,_.________r.-- ..I_____M_...___.____...______._......-._» .- .__1.4. 5--L--9244_!..J92._......... .._._ 92 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE PART I7 OF 25 FILE NUMBER = 100-11392 SUBJECT; AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICECOMMITTEE FILE #2 100-11392 SECTION: . i 1 1 1-- I.-_ &#39;____&#39;.__&#39; __ _.. H &#39;_A.._--&#39; .. _.- L .._ ..-__._-__;.ii.-..-.-.-_.i.___-:-- - ~-.-. .s- &#39;- ,,..- 2-K . ~ - " ~-- .- ~ _ . -. .,_ .,_-I . It t .._ fl F: : - "?_ - &#39; :5 GI._ 1/ &#39;."-. .__;n. ... .. _Q_92.I-.- - . &#39; -&#39;-TAi .--7." , a "._ " 5 &#39;. " - I» " 1, &#39;<, . .92"aJQ ¬_ - U--1&#39;. - .,=1-ll?-1 -Ii. é _ i _ I|_;|.._ -&#39;4 ___&#39;1> _ ?__ "§"%5 --F-"5 ,_- 92 _._ . ,&#39;. - 1 :1 . .- - - &#39;- &#39;~&#39; . .-n a u o .;;mi3tj _&#39;-éF{ _§pQ1IIllI!II|||]ip &#39;;:92 l 92 - . ,1 T ,74&#39;é 1&#39;92-&#39;-., ~ -- U}-.IED; snvrnsDEPARTMENT&#39; 92 &#39; .&#39; ;dSTlCE~ or _ _. F Ha-.__ an &#39;_- _92. &#39;- - rsnznnn-sunsau :- - or. myssrloxrlou &#39;_ 3»_ _, 492u&#39;:_-5.-;:&#39;7:. &#39;&#39; Pit_t_s_burgh,_1?ennsy_lvania. __ _ &#39;_ _~ ZI&#39;92R=.r.Pl-=v-Refrv. 4 -; _.=?"¥" 5-": &#39;1&#39;-__,,.-_ . 2: 1 *"h"&#39;K a "~ -mF»December7;*196QQ&i¬1i . &#39; .- w . __ . .a__. _r: - ._¢I,_ _ . :_ _&#39;_¢-,__L92"__,.¢._._ - "..__,.§2 _ l Me. y-m _,;_&#39; .=;_-9 9: ,,..--, -._;_|_w; 1 -_ ._ _ 4; ;;a__:_ _1,f_._~;Vif __-5.1 ._.:._ .,- _ _ _ , - ------ . -&#39;.----&#39; .-1 . &#39;»-,1--.-"&#39;--&#39;. 4:. .|92 . &#39;--1&#39;? 9&#39;-. _;,~.-- --4. 2 - . &#39;lF&#39;| - - - ;. i &#39;.. -_f- * 8."_. _ _ -> .. .19 5,-&#39; I 4]-1_1-&#39;I1&#39;-. &#39;_;-._.&#39;_-Q! _ g_*-- _ - .. ~ - ;&#39;£__E¢%_-:f-=-!;:,.,.!v.L.&#39;_-I- .1, 1-U-=&#39; :&#39; _{-";i §:&#39;:gnfb92; ._ -: J_ " n .1:¢a&#39;-I &#39; : - FOUR--DAYLFASIA&#39;1*PI&#39;I"ISBU&#39;RGI-I, - - 1=A.,1 &#39; ._Z"? . - -- BY AMERICANFRIEND - QUAKERS!-- ._ - - ._.r. . ~~-DECEbIBER&#39;1-T@QI1QH-DE¢E;[BE3.=§» snnvzcscox-1n: AFSC &#39; &#39;,1956: &#39; " - . I ..-TIL . &#39;_ =.;.;:A._.I-&#39;_;_ é &#39;_ "=.1-..&#39;..g";_.1&#39;1];" -_ -N Q fr-3. ;&#39;::*_7&#39;" - .~ &#39;4&#39; ~ -I --- Ir-#¢=&#39;;-1.";;=!-:-¢;..--- - ~-1 " _ r. ,92 _ l f 92 I _ __--- &#39;72¢? A. nDecember 6&#39;§l6 source&#39;advised that&#39;%etween &#39;£79 Y l. one toforty sindividualsiperiodically participatedin a - _ four-day fast at the AFSC headquarters, ll-835 Ellsworth -; &#39;.. "&#39; Avenue,-Pittsburgh;-which commenced at 6 p.m., Decembertl &#39;- ._i_ ,1 .- - -&#39;l966,&#39;_a.nd duringterminated thelateevening-oi DecehberII, n.&#39;. , 1966. &#39; The demonstrators distributedliterature whic &#39;- . *1 ,,. "-denouncedthe warin Vietnam, theuse-of the napalm omb, _ _ .and the necessity -0; American soldiers being forced o kill .$.:= - &#39; other human beings. - &#39;7&#39;source - adviaeatd§ a.-:~qember_Q£ the -l 7 .52.- . AFSC, -stated that the fast - ere tHé"¬&#39;urn-out " I-F. fhoped for by membersof the AFSC,.because&#39;_of_publicity lackaof l :3 -II by the iPittsburgh&#39;n_ew1s?media.&#39;-;=_-;l&#39;T-=#-i5$~_;-&#39;*f;-:Y;.=;-&#39;- . _~:- -&#39; .&#39; :30 _- " &#39;-.1*T-7-*?""*??*=-l - . - &#39;&#39;TY:»"- 17 "1 " -"&#39;-:&#39;i=-tSource"advised -that-"the -Ifour-day fast" was ._orderly_._&#39;_&#39;- ".A_ :-1 -4 and-_&#39;wi*thout&#39; -&#39;A;_p.1.=_=¬:_.=;..l;f_&#39;_jinci:<ientp."§_;¢-;.j;.;,-_=&#39;-__=-ii _ . 92r re.p_, .rL_&#39;~v .-- , I . _~ &#39;... ._ T-.&#39;* 92.,--I"._-_ __. -Li. _- .1 ?__ _--. _ _. _ - ; . _. 0 &#39; &#39; t , l . &#39;.. This document contains_:neither recommendations 7, . 2, "f"_ 2.. -.nor&#39;conclusionsof the FBI.-;--" is It theproperty __;_ -_ .. j-If---of the FBI~and is loanedrto your agency; ittand-_ _:._. , &#39; &#39; &#39; its contentsgare not to. be distributedsoutside &#39;-&#39; &#39;.. .. 11;..- -e , _. -* &~__ 1- ; &#39;r."-$5;- &#39; &#39;&#39;.-:&#39;_&#39;j_3".&#39;1&#39;:;i&#39;.&#39;-&#39; -&#39; "-"_&#39;_-""j -I.-F "5-&#39;; l -i V5 "-T: - . &#39;4 > - ».- - &#39;-&#39;-ab- ~ &#39;~ ,- --r. &#39;--15 .7 .-I &#39;7>. 115&#39;=43 &#39;*"- = r<.7- r;&#39;."~&#39; - ;l&#39;_|.-<r=.!{."v-.&#39;1Jr-, =,&#39; - - -1-1-&#39;. - - &#39;1».-1!;&#39;-&#39; - ."z. -- -;-- &#39;J - 15 .;.- _ -. - -92._,._ ,5-___,&#39;.i-a4": .. .__. ._ .1-_; _ Ii.-;_-1: o_1: ;-2E;§_- - __&#39;.n L .j:-.-_~_&#39;_ I 19.;-~. tf-:&#39;£*:§*§it-Q-&#39;=i§."."--1" . tzi-l;-F .. __, 92 &#39; 4-.&#39; :--- .,_.., ..__&#39;_- ". _ -._- !_.;.92 f;§l-ti vhf---&#39;"?;&#39;.;."_ -92_--_-&#39;. 3--,551&#39;-1 -. ., - _ ~ 1-. ,.. .4 I ..; -_ V _~-.&#39;. - N; ._- _ _&#39;_ . _,";-v.,--_92l:: Z Q ,..-- - -&#39;,-5 - I H V - £3 1. 7 __:_-1_,,§;§=;_§.-,_ .~...£_. ..;.,,§_.7s"1!-_:&#39;-5. -- L _1--*1;. ._q. &#39;_ - _d-, e-__f,,..;__ ~.:__- _: _ -1 / . a _,;-&#39;l_:-&#39;0 //.3 7.2 i. .- 7, .a-.-,_- R P &#39; UNf92fE.D sums DEPARTMENT or I rg-:2 l f FEDERALQUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Plume Refer to """"&#39; File No. _ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . A. &#39; Deoembar 13, 1966 AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE AND INSTITUTE OF SOVIET-AMERICAN RELATIONS SPONSORED TWO WEEK SEMINAR UOSCOWL US$13» ¬*¬GI¥iTil&#39;f§_oo!?5i3E*1§El* §1__i:955 H Reference is made to memoran dum dated October 18, 1956, captioned, AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE AND INSTITUTE OF SOVIETAMERICAN RELATIONS SPONSORED TWO WEEK SEMINAR, MOSCOW, ussn, NOVEMBER 15-30, 1966." 4- &#39; 0 1 ; - " 4 -- . _ q .. t . , ,_ y . , Ti A- _ ~77 - _..... W... .... _ _ T 1-4 ~<~:+»&#39;_c_ ___-__ ..-__ ___,_4 it _ ._ _ &#39; - I I .&#39; Q g I - /-3 . Fl" .92 . - _- ,~I _ 0 _ - &#39;_ a - _._92.": &#39; _&#39;5-F-~ = . - .-. 0- &#39; 3 &#39; ¢ | . _ &#39;92I-- 1 , _ .MERICAN rnxnuns SERVICE COMMITTEE- = - .nn INSTITUTE or SOVIETAMERICAN_ . A » ;ELATIONS spousoazn TWO wnsx sznxnnn, - "ggggw, ussn,BEGINNING 5,DECEMBER iggs~ &#39; _ , _ __i__|__.,,_--|-- &#39; &#39; "".-- 1-1».-.,._.,--a-----ww&#39;-&#39; - __ _n --. _- _ 92 I1 1 I Q ___.;--_.- P _ . M-- 92.y,~&#39;. - Ad-Hfr ; .., -_;r---&#39;--- i. _A,_ _A __;_,_- _&#39;~ _, --.-an-4_,,,.,__ The files of the Philadelphia Office contain no infor- f d ation concerning the Insti.tute of Soviet-American Relations - a 1 lther than the above and information included in memorandumof ! actober ls,lass. ~ - - fj§&#39; . _ I &#39; This document contains neither recommendations nor i :onolusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is Aoanedto your agency; it and-its contents are not to be_ listributed outside your agency -- &#39; - . I _ ,- A | . | | &#39; i-_-{&#39;1-»-&#39; a..- - -" V UH - 4 - 1%. &#39; , . -.v - &#39; - | _;-- 0 74»? y @92 . &#39; 3 __ ,_ __,.. _,,._.1&#39;-1 _? - _...,____ ....__..-» - i&#39; <1? &#39; *~ -:&#39;=»&#39;~ "-_" " _ . &#39; 1: . ,- .&#39; it -_//. "wt &#39; 0 U Q . APPENDIX 92-;~~*~7~~- < . 9h§£a=Fe:i~_=e1=iee& of Orsanieeetielée . " 1 &#39;ossvmtn worm: jzoxjgn rzstgvnn V &#39; " +0 niwnainiwaftg ant} pllh1 I l"+&#39;iOHR ised-ana publishedfaeuof December E, lgltvgy ¥iZ ESE1¥¥éE&#39;"&#39; , 1 Un-American Activities; U.S. House of Representatives, uments the_organization Seventh World Youth Festival as . --92 lows - - :-.» . .n _ F-&#39;?"3"&#39; ii A Seventh World Youth Festival, held in Vienna, July 25- August H, 1959, was "Communist-arranged." Testimony received_by the Committee stated the World Federation .0- of Demooratio Youth and the International Union of Students set up an International Preparatory Comittee | to run the Vienna Youth Festival. - &#39; " - &#39;-&#39;-1» I H -. {Committee on Un-American Activities, House Report 1, 378 on the Communist "Peace" Offensive, April 25, &#39;" 1951, originally released Apri1_l, 1951, pp. 71 and . 78; and Annual Report for 1980, House Report 2237, January 2, 1961, pp. NH and M5.! -&#39; BF, I ~n.&#39; I-iIIr - -1 O - .--_ &#39; 1 _ 5* _ &#39;" - W I I &#39; : E i l ,_ 1 7 if _%I". in "W." :2 IEIES3&#39;i&#39;.a&#39;1£-:- uiuumr oz_|.~s"l"i&#39;CE m&#39;."».>=92 _ l-&#39;1.-:l!ENAL llU1h:"&#39;..»_&#39;UINVESTIGATION OF §§§§g9f_ 1 _-;$3&#39;4 Pniladelphia,_ _ _ r. Pennsylvania- ""&#39;In Reply "F7?-&#39;a192&#39;o. Plain. I i Rcfrlta W AHERTCAN PRI&#39;[&#39;.N!&#39;92SSERVICE COHMITT&#39;EII.1 AND INSTITUTE OF SOVIET-AMERICAN RELATIONS SPONSORED TWO WEEK SEMINAR, &#39; MOSCOW,U.S.S.R., BEGINNING DECEM- Bssis, 1966 T _ 7 The seminar is being held at Socia near the Black Sea rather than at Moscow, U.S.S.R., as previously scheduled. The American group left the United States at New York City via KLM Airlines to Amsterdam, Netherlands, and from there flew to Socia, Soviet Union.
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