__ i »•' '-vS tA O E T W E L V S IBanriirotnr Etmtbto V m lft 8ATUROAT, O CrpB|S 80,1987 • 'll AVBVMOB DAILT OUHTIBJkTION WBA Tlia Howttxer Compeny, Oonnec- Mrs. Alice Virginia, Junior vice aptoda In tha area Hiat liiinlt wmdd fw tha Hsatb ol gsptemhtr, Ifn H U M president; Mrs. Gertruda Buchanan, ba aancUonad by the commUMoa Foreeaat sf (J. B. Wtethsv Ucut National Guard, baa organised ASSESSORS TO TAKE IN Valve Oirbaa J o b ___84.00 iqt Bartferd DANCE a baaketban team and practices secretary; Mrs. Anna Barron, treas­ SETMAINST.a>EED and tba atreet poatsd with signs QM V takta Itelin i ~ frequently at the Armory. Charles urer; Mrs. Aides Gutsmer, Patriotic acoofdlngly. Brahes Bellaed . ..^88.00 n*- | USTS UNTIL 5 TODAY Instructor; Mrs. Maud Leggett In turn Chief Gordo, brought the 'oepressiom 5.967 Fair and wamisr toalghtj Tines- BAIXOWVKN MABQIJBKADB "Whltey" Bycholakl la coaching the ABEL’S CUT RATE of tbs Amrnt boya. chaplain; Mrs. Edith Massey, coo- LmiirAT251IIILES matter to the attenUra of tlw Po­ day taiereaaing rtoadtaess and waim OM FdlOTTB Hidl ductor. Auxiliary color guards srlll lice Board at Its organisation meet­ AUTO REPAIRS prices still er; probaMy ahewsn by night. OhiliBiwy, Btettai W Monday Last Chance To Put be appointed by Prestdant Gustaf- ing. It was a g r ^ that la that r M Cooper St. Eat. MSI MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM George Budeley. who haa been In In Assessment Lists With­ soo. congarte^ area apaads h i i ^ than TONIGHT a aarknia condition at the Ifemorlal 38 mllea an hour are dangerous, but out Penalty Chargre. Representatives o f local ex-serv­ State Safety Commisdoo To IH EFFECT VOL. LVHn NO. 27 AdierOateg m Fags MANCHESTER, CONN„‘ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1937 Mwto B7 WaMaf'i Dmmtm Orch. boepital la In a somewhat Improved ice organisetioM and patriotic so­ final aetkm was daferrad. It la (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Oftm amt Tkytor. oondlUoii. cieties will be Invited to the cere­ now definitely assured, however, «■■««■» S to 9—A* The Board of Aaseasors reported monies. Pot Up Sifns; Police Board that at Monday’s meating tha chief CM.-- lir a Agnes Dickson Nichols, em' today that the tax Uata were being will ba formally authoriaad to notify A gen t For COST OF LIVING ploy^ as a telephone operator in filed satlafactorily during the past tha State Traffic Commlaaloa that Youth Is “Buried Alive” for 12 Hours Hartford and Uvlng at 181 Center few days, business in the office be' To Authorize IL that speed Umlt haa bewi establish­ JAPS HIT U. S. HIGH IN YUKON Ing especially heavy yesterday and ALCOHOL TRANSPORTER'S ed and will go Into effect aa soon ABODTTOWN street, was )reaterday granted a dl' as the algnp are erected. vorce from her husband, David P today. All tiirta not filed by Novem­ bPPERS (Cantaloupes $1 each; Peaches ber 3 wilt be penalized by Imposition It has also been decided by the BRITAIN SET TO GO Nichols, Jr., of Rock Mt., N. C , on C A S IN U. S. COURT Through co-operation between police abthoHUea to establlah a mo­ SECTOR AS 1HEY Three for $1; Potatoes $14 a W. tlm ry W«lr, commander of the grounds of desertion. Judge Al­ of ten per cent additional tax. Mancbeater police authdritlea, the tba Amotean Lactoo. waa the gueat torcycle patrol of the Mata street Sack But Nobody Complain- fred C. Baldwin was told that they The assessors will be In the office Govemor’a Comniiaaion for Highway area during tboae boura la which tha Spanlah War Veterana were married on March 10, 1928 to take care of the public until 5 Safety and the State Traffic Oom- OKE inar. ___ ^ nnraday night at a meeting and Homer Johnson, Jr., Of Hart­ the high speeding of the traffic has RENEWAHACK and ho deserted her the following p.m. th\i afternoon. On Monday, mlaaloo, the long period of unre- been moat corapicuoua. Violators M dal period held at tha State Ar- ford Who Waa Arrested atricted apeed for motor vehlclea B Lethbridge, Alta., Nov. 1.— the last day without penalty, the year. of the new regulatkm will be (A P )—’The coat of living In AS FAR AS U. S. TO Here To Be Tried In Decem­ through the bualneaa part of Main hours will be from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. arrested. Dawson City, Yukon, is some­ through the noon and supper hours. ber Term. atreet la to be brought to an end H asegiw aj Apologizes And ^ A dMTga c t non aopport brought DUworth-ComeU Post, American and a definite apeed limit ct 35 2-50 thing to wemder at but It doesn’t ligalnat Arthur BeU waa continued Legion haa estended a town-wide mllea an hour between the Center '^rfPEBTON seem to worry inhabitants of invitation to children of Manches­ Homer Johnson, Jr., of 79 Suf- and Charter Oak atreet eatabUahed. ^ ^ C A S H Makes Promisr, British that mining place famed for the «Btfl rrld a ya aaaaloti o f,th a Town gold rush of ’98. Oourt a t lart nlgbt'a aaaalon, ' ter to attend the Hallowe’en parties TOINSTiUJLV.F.W.POST field street Hartford, arrested while By unanlmoua agreensent the I8e.>i • Wamen*a - ChOdraa’a END SINO-JAP WAR A survey showed cantaloupes tonight at seven different centers driving an automobile through Man­ Board of Police Commlaalonera, at n were selling for 81 each; i t f . and Mra. Samuel ICcAdam of between the hours of 7 and 9:30 p. chester on the morning sf Sep­ their meeting on Monday evening HAIR CUTS - 25c. FeeGog Grows; 7,0 00 Japs m. Parties sponsored by the post O m C E R S FRIDAY NIGHT are to give formal effect to the new 8 Barhera — Ne WaIttogI oranges and peaches, three for jlOi Walnut Btreet hare mored to tember 13 and charged with trans­ Buy NOW before prices rise! $1; potatoes at 814 a sack, and will be held at the East and West porting liquor, when the old car that arrangement and atepa are to be Eden Tells Commons Amer* i b d r new home on High atreet which Side recreation buildings, the YJl. CULOTTA*S €r()8ses Sooidiow Creek. plums thrae for 35 cents. they recently bought. he was driving was found to contain taken for enforcement of the regu­ L.T.Wood Co. V I S —Oil-O-MaUo pttoes are still CA. and Manchester Green, Hollis­ Past Department Commander lation. BAKBEB SHOP — 14 Oak Street 81 BtaaeU St. TbL 4490 Telephone charges are high, W arspots in W orld News » " ' ----------- ----- several cans of alcohol. Is to appear A down St their dspr^onlevds. But too, 810 a month for a party | ter street. Nathan Hale and St. James F. Daley To Be In Speed-limit aigna are to be erect­ they caa't raaaia thne long. ica Is Expected To Take before the United States District ShangfaaL Nov. 1.— (A P )— Jap­ line and 830 for a private line. Jtmes’s school. Charge Of The Ceremony. Court in Hartford in the December ed by the State Traffic Commia- nqure U onl yoarasU: Late prioae By ASSOCIATED PRESS States Marine commander who pro­ alon without coat to the town. House rents, however, are B. term. axe ap. Raw amtoial eosli have aoaisd. anese Admiral Klyoahl Hasegawa low, flO a month. Great Britain today dispatched tested against a Japanese foray on Old-Fashioned Andrew Craig of Providence. R. Study Sitnatloii. Lead At B n sse k Pkrlep; Past Department Commander When brought before the court Msnnlaciariaq oasis have advaaoed by apollgized today to the United the mighty battle cruiser Hood to the American-protected side at the I., will speak at the Gospel Hall. 415 A number of weeka ago a field Soochow creek. James P. Daley of Hartford will in­ Johnson said that be had left his agent of the Govemor’a Commia- leaps and bonads. PrioM Just eaa’i re­ Staten Marine commander who pro­ Barcelona to investigate the sink­ Oiicken Pie Supper Center street tomorrow evening, automobile parked In Providence Which figure in Tokyo a foreign office spokes­ Tells Italy She Need Not and every evening at 7:45 through­ stall the officers of Anderson-Shea sion visited Manchester, viewed the main ao sausinqly low nadar them tested against a Japanese foray on Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and when he went to get it he found oondiUoas. I ing of the British merchantman man disclosed that Japan "la con­ NORTH BL E. CHURCH out the week except Saturday. situation and came to the conclu­ the American-protected side of Soo- Jean Weems. templating some form of agreement Many local people will remember next Friday night at the-Manches- the alcohol In the ear and did not sion that the average speed main­ fault IS yours ? That's why wo aar BUT NOVFI Ton chow Creek. A party of Japaneae KEEP NEW YORK know bow it got there. Her acUpn was '^een as eridence with Italy to co-operate against Expect R etim Of Colonies WED^ NOV. S, 6 P. M. Mr. Graig as having been one of the ter Green V. F. W. Home. Mrs. tained throughout the area waa al­ A Speaoer Ooiaet, ladlvMoal- want an Oil-O-MaUo so that yon can bluejackets had crossed the creek that she was prepared to take stem Mary Frost, Department Auxiliary He was defended in the Manchea- enjoy heat withonl work or worry.
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