BED BANK Ait KM Ftao* to Un All th< New* o( Located on the Beautiful BED BANK Shrewsbury River, ono hoar and Surrounding Town* trom New York and provid- Told Fewrlenly and Without Blaa RED BANK ing eifery city convenience. lui»d Wnklr, Enured u fecond.Glau Matut «t tba Port- Sub.crlplloD Price! On. ten 12.09. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 32. offlc* *t tUd B«plc, M. J« ur,d«i tha Act of Mateb ». 187». RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY.30, 1936. SU Uonthi S1.00. 81njl« Copy Is. PAGES 1 TO 12. Rumson Council Chamber Bulletin ACCREDITED SCHOOLS. The Middletown Recognition For HOLMDEL'S BUDGET. Squaring Off For Runaway Wheel Both Bed Bank High Schools Again The Amount to be Raised by Taxa- Extends Payment Issued Saturday Win This Distinction. School Election A New Organist tion Is the Same as Last Year. Coming Red Bank Injures Youth In The Red Bank senior high school The township committee of Holm- and Bt. Jomes's high school have Special Meeting of the. Citizens ipecial Music Will be Renedered del has passed the first reading of a Of $5,000 Bonds Very Interesting again been placed on the accredited budget of expenses which requires School Election Unusual Accident lint of the Middle States Association and Taxpayers League to be at the Red Bank Baptist $5,000 to be raised by taxation, which of Colleges and Secondary schools. A Held at Leonardo Tuesday Church Sunday at the Morn- Is the same as last year. The total Monthly Report of Red Bank Five Candidate! in the Field for It Rolled Through the Roadside Borough to Pay $10,000 on new name on the accredited list Is Night for Discussion. ing and Afternoon Services. amount of the budget Is $11,819.72 as 1930 Iuue Indeed of $18,000 Chamber of Commerce Full of hat of Middletown township. Other against $15,970.20 last year, or a de- Three Places to be Filled by Market of Frank Chero and Monmouth county municipalities with crease of $4,150.48. Most of the ap- "—Action Taken to Keep Information to Member* — high schools on the list are Aabury A special meeting of the Cltlien's Services of recognlation for Fred- propriations are the same as In 1935. the Voters of Thij Borough Struck His Son, Causing Con- Park, Atlantic Highlands, Freehold and Taxpayers' league of Middle- erick K. Ball, the new minister of The amount to be raised for poor re- Tuesday, February 11. Down Tax Rate. New Secretary Introduced. and Ocean Grove. The graduates of own township will be held Tuesday music of the Baptist church ot Red lief is $1,500, instead of $1,000 as it clusion of the Brain. such schools are entitled to enter evening at the Leonardo grammar Bank, will be held at the church on was last year. The budget is sched- The Rumson mayor and council at The January bulletin of the Red various colleges and preparatory school. It Is expected that a dis- Sunday morning and afternoon. At uled to receive its final reading and The Bed Bank board of education, As a result of a most unusual ac- last Thursday night's meeting adoBt- Bank Chamber of Commerce was sghools without taking examinations. cussion will take place relative to passage Thursday evening, February at a special meeting Tuesday night, cident due to being struck by a run- ed a resolution extending the pay- Issued last week. It contains many In various other ways it is a mark tho annual school election Tuesday, 6. arranged for the school election to away truck wheel, Joseph Chero of Interesting paragraphs pertaining to of distinction and merit for a high February 11. Whether, the associa- Last year the total amount of sur- be held Tuesday, February 11. In- Headden'e Comer 'la suffering from merit of $5,000 In bonds, due thi* 1 year, for one year. By this eoura* the actlvltleo of the chamber. school to be placed on the list. tion will indorse candidates has noc plus revenue was $6,490.20. This year terest in this event Increase as ~ the concussion of the brain arid Other the borough will pay $10,000 on tho Feature paragraphs are devoted to yet been decided. it is $1,439.72. Miscellaneous revenues date draws nearer for it to take Injuries, He Is neneteen years old. 1030 bond Issue instead of $15,000. he Chamber of Commerce "Booster Clifford F. Gordon, president and last year totaled $4,480 and this year place. and a son of Frank Chero, who con- Might" being conducted by Morris H one of the founders of the associa- $5,380. Three places on the board are to ducts a roadside market on the state Mayor Nellson Edwards stated be filled and five candidates are in that In view of tho decrease In as- Jacks at the Carlton theater every Red Bank Lodge tion, Is a candidate for the two-year highway. He waa hit by the wheel Tuesday night; parking activities term formerly occupied by C. Lome the field. They are Albert S. Miller, as he was about to enter hla father's sessments and the Inclusion In the who is running for re-election; Leo place of business through a rear budget of over $0,800 to pay for 1935 notice to motor carriers, social se- To Give Minstrel Waddell, who resigned last fall be- Seaboard Social K. McKee, Charles LeMaistre, Jacob :urlty, industrial Inquiries and new cause of moving out of the township. door. The accident occurred shortly tax remissions It was necessary to T. Beekman and. Rutherford W, after noon Saturday. take this step, In addition to clash- residents. There is also a paragraph Local Elks Rehearsing; for Min- Opposing Mr. Gordon for this posi- Club Has Banquet Woodhead. Ing appropriations, to keep down the ntroducing Mrs. Rae McCandlish tion is Irving Teeple of Leonardo. Mr. Miller, Mr. McKee and Mr. Le- The wheel broke off the front axl» tax rate. Ho said that he had con the new executive secretary, to those strel Show and Dance to be Running mates of Mr. Gordon, un- th of a large beer truck owned by the suited with officials of the Fidelity 'ho have not already made her per Held at the Elks Club on Sat- der the designation of Independent- Newly Organized Club of Sea- Union Trust company of Newark, onal acquaintance. urday, February 15. •Fusion candidates, are Alfred G. board Ice Company Has For- er is a leading Red Bank merchant e company while the truck w&s go- which holds the bonds, and they Regarding the parking activities, Luster of Middletown village, John and for several years he ' was. g at a high rato of speed. The agreed with him that It was sound negotiations are pending for the con- W. Ransley of Riverside Heights and . mal Opening—President of president of the board. His elec- •Iver of the truck waa Merrick Boss finance. :lnuance of the present parking Rehearsals are now underway for H. Lawrence Scott of Belford. They Company Gives Toast. tion Is looked for by most observ- Union Beach and with him was Mr. Edwards remarked that thi space between White and West an oldtime minstrel show and dance are running for full three-year terms. ers. Mr. McKee is a civil engineer rnest Bade of Union Beach, one of credit of this borough waa of the Front streets with the William which will be Riven at the Red Bank Their opponents are Wardwell G. and he has done considerable work owners of the beverage company. O'Brien estate. The Citizens1 Build- Elks' auditorium Saturday night, Thomas of Middletown village, who The formal opening of the newly for the county board of freeholders. oth occupants of the truck escaped highest standing. He pointed to the organized Seaboard Ice company So- fact that the borough'B long-term ing and Loan association has offered February 15, for tho benefit of the is running for re-election; Georg< Mr. LeMaistre is district superintend- jury. The machine was golnj ;he free use of Its property on Me- Red Bank lodge. The show Is being Miller of Middletown village and cial club was held In its club rooms ent for the Jersey Central Power and orth and after the wheel came off school bonds were bringing a higher at the local plant on Bridge avi-nuo rnle than United States government chanio street, adjoining tho Indepen- coached by Harold A. Giblln, secre Schuyler Sickles of Naveslnk. Light company. r. Rosa brought It to a stop well dent fire company house, for public tary of the local lodge, and It prom- Saturday night. A full course dinner >n the right side of the road, a short bonds. In reply to a question by In addition to Mr. Thomas the was served by a dinner committee Mr. Woodhead has ah executive parking; tho Eisner estate has of- ises to be one of the most outstand- board members whose terma expire position with the Fidelity and Casual- listance from Mr. Chero's place of Councilman Lewis T. Wilson, Mr. ing and entertaining features ever with the help of Mrs. Russell Smith Edwards stated the postponement of fered part of the Elks old homi are Oliver Williams of Navesink and ty company of New York.. He la a uaineas. property on East Front street fo. to be put on by the men's organiza- Mrs. Adeline Moffat of River Plaza. FREDERICK K. BALL. Mrs. Howard McCormick, Mrs.
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