Eiahth Series. Vol. XLI. No. 16 Thursday, Aueult 18. I'. Sr.van 27. 1918 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBh (English Version) Eleventh Session (Eightb Lok Sabba) (Val,. 'XLI cOlltatm Nos. 1 J to 20) Lom SABRA SltCllETAIlIAI NE" DELHI ',tce , Rs. : 6.00 (OIUGINAL ENGLISH PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISH VERSION AND ORIGINAL HI~DI PROCBBDtNGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VeRSION WlLL BB TaRA TEDAS AUTJfORtTATIVB AND NOT THB TRANSLATION THBR170F.l CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Volume XLI, Eleventh Session, 198811910 (Sales)] No.1S, Thursday, August 18, 19881 Sravana 27, 1910 (Saka) COLUMNS Obituary Reference 1 Oral Answers to Questions: 1-38 ·Starred Questions Nos. 304 to 307, 313, 314, 316, and 318. Written Answers to Questions: 38-275 Starred Questions Nos. 308,310 to 312,315, 38-48 317 and 319 to 324. Unstarred Questions Nos. 3106 to 3136, 3138, 3140 48-274 to 3181, 3183 to 3243 and 3245 to 3287. Correcting Statement to usa No.1 0241 dated 9th May, 1988 reo Investment in new projects by Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers. Papers Laid on the Table 275-278 428 Messages From Rajya Sabha 278-279 Matters Under Rule 3n - 279-284 (i) Need to ensure that duty concessions announced on 279-280 Polyester Filament yarn and Fibre yarn in Budget are available to the consumers and weavers- Shri Zainul Basheer (ii) Need to promote tourism in the country - 280-281 Shri Satyendra Narayan Sinha (iii) Need for improvement in the working of Telephone Exchanges 281-282 and installation of electronic exchanges in Akbarpur. Jalalpur and Tanda in Faizabad district- Shri R.P. Suman • The Sign t marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on th~ floor of the House by that Member. (ii) COLUMNS (Iv) Need to run a shuttle train between Kampte~ and Ambazari 282 Ordnance factory - Shri Banwari Lal Purohit (v) Need for speedy devilopment of Bharath Process and 282-283 Mechanical Engineers Ltd., Madras Dr. A. Kalanidhi (vi) Need to declare Neora Valley as a National Park and a 283-284 Biosphere Reserve - Shrir ~~i O.K. Bhandari (vii) Need to construct memorial for martyrs of the freedom struggle 284 in Shahajahanpur, Uttar Pradesh - Shri Jitendra Prasada Demands for Grants (Punjab), 1988-89- 284-368 Dr. G.S. Dhillon 285-291 Shri Bhattam Srirama Murty 291-295 Shri Jagannath Pattnaik 295-298 Shri V.S. Krishna Iyer 298-302 Shr; Mahabir Prasad Yadav 302-304 Shri Indrajit Gupta 304-312 Shri R.L. Bhatia 312-315 Shri Bhadreswar Tanti 315-317 Dr. Chandra Shekhar Tripathi 317-321 Shri Ram Narain Singh 321-324 Kumari Mamata Banerjee 324-328 Shri Piyus Tiraky 328-331 Shri Kamal Chaudhary 331-332 Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia 332-338 (iii) COLUMNS Shri N. Tombi Singh 338-341 Dr. G.S. Rajhans 341-343 Ch. Sunder Singh 343-347 Shri Yogeshwar Prasad Yogesh 347-348 Shrimati Usha Choudhari 348-351 Shri Ramashray Prasad Singh 351-353 Shri B.K. Gadhvi 353-364 Punjab Appropriation (No.2) Bill, 1988- 368-369 Motions to introduce and consider Shri B.K. Gadhvi 368 Clauses 2, 3 and 1 369 Motion to pass - Shri B.K. Gadhvi 369 Demands for Grants (Tamil Nadu), 1988·89 - 369--422 Shri N.V.N. Somu 375-384 Shrimati M. Chandrasekhar 384-389 Shri Suresh Kurup 389-392 Shri N. Dennis 392-397 Dr. A. Kalanidhi 397--404 Shri Harish Rawat 404-406 Shri R. Annanambi 407-409 Shri V. Tulsi Ram 409-410 Shri Thampan Thomas 410-412 Shri Narayan Choubey 412-415 Shri B.K. Gadhvi 415--421 (iv) COLUMNS Tamil Nadu Appropriation (No.2) Bill, 1988- 422-423 Motions to introduce and consider Shri B.K. Gadhvi 422 Clauses 2, 3 and 1 423 Motion to pass - Shri B.K. Gadhvi 423 Motor Vehicles BiII- Motion to consider - 423-428 Shri Rajesh pjlot 424-427 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: Thursday August 18, 19881 Sravana 27, (a) whether a sports complex is being 1910 (Saka) construct~ in Himachal Pradesh after fail- ing more than 10,000 trees, thereby disturb- The LoIc Sabha met at ing ecology and environment of Potters Hill; Eleven of the Clock (b) if so, the compulsion for oonstrUd- ing the complex at such a place; and [MR. SPEAKER in the Chailj (c) whether any survey was made be- fore the clearance of this project? OBITUARY REFERENCE THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE [English] DEPARTMENTS OF YOUTH AFFAm AND SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHID UR SPEAKER: Hon. Members, it is with DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF great shock and distress that we learnt of the HU~ RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT tragic and untimely demise of President Zia- (SHRIMATI MARGARET AlVA): (a) and ul-Haq, in an air crash near Bahwalpur yes- (b). As per information available with this terday. Department, only about 11 trees may be We offer our heartfetl condolences to affected, in the sports complex proposed to Begum Zia-ul-Haq and the mambers of the be constructed in Potters Hill Shimla. late Presidenrs family in their hour of grief. (c) Yes, Sir. We share the sorrow of the people of Pakistan at the tragedy that has occurred. SHAI R.P. DAS: Sir, the reply of the The House may stand in silence for a Minister is very unsatisfactory" But we have short while to express its sorrow. come to know that Himalayas Nature and Environment Preservation Society has con- The Members then Stood in Silence for ducted a survey and identified that more a Short While. than 10,000 trees are standing on that area where this H~h Altitude Sports Complex is ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS to be constructed. This Society apprehends that a large number of trees, mainly Deodar [English] would have to be cut down and this felling of trees would lead to extinction of wild life and Constructions of Sports Complex In flora Therefore, this Society is of the opinion Himachal Pradesh that this High AltHudQ Sports Complex costing about As. 15 crores ~tlouid be Imme- .- *304. SHAt R.P .DASt: diately abandoned. I would like to know from SHRI ZAINAl ABEDIN: the Minister whether it is a fact or not. Will the Minister of HUMAN AE- SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA: Sir, we 3 Oral Answers AUGUST 18, 1988 Oral AnswelS 4 go in for a project only when the State the Government of Himachal Pradesh to sort Government allots the land to us. The High . out all these problems before they transfer A~itude Training Centre was needed and the the land for a project and the moment w~ erstwhile SNIPES Board set up a committee received this letter from the Ministry of Envi- under the chairmanship of Shri V.C. Shukla ronment at Delhi telling us that the Govern- to examine the different sites in Himachal ment of Himachal Pradesh had not sought Pradesh and U.P. Finally, a site has been necessary clearance from them. As I said, selected in Shimla. The Government of we ~ave stopped all construction and we Himachal Pradesh also suggested that we have refused to inve~t any more money even should develop a second site at Shillaroo. on the levelling work which we started and, Both the sites were transferred to us by the therefore, we are not proceeding until the Government of Himachal Pradesh on Government of Himachal Pradesh sort it out 25.3.1986 and 26.3.1986. Subsequently, with the Ministry concerned. I would also like there were some objections from the organ· to answer that we cannot have a high altitude isation which the hon.Member has men- Centre on the plains. It has to be at an tioned that 10,000 trees would be affected. altitude which is found suitable for training And, therefore, we stopped the work and the and, therefore, the question which he has Government of Himachal Pradesh set up an raised does not arise. expert committee to examine the site and thei, reply is with us. The expert group has SHRI CHANDRA PRATAP NARAIN said that only 11 trees would have to be cut SINGH: The hon. Minister in her reply says down for the actual construct-ion of the sta· that the Himachal Government had given dium. The fact that the whole land has been permission to build or construct this particu· transferred to us does not necessarily mean lar complex. But, as we are aware, the that the trees have all got to be cut out. It is Department of Environment anp Forests, only for the construction of the main Stadium has an environmental impact survey done that 11 trees have to be cut. In view of the specially of the ecological systems which protests and the letters from the Central are sensitive and where you have flora and Environment Ministry, we have stopped fauna of the endangered species, before work and until it is finally cleared, we have any work can be taken up in certain areas.lt said we will not invest any more money on is not a question of felling of clever trees. It is further work. a question of endangering the environment and ecological system of our sensitive areas SHRI R.P. DAS: I do not know why the that is, the Himalayan range. planners selected such a place for construc- tion of this sports complex. The Complex is So, will the hon. Minister instead of situated at 5,500' above the sea level. This spending so much money and then stopping Sports Complex has to be constructed at a work in future see to it that the Governm ent huge cost and considerable amount of of India does not spend money before an money has been spent on that already.
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