5640 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 21-, against the tariff on linotype machines-to the Committee on By Mr. :MORRELL: Petition of the Philadelphia Board of Way-s and Means. Trade, for consolidation of third and fourth class mail matter­ Also, paper to accompany bill for relief.of John Marshall, jr.­ to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. to the Committee on Claims. By Mr. PATTERSON of Tennessee: Petition of the Memphi!; Also, petition of the Hubbard County Clipper, against the and Shelby County Medical Society, for Federal control of quar­ tariff on linotype machines-to the Committee on Ways and antine-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 1\Ieans. By Mr. REID: Paper to accompany bill for relief of John S. By Mr. BENNETT of Kentucky : Paper to accompany bill for Houston-to the Committee on War Claims. relief of Wheetley D. Cropper, James J. Perry, and Perry G. P. By Mr. SMITH of California: Petitions of citizens of Escon­ Bruce-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. dido, Cal., against religious legislation in the District of Co­ Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of J. F. Skeens-to lumbia-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. the Committee on Pensions. 1\Ir. STEVENS of Minnesota: Petition of Camp A. R. Patter­ By Mr. BOWERSOCK: Petition of citizens of Linn County, son, No. 1, Minnesota Division, Army of the Philippines, for Kans., against religious legislation in the District of Columbia­ special medals to Philippine volunteers-to the Committee on to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Military Affairs. By Mr. CAPRON: Paper' to accompany bill for relief of Wil­ · By 1\Ir. WOOD of New .Jersey: Petition of the Beebe-Webber liam B. Douglas-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Company, of Holyoke, 1\Iass. ; Hanscom Brothers, of Fall River, By Mr. CHAPMAN: Petition of citizens of Carmi, White :Mass., and the Forest City Woolen 1\Iill Company, of Cleve­ County, Ill., against bill H. R. 7007-to the Committee on In­ land, Ohio, against bill H. R. 8988 (the metric system bill, Lit­ dian Affairs. tauer bill)-to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Meas­ By Mr. DARRAGH: Petition of Rock Elm Grange, of East ures. Jordan, Charlevoix County, Mich., for a parcels-post law-to Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Mary Clark-to the the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, petition of citizens of Montcalm County, Cedar Lake, Reading, and Clear County, Mich.; against religious legislation in the District of Columbia-to the Committee on the District - SENATE. of Columbia. By Mr. DUNWELL: Petition of Gens. Green B. Raum, Craw­ SATURDAY, April Bl, 1906. ford, and Birney, for bill S. 2162, creating a volunteer retired The Chaplain, Rev. Enw ARD E. HALE, offered the following list for surviving generals of volunteers-to the Committee on prayer: Military Affairs. Let us now praise famous men ancl otLr fathers that begot Also, petition of citizens of New York State, for relief of the 1ts. The Lord hath wmught great glory by them through his landless Indians in northern California-to the Committee on great 1JO'We1· fmm the beginning. Leaders of tl~e people by thei1• Indian Affairs. counsels and by their knowledge of learning meet for the people, Also, petition of the American Reciprocal Tariff League, fa­ w-ise and eloquent in their instructions. · voring a commission of an advisory character, of economic ex­ Let us pray. perts, to adjust the tariff schedules from time to time-to the Father, we thank Thee for the fathers who founded this na· Committee on Ways and Means. tion, and we thank Thee for those who went before the fathers Also, petition of the Christian Social Cl)lb, for relief of the who founded the colonies and made these States, for the men landless Indians of California-to the Committee on Indian Af­ who knew God and believed in God, and planted their State on fairs. the everlasting foundations, who knew no king but the King of Also, petition of Republican Club of New York, for the mer­ kings, and no Lord but the Lord of lords. We thank Thee that chant marine shipping bill (S. 529)-to the Committee on the such men and their children live to-day, that they are with Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Thee in bringing iu Thy kingdom, and we ask Thee that the By Mr. FLOYD: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Alex­ ' spirit tllat was in the fathers may be with us to-day, even in our ander Dixon-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. calamities ; that we may bear calamity as the children of the By Mr. FULLER: Petition of the Woman's IIealth Protective living God; in om··prosperity that we may give Thee the praise Association, of New York, for bills S. 50, H. R. 4462, and S. and not take it for ourselves: 2962, relative to child labor and a children's bureau in the Dis­ Be with the Congre s, Father. Be with all the States. Be trict of Columbia-to the Committee on the District of Co­ with the President. Be with all the nations, to bind all men lumbia. together in one. We ask it in Christ Jesus. By Mr. GARRETT: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy George T. Welch-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is done in By Mr. GILLESPIE : Petition of ladies of Weatherford, Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us ·our Tex., for preservation of Niagara Falls-to the Committee on trespasses as we forgive tho e who trespass against us. Lead Rivers and Harbors. us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is By Mr. GOLDFOGLE: Petition of "The Charities and The the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Commons," approving of legislation now pending on the sani­ Amen. tary improvement of the District of Columbia-to the Committee THE JOUR AL. - on the District of Columbia. The Journal of yesterday's procee~ings was read and ap- By Mr. GRANGER: Petition of the League of Impro-;,~ment Societies of Rhode Island, for forc.1t reservations in the White proved. · Mountains and the Southern Appalachian Mountains-to the THE EARTHQUAKE IN CALIFORNIA. Committee on Agricultme. 1\Ir. PERKINS. Mr. Presi(lent, the cablegram of the vice­ By 1\I.r. HAMILTON: Petition of Kridler Post, No. 575, president of the Brazilian Senate to the Vice-President of the Grand Army of the Republic, for granting additional pensions United States and President of the United States Senate, ex­ to soldiers who were prisoners-to the Committee on Invalid pressing the sympathy of that body for the people of San Fran­ Pensions. cisco and other communities in California o>crtaken by a great By Mr. HOWELL of New Jersey: Petition of Golden Rule catastrophe, will be appreciated by the people of my afflicted Council, of Perinsville, N. J., favoring restriction of immigra­ State; and while voicing the sentiments of the Senate of -the tion-to the Committee on Immigration and Natmalization. United States, I desire also to make in their behalf heartfelt Also, petition of citizens of Watertown, N. J., for transporta­ acknowledgment. _ tion of mail matter in book form suited to the uses of the I must also take this opportunity to acknowledge the great blind for 1 cent per 4 ounces-to the Committee on the Post­ debt of gratitude due to the Government of the United States Office and Post-Roads. for the large sums of money contributed in aid of sufferers and ""By Mr. KNOWLAJ\"'D: Paper to accompany bill for relief of the splendidly efficient manner in which the different depart­ Charles 1\I. 1\Iayberry-to the Committee on Military Affairs. ments are carrying on their work of relief ; and to the people of By Mr. LEE : Paper to accompany bill for relief of Marion the different States and cities of the Union who have con­ F. _ 9J1_d Dr. ?If. Westbrooks-to the Committee on Military tributed millions upon millions of dollars to assist the homeless, Affairs. the hungry, and the suffering. I desire to say that California By Mr. LOUDENSLAGER: Petition of Berlin Grange, of will never be able to express adequately its deep appreciation. Camden ·N. J., against the ship-subsidy bill ( S. 520) -to· the Mr. President, in this same connection I want to thank the Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries. great railroads of this country_ for the prompt and cheerful man­ Bv Mr. :McCALL : Paper to accompany bill for relief of Ed­ ner in which they have given precedence to supplies of all kinds ward T. Lincoln-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. that are being forwarded to the suffering people of my State. 1906. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. 5641 They have given precedence over all other business in order to copy of the :findings of fact filed by the court in the cause of forward promptly the succor to the distressed. The two great Samuel W. Latta v. The United States; which, with the accom­ railroads entering my home city are carrying free the homeless panying paper, was referred to the Committee on Claims, and and destitute to other parts of the country, where they can re­ ordered to be printed. ceive food · and shelter. lie also laid before the Senate a communication from the Great disasters like that which has occurred on the Pacific assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a .certified coast bring out most strongly the fact that the different peoples copy of the :findings of fact :filed by the court in the cause of of tllis world are after all one in human sympathy, and that the Mary H.
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