2.S- DECEMBER A BREWSTER MAGAZINE 2 ¢ EILEEN SEDGWICK BesJnr}in£, Tl1e L.-'iensationai Serial E TA THAT €AME TO EA T ,t n upward glance, a spirit of mischief, a "come hither" look- darted from a pair of lovely eyes-all the lovelier because they are fringed by dark, luxuriant lashes. The winsome little co­ quette brings out the beauty of her eyes by darkening the lashes with WINX and then she worries no more about it, for she knows it is waterproof and will neither run nor smear. Try it yourself. Accentuate the lure of your eyes by darken­ ing the lashes with WINX. See how much heavier and longer they will seem and how much beauty will be added to your eyes. WINX dries the moment it is applied and one application lasts for days. Absolutely harmless. Brush for applying attached to stopper of bottle. Complete, 75c, black or brown, U. S. and Canada. Mail th.e coupon to-day with 12c for a generous sample of WINX. Another l2c brings a sample of Pert, th.e rouge that won't rub off. ROSS COMPANY 232 West 18~h Street New York Mail rhls COUpOn To·day! ..... .... " , I ' " Add"!! ' . •.. .' " ~:t'l Y:'\:'" C\ £'\ .. _______WINX T.<r.\ +.n ... P '"' c... .. t, .• Advertising Section 3 CECIL B. DE LLE Rising from one triumph to another, now plans a series of pictures to excel anything ever before of/ered- ~9lS: Geraldine Farrar In • Carmen u, a De MilJe ".coop" and a never-to .. be.. forgotten picture, which marked a big .tep forward ill the film indu.trv. LITILE over ten will be a notable event. The finest A years ago, Cecil B. stories have been secured and they DeMille was putting in will be interpreted by artists who his second year in the take pride in upholding the DeMille moving picture field, tradition of Supremacy! 1916. Under DeMille'. manaaemeo.tbUWaJly" and he was working The clean, fresh beau ty of Leatrice Reid w .. tbe elt loved feverishly to prove that Joy and the charm of Rod La­ of movie heroel. there was a place in mo­ Rocque have been i:aptured for tion pictures for bigger these DeMille pictures. And there and better films. are hosts of other well known In between those first desperate names, each a guarantee of quality days and the present time, is a in itself: Joseph Schildkrau t, J etta record of achievement which has Goudal. Lillian Rich, Noah Beery, been equalled by no other producer. Henry B. Walthall, William Boyd, 1920. Gloria Swan.on With each succeeding DeMille Vera Reynolds, Robert Ames, -Lila Lee -Tbomas Meillban - headed for triumph, it has seemed as though Robert Edeson, Theodore KosJoff, fame In "Male and the topmost pinnacle of Motion Rockliffe Fellows, Clive Brook, Female". Picture perfection had been reach­ Edmund Burns, Julia Faye, Trixie ed, and yet when it seemed as Friganza-just to mention a few. though there were no further heights to which he could climb, EW talenc being dcweloped there burst upon the world, two N in the DeMiUe Seock Com­ years ago, that grea test of all De­ pan,.: In addition to those ar­ Mille spectacles- "The Ten Com­ tists who have already made a mandments"-a production so vast place for themselves, Cecil De­ and sci absorbing that it held au­ Mille is constantly working new diences breathless and convinced person ali ties in to his pictures. He 1924. "The Ten Com. that DeMille must, indeed, has a glorified Stock Company in mandment." - a etupen.. them be a worker of miracles to have which promising youngsters are do... loeetacle, .tlll plavlng drilled, encouraged and shown the to crowded houleo. No ~rought so stupendous a master­ one can afford to mlos it. plecef way to make the most of their own possibilities. HAT will Cecil B.DeMille All Cecil DeMille productions, W do nexc? DeMille is looking and those of his Associates, will be re­ forward to even leased through the more glorious Producers Distri­ achievements in the buting Corporation. future. He and his There is untold Associate Directors wealth of entertain­ 1922. "Mao slaughter'" have planned a ment ahead of you. brought to Meillhan a series of pictures, Watch for future new leadiog lady and each one -of which to the public a new Idol announcemen ts. -Leatrice Joy. A maloiticentpicture maRnitict:ntly acted And now/''The Road to Y elterday", DeMille'.fint by Jo,eph Sch ild· great independent offerinll through the Producers kraut. Jetta Goudal. Di8triburinll Corooration. Adapted by Jeanie Vera Reynoldl, Wil. Macpherson and Beulah Marie Dix from the play lIam Boyd and Julia by Beulah Marie Dlx and E. G. Sutherland. Faye. RELEASED BY ...... _-----PR.ODUCER.S DISTR.I BUTI NC CORPORATIOhl_ --" c52lNNOUNCING: The Greatest Editorial Staff in the Motion I Picture Field! R. EUGENE V. BREWSTER, editor-in-chief of The M Brewster Publications, announces a number of important editorial changes in connection with The Motion Picture Magazine, The Motion Picture Classic and Movie Monthly. Mr. Brewster is the world's first motion picture editor, editing The Motion Picture Magazine for many years after it was founded in 1910. One of the greatest authorities on motion pictures, EUGENE V. BREWSTER he always has personally directed the Brewster Publications. FREDERICK JAMES SMITH has been appointed to his old post of managing editor of The Brewster Publications. Mr. Smith was for five years connected with these magazines, first as editor of The Classic, as managing editor of the magazines and as first edi ~or of Shadowland. Mr. Smi th has been engaged actively in motion picture criticism and editing since 1912. He was one of the first motion picture editors of The Dramatic Mirror, he was editor of The Motion Picture Mail, he was managing editor of Photoplay, and managing editor of Screenland. Mr. Smith is considered one of the foremost authorities on pictures and the leading editor of the screen world. Bali MISS AGNES SMITH has been appointed editor of The Motion Picture FREDERICK JAMES SMITH Magazine. Miss Smith has had a distinguished career ip the film world. She comes to the Brewster Publications from Photoplay. She was for several years motion picture critic of Picture-Play, and she was a member of the now famous staff of The New York Morning Telegraph for a long time. LAURENCE REID will be editor of Movie Monthly, being adva,nced from the post of associate editor of that magazine. Mr. Reid came to The Brewster Publications recently from The Motion Picture News, one of the leading film trade publications, of which he was editor Ball of the review department. Mr. Reid is recog­ AGNES SMITH nized as one of the greatest experts on motion pictures. He was a star member of the editorial staff of The New York Review, The Dramatic Mirror, and The New York Evening Mail. LAURENCE REID BaU No army is greater than its generals and no magaz;ines are greater than their editors The Brewster Publications Are First In Fearlessness, Accuracy, Authority and Presentation of the News These Writers are Contributing Regularly to the Brewster Publications: Harry Carr Frederick F. Schrader Don Eddy H. W. Hanemann Alice Tildesley Robert E. Sherwood Sara Redway Hal K. Wells Tamar Lane Harriette Underhill Dorothy Donnell Don Ryan GU MOVIE M 0 l',JT H L Y T.A.BLE OF· CONTENTS Stars Feal,lJ,red ~n Volume III DECEMBER, 1925 Number 3 This Is sue PAGE THE STAR THAT CAME TO EARTH ......................... By Neil Moran 6 Alice Ardell ..... • . ..•..... 57 Serial Siory HEROES OF THE BORDER .....................•.. By Frederick F. Schrader 9 Clara B-)W ••• ' ••.•. ........ 41 LAURENCE REID SAyS..................................................... 13 Monte I 'ue ....... ....... .•.......... 4J Pictures and Personalitie~o;; Tyler BlOokc .... .. ............ .. .. .. .... 57 THE GIRL WHO MADE THEM LAUGH ................•..... By Don H. Eddy 14 Harry C Hey ............. ...... 36 It.'er"i.", "'ith Alherla Vau,"" A BROTH OF A BOy ........................................ By Warren Dow 16 Ben Conel! ............... ....... ...... .\0 1"ler"i.", .",i/ll lack Muillall Marion :navies 56 WHAT IT COSTS TO BE A WELL-DRESSED COWGIRL ....... By Scott Pierce 18 Marcelin e Day ........... .. ..... .. 49 SPECIAL BUCK JONES SECTION........................................... 19 A liON KEPT HER FROM ROMANCE..................................... 23 Jack Il"mpsey ..... .. .. .. .... .. " . .. .. .. .. 6.1 Sk,tch a"d pictures of Jlirg;nia WartlJ;ck Willian. Desmond ....... • ............ .. Jg THE CALGARY STAMPEDE-A Story ........•.......•. By Fred H. Shipman 24 Dorothy Dwan . ...• . .. .. .. .. • .. .. ., 56 FREEDOM OF THE KNEES ..............................•................. 28 Piclures of halhi", girls Lefty F ynn .... .. ................ .. , ... 41 SHIRLEY KEEPS THE HOME FIRES BURNING............................ 30 Florence Gilbert 54 P.·ctur, pages of SI,,'rley Mason Kather:,Jl_e (xrd.nt ....... ......... ....... 57 THE ROAD TO YESTERDAY--A Story ................... By Paul Crawford 32 FORKING A BRONCO ...................................... By Hal K. Wells 36 Eddie GribllOn .. .. •. ............ ... 46 Article 0" ItOtll h-arry Carey trains horses Theln.a Hill ......... ... • " ..... .... .... 57 WILliAM AND MARY AND MARY JO ....................................... 38 Piclttre pa,es of William Desmo"d ""d family Pee;V ee Holmes ......................... SO MARION'S DAILY DO.?:EN.................................................. 40 Lloy, Hughes ........... ............... 41 Picture Ptllft' of M,1rlO" Nixo. PAGING MR. DEMPSEy .................................................... 41 Texa,. Jack ..... ........ .... Pict"re /Jate of screen fithters Buck Jane" ... • ......... ....... 19 WITH THE WEST COAST STARS ........................... By Don H. Eddy 42 . •... ...... 64 GO WEST-A Story ...................................... By Fred H. Shipman 43 Frances Lee ..... EDDIE GRIBBON FROM HARLEM ...................... By Dorothy Calhoun 46 Shi.-Iey Mas.)n .. 3U I"ter"ie", ",i/ll Eddie G.'ihho" Jack Mulhall .... 16 THE SHEIK TAKES TO TliE SADDLE ...................................... 48 Piclure page of Rudolpll Vale.,itlo Mari,m Nixo1 ..... 40 THE DAWN OF A NEW DAy ................... .. .......................... 49 Georg.e O'Brien .i6 Pict1J,re pate of M arcelitJe Day MAGPIE AND DIRTY SHIRT...............................................
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