A/AC.96/677 (Part III OFFICE OF THE U",IITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES UN eR activities financed by voluntary funds: Report for 1985-86 and proposed programmes and budget for 1987 Part 11. Africa (Submitted by the High Commissioner) UNITED NATRONS UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL GENERAL A/AC.96/677 (Part 11) ASSEMBLY 31 July 1986 Original: ENGLISH/FRENCH EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER'S PROGRAMME Thirty-seventh session UNHCR ACTIVITIES FINANCED BY VOLUNTARY FUNDS: REPORT FOR 1985--86 AND PROPOSED PROGRAMMES AND BUDGET FOR 1987 Part 11. Africa (submitted by the High Commissioner) GE.86-01881 AlAC.96/677 (Part 11) page ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. Africa Paragraphs Regional overview of developments in 2.0.1 - 2.0.11 Africa 2. 1. 1 - 2.1.15 Angola Botswana 2.2. 1 - 2.2.8 Burundi 2.3. 1 - 2.3.10 Came roon 2.4. 1 - 2.4.10 central African Republic 2.5.1 - 2.5. 12 Djibouti 2.6. 1 - 2.6.13 Ethiopia 2.7. 1 - 2.7. 18 Kenya 2.8.1 - 2.8. 11 Lesotho 2.9.1 - 2.9.9 Rwanda 2.10.1 - 2.10.9 Sanal ia* 2. 11. 1 - 2.11.31 Sudan 2. 12. 1 - 2.12.25 Swaziland 2.13.1 - 2.13.8 Uganda 2.14.1 - 2.14.15 United Republic of Tanzania 2.15.1 - 2.15.16 Zaire 2. 16. 1 - 2. 16. 17 ZarrOia 2.17.1 - 2.17.18 Zirrbabwe 2. 18. 1 - 2.18.11 western Africa 2. 19. 1 - 2.19.18 Other countries in Africa 2.20.1 - 2.20.18 Annex I Programme support and administrative costs in 1987 Annex 11 - Staffing requirements in Africa * An addendum to this chapter will be issued A/AC.96/677(Part 11) page 1 2.0 REGIONAL OVERVIEW Of DEVELOPMENTS IN AFRICA General Remarks 2.0.1 Despite the generally better harvests in 1985, the severe and even increasing economic difficulties facing many asylum countries continued to hinder efforts to promote self-sufficiency, whether through rural settlement and agriculture or employment oppportunities and income generation. In addition, developments in Southern Africa created new and potentially grave problems. Thus, although substantial progress was made in 1985 and early 1986 in stabilizing several critical emergency situations, progress in aChieving durable solutions fell short of expectations in many countries. At the same time, the impact of spontaneously-settled refugees on national infrastructures tended to increase, necessitating new approaches in the wider context of the development of areas affected by the presence of refugees. The report of the inter-agency mission to the Sudan (A/41/264 of 8 April 1986) provides an example of how this approach could both assist refugees to become self-sufficient and help ease the burden on the most severely affected host countries. 2.0.2 At the same time, tangible progress was made in certain areas. Chadians repatriated voluntarily from the Central African RepUblic and political developments in Uganda allowed a large-scale return of Ugandan refugees from neighbouring countries. Many of the Ethiopians who had entered the Sudan in late 1984 and early 1985 returned home spontaneously. It proved possible to phase out assistance to settlements in Haut-Zalre and one in Tanzania as their inhabitants became self-supporting. The programmes for 1987 aim at fostering self-sufficiency at the earliest opportunity while actively promoting repatriation wherever possible. ( Africa Emergency 2.0.3 At the end of 1984 and early in 1985, large and rapidly-increasing numbers of persons began to cross borders to seek help. These influxes imposed on neighbouring governments an unexpected additional burden at a time when the effects of the drought on their own nationals were becoming severe. While there were a variety of motives for the movements, with lack of food often a common denominator, insecurity was the single most important underlying factor in the majority of cases. UNHCR established emergency programmes in Ethiopia. Somalia and the Sudan, and for limited periods in Djibouti and the Central African RepUblic. Relief was provided to large numbers of vulnerable people in desperate need of food, water and medical care. 2.0.4 Beneficiaries included not only persons of direct concern to UNHCR but also those who may have left their country solely because of the drought. At the height of the food shortages some nationals physically close to refugee reception centres also temporarily availed themselves of UNHCR emergency assistance. These extensions of UNHCR's assistance proved necessary both because of the difficulties of making clear distinctions in the prevailing circumstances and because there were no other funding or implementing arrangements in place when needed. 2.0.5 By the end of 1985, the overall situation had improved considerably in many areas, but the emergency was not over, and UNHCR has continued to provide relief assistance in Ethiopia, Somalia and the Sudan in 1986. In Ethiopia, the emphasis is gradually being shifted from relief assistance for returnees to practical measures for recovery that will help to avoid a recurrence of the drought and famine which ravaged the area in 1984 and 1985. In Western Sudan, despite reports that some Chadians have gone back to Chad, no large-scale movement took place from the Government/UNHCR centres during this reporting period. Assistance is being provided with a view to promoting self-sufficiency and facilitating such a return. In Eastern Sudan, a further major return movement to Tigre has taken place, but the great majority of recently-arrived Eritreans have remained and are still assisted by UNHCR. In North-West Somalia, there were further arrivals in 1986 and a new emergency assistance programme (which has been incorporated into the existing Africa Special Emergency Programme) proved necessary in Tug Wajale. AJAC.96/677(Part 2) page 2 UNHCR has worked in close association with the Office for Emergency Operations in ~f~;:a (GEOA) since the establishment of the latter at the end of. 19~4. A UNHCR staff member was seconded to GEOA and a focal point for OEOA was established wlthln UNHCR Headquarters. Monitoring information was regularly exchanged between UNHCR and OEOA and frequent consultations allowed comprehensive reporting by OEOA on all matters related to UNHCR's emergency assistance. Such consultations also allowed a con~n approach in UNHCR's.and GEOA's appeals for support from the international community. As a ~er of ~he unlt~d Nations Africa Emergency Task Force, UNHCR played an important role ln the Unlted Natlons system's co-ordination of relief assistance both at Headquarters and field level. Pan-African Conference on the situation of Refugees in Africa (Arusha Conference) 2.0.7 In the context of follow-up action on the recommendations of the 1979 Arusha Conference on the Situation of Refugees in Africa, UNHCR has continued to assist, where required, in the implement ion of the conclusions of the regional seminars, attended by Representatives of a total of 34 Governments, held in Dakar (1983), Addis Ababa (1984) and Yaounoe (1985). In this as in many other matters relating to refugees in Africa, UNHCR has maintained very close co-operation with the secretariat of the Organization of African Unity. Second International Conference on Assistance to refugees in Africa (lCARA 11) 2.0.8 In pursuance of the recommendations of the Declaration and Programme of Action adopted at ICARA 11 in 1984, UNHCR reviewed the continuing refugee/returnee needs in Africa both in terms of normal programming and additional ICARA 11 5(b) projects in 1985. Additional needs were met in 1985 when UNHCR assistance in Africa reached an all time high level of over $ 220 million. However, the additional assistance provided to refugees and returnees has of necessity been more for emergency relief than rehabilitation. UNDP continues to monitor projects falling under sub-paragraph 5(c) of General Assembly resolution 37/197. United Hations Trust Fund for South Africa 2.0.9 At the request of the Committee of Trustees, contributions received from the Fund are credited to the General Programmes and used for financing relief-oriented assistance measures and care and maintenance activities in favour of South African refugees. In 1985, obligations against this Fund amounted to $ 165,000. For 1986, the trustees of the Fund have made available an amount of $ 175,000. Joint Inspection Unit 2.0.10 In late 1985 and early 1986, the Joint Inspection unit (JIU) reviewed UNHCR's operations in Africa. Their findings and recommendations are contained in a report entitled "Hole of the Office of the United Nations High cemnissioner for Refugees in Africa (JIU/REP/8612)". Thi s report was recei ved by UNHCR at the end of Hay 1986. UNHCR welcomes the report and is studying it carefully. Detailed comments will be available to the Executive Committee later in the year. Expendi ture 2.0.11 UNHCR obligations for assistance in Africa amounted to some $ 220.12 million in 1?85: of which $ ~2. 16 million were made available from General Programmes and $ 127.96 ml!llon from Speclal Programmes. The proposed revised 1986 General Programmes allocations ~u~t to $ 91.56 m~llion, or a decrease of $ 7.59 million as compared with the approved ln~tlal target. ThlS reduction is marginally offset by major Special Programmes which should brlng total voluntary funds expenditure in Africa to some $ 195.81 million. Total 1987 ~ne~al Programmes re~uirements are projected at $ 113.30 million or an increase of $ 21.74 mllllon as compared wlth the proposed revised 1986 General Programmes target which is largely ~ccounted :or by an increase of some $ 20.30 million resulting from ~he transfer of the fundlng of asslstance to recently arrived refugees in Eastern and Western Sudan under the General Progr~s.
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