2£ NOME NUGGET OLDEST NEWSPAPER IN ALASKA—MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS_. ** I VOL. LX No. 115 NOME, ALASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1958 Per Copy—15^ — V- ■- — —=r U. S. Puts Weather AVA STARTS NOME MEET TODAY Supplies Reaching Quemoy Despite Satellite Red But Is That Probing AVA WILL START their three-day meet here Blockade, Feeling Into Orbit THEat 1 o’clock this afternoon, at the U. S. Court Room. Directors who have arrived to attend the By JACK KING meeting Effort Must Fail -4 ►are as follows: Massive Eventually CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., [ffl < »- Chuck West, of Alaska Travel By JAMES CAREY — A weather probing Vanguard Lana’s To int» can be up. Daughter Bureau; Bob Ellis, Ellis Airlines; — kept TAIPEI, Formosa, OP Fresh satellite was blasted into space These are vital questions be- Everett Patton, Alaska Highway supplies poured to Quemoy’s de- today and preliminary instrumen- Remain In Custody cause American policy of contain- Tours, and president of the Board; fenders by air and sea amid tation showed the rocket’s three ing the Formosa Strait war seems Of Her Grandmother O. F. Benecke, Alaska Coastal heavy Communist artillery fire engines performed normally. now to on the Reds Airlines; Jim Binkley, Alaska hinge denying — today. That meant the huge rocket SANTA MONICA, Calif., GP> the chance to starve out Quemoy. Riverways; Frank Downey, White The buildup came as the Chi- blazed some 300 miles high in Cheryl Crane will remain in the Warships of the U. S. 7th Fleet Pass Railroad; Wm. Ferro, Skag- nese Nationalists announced an- space, probably reaching a speed custody of her maternal grand- are escorting the convoys. De- way Hotel; Ed Opecensky, man- other aerial victory that boosted of 18,000 miles per hour. mother, Mrs. Mildred Turner, a made the run today with ager of Fairbanks Chamber of — stroyers their claimed kills to 29 with- An official announcement said, juvenile court has ruled. the JMewsmen Commerce; Ray Peterson, North- — supply ships. out a Nationalist loss since however, that it was not yet The 14-year-old daughter of ac- sighted two or three flying the ern Consolidated Airlines; LeRoy the Aug. 23 flareup of the off- known whether orbital height was tress Lana Turner has been in her American flag. The warships Peterson, Alaska Airlines; Jerry shore war. obtained. This should be deter- grandmother’s custody since last stayed well outside the three- Garrety, Hotel and Restaurant Pilots reported one MIG 17 shot mined within about 2Vfe hours. April, when she killed her moth- mile limit. Workers Union; Howard Clifford, down and another dam- The 72-foot bullet rock- er’s possibly shaped lover, Johnny Stompanato. Martin of Sources close to President PNA, and Tommy aged in a battle off Swatow be- et housed a 20-inch, 21V£-pound The girl’s probation officer told Kai-Shek let it be Nome. tween four of their American- Chiang satellite which, if orbited suc- the court yesterday that Cheryl Also as > feel even the attending representa- built Sabre jets and 16 of Red known they present cessfully, could spot large storm is making a satisfactory adjust- massive effort | tives of member companies: Jim China’s Soviet-supplied fighters. supply eventually masses such as hurricanes and ment to her probation program. will Tribble, Western Airlines; Frank The first Nationalist ship con- fail. as build up around The court continued further ac- | typhoons they Whaley, Wien Airlines. A. B. voy to cross Formosa Strait since They contended the United ithe earth. tion until Dec. 11, pending a de- Hayes, Northwest Airlines; A1 Monday sailed through a Red bar- States must choose between a This was the seventh try at cision on an appeal by Cheryl’s Polet, P.A.A.; Kay Kennedy, di- rage and sent amphibious vehicles firm declaration to defend the shooting a composite three-stage Ifather, restauranteur Stephen rector of AVA news; Tona Stone, racing to Quemoy’s beaches with islands, and thus perhaps per- with only one success Crane. He asked that the custody Vanguard, executive secretary, and Dutch cargo to replenish garrison stocks. suade the Reds to abandon the chalked up to date. order be set aside. Derr, who heads the organization. Transport planes parachuted blockade, or face the prospect of It was also the first time a Expected to arrive are Paul to the is- an eventually enlarged war with had been fired suc- high-priority supplies Vanguard Neilson of the Westward Hotel, land overnight through skies pep- bombings by both side. in two months. During For Sale: Fisher cessfully and Brad Phillips of Alaska Trav- shells. It was that both Que- the the slender missile pered by bursting They suggested interim, Home In Palm el Bureau. the third such operation in three moy and Matsu should be placed was checked out from top to Springs Meetings start at 1 o’clock this nighty. under the wing of the present bottom and a few minor adjust- — HOLLYWOOD, UPi For Sale. afternoon, and will continue at Though the supplies are flowing U. S. Nationalist defense treaty, ments made in the first two home in Palm Three-bedroom 9 a.m. tomorrow, with afternoon again, the big questions are how which now guarantees American stages. Springs with elegantly furnished and evening sessions continuing much is getting through, and assistance against attack on For- An attempted launching of this guest house and swimming pool. through Sunday. how long the blockade punctur- mosa and the Pescadores only. same rocket was scrubbed last an That’s the gist of ad Debbie A no-host cocktail get-together week when an electrical break- Reynolds is running in a Holly- is planned at the Bering Sea down caused automatic engine wood trade paper for the desert Club at 7:30 this evening. The Bristol Fisheries 15 To 20 cutoff a split second before lift- and Bay Require resort hideaway where she public is invited to all the meet- up. The mighty Vanguard en- Eddie Fisher and their children ings, and urged to come to the From Inroads then with a flash, Yrs. gines ignited spent many holidays. cocktail tonight in the in- Recovery Japanese as j>arty — — — but shut down ( p — just quickly The couple’s three-year mar^. By FRANK W. VAILLE terest of tourism. when the trouble developed. riage collapsed under pressure of UO — Govern- to show improvement over the WASHINGTON, The main mission of the “seeing reports that the singer was dat- ment fisheries said next 10 years, because rebuilding moon was measure G. M. Accuses experts today eye” to the ing Elizabeth Taylor. runs in Alaskan of the runs would require several that pink salmon movement and disposition of Miss Reynolds’ attorney said are cycles, each of five or six years’ waters next year generally cloud cover around the world to Thursday that the actress will Auto Workers Of duration. said it would expected to fall considerably be- ^JcKernan aid meterologieal studies. Two file for divorce after “a number take some 15 to 20 years to re- low this year’s levels. light sensitive photoelectric cells of financial matters are ironed The Gun habilitate low runs the Bris- Jumping Donald L. McKernan, director of were carried in the satellite to do out” DETROIT, UR — General Mo- of the Fish and Wildlife Service’s tol Bay fishery, assuming a solu- the job. tors Corp. today accused the Commercial Fisheries tion to the offshore controversy Bureau, United Auto Workers Union of said the feels the runs with consequent easing of the agency pink Dulles Soviet Union Has staging what it said amounts to of the past summer — with some Japanese fishing pressures. | Charges | a general strike in advance of the exceptions — were good. Power To Formosa Tuesday morning deadlines set by Latest figures indicate the pack Stop Fighting. the union. Typhoon Ida Worst UNITED NATIONS. N. Y., WV [I--- will run about 1,600,000 cases. he said. Vice President Louis Seaton, — sible,” this would Ever To Hit Secretary of State Dulles con- McKernan said give Japan The amid indi- head of the GM team, ferred with British Sec- secretary spoke bargaining their catch UP) — Foreign Alaska fishermen best TOKYO, Typhoon Ida cations that the into which told newsmen the company be- retary Selwyn Lloyd today on the gloom since 1951. swept the Japanese coast late the Formosa crisis had plunged lieved the series of hit-and-run The commercial fisheries«chief with Formosan crisis. It was their sec- today raging 125-mile winds was slightly. walkouts which idled over 45,000 ond on the Far East in Washington, lifting runs of Bristol red sal- a meeting said Bay and began veering away from were bolstered a Pen- workers at 20 GM across 24 hours. Spirits by plants mon are to continue at* rain-drenched and expected flooded Tokyo. tagon estimate that Nationalist the country today, were condoned a low level next year, board finishing Tokyo’s meteorological There was no word on the na- China is strong enough to hurl by UAW leaders. out the low The runs are said billed as one of the cycles. Ida, ture. of the exchange. back any Red Chinese invasion Walter Reuther, UAW presi- to show worst storms ever to hit expected improvement Japan, Dulles saw Lloyd Thursday attempt against Quemoy without dent, replied that GM simply was in 1960 and 1961. was northeast the heading off night after declaring that the U. S. armed he^p. reaping the fruits of action in There was in coast below the disappointment capital. United States will “make no re- There was a feeling in U.
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