the Skip to page 8 for the Seahawk staff's albums of Happy Holidays the year from the Seahawk! Thursday | December 1, 2005 SeahawkServing UNC Wilmington since 1948 Volume LVII | Number 11 Seniors search Faculty senate committee moves to create forest reserve HOLLAN E. PETERSON for jobs ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR At the Faculty Senate’s November meeting, the AMANDA HUTCHESON Building and Grounds Committee voiced its objec- STAFF WRITER tions and concerns regarding certain development proposals contained within UNCW’s 2005 Campus The fall semester is almost over, Master Plan. and for seniors, that means the “The Buildings and Grounds Committee is inter- real world is quickly approaching. ested in seeing the university enact strategies of Sleeping through morning classes growth and development that will provide alternatives and bar hopping on Tuesdays will to the rampant and careless growth that characterizes be replaced by a “real job” with Wilmington as a whole,” said Cara Cilano, English morning hours. So in a less than professor and member of Buildings & Grounds. ideal job market, what’s a senior According to Cilano, the committee plans to bring to do? a motion regarding the creation of a UNCW Forest UNCW Career Services can Reserve at the upcoming Faculty Senate meeting in offer help. Located in the Student December, which would necessitate several alterations Union room 104, the staff has tips to the master plan. and brochures on everything from In order to adequately plan for the projected goal of interviews and résumés to salary 15,000 on-campus students by the 2020, the University negotiation and how to dress. has a drafted a “Campus Master Plan,” which specu- Thom D. Rakes, Career Services lates where new dorms, athletic fields, buildings, Director, had lots of advice for both parking lots and decks should be constructed within seniors and undergrads. For gradu- Nolan Dean | THE SEAHAWK the 650-acre UNCW campus. ating seniors, he emphasized keep- At a recent Faculty Senate meeting, the Building and Grounds Committee voiced their ing an open mind. “I encourage stu- concern about the wealth of construction on campus and its effects on vegeatation. see FOREST RESERVE page 2 dents to look as broadly as possible when they’re looking for jobs after graduation,” he said. “Broadly in the industry and certainly broadly Police battle bike theft on campus geographically. Particularly when you think about Wilmington, when you think about how many people UNCW POLICE PRESS RELEASE As of November 8, 2005, we graduate here every semester and were able to locate and return to would love to stay in Wilmington University Police want to help the owner 10 out of the reported and the job market here just can- you protect your investment. Bicycle 38 stolen bicycles. We have found not support that. Wilmington is thefts are on the rise on campus. bicycles that match the description primarily the hospitality industry, of some of those reported as everybody knows, and so it’s From August 1 through October stolen, however the report- very challenging to find profes- ed bicycles were not regis- sional positions here. So when 26, UNCW has had 38 bicycles tered or the victim did not you look at where the centers of reported stolen. know the serial number of employment are in North Carolina, the bicycle, therefore, we obviously it’s the Research Triangle From August 1, 2005 through are unable to determine ownership. In the last several months, there have been a rash of bicycle area, it is the Piedmont, and then October 26, 2005, we have had 38 The University has a manda- thefts on campus. If you have info, call 962-3184 or 962-TIPS. Charlotte. That’s where probably bicycles reported stolen. Of that, 13 tory bicycle registration policy so be 75 percent of the professional level were reported as being stolen from sure to register your bicycle with the Department an email. All university contact the University Police at 962- positions are, in those three areas. academic areas and the remaining University Police. Registration is members are encouraged to secure 3184 (non-emergency) or 962-4911 I’d also encourage people to think 25 were reported stolen from the free and only takes about three min- their bicycles, frame and tire to for emergencies only or anony- about small and midsize firms residential areas. University mem- uets to complete. You can register it rack, with a quality u-bolt lock. You mously at 962-TIPS. because that’s really where, even bers that live in the apartments that at the University Police Department should also retain any papers that in those large metropolitan areas, surround the campus have advised or by seeing any uniformed officer. you have regarding the purchase of Look in the Seahawk's next that’s where the vast majority of the that multiple bicycles have been sto- Once you are registered, you never your bicycle or any accessories. employment is.” len from their residences also. Only have to re-register however we ask Report any suspicious persons, issue for more updates. Career Services has a database about 50% of the bicycles were reg- that if you experience a change especially those lurking around istered and very few were secured in your contact information that bicycle racks. If you have any infor- see SENIORS page 3 using a U-Bolt lock. you update it by sending the Police mation regarding stolen bicycle(s) 2 the Seahawk | NEWS | December 1, 2005 from FOREST RESERVE page 1 ensure that the According to its mission statement, the natural habitats Master Plan “replaces the recent pattern of and ecosystems campus sprawl with denser, more compact behind campus do development that gives priority to the pedestri- not get destroyed an and preserves valued conservation land.” at some point in Currently, the plan proposes to preserve the future,” junior 155 acres of natural pinewood forest locat- Meredith Privott ed behind campus as well as the 10-acre said. Bluethenthal Wildflower Preserve located in Dr. Steve the campus’ interior. However, it does specu- Emslie, Chair late the usage of a significant portion of the of the Buildings forest behind campus. and Grounds Buildings & Grounds has advocated a Committee and redrafting of the Master Plan that would professor of move proposed athletic fields and Millennial Biology, will be Campus, as well reduce adverse environmen- heading up the tal impacts that would result from proposed initiative for the Phase II housing. creation of the The proposed UNCW Forest Reserve, UNCW Forest Nolan Dean | THE SEAHAWK according to the Building and Grounds Reserve. Emslie The Building and Grounds Committee looks to redraft the Committee as stated in the Faculty Senate has been raising UNCW Master Plan to focus more on conservation. minutes, will “be managed for its ecology, funds to under- In order to gain support for the motion, educational, activities, recreation, and other write the UNCW Forest Reserve, in order to Emslie, Cilano, and several honors Biology low-impact uses that will maintain this prop- “help the university and greater Wilmington students have spent the last several weeks erty as a permanent conservation area.” communities recognize the Reserve as a dis- circulating petitions amongst UNCW stu- “I think that the creation of a UNCW tinct and invaluable portion of campus and dents. According to Cilano, they currently Forest Reserve is the best way to adequately New Hanover County,” Cilano said. have 400 signatures. Starting January 2006, the Seahawk will Imagine never having to shave, pluck, wax or go through electrolysis again! 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Mayfair Town Center 910-256-2690 For more information, stop by the Student Media Office in the Monday-Saturday Call or visit us today to Burney Support Center or e-mail [email protected] 10 am until 7 pm Schedule a consultation the Seahawk | NEWS | December 1, 2005 3 from SENIORS page 1 ask an organization is, “I think I would be of organizations and can help students look interested in growing professionally, what sort up a specific area or industry. The informa- of professional development do you have?’” tion is then burned onto a compact disc that Many times if employees present continuing students can take with them to help with job education as an aid to perform their current hunting. job better, employers will cover part of all of Rakes also emphasized the importance of the cost. the cover letter when submitting a résumé. Underclassmen were not forgotten either. The cover letter is the first impression the Rakes emphasized several times the impor- employer gets of the applicant, and applicants tance of getting a job or internship in one’s will be judged by it. If there are grammati- general field before graduation. He encour- cal or spelling errors, the employer will often ages all students to have one internship (which move on to the next applicant. can be for academic credit) sometime before Career Services offers help with résumé they graduate. It doesn’t have to be exactly writing.
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