Oct. 17, 1944. A. N. SPANE 2,360,736 SEAMLESS DIPFED TATEX GIRDLE Filed June 26, 1940 5 Sheets-Sheet 1 YE 3. Aaaaaaaz M.524vaz. 76 (7%-4 A7TORNEY.59- 261-2, \ Oct. 17, 1944. A. N. SPANEL 2,360,736 SEAMLESS DIPPED. LATEX GIRDLE Filed June 26, 1940 5. Sheets-Sheet 2 1277. BY (a 24, b-aa-Q ATORNEYS Oct. 17, 1944, A. N. SPANE 2,360,736 SEAMLESS DIPPED LATEX GIRDLE Filed June 26, 1940 5. Sheets-Sheet 3 227, 2 INVENTOR. 4 as aaa/a/.7/V5a1/V2 Z. 7 24 (2a4-w (locé,Aréaways 26-a-6 Oct. 17, 1944. A. N. SPANEL 2,360,736 SEAMLESS DIPPED LATEX GIRDLE Filed June 26, 1940 5 Sheets-Sheet 4 76-7 SNN40 E. INVENTOR. 4aaaa/a/7A/Saawaz. BY (6411, 9-96 ale. A TTORNEYS Oct. 17, 1944. A. N. SPANEL 2,360,736 SEAMLESS DIPPED LATEX GIRDLE Filed June 26, 1940 5 Sheets-Sheet 5 INVENTOR. Masaaaw MV Saawa Z. BY ATTORNEYS Patented Oct. 17, 1944 . 2,360,736 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,360,736 SEAMESS OPPEO LATEX GROLE Abraham N. Spánel, New York, N. Y. Application June 26, 1940, Serial No. 342,426 6 Claims. (C. 2-43) This invention relates to improvements in obviates or minimizes the defects of the girdles girdles or foundation garments and relates more at present in use, and at the same time it presents particularly to garments of the type which pro novel advantages in addition to being relatively duce a natural slimming effect on the Wearer. simple and inexpensive to manufacture and easy The problem of providing effective slimming gar to clean for immediate reuse. ments has existed from the dawn of history. In The supporting girdle in accordance with the the most primitive form, bandages were tightly present invention is preferably in the form of a wrapped around the Waist. This was displaced hollow latex sheath which is stretchable to en in turn by the stiffened corset worn both over close the lower torso of the wearer when pulled and under the clothes, culminating in the com over the body. When pulled into position on the plicated "stays' stiffened with whalebone and body, the loose, flabby, excess flesh or fat of the laced tightly to produce a small waist effect which Wearer is supported, constricted, pushed, or mold was current in the Victorian era. With such gar ed generally inwardly, thereby giving the wearer ments the figure was forced into the shape of the the smoothness of line and contour which is so corset which, while providing body support, was 5 much desired. This sheath is in fact so flexible relatively inflexible, cumbersome, unhygienic, and that, even by touch, it is not easily revealed that indeed, definitely injurious to the wearer through the user is wearing a figure-control garment. the displacement of body organs. With the turn Indeed, it is as though the wearer had an addi of the century, and the increasing participation tional skin of her own, firm and supporting in by women in business and active sports, such stiff character, yet non-revealing by its very nature. corsets were modified and ultimately completely The invention therefore provides a supporting discarded as a desirable garment for women. girdle, in which the material of the girdle is of For the past decade or so, the so-called 'girdle' sufficient thickness to constitute a firm support has come into use, which is generally made of for the flesh of the wearer. The invention fur elastic textile fabric or panels of diverse material, 25 ther provides improvements applicable to such Such as elastic fabric, textile fabrics, and the like. Supporting girdles as well as to other girdles. This garment was adapted to serve as a support One of these consists in forming the crotch of for the loose or excess flesh of the wearer, espe the garment, whether made of latex or of rubber, cially in the region of the lower part of the torso, with perforations, as well as forming the crotch and tended to improve body contour of the wearer 30 integrally with the walls of the girdle. The in by supporting these portions and usually without vention also provides a relatively long crotch stiffly boning or otherwise stiffening the girdle or which has valuable functions as hereinafter de foundation garment. One-piece girdles made of Scribed. The invention further resides in im stretchable knitted fabric, or elastic covered with provements in the reinforcement of the girdle; silk or cotton, are known as one-way or two-way 5 in the provision of garter supports; and in the stretch girdles, and are often woven on a circular functional utility of the girdle. knitting machine. While this type of girdle has In the preferred forms of the invention, the given considerable satisfaction in use, it, how girdle is made of so-called deposited liquid latex; ever, takes a relatively long time to wash and that is to say, a film which is produced in the especially to dry, so that the wearer is often re 40 shape of the article by dipping a form into liquid quired to Own at least two of these girdles in order latex; or the film is otherwise deposited directly to keep One in clean condition. Also they tend to leave welts, ridges, cross markings or other from liquid latex, as contrasted with ordinary markings on the skin corresponding to the ridges Crude rubber, which is produced by dehydrating and depressions in the textile fabric of which the liquid latex to form crude rubber; then masticat girdle is made. They are relatively expensive and ing the crude rubber, and thereafter forming the also tend to lose their shape and elasticity rather article therefrom. For purposes of clarity, the rapidly, especially if washed often. Girdles liquid latex film of rubber will be referred to here "built up' of panels of sheet rubber and textile after as "latex." The invention also contem fabrics, or elastic fabric and textile fabric, such plates that the outer surface of the girdle in as Satin and the like, Suffer from similar disad accordance with the invention shall be formed vantages and also tend to be pulled out of shape as a Smooth surface with substantially, no ob by continued use, until they rapidly lose their structions thereon, whereby there is a smooth desired slimming effect. sliding contact between the surface of this girdle The present invention provides a girdle which 55 overand theit, fabric garment that is worn immediately 2 2,360,736 In order that the invention may be more clearly stitute symmetrical side portions which connect understood, reference is now made to the accom. the aforesaid planular areas 4 and 5 together. panying drawings in which several embodiments These contoured areas and the portions of the of the invention are illustrated, it being under planular areas contiguous therewith constitute stood that these embodiments are shown by way the sides of the girdle covering the sides of the of illustration to indicate that the invention may wearer when in use, while the main central por be embodied in many different forms. tion of the planular area 4 constitutes the front Referring to the drawings: . of the girdle, and the planular area 5 constitutes Figure 1 represents a plan view looking down the back of the girdle. It will be noted from the on the front side of a girdle in accordance with O drawings that the girdle conforms to the contour the invention, the girdle not being in use but of the torso only to a certain limited extent at lying on a horizontal surface, such as a table; the symmetrical side portions thereof, constituted Fig. 2 is a cross section on the line 2-2 of by the contoured areas 2 and 3, but that the hol Figure 1, on an enlarged Scale; low sheath-like girdle is stretchable as a whole Fig. 3 is a cross section on the line 3-3 of 5 to enclose the body of the wearer thereof. Figure 1, on an enlarged scale; Referring to Fig. 10, which shows in cross Sec Fig. 4 is a rear view of the girdle shown in tion a girdle in use in position over the lower por Figure 1; tion of a torso, it will be noted that its substan Fig. 5 is a plan view similar to Figure 1, show tially flat front and back planular areas 4 and 5 ing a modification in which the so-called crotch 20 are stretched to a very substantial extent and is omitted, and in which garter members are constitute front and rear constricting members formed integral with the girdle; which exert the desired pressure upon the front Fig. 6 is a plan view showing a modification in and back portions of the wearer's body. The which garter members are formed integral with symmetrical side portions which include the con the girdle of the type shown in Figures 1 to 4; 25 toured areas 2 and 3 are stretched (but to a lesser Fig. 6a shows a detail of the garter of Fig. 6; extent) against the right and left sides of the Figs. 7 and 8 show girdles similar to that of body of the wearer. Figures 1 to 4, but provided with small perfora It will be noted from the above description tions; and the drawings, that the girdle may be said to Fig. 9 is a transverse cross section through the 30 be in the form of a flattened cone-like truncated median portions of any of the girdles herein body or sheath adapted to stretch in all direc shown, but on an enlarged scale, showing the tions, and to form a snugly fitting retaining skin cross-sectional shape of the girdle as it is when which is worn over the skin of the wearer, and in position upon the form on which it is made; is sufficiently pliable to permit of free movement Fig.
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