Stalin Murdered the MILITANT K rivitsky formerly the The New Proof—See Page 3 Socialist Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party VOL. V—No. 8 NEW YORK, N. Y. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 22 1941 FIVE (5) CENTS ‘RISK OF WAR’ ADMITTED BY FDR MEN GPU Now Attempt To Bandiera Rossa! Phrase Is A Part Free Killers Of Trotsky Of War Move No less an authority than W EH R M AC H T, German army m ilitary organ, admits the truth o f ‘the recent reports that captured Italian soldiers, when informed of the fall of Kor- First Open Move Is Made To Get Siqueiros Out of Jail, After itza, sang the revolutionary working class song, “ Bandiera Rossa” and other revolutionary Is Step to Prepare Public for Actual songs! Judges, In Fear of their Lives, Refuse To Pass On His Case The January, 1941, issue of W EHRMAC11T, in its section on foreign m ilitary news, W ar Involvement; Formula of “All page 23, says: “ Reports originating from foreign and enemy sources concerning unrest among Aid Short of W ar" Dropped Altogether M EX IC O C ITY , Feb. 15—The latest move- of Stalin’s and calculatingly having planted Italian front-line units are largely, but unfortunately not wholly, unsubstantiated. GPU is nothing less than a systematic move to prevent the pun­ two women spies near the Trot­ “Lieutenant-Colonel Meissner (German military attache in Athens) has con­ ishment of the GPU assassins who are now in jail awaiting trial sky household (to corrupt tlfb pol­ Roosevelt’s spokesmen in the Senate produced an entirely for the May 24, 1940 attempt to murder Trotsky and the assas­ ice on guard outside) more than firmed reports of the singing of revolutionary hymns by Italian prisoners formerly new formula in the opening speeches in Congress on Monday. three months before the actual sination on August 20. belonging to second class Landsturm regiments now being held in prison camps in “ Even at the risk of war” was the new formula. And with attempt. That he did this as a Thessaly. The comparative scartity of such incidents, considering the severity of the In addition to the successful assassin, Jacson, a group of subordinate cog in the murder- its appearance the original formula with which the “ Iend-leasc” men and women, most of whom have admitted their complicity, machine of the GPU—none of this fighting on the Greek front and the privations endured by the soldiers of Italy, is bill was justified— “ all aid short of war"— disappeared from the are awaiting trial for the M ay 24th attempt, in which they mur­ is so much as referred to in this a compliment to the endurance and the courage of the Italian Arm y both now and in scene altogether. dered Robert Sheldon Marie, Trotsky’s American secretary- letter of “Intellectuals and Art­ the past.” It was obvious that the “ risk of war” formula was not an guard. ists.” By “ Landsturm” regiments, the m ilitary organ refers to men between ihe ages of 35-45, accidental interpolation by anybody. It appeared first in the David Alfaro Siqueiros was so completely identified by most Let us recall to these “Intel­ serving mainly for duty behind the lines, and used at the front only in great emergencies. carefully-prepared ^address of Senator Barkley, m ajority leader, of his arrested accomplices as the organizer and leader of the lectuals and Artists” that the en­ was repeated by Senator Thomas*®- Four regiments of such troops, according to German reports, actually participated in front May 24th attempt that Siquei-^ ormity of Siqueiros’ crime was so of Utah and even more bluntly A Japanese army spokesman line actions in Greece in the December battles at Koritza. Ear from belittling the signific­ ros, when finally caught after move to prepare public opinion obvious that even the brazen Stal­ affirmed by Senator Pepper of described the landing as “ a bel­ being a fugitive for months, (and (he judges already softened inist leadership made no at tempi ance of the revolutionary demonstration made by these Italian soldiers, the German m ili­ Florida. ligerent action.” The British mil­ up bv more forceful private steps) ita ry spokesman - in Hongkong had to admit he participated in to defend him. On the contrary— tary organ’s “ explanation” only serves to confirm the fact and to reveal the desperate plight This formula so dominated the for putting Siqueiros at liberty. despite the fact that Siqueiros of H itler’s ally, the fascist regime of Italy. presentation of the proponents of meanwhile announced that “ all the assault. On Kebruaray 14th E l Popular— had been publicly identified with preparations humanly possible” This is the greatest news-that has come out of the war! For the revolutionary ferment the bill that the New York Times Yet the case of Siqueiros is Toledano’s paper, which prepared the Stalinist movement for fifteen headline (Feb. 18) was: “ Aid bill had been made to defend that not in the hands of a judge! tlie ideological ground for Trot­ yeai'3, had been a M ajor in the in Italy w ill inevitably spread to both sides o f the battlcfronts! urged in Senate even at the risk colony against any Japanese at­ (U nder M exican law, a case is sky’s m urder by its incessant Stalinist-controlled forces in Loy­ And it w ill inspire the revolutionary forces everywhere, just as did the Russian re­ of war.” tack. placed in the hands of a judge GPU-written slanders against him alist Spain, is president of tne volution'in 1917. Pepper went far: “Call it (See story on the Japanese who is given a year in which to --published a letter signed by Stalinist-front Union of Mexican It was the Russian revolution that reall y put an end to the war in 1918. It is the com­ war, or do not call it war,” he crisis, page 6.) Investigate and hand down a fin “ Intellectuals and Artists” and ad­ Ex-Combatants of Spain, etc. etc. ing Italian revolution and its aftermath of revolution elsewhere that will put an end to this declared—and a hush fell over El decision. There is no jury.) dressed to President Camacho, —the Stalinists made desperate the galleries, the correspond­ The first judge who had the “cheerfully offering our moral attempts to dissociate themselves war! ents report—“ Lay it down as a case insisted on being replaced. support” to Siqueiros. from Siqueiros. premise, America w ill not let What Big Business His -successor declined to take The letter does not directly ask STALINIST TESTIMONY England fall to Hitler. If this Says CIO “ Defense over the case and refused to give for Siqueiros’ release, but pre­ (b ill) w ill not save England, Thus David Serrano, member his reasons for so declining. But pares the way for that by com­ we w ill save it anyway.” of the Political Buro of the Mex­ Plan" Really Means the press spoke openly of the fact plete silence about the crime and ican Communist Party, arrested Which Senator Austin of Ver­ that the judge had been threaten­ much talk about what a “great and awaiting trial in the same S.W.P. Will Back A.L.P. mont, assistant Republican lead­ The Kipllnger WASHING­ ed by'the GPU, as the first judge artist” (painter) he is. It con­ er, went one better, dramatically had been. Other judges have also case—be was identified as having TON LETTER, circulated cludes by asking that Siqueiros striding into the center aisle of refused to take the case, and ordered the purchase of the police privately to business men, in be treated “justly.” The implica­ the chamber to declare, in solid­ therefore the records arc now in tion is'clearly presented: he is a un iform s used as disguises by the its Feb. 1 issue urges its em­ machine-gunners — proceeded to arity with tlie Democrats: ployer-subscribers to get and Mexico City, after a trip from “great” Mexican artist and there­ Candidate For Congress denounce Siqueiros. Serrano’s tes; Coyoaean to Villa Obregon and fore should go free. “ If ever it becomes necessary study the “ CIO Defense Plan” from there to Xochimilco. timony, made to the chief of pol­ for us to fight, we will fight!” issued by Philip Murray, CIO The purpose of GPU pressure UNESTHETIC DETAILS ice, General Jose Manuel Nunez, Local New York of the Socialist Workers Party informed We feel that the platform of It was abundantly clear that, head. to prevent any judge from handl­ T hat Siqueiros murdered I’ ob and released to the press on June the New York County Committee of the American Labor Party the American Labor Party (New over the week-end, a new strat­ Commenting on the results in g the case is clear. Thus tim e Harte. That he nearly succeeded 18, 1940, characterized Siqueiros this week that the S.W.P. is prepared to support the A.L.P. can­ York County Committee) presents egy meeting of the Roosevelt in­ of this “ Defense Plan,” the elapses in w hich the case, S ta lin ’s in m urd e rin g L,con and N a ta lia as an “undesirable person” and didate for Congressman in the 17th New York District. a pacifist rather than a militant ner circle had decided to launch Letter says: "half crazy.” Serrano stated he proletarian opposition to war. For agents hope, w ill gradually sink Trotsky. That he led a score of The S.W.P.
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