Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2018-01-24 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2018). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 3050. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/3050 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. XAVIER Published by the students of Volume CIV Issue 18 Xavier University since 1915 January 24, 2018 NEWSWIRE Fiat justitia, ruat caelum xaviernewswire.com Faculty forced to ee by burst pipe BY HEATHER GAST sors and administrative as- Staff Writer sistants in the math, English The discovery of pooling and philosophy departments water on a Hinkle Hall stair- on the first and second floors. well led to the discovery of a The first-floor faculty lounge much bigger issue: Coils with- was also affected. The College in the building’s heaters had Operations team, based in the ruptured, leading to flooding offices of the College of Arts and water damage. The flood- and Sciences in Alter Hall, has ing has resulted in the dis- been tasked with managing placement of numerous facul- the relocation of affected pro- ty and staff. fessors. The first stage of flooding Hinkle Hall is no stranger occurred in a first-floor math to maintenance issues. The professor’s office. It was dis- building is the oldest on cam- covered that Sunday, Jan. 14, pus and will mark its 100th by a theology professor who anniversary in 2019. The coils noticed the pooling water. Be- in the heaters have ruptured cause the flooding transpired before without major damage during the Martin Luther to offices because the ruptures King Jr. holiday weekend, its were discovered quickly. This start time remains undeter- time, however, the water had mined. ample time to wreak havoc A second stage of flooding through the extended week- occurred on the second floor end. NewswireSKRWRE\6\GQH\6DQGHUV in the hallway by the English “It could have happened 6LJQVFDXWLRQDOOZKRHQWHU+LQNOH+DOOWRWUHDGFDUHIXOO\7KHEXLOGLQJZDVKLWE\WZRÁRRGVWKDWDIIHFWHG department offices on Jan. 16 Friday night, for all we know,” VHYHUDOÀUVWDQGVHFRQGÁRRURIÀFHVDQGGLVSODFHGPHPEHUVRIWKHPDWK(QJOLVKDQGSKLORVRSK\GHSDUWPHQWV and was quickly quelled. said Nannette Moore, the Offices on the first and sec- the biology department has way,” first-year English major All in all, the flooding af- manager of College Opera- ond floor of the building’s offered up space in its research Link Villanueva said. fected the offices of profes- tions. north wing have been largely labs to affected professors. As Some students, on the oth- vacated because of the pres- Moore puts it, the flooding er hand, were not perturbed ence of heated industrial fans “brought out lots of good by the lack of study rooms. and dehumidifiers. Rooms on things in people.” “I usually use a classroom the second floor have reached In addition, professors and to study,” first-year philos- temperatures of more than chairs of the affected wings ophy major Aedan Sullivan 100 degrees as fans blow hot have been relocated to offices said. “They’re pretty free (at air upward through studs in of professors on sabbatical or night). I only use the study the walls to get rid of any maternity leave as well as of- rooms during exam week.” possible mold. fices in Schott Hall. Some pro- College Operations hopes Moore and affected profes- fessors have elected to utilize to move minimally affected sors like Dr. Renea Frey have home offices or quiet spaces in professors back to the sec- been pleased with the work of the McDonald library during ond floor today. Other sec- Servpro, the company Xavi- the day. ond-floor offices should be er contracted to manage the The group study rooms in open by the end of this week. cleanup. Alter are currently closed to The first-floor rooms that “Although the noise and students to make space avail- were initially hit with flood- mess have been a hassle, it able to professors to hold ing, however, will remain un- seems like the work crews are office hours. Others are opt- usable for the foreseeable fu- doing a lot to try to dry out ing to forego meeting with ture. Meanwhile, third-floor the place as quickly as possi- students for the time being, offices have remained in op- ble,” Frey said. which has led to frustrations eration with little distraction In addition to Servpro’s for both students and profes- from heat and noise. work, Moore is pleased with sors. Perhaps there is a silver how the various academic “I feel frustrated that I can’t lining to the story — it isn’t departments have worked to- meet with my professor, but exam week, and the carpets NewswireSKRWRE\6\GQH\6DQGHUV )LUVWÁRRURIÀFHVLQ+LQNOH+DOOZLOOUHPDLQXQXVHDEOHEXWWKH&ROOHJH gether to find space for dis- I understand. I don’t really of affected offices are being 2SHUDWLRQVWHDPKRSHVWRUHRSHQWKHVHFRQGÁRRURIÀFHVWKLVZHHN placed faculty. For example, meet with my professors any- deeply cleaned. In this issue... Campus News, Page 2 Sports, Page 9 A&E, Page 10 Features, Page 12 Learn more about “Let’s Paul Fritschner high- Toni Carlotta reects on Read about your fa- Talk,” a new mental lights some of the most the Cardi B eect that vorite furry creatures wellness service of- iconic wins during the had everyone jamming that regularly grace fered through McGrath Chris Mack era to “Bodak Yellow” the campus grounds 2 January 24, 2018 Campus News xaviernewswire.com McGrath starts ‘Let’s Talk’ service Students now have the ability to talk to a licensed therapist in short sessions BY SOONDOS MULLA-OSSMAN “Unfortunately we’ve had primary concerns with Mc- echoed similar thoughts while signed to be an unbiased, non- Copy Editor limited resources,” Associate Grath’s performance are the informing the senators and clinical space where students With the release of the Director of counseling Dr. taboos of discussing mental executives of the university’s can go without having to set Healthy Minds Study and the Timothy Barron said. “There health and the consequential “wellness strategic plan.” up counseling appointments Stress and Depression ques- are people floating down a riv- lack of awareness about avail- “Last year, we had what and can get things off their tionnaire surveys, students er, and you can were some chests. may have noticed an increase help take them not insignifi- “It’s a way of getting to in McGrath Health and Well- out of the river, cant waitlists the students who are kind of ness Center’s presence among which is what for students in the background and need students. On Monday, Mc- we do in coun- who wanted support,” Landberg said. Grath added a new service to seling, hope- to be seen in In addition to the new ser- the list when it launced “Let’s fully, but then those spaces,” vice and a health coach from Talk.” you also want Johnson said. the partnership with Tri- “Let’s Talk” creates a space to go upriver Already, Health, Barron is optimistic for students to come to Mc- and see who’s two to three about a number of things: the Grath as walk-ins and speak throwing peo- -week wait- growth of workshops already to licensed therapists. The ple in the river. lists to see a integrated into McGrath’s sessions are short, 15-20 min- That’s where counselor are treatment plan, a technolo- ute periods in which students Wellness pro- reportedly gy-based interactive program can discuss anything without gramming cropping up, called Therapy Assistance having to go through struc- comes along.” which John- Online (TAO), hiring a new tured counseling. The service Despite its son charac- part-time counselor for eve- is available Mondays from 2-4 efforts, the terized as un- ning hours and hiring a new p.m. counseling de- acceptable. graduate assistant. Part of the reason for the partment’s out- Counseling “It is an option to go up push in mental health ser- reach has been supervisor (to McGrath) and see a ther- vices on campus is attributed limited because Stacy Land- apist for anything,” McMona- to Xavier becoming a JED of the high berg looks gle said. “Even if it’s just campus last semester. The demand for its forward to one time. It’s not something Jed Foundation (JED) is a services. helping “Let’s you’re stuck in. You can go non-profit organization that “I think Mc- Photo courtesy of xavier.edu/health-wellness Talk” devel- once, and you don’t ever have seeks to aid campuses in pro- Grath definite- McGrath’s new service “Let’s Talk” is offered every Monday from 2-4 p.m. op. to go again.” tecting emotional health as ly needs to step up their game able services. “We’re starting small,” The center is taking things well as preventing substance with counselors,” Vice Pres- “People just don’t even Landberg said. “I think the “little by little,” Barron con- abuse and suicides. Xavier ident of the Active Minds know that you can just go (to goal eventually is to have cluded, with which Landberg joined the ranks of other JED club and senior Katelynne McGrath) and see someone,” us…embedded in different agreed. campuses like Ohio State Uni- McMonagle said while ta- McMonagle said. places on campus at certain Although describing their versity, Kent State University bling for the group on Mon- Additionally, during the hours and certain days where efforts as small steps forward, and Harvard University.
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