This year,savemore than just money. Our new Sustainable Equity Service helpsyou invest directly intocompanies thatmakeapositiveimpact on our world. [email protected] with thesubjecttitle‘save more’ to get started. Capital at risk. ASSANGE’S Howtobuild Theformerslave PARTIAL acosmetics wholed a VICTORY empire revolution TALKINGPOINTS PEOPLE P10 BOOKS P25 P19THEWEEK 9JANUARY2021 |ISSUE 1313 |£3.99 THE BESTOFTHE BRITISH AND INTERNATIONAL MEDIA Back tolockdown Britain’sbleak winter Page2 01 9771362 343166 ALL YOUNEED TO KNOW ABOUT EVERYTHING THATMATTERS theweek.co.uk 2 NEWS The main stories… Back to lockdown: the challenge ahead “The mid-winter Covid nightmarethe that theschool term would go ahead as Government feared most is upon us,” normal in all but the veryworstaffected saidThe Sun. This week, in abid to halt areas, did thePMorder all schoolsto adramatic surge in cases of the new, more closefor at least six weeks. In No. 10, contagious, strain of the coronavirus, there is “a persistent refusal to confront Boris Johnsonput England into athird and act onthe worst-case scenario before national lockdown. It means that allofthe the worst hasactually happened”. UK is now under tight restrictions similar to those imposed in the spring. The Prime The approach toschools has been Minister said he had “no choice” but to particularly shambolic,said Sonia Sodha act, pointing out thatthe number of in The Observer. Only last month, the people in hospital in England with Covid Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson, had shot up by nearly a third in the past threatened totake legal action against week toalmost 27,000 – 40% morethan schoolsinIslington and Greenwich, in at the peak of the first wave in the spring. London, when they suggested that they It’s thoughtthat more thanamillion might takethe precaution of breaking up people in Englandcurrently have the virus. for Christmas afew days early. Rather On Tuesday, the number ofnewdaily Hospitals are at risk of being overwhelmed than working withteachers, he has confirmed cases of Covid in the UK topped consistentlymade theirlives harder by 60,000 for thefirst time. In ajointstatement, the UK’s four springing policy changesonthemwith little notice. The chief medicalofficerswarned that the NHS was at riskof Government hasn’t exactly“covered itself with glory” on this being overwhelmed over the next three weeks. front,said FionaBulmer on CapX, but nor have theteaching unions, whose approachtomeetingpupils’educational needs Parts ofitare already buckling,said Shaun LinterninThe duringthe pandemic has been “threaded through with a ‘can’t Independent. In the southeast of England, some hospitals are do’ attitude”. Children, especially those fromdisadvantaged having to ration oxygen.Lincoln County Hospital declared a backgrounds, have been badlylet down. critical incident this week owing to the number of new patients needing to be The confirmationthis week admitted. In London, that GCSE and A-level exams where one in 30 people are “Intensive care nurses, used to tending to one will be cancelled inEngland estimated tohave thevirus, very ill patient each, are juggling three or four” (as elsewhere inthe UK) for a the King’s College Hospital second year in arow spells Trust cancelled all “Priority 2” “further disruptionfor a cancer operations –thosesourgent they’remeant to be carried generation whose formative years havebeen stolen by the out within 28 days. Elsewhere, ambulance crewshave been pandemic”, said The Times. But itmakes sense to replace “facing six-hour delays to hand over patients”. The system is the testswith aformofteacher assessment, given how much coming apart at theseams, agreed Martin Fletcher in theNew less time allpupils, but particularly those in the state sector, Statesman. Intensive care nurses usuallyonlyhave totendto have had to prepare. The examswouldotherwise have one seriously illpatienteach, but many arenow having to servedasa“state-sponsored exercise inentrenching juggle threeorfour. The UK’s Covid death toll has already educational inequality”. Toprevent even more damage to “passed75,000 – more than Britain’s civilian casualties in the pupils’ prospects, the Government must nowconcentrate on Second WorldWar–and could reach 100,000 by February”. ensuring that “when schools doreopen, they stay open”, said RachelSylvester in the same paper. The waytodothat is not “No onecan pretend that running acountry duringthe through masstesting, which istoo unreliable, butthrough deadliest pandemic in acentury is easy,” said Michael Deacon vaccination. Teachers should be prioritised for jabs along with in The DailyTelegraph. But Johnson has beenconsistently healthworkers, and there’s acase for movingolder pupils up behind thecurve throughout thiscrisis. Again and again, he the priority list too. People in their 60s might behappytowait has resistedfollowing scientists’ advice until the last minute. afew more weeks for ajabifitmeant their grandchildren His advisers warnedhim two weeks ago, in the run-up to could get back into aclassroom. “The responsetothe virus Christmas,that the exponential spread of infections calledfor has always been aquestionofpriorities. The debatehas been anew national lockdown and forschoolstoremain closed, seen as abalance between lives and livelihoods, but life said The Guardian.But only this week, aday afterinsisting chancesmattertoo.” It wasn’tall bad Great white egrets Anew competition for members were spotted in so of the public to come up with In just four years, aCanadian many different parts of tangible policy ideas, big or firm has gathered 32 million England and Wales last small, to improve Britain as it discarded chopsticks, and used year that they will no emerges from the pandemic, is them to make household items longer be classed as a being launched with atop prize including tabletops and tablet rarity by Bird Guides, of £25,000. The prize was set up stands. Founded by Felix Böck the website that in memory of Lord Heywood of while he was aPhD student, monitors sightings Whitehall, the former cabinet ChopValue collects the mostly of rare breeds. The secretary who died in 2018, bamboo disposable chopsticks site said it had 8,300 by his widow Suzanne in order used in restaurants, and reports of the birds in to open up policymaking to cleans and repurposes them. 2020, of which 2,300 “people who really know what’s It currently picks up 350,000 were the first reported sightings of an egret in that particular going on”. Cabinet Office aweekinVancouver, and it location. And they were seen in almost every county, with the Minister Michael Gove is on the is expanding to other cities. exception of Co Durham, Northumberland, Yorkshire and Cumbria. judging panel, and has pledged Globally, 1.5 billion chopsticks Ten years ago, there were just 1,085 sightings of the bright white that the Government will try to are thrown away each week. heron-sized birds, with their distinctive yellow beaks. put the best ideas into practice. COVER CARTOON: HOWARD MCWILLIAM THE WEEK 9January 2021 …and how they were covered NEWS 3 on that scale, said David Rose in the Daily Mail, but there are Rolling out the vaccines worrying signs that theGovernment is reverting to typeby It was a “beacon of hope” in an otherwise overpromising andunder-delivering. The gloomy week,said Judith Woods in The UK had some fourmilliondoses of the Pfizer Daily Telegraph. On Monday,82-year-old jab by the New Year –yet only one million Brian Pinker became the firstperson in the people were actually inoculated. And, world to have the Oxford/AstraZeneca despitepledges that four million doses of coronavirus vaccine,atOxford’s Churchill the Oxford vaccine would be available by Hospital. After receiving it, the retired the start of2021, ministers now admit the maintenance managerspoke ofhis relief at actual figurewas just 530,000. The hold-ups being able to look forward with confidence –the result of acombination ofred tape (see to celebrating his48thwedding anniversary page 13)and supply issues –suggestthe withhis wife later thisyear. This vaccine roll-out could yet degenerate into “momentous” event took place days after another “fiasco”. the Oxford vaccine won approval for use in the UK, the second vaccine – afterthe Pfizer/ The unease has been compounded bythe BioNTech version –tohave done so. Health Brian Pinker: aworld first UK’s controversial decision tolengthen the Secretary Matt Hancock hailed the roll-out time-gap between people being given their as a“pivotalmoment”; the Government says its aim is to first and second doses, said Donato Paolo Manciniinthe FT. vaccinate 13 millionpeople by mid-February. The purposeofthe strategy is to ensure thatasmany people as possible gain some level ofimmunity, conferred bythe first The Oxford vaccine is an “astonishing achievement”, said The dose, as quickly aspossible. Butithas split scientific opinion; Times. Now approved in India as wellastheUK, it looks set while there is evidence that the Oxford vaccine performs well to become one of the world’smost widely used jabs –not least with the proposed 12-week gap between doses, the same is not becauseit’s much cheaper than alternatives and doesn’t need true ofthe Pfizer jab. Even so, said The Observer,this isthe to be stored atultra-low temperatures, making it easier to right move. Prioritisingfirstdosesover booster jabscould save distribute.The challenge now,said TheDaily Telegraph, “is thousands of lives,while “any alternativewould meanthat to produce enough of it and get it intothe arms of thosewho people
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