February 1, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 1081 On October 27, 2010, America and Ala- resa Scanlan of Gering, NE, on being partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- bama lost one of the best examples of crowned as Miss America 2011. Teresa ant to law, the report of a rule entitled that generation with the death of Hall represented our great state as Miss Ne- ‘‘Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation Williams Thompson of Birmingham, braska 2010 at the Miss America Pag- and Management Act Provisions; Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Tilefish AL. eant held earlier this year in Las Fishery’’ (RIN0648–BA42) received in the Of- That Hall Thompson was a very suc- Vegas, NV. She is the first Miss Ne- fice of the President of the Senate on Janu- cessful family man, businessman, civic braska to win the pageant, and I know ary 25, 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, leader, and philanthropist, there can be our State is very proud of Teresa. Science, and Transportation. no doubt, and much could be said about Teresa, the daughter of Jamie and EC–362. A communication from the Assist- a host of areas where he served, giving Mark Scanlan, graduated from ant Administrator for Fisheries, Office of back to his State and his Nation. But I Scottsbluff High School and plans to Sustainable Fisheries, Department of Com- want to share a few remarks about one attend college at Patrick Henry Col- merce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- port of a rule entitled ‘‘International Fish- of his most notable qualities—his pa- lege in Virginia after her year as Miss triotism. Hall Thompson loved his eries; Pacific Tuna Fisheries; Vessel Capac- America. In the future, she would like ity Limit in the Purse Seine Fishery in the country. He had fought for it, serving to get involved with politics and attend Eastern Pacific Ocean’’ (RIN0648–AY75) re- in the Pacific during World War II in law school. ceived during adjournment of the Senate in the Army Air Corps. And that commit- As Miss America, Teresa will travel the Office of the President of the Senate on ment to serving his country never throughout the United States. She will January 19, 2011; to the Committee on Com- abated. raise awareness of the dangers of eat- merce, Science, and Transportation. Indeed, while he had strong views ing disorders and will also serve as the EC–363. A communication from the Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- about our country and the exceptional National Goodwill Ambassador for nature of the American experience and partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled was never afraid to express them, he I thank Teresa for her efforts to make was ever anxious to respect those who ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone a real difference in the lives of others Off Alaska; Reallocation of Pacific Cod in may disagree. He would, with sincerity, and to set a positive example for other the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Manage- ask questions about the subject which young people to follow. ment Area’’ (RIN0648–XZ61) received during concerned him and at the end of the Congratulations, again, to Miss adjournment of the Senate in the Office of conversation would say something like, the President of the Senate on January 19, America 2011, Nebraska’s very own Te- ‘‘Well, I just think . .’’ or, ‘‘I am just 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, resa Scanlan.∑ concerned.’’ He made his point clearly Science, and Transportation. but courteously. f EC–364. A communication from the Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- On a personal note, I called Hall and TRIBUTE TO CHAD MILLER asked him to support a political event. partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled Quickly, he assured me he could come ∑ Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, today I recognize Chad Miller, an intern in my ‘‘Fisheries of the Northeastern United and asked if Lucy, his wonderful wife States; Summer Flounder Fishery; Quota and partner of 66 years, could attend. Sioux Falls, SD, office, for all of the Transfer’’ (RIN0648–XA073) received during The answer, of course, was yes, as ev- hard work he has done for me, my adjournment of the Senate in the Office of eryone loves Lucy. But in asking that staff, and the State of South Dakota the President of the Senate on January 19, question, Hall showed his humility and over the past several weeks. 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, courtesy. Chad is a graduate of Washington Science, and Transportation. So, we gathered on October 19, and I High School in Sioux Falls. Currently EC–365. A communication from the Acting took the opportunity during the event he is attending the University of Saint Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- to personally thank Hall for his sup- Thomas, where he is majoring in psy- partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled port for me in 1994 when I ran for attor- chology and political science. He is a ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone ney general of Alabama and for his sup- hard worker who has been dedicated to Off Alaska; Inseason Adjustment to the 2011 port of many great causes. He did not getting the most out of his internship Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Pacific Cod know me well in 1994 but had heard experience. Total Allowable Catch Amount’’ (RIN0648– good things about me, and he was very I would like to extend my sincere XA120) received during adjournment of the generous in his support. I thanked him thanks and appreciation to Chad for all Senate in the Office of the President of the for that and noted that he had never of the fine work he has done and wish Senate on January 19, 2011; to the Com- asked for a single thing personally, him continued success in the years to mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- only for good government. The fact ∑ tation. come. EC–366. A communication from the Acting that there are others in our country f Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- like Hall who support their candidates, partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- Republicans and Democrats, liberal EXECUTIVE AND OTHER ant to law, the report of a rule entitled and conservative, because of values and COMMUNICATIONS ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone principles and not for personal gain, is The following communications were Off Alaska; Inseason Adjustment to the 2011 important to our country’s political laid before the Senate, together with Gulf of Alaska Pollock and Pacific Cod Total health. They should be appreciated. Allowable Catch Amounts’’ (RIN0648–XA119) accompanying papers, reports, and doc- received during adjournment of the Senate They make the country a better place. uments, and were referred as indicated: Later during that same meeting, Hall in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–360. A communication from the Deputy on January 19, 2011; to the Committee on Thompson suffered the stroke that Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Pro- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. would sadly take his life 9 days later. grams, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- EC–367. A communication from the Admin- He had lived a full life of 87 years. He partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- istrator, Rural Business-Cooperative Serv- left an accomplished and loving family ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ice, Department of Agriculture, transmit- and a host of friends and admirers. He ‘‘Shipping Act, Merchant Marine, and Mag- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- loved America, closely monitored her nuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and titled ‘‘Value-Added Producer Grant Pro- progress, and was ready to help when- Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) gram’’ (RIN0570–AA79) received in the Office ever possible. Provisions; Fishing Vessel, Fishing Facility of the President of the Senate on January 28, He was a true patriot. Our State and and Individual Fishing Quota Lending Pro- 2011; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- ∑ gram’’ (RIN0648–AY16) received in the Office trition, and Forestry. Nation will miss him. of the President of the Senate on January 25, EC–368. A communication from the Assist- f 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, ant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and TRIBUTE TO TERESA SCANLAN Science, and Transportation. Reserve Affairs), transmitting, pursuant to EC–361. A communication from the Deputy law, a report entitled ‘‘Navy Fisher House ∑ Mr. JOHANNS. Mr. President, I am Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Pro- Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2010;’’ to the pleased to congratulate 17-year-old Te- grams, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- Committee on Armed Services. 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