hatchet was Z4 inches : the jn'-tnrri- question, which he urgvs the people to study ON TRIAL. which fits into the death-woun- ds of An- THE NEWS EPITOMIZED. ciosely. LIZZIE BORDEN inches wide. THE LABOR WORLD. drew J. Borden was just 3K W. Dattox was appointed Post- Lizzie Borden fainted after Sir. jfoody had Charles Kastern and Middle States. master of New York City, to ucved Cor- Chicago has 400 union girl waiters. declared that it would be proved that she Van Cott. by President Cleveland. He burned a three, days after the murder Mator Gn.Ror informed Commander nelius Thxbe are 18.000 union CASE EX-- dress Dickins that New York City could not offici- was born in New York City October 3, 1S4C. horwhors. A MUEDER THAT of her father and stepmother and had pro- Indiana coal miners get which it is ally revive the Duke de Yeragua again. It He is a lawyer. seventy cents NATIONAL INTEREST. duced in court the hatchet with was intimated reason was ton. rr CITES supposed the crimes wre committed. She that the that the minutes. Duke did not acknowledge the courtesies ex- Foreign. Woxen work la Detroit (Mich.) brick- remain? unconscious for several tended on his first visit. yards. River After District Attorney Moody had outlinM Ix the British House of Common? the Gov- rhe Daushter of the Fall Vie State's r&M the jury, accompanied by The Rhode Island Senate voted to adjourn ernment accepted an amendment to the Boazil is importing Chinree Lvbcr direct (Mass.) Capitalist Arraigned at counsel for both sides, visited Fall River to to January next, refusing to meet with the Home Rule bill, excepting forts, navy yards, from Asia. New Hertford for the Murder of examine the premises where the crime was Houie in Grand Committee. etc.. in Ireland from tho Irish Government's In Spain factories and stores are operated in Step-Moth- er eoDimitied and all other places the loltty The annual examination at the United control. $a Sunday. Her Father and as landmarks in the Academy, West N. - which were to be used States Military Point, Y., who threatened te A poors Daily Progress of the Trial. refused to William Townexd. order snt Chicago andNorthwesV trial of this case. The prisoner began. take 3Ir. Gladstone's life, has been adjudged em telegraphers on strike. The trial of Lizzie Andrew Borden, who accompany the jury. The Cornell Iron Works in New York City insane and committed to a British asylum. Reports Cotton weavers at Denver. CoL, nvvke, in B under indictment for the murder at Fall wers destroyed by fire. The loss is about from Manipur. India, My that ail some Instances, only $4.K) a wek. aged parents under circum- Details of the Crime. half a million. the rivers in the country have overflowed River of her was Andrew their banks, have swept away the bridires and There are now over 150 cities ia this a National sensa- The eldest victim of the Time Govebxor Brow prorogued the session country having building stances that have created J. Borden, a capitalist of Fall River, Mass., of the Rhode Island Legislature to January, are submerging villages and fields. Dozens trades councils. tion, was begun, amid much excitement, at who was seventy years old. The other vic- 1834. the Senate refusing to meet with the of dead bodies are floating down stream in Ward organizations of colon! workman New Bedford, Mans. Large numbers of tim was his second wife, stepmother to the House la Grand Committee. every river. At one point in a small stream have been formed by the Socialists of St. prisoner. She was considerably younger twenty bodies were recovered in three days. Louis. Strangers had been attracted by the event, her when At New York City, the Infanta received nd the hotel were filled to overflowing. The than her husband, who married the members of the Reception Committee of The Nitiaz went ashore on the Coroan Akono stevedores cotton Is regarded an Lizzie was years old. es fcourt house is an old fashioned, poorly Miss about four the Committee of One Hundred and then-wiv- coast and became a total wreck. Nine lived the hardest to 6tow and railway Iron s the She was a large, fleshy woman. There were lost. easiest. ' aboard Dolphin, and gave them wa two daughters. Lizzie and Emma. the were excursion and luncheon. Oasn Eddt, his wife and daughter Emma WrrnrN three years we admitted to the Emma was out of town on the day of th were at August 4. 1892. William T. I'ikgrley, one of the pro- murdered Clareneeville, Quebec, American labor market 4J7,OO0 Uun, Italians murder, which took place on and Toles. Emma called her stepmother Abbia." but prietors of the Continental Hotel, Phila- Canada, a few nights since. Robbery is the did not anything to her face delphia. Perm., committed suicide on his only motive that can be assigned for the CHARLFrroN fS. stonecutter? rtru'k be- Lizzie call her well-to-d- or 3peak to her at all. She quarrelled with model farm on the lower outskirts of the crime. Eddy was a o farmer. cause the boss would a-- pay for tools that her rive years ago because her stepmother city. He had been a sufferer from nervous Ma. Ritnyo- - presented to Emperor Will- had been stolen. induced her father to clear a piece of prop- dyspepsia and insomnia. iam his credentials as United States Minister Harness and saddle workers will send ono erty of debt and give it to his wife's sister. Josk Cabriebo, a Portuguese farm hand, is to Germany, and Mr. Phelps presented bis of their number to Europe to study the In- Miss Lizzie was born in I860. She and her held for the m'irder of Bertha May Man- letter ofrecalL dustrial question. sister had $5000 in cash or in mill shares or chester in Fall River, Mass. Mr. had given to Gladstone accepted an amendment Thk wages of the street railway employes in each form. This their father Scarcity of servants has become a serious to the Home Rule bill forbidding the Dub- in Minneapolis. Minn., Lave been raiiod them. Many matter in New York City. homes have lin Legislature to deal with the extradition twenty-eig- ht per cent. , - - At the time of the murder all the members been closed for want of domestic help, which of criminals. of the family were ill. and this led to the employment agencies are unable to supply, A switchman told an Indianapolis reporter theory that they had all been poisoned. A because the girls are flocking to Chicago or that he had unsueeetK fully covered 000 drug clerk was said to have sold prussic acid the country. LATER NEWS. m.U9 in s?arb of 5 job. 'T4 '? v. y-- to Miss Lizzie, but it was a case of mistaken nd ;unio;"Jc,iKt;ujen and firemen was bodies The Austrian training ship Frundsberg 7 identity. No poison found in the at the Port of New York and tho Sat'TOtts Martella, the Italian who mur- fcaySjoined the Knights'of Labor tho arrived . V 2t of the victims. by a 33$gZ it oruer the city authcriti-f- On the morning of the day of the murder cadets on board will visit the World's Fair. dered Giovanni Pareilo at Saratoga. May 5. Mr. been on his business rounds The Infanta of Spain left New York City 1892, was electrocuted at the State Prison The State Labor Bureau of Iowa furnwhos Borden had it places at a cost of twenty per and had come back. Mrs. Borden was for Chicago by the Pennsylvania Railroad. N. Y. Two were neces- cnt head. Dannemora. contacts Formerly the private bureau charged 2. dressing to go out. Bridget Sullivan was up- The Canal Street Bank of New York City sary. stairs washing windows. The old man went has gone into voluntary liquidation. Eight Many of the workinc women of Mew York to sleep on a lounge in the sitting room. hundred and fifty-nin- e east side merchants Judge Andrews, of the Supreme Court, of City. especially thos employed by The wife continued dressing, if she was have $436,631.90 on deposit. All will be New York, dismissed William R. Laidlaw's '.sweater. rceivt less tnan two dollars a not already dead, and Lizzie Borden, ac- paid in full. week as wnges. complaint in the suit to recover $50,000 , cording tp her own story, went out to the 'Dad" Lea-h- the ionndr of th Brother- barn in the yard and stayed there thirty damages from Russell Sage for being used as hood of Locomotive Firemen, has Unn in- minutas. She passed her father in going South and West. a Old Home at Chicago shield against a dynamite crank. stalled in his n ?w home, provided by tho out. and stopped to stroke his head. All this The Kentucky the Order at Sedalla. Mo. was between half past ten o'clock and ten Fair Grounds was dedicated. It is the Blue A heavy rainstorm, accompanied by a high MZZIE A. BOHDEV. minutes past eleven o'clock in the morning, 9rass State Building and one of the most at- wind and frequent flashes of lightning In the New York jewelry factories wagon Ventilated building of the type of fifty year? semi-teneme- nt tractive in the grounds. MiSs Enid Yandel's of girls per went ar The hoard and in a disagreeable side street, .i broke over New York City and suburbs, do- ago.
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