Departsnent of public Works and Highways Contract ID : 2OLElXll4 Contract Name : Crnstruction of Concrete Road - Access Road leading to Pula Tana Visring Deck Location of the Contract : Kiblawan, Davao del Sur FORM OF CONIRACT AGREEMENT IG{OWAI-t I,IEN BYTHESE PRESENTS: This CONTRACT AGREEMENT, made this 13h day of February 2o2o by and between: The GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBUC OF THE PHILIPPINES through the Ilepartment of pubric rf,orks and Highways (DpwH) represented nerlin uy NICOMEDES D. PARILIA, rR. - District Engineer, duly authorized for this purp*, with main office address at Lapu-tapu Skeet, Barangay Zone 3, Digos City, Davao del Sur, hereinafter refered to as the.pRocunfffe eiffffV.; -and- tt{AGAR CONSTRUCTION AI{D SUppLy, a singte proprietorship organized existing under and by virtue of raws phirippines, of the Repubric of the with main office address at 138, Joehua St., Villa park Subd., Catrartian, Davao City, represented herein by MARITEST. GARCTNES propri*r/Manager, - duly authorizedfor this purpose, hereinafter referred to as the.COIITRACTOR.; II'ITNESSETH WHEREAS, the pRocuRr[c ENTrry is desirous that the coNTRAcroR execute the works under contract rD No. 20LD0014 - Construction of concr€te Road Access Road leading pura Tana - to viodng Decrg Kibrawan, Davao det Sur, hereinafter called the'works", and the pRocuRrNG ENTrry has accepted the carcurated Bid of the coNTRAcroR for the execution and compretion of the works at the carcurated unit bid prices shown in the atbched Bi[ of euantities, or a totar contract price of trrine Miflion Five Hundred Six Thousand pesos Only (p 1506,000.00). Now, THEREFORE, for and consideration of the foregoing premises, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 In this COITTRACT AGREEMEIIT, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectivery assigned to them in the conditions of contract hereinafter referred to. 2 The following documents shall be attached, deemed to form, and be read and construed as part of this coNTRAcr AGREEMENT, and shalr be interpreted In the following order of priority: a. This Contract Agreement DPWH.INFR-51.2016 Page I of 5 Department of public Works and Highways Contract ID : 20LDfi[4 Contract Name Construction : of Concr€te Road _ Access Road learling to Pula Tana Vifiring Deck Location of the Conkact : Kiblawan, Davao del Sur b. Documents forming part of the Contract Agreement: l1\ Notice of Award (NOA) with the Contractor,s signed "confonre- (2) COI{TRACTOR3 Bid in the Form of Bid, including its Technical and Financial @mponenE, as calculated by the prluring Entity and conformed to by the COIiITRACTOR through the NOA. (3) InsBuctions to Bidders (ITB) and Bid Data Sheet (BDS) (4) $ SupplementailBid Bulletins for Bidding Documents (s) Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) (6) General Conditions of Contra€t (GCC) (7) Specifications (8) Drawings (e) Performance Security (10) Other Documents: (a) Constuction Methods (b) Construction Schedute pERT/CpM in the form of Diagram or Precedence Diagram and { Bar Chart with S_Curve, or other approved tools of propct xheduling, and Cash Flov\r. (c) Manpower Schedule (d) Equiprnent Utitization Scfredule (e) Construction Safety program and Health initially approved by the Head of the procuring Entity (t) COI{TRACTOR,S Ail Risk Insurance (CARI) 3. In_consideration of the payments to be pRocURrilG made by the ENTrry to the .'NTRACTOR as hereinafter mentioned, the .'I{TRACT.R hereby covenants with the PROCURING ENTIW to execute and complete tne Works and remedy DPWH.INFR-51.20I6 Paqe 2 of s Departrnent of public Wor*s and Highways Contract ID : 2OLDill14 Contract Name : Consbuction of Concrete load - Aess Road learling b Pula Tana Vierring Deck Location of the Ccntract : l(blawan, Davao del Sur any defecls therein in conformity wih the provisions of this CONTRACT AGREEMENT in all respecb. 4 In consideration of the execution and compretion of the works by the CONTRACTOR, the PROCURfNG ENTITY hereby covenants to pay the CoNTRACTOR the unit prices in the cottrRACToR,s Grcurated Bid, as appiied to the actual quantities accomplished pRocuRrNG as certified by the Ellrrry under the provisions of this GoNTRACT AGREEMEI{T, at the times and in the manner prescribed by this CONTRACT AGREEMENT. rt{ wrrNEss *HEREOF, tle narties hereto set their respective hands on the 17e day of February 2020 at Digos City, Davao del Sur. PROCURIT{G EIYTITY: COI{TRACTOR: Represented by: Repr€senH by: . PARITIA, .,R. NES rneer Witnessed by: Subject to the sions of Fiecuhve Order No. 91 s. 2019 R. FLORENTINO MARIA Accountant III L Liaison r Chief, Finance Section DPWH-tNFR-51-2016 Page 3 of 5 ATfiTEX TO fufIRACT AGREEME]|T OOI{TRACTID M). : 2OLEO014 col'ITPAcr trAME : construction of c;oocr€te Roa.t - Access Road lea.ting to puta Tana vierving Deck LOCATION OF THE @flTRAgt ! XiDtawan, Dayao dd Sur DURATION : 60 Calendar Days SCHEDULE OF WORK ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT T UNIT PRICE AMOUNT PART B . OTHER GEI{ERAL REQUTREMET'TS Prcject Elillboard / Sgnboad r @ Eil 3,620.91 10,862.73 Occupational Safety and l-iealth program @ EIE 77,246.62 77,246.62 Management @ rE 115,344.60 115,344.60 8,9 Mobilization / Demobilization rE! 121,800.00 121,800.00 PART C - EARTHWORI( Clearing and Grubbing @ @ E 81,474.58 30,960.34 Individual Removal of Trees, 150-300 @ mm dia, Srnall @ Eil! 7,652.2t 59,479.56 IndMdui Remo\rdl ofTrees,301-5OO mm E@ dia, Srnall Gdc! 2,644.55 10,578.20 Rernoval cf Skrictures and Obstruction @ r E! 56,855.98 55,86s.98 Embanlanent from Roadway Ecavation, E@ Common Soil @@ 174.2r 582,209.82 Embankment frorn Bonow, Comrnon E@ S(il @ @l 858.42 560,548.26 105 (1) a Subgrade Preparation, Cornmon Materhl ET@@ 16.51 41,265.88 PART D - SUBBASE AND BASE COT'RSE Aggregste Subbase Course EU @ EE! t,142.84 1,598,833_15 PART E . SURfAC-E @I'RSES 300 (1) Gravel Surface Course cu.m. 284.00 1,202.66 341,555.44 Poruand Cement Concrete 311 (1) cl ), 0.23 m 14 sq.m. 3,263.50 1,758.26 5,738,081.51 PART G G RAINAGE AND SLOPE PROTECTION STRUCTURES 500 (1) b3 Pipe CulrcrB, 910 mm dh., Oass ry, RCPC ln.m. 12.00 7,869. s5 94,434.60 s06 (1) Stone Masonry cu.m. 7.96 4,517.t7 36.704.91 PART H . MISCELLA'{EOUS $RUCTURES Reflectorized TtErmoplastic pavernent MarkirEs @ White @ E 1,092.6s 29,228.39 Grand Total P 9,506,000.00 FORANDI BEHALF: DEPARTI,IE T OF PUBLTC WORKS AIID HIGHWAYS MAGAR COI{STRUCTIO'{ AND SUPPLY Party of the First part Pa rty of the Second Part JR. ES neer WIT ESSES: Subject to of E.O. No. 91 s. 2019 LI IBE R. FLORENTINO nt III Lra Officer Chlel Finance Section Page 4 of 5 REPUBUC OF THE PHIUPPINES ) CITY OF )s.s. oii (JUJ z. tu (n o) lU (,, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT d .E o- o c JvlE, public _-.__PFI_O3E Notary for and in personally appeared IE ENGIT{EER NICOMEDES -l J D. PARILIA, ,i. Distri€t Engineer DPWH, Davao LiJ - del Sur DEO, Oigos City, Davao del z. d Region with 9ur, xI Residence Certificate io. iAii&sissued on a 10, 2020 E ]9!rurv at Digos City, Davao Oei- iur anO MAGAR CONSTRUCTION_ '6Uppty AI{p ,.pr.r"-nt O by MARITES T. GARCXNES - proprietor/Man"g.. ;ith RoiA"n." Certificate J No. 12159685 issued on Januiry 17, iOio ai oivao city o- known to me .L and to me known to be the same ierson *-no .*".ut"O 5- li the foregoing ur\ ut CONIRACT AND AGREEMENT anA ifrey ac'tnowfeageO 6d Z+ to me that the same is their true act deed fo. unA in U"nif of tn" zE?p \>EE UH, Parties they represent o L, \r*<._ G) g!s3<E ra6 IN WTTNESSED WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my 9E HE signafure 8E EE and seal this 196 day of February 2020. oEg = = 9. s : gfi g EE H {-: HE fi ,=*Y.* E :\)dQ 4H UE, -aE e hE NOTARY PI]E' E .'E UNTIL DECEMBER 3I.2O2O'E E RttLLNO ti;772 E Mf LE V-Bl-r05981. 0,-:lO-19 Doc. b d< =E No. PTR NB.2tlri8 1,r6, L-:585 flTv 0l'01-19 a Page. No. c, Book No. (,^= Series of =totE J 9E=o- g-* o!9 d! EO 3> l! =tu o= {=5 () g z Page 5 of 5.
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