PORTLAND • ^___ _ ___DAILY ***»»« i ~ 1. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MO W "DECEMBER ".M. 1807. THE rOK J LAM* DAILY PKKSS m putdiHtifG BUMfNESS CARDS. everyday, (Sunday excepted,i at No. I Printer*) REMOVALS. INtflTHANCfc. Kx miscellaneous. Exchange, Lange Street, Portland. l>e pursued. Col. Nothing which smacks of repu- 1’ark*r\, Explanation.—The Wash- N. A. FOSTER, Proprietor. //. M. VA I SON, DAILY PRESS. diation, however, will find favor here. ington Tri- 1 crus:- Eight Dollar? a vaar in ads*nce. Upon corresponj,,,,^ N,"ow York Life and Accident Insurance. lc question of REMOVAL. Christmas a speedy return lo a bune the STOCK Presents. PORTLAND. as'3 specie gives follow^ ,lfttails tlf Col. Par- THE MAINE STATE PRESS 1* BROKER. there is published at the a difference of as well ker's adventures that t No. 80 THE ORIGIIVAL opinion, hnve llo^ hitherto ap- rune place very Thursday morning al $2.00 a year, Exchange Street. as upon the In advance. best means of : nvariably POSTLAND ME attaining that peared no21dt TUA VELE11S INSURANCE CO. Tuesday December 24 10^7. desirable end. Moraine:, The Western men He was to have been married ou Kates of advertising.—One inch ot apace,in JMunjoi/ Dniff Store/ arc gen- Tuesday Reserve & Hartford, Conn., insures against ALL ACCI- to morning. Ou the evenlnu length oi rotuinn, constitute* :» OROUGE L. Locke, Co., erally opposed Saturday previous “sqnnre." FICKETT, OFDENTS, Also against LOSS OF LIFE trow any contraction; the Eastern first week 75 cent* l*®r he called at Gen. Grant’s residence and bor- $1.50 per square daily whoiher disease or accident, with compen- Dominion ofCnnniln. favor it. eontlno- cause, by 34 St, delegates The was down wrekatier; three insertion*, or lew, 9t.oo; DEALERS IN 8ATI Foil thus Lawrence Street. Western men are rowed a military scarf. He town bodily injury, combining all lie The of Ing every other day alter fir«t week, 5» <-en<M. and benefits of and Accident end the piesent short session of the nearly unanimous upon awhile and then went off alone to 75rente: one Druggist Apothecary, Life Insurance undir o: e A large lot of this point-tbat afterward, Halt square, three Insertion* or to*w», take a it he met an AND DFALEB IN policy, a rates lower than by any other companv.— Canadian Parliament is and more should be walk. In the course of ireek. $1 (»0; 50 cent* per week after. approaching, bus- nothing ralse.1 « Applj to by taxation Indian of the Six of which confeder- Under head of “A mi skmi'Nt>.” '00ner square iness is being rushed than is Nations, English American Fancy Goods« Dry Goods, W. O. LITTLE & through with a rapidity absolutely necessary for the ation Col. Parker is chief The Indian took per week; three insertions or le*«. 9150. CO., Agents. ChristmasGoods pay- for the first which some of of him to a a and Spkoial Notion,91 per square in- No. 143 Cong ess. near Washington Street, Office No. 49J Exchange Street. .the steady-going people regard ment the interest on the public debt room, gave him glass of wine, sertion. and 25 cents square tor each -AND December 23. dtl sat down to converse the busi- per subeeqawnt with alarm. The new tariff and a upon important PORTLAND, ME. JUST and excise bills, wise and economical ness insert ion. RECEIVED, adminis- which he wished to see him about. In a Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State ASNUAL as also that the and tration of short time IT" Physicians' Prescription* carefully com- STATEMENT respecting collection man- the government. Some of Col. Parker began to feel drowsy, Press”!which ha- a largecirculation in pai- AND SOLD every pounded. sept2la3m VE11Y LOW. of the the aud concluded lie would die down on the bed a )t the Siafetlor 61.00 per square for firstin*erticD* Of the Condition of the agement revenue and the auditing of Eastern men favor, in addition to WOOLENS, this, Ho did fell a 1 mi 50 cento i»er square lor each ins<i» so, and into deep sleep. subsequent CHAPMAN & CSfWalk in and sec for yourselves.. JTV the public accounts, have become law. The the reduction of tire to MOD. '"DAVIS, HASKELL,- debt, an extent of at i.;,e„V'';j'wok<’. '* denied very late at night, Have removed to new tariff a '* wa» same JOBBERS OE Merchants Iisurance is, except in few least fitly millions L the or another Co., CHAS. H. MARK. particulars, annually. But ail are be cou„!T?itithBr d not night tell. The Indian was " merely the old Canadian tariff made to ex- agreed that the taxation sitting by CAKD&. OF HARTFORD, CONN., Decl9-dljyl which now depresses the bedside gravel, a„,i Col. Par- Goods and Woolens tend patiently. over the Dominion. Of the and ker asked a few questions natural to Dry Nos. 54 & 56 Middle St. On the st of Nov. course, discourages manufacturing the cir- and lor the day 1867, made confoimably lo CHAS. W. WIXGATE. enterprise cumstances of the and agents the laws ol Maine. changes hut slightly affect the of On- should be removed and case, the Indian said: LEVI S. people replaced by a more “You have been very sick. Here is BROWS, tario and some med- Christmas and New Quebec; but the Maritime Prov- r.gorous collection of the taxes icine the doctor left for The DEALER IN Warren Cassimeres and Flannels Capilnl Slock (all paid up) $400,000 OO Year’s. imposed upon you.” patient In noticing our removal we would also particular- New and beautiful of inces find their customs luxuries took the com- 18 FREE Surplus over 19 presents duties largely increas- (?) such as wines, medicine, fellasleep again,slept GAS NO. STREET. ly call the attention ol the trade to our full and Capilnl, 173,540 whiskey and until FIXTURE^, Assets ed and there is fortably Wednesday morning, and then invested as follows, viz: consequently already a consid- tobacco, Ac, Ac. woke of leave to call the attention of Watcher Silver up, a matter twenty-fonr hours too They beg the trade to Par Jewelry, Ware, Market erable of bitter The the late tor the The Indian was their COMPLETE LINE OF --AND display feeling. people Upon assembling ofonr convention an wedding. gone.— Pendants and Brackets. __ Value. Value. Chandeliers, ol that Col. Parker’s friends think the Six Nations are Neiv and Extensive Stoolr U. S. 6 per cent. Ronds, 44,400 FANCY GOODS! part of the Dominion have hitherto amusing and skirmish No. Otf Federal, near Temple Hit. of Goods, 1881, 40,000 interesting upon per- to his a white 5 20 Nov h opposed marrying lady, and which are to Bonds, 1st, W, CHAS. been accustomed to a manent they prepaied sell on as favorable terms “ 5 20 W. WINGATE, low tariff, under which organization took in that sent an to take care that the as can be S HA W L July 65, place which the they envoy I obtained in this or any other market. 8, *• « dec!9if in and 119 Piping done on the most reasonable terms. 10-40 Middle St., cor. Temple. they have enjoyed a very trade wire pullers (I that wedding should not take place, or to even de- Portland, -sept. 26. 1867. d3m 7 profitable suppose every convention Decembers, di&lrn 30 prive him of his life. A bride chosen i0t him with the New States and must have a few of this Mich gan State Bonds, 6 per cent, England the interesting and diins- from his the Six •* TVEW among subjects, Nations, Fancy Cassimeres Conneciicut 6 JSTORE West and t“ res Dlt. Indies; the increased duties will ted (?) class) were worsted, in stauds ready to marry him, and the tribes pre- BUZZELL, THE Hartford City G resulting LARGEST u fer that he should take her, and remain more Has resumed his residence, -AND— Portland City 6 materially interfere with this business. The the choice of B. W. Raymond of Illinois -AND lor closely allied to his people than he would be duty on spirits from coun- with Vice Corner Parle and Pleasant Streets. $145,000 151,500 imported foreign President, Presidents and Secreta- if he took a wife iroin another race. Col. Par- B nk tries has ker’s hours from 8 to M. 2 to P. M. Stocks, 84,260 100,800 00 been increased to 80 cents ties from the different interests statement I have given without addition lyofflce 9, A. 4, Loans on per gal- represented November 11. dt( collateral, amount loaned, 1,240 00 kn. or embellishment. Gen. Grant hxs taken en- CLOAKINGS, Loans on of Beal Estate 00 NEW The excise duty being left at 00 in the convention. wishes now BLANK BOOK Mortgages 86,200 GOODS ! cents, Everybody tire charge of the matter now, both because Accrued Interest, 1 664 38 HOLDEN complaints are made that the duties in- that these wire s had their The the had been & PEABODY, Produced by th« Pondicherry Mid, which for style, Cash in bands of agents and in 33,307 14 spirit pulle way. interrupted wedding appointed transit, to come off under his aud because durability and finish are unexcelled. Cash on band and in Banks, 19,545 76 crease the difference between them and the man of their choice had a voice auspices, and Counsellors at clear, sharp, Col. Parker belongs on his staff. He will in- Attorneys Lav, MANUFACTORY excise to an extent Total affording too much ringing, that could be heard outside the hall stitute a strict to 22U 1-2 Wc have recently assumed the State Agency of the Assets, $394,340 2! 1*.
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