v Oceania in 1995 was directed to routine Arctic Ocean hydrology and biology organized by the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences. The "Open Sea Program" covered mainly collections of planctonic samples. At Spitsbergen, the "Fiord Program" also included bottom grab sampling on bentic biota. A small material of decapod crustaceans was occasionally collected, although more specimens were caught during several scuba-dives in Spitsbergen and Norwegian continental waters. The results of the determination of the species are provided in this report. The abbreviations used in the text: App. - appendix; CL - the carapace length measured from the posterior orbital margin to the posterior dorsal margin of the carapace. SYSTEMATICS Family HIPPOLYTIDAE Eualus gaimardii gibba (Kröyer, 1841) Spirontocarisgaimardi-Birula, 1906: 2,29, 51-56, 60-61,67. -Grieg, 1926: 18. Spitontocaris gaimardii. - Grieg, 1932: 21, 26-32. Hippolyte gaimardi. - Doflein, 1900: 329, 330, 356, 358, 359. Eualus gaimardii gibba. - Yashnov, 1948: 335, PI.88/3. - Duris, 1992: 122, 129, 140, Fig. 2-3; 1993: 143, 153, Fig. 3d-h; 1994: 6-8. Eualus gaimardi.-Christiansen & Christiansen, 1962: 18,Fig. 5.-Węsławski, 1987: 123, 125, 128-132, Fig. 3 (CI, 2); 1991: 296, Fig. 153. Material (App. 1). - Gronfjorden (1 km to north of Barentsburg), Isfjorden, Spitsbergen. 25 July 1995, SCUBA, depth 15 m. Coll.: Z. Duris; 1 immature female. 213 Remarks. Only a single specimen caught. Rostrum well developed, with 5 dorsal and 3 ventral teeth. Two dorsal teeth on carapace, the posterior one in epigastric position. Supraorbital teeth absent. Antennal and ptery- gostomian teeth present. Epipods present on third maxilliped and first two pereiopods. Colouration described previously (Duris, 1992). The present specimen preserved, uncoloured. Depths. 5-310 m at Spitsbergen, most common between 20-150 m (Christian- sen & Christiansen, 1962). Lower-Arctic subspecies (Yashnov, 1948). Species Arctic-Boreal, circum- polar species (Kobyakova, 1964), occurred widely at Spitsbergen (Birula, 1906; Grieg, 1932; Christiansen & Christiansen, 1962; Węsławski, 1987; Duriś, 1992; 1993). Lebbeus polaris (Sabine, 1824) Hippolyte polaris. - Doflein, 1900: 329, 334, 358, 359. Spirontocaris polaris. - Birula, 1906: 2, 33, 51-56, 60, 67. - Grieg, 1926: 16. Hetairus (Spirontocaris=Hippolyte) polaris. - Yashnov, 1948: 334, PI.88/1. Lebbeus polaris. - Grieg, 1932: 18, 26-32. - Kobyakova, 1964: 322, 324. - Christiansen & Christiansen, 1962: 15, Fig. 4.-Węsławski, 1987:124, 131-132, Figs. 2, 3(C1,2), 4; 1991: 298, Fig. 154. -Duriś, 1992: 124,129, 140, Fig. 4; 1993: 143, 153, Fig. 3d-h; 1994: 6-7. Material (App. 1). - Ny-Älesund (near old pier), Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, 23 July 1995, depth 10-12 m, SCUBA. Coll.: Z. Duriś; 3 males, 12 females (2 ovig.). Remarks. Rostrum as long as or slightly shorter than CL. Rostral formula (0-2) + (l-2)/3 formales, with 0+ 1/3 in the largest male, and 2+(2-3)/(2-5) for females. The variation is within ranges studied by Birula (1906) or Tikhomirov (1912), and also shows a tendency in a shortage of number of the dorsal teeth in adult males and an increasing of number of dorsal and ventral teeth in adult females. Large males with rostrum toothless dorsally or bearing inconspicuous ventral teeth. One pair of strong supraorbital and antennal teeth present. Epipods on third maxilliped and first two periopods. Pterygostomian teeth absent, or minute. 'Eyeless' ova greenish-grey, measuring 1.9-2 x 1.5-1.6 mm. Colouration as described previously (Duriś, 1992), only the violet dots feebly developed or absent. Depths - 7-268 m at Spitsbergen, most common between 20-80 m (Christian- sen & Christiansen, 1962). Arctic-Boreal, circumpolar species (Kobyakova, 1964), recorded along the whole western and south-eastern Spitsbergen coasts (Birula, 1906; Grieg, 1932; Christiansen & Christiansen, 1962; Węsławski, 1987; Duriś, 1992; 1993). 214 Spirontocaris phippsi (Kröyer, 1841) Hippolyte phippsi. - Doflein, 1900: 329, 332. Spirontocaris (Hippolyte) turgida. - Birula, 1906: 2, 37, 51-56, 60-61, 67. - Yashnov, 1948: 334, PI. 87(9). Spirontocaris turgida. -Grieg, 1926: 16; 1932: 17.-Christiansen & Christian- sen, 1962: 12,42-50, Fig. 3.-Węsławski, 1987:124,128,131-132, Figs. 2, 3 (B32), 4; 1991: 302, Fig. 156. Spirontocaris phippsi. - Kobyakova, 1964: 322, 324. - Christiansen, 1972: 24, Fig. 17. - Duris, 1992: 126, Fig. 5; 1993: 143; 1994: 6-8. Material (App. 1.). - Ny-Älesund (near old pier), Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen. 23 July 1995, depth 10-12 m, SCUBA. Coll.: Z. Duris; 2 males, 3 females. Remarks. Rostrum well developed, with dorsal and ventral teeth. Posterior dorsal tooth on carapace in epigastric position. Two pairs of supraorbital teeth present. Rostral formula 2+6/3 in males and (3-4)+(6-8)/(5-6) in females. Antennal and pterygostomian teeth strong. Epipods present on third maxil- lipeds, and on first to third pereipodos. Colouration as described previously (Duriś, 1992), with minor differences. Semitransparent, yellowish body with fine reddish (on abdomen) or brown (on carapace) dots or marmoration, the latter more distincly developed near antennal base and on ventral and posteroventral areas of carapace. Transverse band of fine reddish dots on thord abdominal somite. Irregular dark grey and whitish transverse bands across telson and uropods. Wide dark bands on posterior parts of walking propodi (the most distinct) and carpi, two bands on meri, one band on ischia and basi. Depths 2-152 m at Spitsbergen, most numerous between 10-25 m (Christian- sen & Christiansen, 1962). Arctic-boreal, circumpolar species (Kobyakova, 1964), widely distributed at Spitsbergen (Birula, 1906; Grieg, 1932; Christiansen & Christiansen, 1962; Węsławski, 1987; Duriś, 1992; 1993). Family CR AN GON ID AE Sclerocrangon horeas (Phipps, 1774) Crangon (Sclerocrangon) boreas. - Doflein, 1900: 323, 359. Sclerocrangon boreas. - Birula, 1906:2,13, 51-56, 60-61, 66.-Grieg, 1926:23; 1932: 12, 26-32. - Yashnov, 1948: 337, PI. 89(5). - Christiansen & Christiansen, 1962: 26, 42-50, Fig. 7. - Węsławski, 1987: 124-125, 126, 132, Fig. 3 (A3); 1991: 344, Fig. 157.-Duriś, 1992:130,140, Fig. 8 (A-D); 1993:144,149,154; 1994:6-8. Material (App. 1.).- Ny-Älesund (1 mile to SE), Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, 21 July 1995, depth 3-5 m, SCUBA, coll.: Z. Duriś; 9 immature spms. -Granfjorden (1 km to north of Barentsburg), Isfjorden, Spitsbergen. 25 July 1995, SCUBA, depth 5-30 m, coll.: Z. Duriś; 1 male, 1 female, 1 juv. 215 Remarks. A preserved specimen CL 5.1 mm from Ny-Älesund is remarkable by a sack-like object on shrimp's mouth region. Another specimen appears to be the stomach protruding from mouth through a preservation. The shape of the stomach may be of some resemblance with an external body of Sylon hippolytesM. Sars (Cirripedia: Rhizocephala: Sylonidae). S. hippolytes occurs as a rule under the abdomen of various hippolytid, pandalid and crangonid shripms (Hoeg, Lützen, 1985). A similarly animal is situated parasiting on crangonid shrimp Pontophilus norvegicus (M. Sars) and described as «S', hippolytes has previously been reported by Dahl (1943). Hoeg & Lützen (1985) also mention (p. 26) ... "A baloon-shaped, whitish body protruding from the mouth region of a Sclerocrangon boreas (Phipps) from the Davis Strait bears some resemblance to S. hippolytes, but when sectioned, proved not to be a rhizocephalan. It is therefore most likely that a body of similar shape and mode of attachment... does not belong to Sylon, as claimed by Dahl (1943) who did not section his specimen". General colouration as described previously (Duriś, 1992), some specimens uniformly cream light, the other with dark brown carapace, appendages and abdominal pleura. Posterior carapace, tips of antennulae, scaphocerites, third maxillipeds chelae, uropods and walking dactyli distinctly light, whitish. Two darker bands on walking propodi, one wider dark band in middle of meri. Depths 1-208 m at Spitsbergen, most numerous between 20-60 m (Christian- sen & Christiansen, 1962). Arctic-boreal species (Kobyakova, 1964), widely distributed also at Spitsber- gen (Birula, 1906; Grieg, 1932; Christiansen & Christiansen, 1962; Węsławski, 1987; Duriś, 1992; 1993). Family PAGURIDAE Pagurus prideaux Leach, 1815 Eupagurus prideauxi. — Grieg, 1926: 38. Pagurus prideauxi. - Christiansen, 1972: 47, 49, Fig. 61. Pagurus prideaux. -Ingle, 1985: 746, 760, 764, 765, Figs 6, 12, 16, 22, 50, 61; Noel, 1992: 87. Material (App. 1.). - Apalholm Is., Hjeltefjorden (6 miles to W of Bergen), Norway: 60°24.8'N 05°07.5'E, 12 Aug. 1995, SCUBA, depth 10-15 m, coll.: Z. Duriś; 2 males, 1 ovigerous female. Shells: sp. covered by sea anemone Adamsia palliata. Remarks. Ocular peduncles widened distally, palm of right cheliped regularly convex and tuberculate. Walking dactyli without denticles on ventral margin. All specimens examined, as well as all other ones observed during the single scuba-dive at that locality, associated with symbiotic sea anemones Adamsia palliata covering and enlarging pagurid shelters - small gastropod shells of the genera Trochus and Natica. Common occurrence at studied locality. 216 Depths from surface to 200 (400) m (Nöel, 1992). Lusitano-Mediterranean and Boreal species, distributed from Eastern Saha- ra to N of Norway. Pagurus pubescens Kröyer, 1838 Pagurus (Eupagurus) pubescens. - Yashnov, 1948: 339, PI. 89(5). Eupagurus pubescens. - Doflein, 1900: 341, 359. -Birula, 1906: 2, 10, 51-56, 60-61,65,- Grieg, 1926: 37; 1932:10,26-32. - Christiansen & Christiansen, 1962: 34,42-50, Fig. 9; 1972:47, 50, Fig. 63.-Węsławski, 1987:124-125,126,132, Fig. 3 (Dl); 1991: 356, Fig. 139. Pagurus pubescens. - Christiansen, 1972: 47, 50, Fig. 63. -Duriś, 1992: 132, 140, Fig. 9; 1993: 145, 155; 1994: 6-8. Material (App. 1). - Ny-Älesund (near old pier), Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen.
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