E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2004 No. 137 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 7, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. House of Representatives MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2004 The House met at 2 p.m. and was DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER WASHINGTON, DC, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- PRO TEMPORE December 6, 2004. I hereby appoint the Honorable MICHAEL K. pore (Mr. SIMPSON). The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- SIMPSON to act as Speaker pro tempore on fore the House the following commu- this day. J. DENNIS HASTERT, nication from the Speaker: Speaker of the House of Representatives. NOTICE If the 108th Congress, 2d Session, adjourns sine die on or before December 10, 2004, a final issue of the Congres- sional Record for the 108th Congress, 2d Session, will be published on Monday, December 20, 2004, in order to permit Members to revise and extend their remarks. All material for insertion must be signed by the Member and delivered to the respective offices of the Official Reporters of Debates (Room HT–60 or S–123 of the Capitol), Monday through Friday, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. through Monday, December 20. The final issue will be dated Monday, December 20, 2004, and will be delivered on Tuesday, December 21, 2004. None of the material printed in the final issue of the Congressional Record may contain subject matter, or relate to any event that occurred after the sine die date. Senators’ statements should also be submitted electronically, either on a disk to accompany the signed statement, or by e-mail to the Official Reporters of Debates at ‘‘[email protected]’’. Members of the House of Representatives’ statements may also be submitted electronically by e-mail, to accompany the signed statement, and formatted according to the instructions for the Extensions of Remarks template at http:// clerk.house.gov/forms. The Official Reporters will transmit to GPO the template formatted electronic file only after receipt of, and authentication with, the hard copy, and signed manuscript. Deliver statements to the Official Reporters in Room HT–60. Members of Congress desiring to purchase reprints of material submitted for inclusion in the Congressional Record may do so by contacting the Office of Congressional Publishing Services, at the Government Printing Office, on 512–0224, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. daily. By order of the Joint Committee on Printing. ROBERT W. NEY, Chairman. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H10897 . VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:31 Dec 07, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 8633 E:\CR\FM\A06DE7.000 H06PT1 H10898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 6, 2004 PRAYER With best wishes, I am throughout the world. This experience Sincerely, The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. has continued to inspire Jeff and moti- JEFF TRANDAHL, vate him to serve his fellow veterans Coughlin, offered the following prayer: Clerk of the House. At this time of the year from across with honor and respect. Jeff’s dedication to the veterans the world arises Handel’s Song of Isa- f community will continue to shine iah’s text. Today the same vigorous COMMUNICATION FROM THE through the legacy of his accomplish- words are laid tenderly, like the music, CLERK OF THE HOUSE ments. Thank you, Jeff, for the exam- upon this House of Representatives: The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ple you have set. Your fellow veterans ‘‘Comfort my people. Give comfort to fore the House the following commu- will miss you. We wish you the best in my people, says your God. Cry out to nication from the Clerk of the House of your next chapter of life. the nation that her warfare is accom- Representatives: plished; that her iniquity is pardoned. f The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE MUST PASS 9/11 Washington, DC, November 29, 2004. and all flesh shall see it together: for Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, LEGISLATION the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.’’ Speaker, House of Representatives, (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas asked Lord, may this seasonal song Washington, DC. and was given permission to address strengthen Your people in their desire DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- the House for 1 minute and to revise for lasting peace, and may justice and mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of and extend her remarks.) right judgment in this Chamber be a the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. comfort to Your people now and for- tives, the Clerk received the following mes- Speaker, the House today and tomor- ever. Amen. sage from the Secretary of the Senate on No- vember 24, 2004 at 6:30 p.m.: row has one, one, simply one chance to f That the Senate passed without amend- do what is right, and that is to pass the 9/11 Commission report legislation. It is THE JOURNAL ment H.J. Res. 115. With best wishes, I am not a question of whether this is a bad The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Sincerely, bill; it is a question of whether or not Chair has examined the Journal of the JEFF TRANDAHL, we can put aside special interests and last day’s proceedings and announces Clerk of the House. do our jobs. to the House his approval thereof. f Frankly, the issues that are standing Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- in the way now are issues that can be nal stands approved. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER addressed very well in the 109th Con- PRO TEMPORE f gress. In fact, I look forward to com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The prehensive immigration reform. I am PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair desires to announce that pursu- delighted we are working through the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the ant to clause 4 of rule I, Speaker Pro issues concerning our military. And in gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. KLINE) Tempore WOLF signed the following fact, we have been informed by those in come forward and lead the House in the enrolled joint resolution on Monday, charge of the military in the Pentagon Pledge of Allegiance. November 29, 2004: that these issues are resolved. Mr. KLINE led the Pledge of Alle- H.J. Res. 115, making further con- It is a shame when we hear the giance as follows: tinuing appropriations for the fiscal former, or soon-to-be former, Secretary I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the year 2005, and for other purposes. of Health and Human Services tell us that our food supply may be in jeop- United States of America, and to the Repub- f lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ardy. Human intelligence is vital. The indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. TRIBUTE TO JEFF OLSEN ON OC- 9/11 Commission legislation will ad- f CASION OF HIS RETIREMENT AS dress that. MINNESOTA COMMISSIONER OF With homeland security as the back- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE VETERANS AFFAIRS drop of our work, we need more work with the Transportation Security Ad- A message from the Senate by Mr. (Mr. KLINE asked and was given per- ministration, more training and test- Monahan, one of its clerks, announced mission to address the House for 1 ing of cargo on airplanes. There is so that the Senate has passed with minute and to revise and extend his re- much work to be done. We must pass amendments in which the concurrence marks.) the 9/11 Commission legislation now. of the House is requested, a bill of the Mr. KLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Only then can we begin the work of se- House of the following title: to recognize the contributions of Min- curing the homeland seriously. H.R. 4012. An act to amend the District of nesota Commissioner of Veterans Af- Columbia College Access Act of 1999 to reau- fairs, Jeff Olsen, on the occasion of his f thorize for 5 additional years the public school and private school tuition assistance retirement. MR. DENTON GOES TO SENATE programs established under the Act. Jeff Olsen was appointed Commis- (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina) sioner of Veterans Affairs by Governor f asked and was given permission to ad- Ventura in January 2001 and has con- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- COMMUNICATION FROM THE tinued to serve the veterans commu- vise and extend his remarks.) CLERK OF THE HOUSE nity proudly. Throughout the past 4 Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- years, Jeff has been a tireless advocate Speaker, with the conclusion of a ses- fore the House the following commu- and representative for Minnesota’s sion, there is a normal shuffling of nication from the Clerk of the House of 450,000 veterans. By working closely staff positions, and for the office of the Representatives: with groups such as the Veterans Serv- Second District of South Carolina we ice Organizations of Minnesota and the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, will miss Wesley Denton, who has Washington, DC, November 29, 2004.
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