76 Fauna of Ground Bugs (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) in Latvia Fauna of Ground Bugs (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) in Latvia VOLDEMRS SPUIS Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia, 4 Kronvalda Blvd., LV 1586, Rga, Latvia; e-mail: [email protected] SPUIS V., 2008. FAUNA OF GROUND BUGS (HEMIPTERA: LYGAEIDAE) IN LATVIA. – Latvijas Entomologs, 47: 76-92. Abstract: In total, 64 Lygaeidae species are known in Latvia; of them six are found for the first time. Five species are excluded from the list because no individual present in the collections. A study is based on revision of collections and on new material collected mostly during last decade. Key words: Lygaeidae, fauna, distribution, habitats, Latvia. Introduction recorded ground bugs is merged with collection of Z.Spuris and is deposited in the Institute of Ground bugs are common and widespread Biology, University of Latvia. in different habitats of Latvia. G.Flor (1860) Collections containing individuals of referred 38 species, A.Saars (1931) stated 51 Lygaeidae from Latvia were revised. A species of Lygaeidae. Later Z.Spuris (1950, collection of G.Flor is deposited in the Museum 1951, 1952, 1953, 1957, 1996) contributed to of Natural History, University of Tartu, of the study of these insects. Some other data are A.Saars – Zoological Museum, University of scattered in different publications (Ozols 1955, Latvia, and of Z.Spuris – in the Institute of Spuis 2005). V.Spuis (2003) prepared a Biology, University of Latvia. A collection of preliminary checklist including 62 species of B.A.Gimmerthal is deposited in the Zoological ground bugs. Large material was collected Museum, University of Latvia. Only species during the last decade, and the aim of this with represented by individuals in collections research is to update the list of Lygaeidae in are included in the list. Latvia based on analysis of new and historical Data on numerous individuals collected by data. different researchers were not published. Unpublished records cover period from 1943 till Methods 1997. Data of these records also are included in the article. Large material of ground bugs was collected in Latvia in 2000-2008. Sampling of Abbreviations used in the text: R. – references; individuals by entomological sweep net was the M. – collected material; distr. – administrative district; main method used. Individuals were collected ind. – individuals; n – numerous individuals. also the directly from the ground. Sampling of Taxonomy follows Wachmann et al. plant litter and sieving through beetle sieve. (2007), the species are ordered alphabetically. Some ground bugs were caught by yellow Records are ordered alphabetically by pollinator traps. Rather extensive material was administrative districts or Riga city obtained also by use of pitfall traps used for administrative territory (all underlined), collecting epigeic invertebrates. localities – alphabetically, sampling dates – Bugs were killed by aethylacetate, dried if chronologically. Then method (optionally), preserved in the solution of formaldehyde, habitat data, number of collected individuals pinned or glued on paper triangles on and collector’s name (if not collected by the entomological pins, and identified by use of author) follow. keys and descriptions (Kerzner 1964, Wachmann et al. 2007). A collection of newly Latvijas Entomologs 2009, 47: 76-92. 77 Results 22.07.1951, dry meadow, 3 ind., leg. Z.Spuris; Mangasala, 31.08.2004, dry meadow, 2 ind.; Lygaeidae SCHILLING, 1829 Salaspils, 01.08.1973, forest edge, 2 ind., leg. Lygaeinae STÅL, 1862 A.Kacna; Saulkalne, 05.08.1979, 1 ind., leg. Lygaeus equestris (LINNAEUS, 1758) Z.Spuris. Talsi distr.: Kolka, 14.07.2004, dry R. Flor 1860 (L. familiaris PANZ.), 222, Saars meadow, 3 ind, 15.07.2007, wet meadow, 2 ind. 1931 (L. equestris L. var. familiaris). Tukums distr.: Brzciems, 05.07.2004, dunes, 2 M. No recent records. ind.; Krievragciems, 11.08.1958, 1 ind., Remarks. No individual present in a collection 02.07.1959, meadow, 2 ind., leg. V.Šmits. of A.Saars, but two individuals present in the Valmiera distr.: Stren i, 05.08.2006, pine forest, collection of B.A.Gimmerthal. The species is 1 ind. Ventspils distr.: at Puze lake, 24.08.1951, very rare. 2 ind., leg. Z.Spuris. Remarks. The species is very common, widely Tropidothorax leucopterus (GOEZE, 1778) distributed in dry and mesophytous meadows. R. Saars 1931: 75. M. No recent records. Nysius ericae (SCHILLING, 1829) Remarks. No individual present in a collection R. Flor 1860 (Cymus (Artheneis) Ericae of A.Saars, but two individuals present in the SCHILL.), Saars 1931, Spuis 2005 (as N. collection of B.A.Gimmerthal. The species is thymi). very rare. M. Aizkraukle distr.: Skrveri, 09-15.06.1988, pitfall traps, meadow, 1 ind., leg. D.Volkov. Orsillinae STÅL, 1872 Csis distr.: Lodesmuiža, 05.07.2005, dry Nithecus jacobaeae (SCHILLING, 1829) meadow, 1 ind. Kuldga distr.: Diu meadows, R. Flor 1860 (Cymus (Artheneis) Jacobeae 27.06-24.07.2004, yellow traps, calcareous SCHILL.), Saars 1931, Spuris 1950 (Nysius meadow, 1 ind. Liepja distr.: Pape, 02.10.2004, jacobeae), 1957 (Nysius jacobeae), Spuis dunes, 1 ind.; Prkone, 05.07.2003, dunes, 1 2005. ind., Ziemupe, 11.06-15.10.2006, pitfall traps, M. Csis distr.: Lodesmuiža, 06.07.2006, dry dunes, 137 ind., leg. I.Cera. Madona distr.: to meadow, 2 ind., leg. J.Šuba. Kuldga distr.: the S of Madona, 02.08.2004, forest edge, 2 Diu meadows, 27.06-19.07.2003, yellow traps, ind.; Atašiene, 26.06.2005, dry meadow, 1 ind.; calcareous meadow, 4 ind., leg. G.Malceniece, Vestiena, 02.08.2004, forest edge, 2 ind. Rga 27.06-24.07.2004, 7 ind. Liepja distr.: Vtii city: Brasla graveyard, 30.08.1951, 3 ind., leg. meadows, 27.06-19.07.2003, yellow traps, Z.Spuris; Kleisti, 24.08.2006, dry meadow, 2 calcareous meadow, 1 ind., leg. G.Malceniece; ind.; Kronvalda park, 21.09.2005, inside Ziemupe, 03.09-12.11.2006, pitfall traps, dunes, building, 1 ind. Rga distr.: Babte, 20.06.2007, 2 ind., leg. I.Cera. Limbaži distr.: Augstroze, dry meadow, 2 ind.; emeri, 22.07.1951, 4 ind., 10.07.2007, meadow, 2 ind. Madona distr.: leg. Z.Spuris; Mangasala, 31.08.2004, dry Aiviekste, 02.08.2004, dry meadow, 2 ind.; to meadow, 3 ind. Talsi distr.: varži, 21.07.2004, the S of Madona, 02.08.2004, forest meadow, 4 1 ind.; Kolka, 23.07.2003, dunes, 1 ind., ind.; Atašiene, 26.06.2005, dry meadow, 2 ind. 14.07.2004, dry meadow, 1 ind., 14.08.2004, Ogre distr.: Jaunogre, 29.07.1956, on dry meadow, 1 ind. Tukums distr.: Engure, Compositae, 1 ind., leg. Z.Spuris. Preii distr.: at 01.09.2006, dunes, 1 ind.; Plieciems dune, rdava lake, 29.06.1953, 1 ind., leg. Z.Spuris; 11.06.2005, dunes, 1 ind. Valka distr.: Turki parish, Lvni meadow, 26.06- Grodupes, 17.08.2006, dry meadow, 1 ind. 24.07.2005, yellow traps, mesophytous Ventspils distr.: at Puze lake, 16.08.1950, on meadow, 2 ind., leg. G.Malceniece. Rga city: at Galium verum, 2 ind., 24.08.1951, 3 ind., leg. Dambja purvs lake, 18.07.1950, 2 ind., leg. Z.Spuris; Stikli, 12.07.2005, heath land, 1 ind. Z.Spuris; Bru kapi graveyard, 28.08.1973, 1 Remarks. The species is very common, widely ind., leg. Z.Spuris; Drzii, 03.08.1973, forest distributed in dunes in the western part of clearing, 1 ind., leg. A.Kacna. Rga distr.: Latvia. Babte, 18.07.2007, meadow, 2 ind; emeri, 78 Fauna of Ground Bugs (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) in Latvia Nysius helveticus (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1850) ind., leg. K.Vilks; Prkone, 05.07.2003, dunes, R. Spuris 1950, 1957, Spuis 2005. 1 ind. Madona distr.: Aiviekste, 02.08.2004, dry M. Madona distr.: Tei i bog, 31.07.1991, raised meadow, 1 ind. Rga city: Buusala, S part, bog, 1 ind. 14.07.1951, 5 ind., leg. Z.Spuris; between Remarks. Species is rare and inhabits the raised Zasulauks and Torakalns, 07.08.1973, 2 ind., bogs. Only three localities are known. leg. Z.Spuris; Drzii, 03.08.1973, forest clearing, 1 ind., leg. A.Kacna; Mrupe, Nysius thymi (WOLFF, 1804) 07.08.1973, meadow, 6 ind., leg. A.Kacna; R. Flor 1860 (Cymus (Artheneis) Thymi Vagonu parks, 09.08.1973, 1 ind., leg. WOLFF.), Saars 1931, Spuris 1950, 1957. A.Kacna. Rga distr.: Garciems, 29.08.1973, M. Madona distr.: Aiviekste, 02.08.2004, dry forest edge, 1 ind., leg. A.Kacna; Mangasala, meadow, 2 ind.; to the S of Madona, 2.08.2004, 31.08.2004, dry meadow, 2 ind.; Zvejniekciems, dry meadow, 2 ind.; Vestiena, 02.08.2004, 03.08.1973, dry meadow, 1 ind., leg. A.Kacna. forest edge, 1 ind. Rga city: at Dambja purvs Tukums distr.: Tukums, 09.08.2006, dry lake, 18.07.1950, 2 ind., leg. Z.Spuris; Bru meadow, 1 ind. kapi graveyard, 8.08.1973, 4 ind., leg. Z.Spuris; Remarks. The species is rather common, widely Drzii, 03.08.1973, forest clearing, 3 ind., leg. distributed in dry meadows. A.Kacna; Mangai, 27.09.1956, 1 ind., leg. G.Ozols; Mrupe, 07.08.1973, 2 ind., leg. Ischnorhynchinae STÅL, 1872 A.Kacna; Pleskodle graveyard, 24.08.1973, 4 Kleitocerys resedae (PANZER, 1797) ind., leg. Z.Spuris; Š irotava, 09.08.1973, dry R. Flor 1860 (Cymus (Lyctus) Resedae PANZ.), meadow, 1 ind., leg. A.Kacna. Rga distr.: at Saars 1931 (Ischnorhynchus resedae PANZ.), Lielupe river mouth, 29.07.1973, 4 ind., leg. Spuris 1950 (I. resedae PANZ.), 1953 (I. resedae Z.Spuris; Carnikava, 05.09.1973, barley field, 2 PANZ.), 1957 (I. resedae PANZ.), 1974 (I. ind., leg. A.Kacna; Carnikava, 31.08.1973, resedae), 1996 (Kleitocerys (= Ischnorhynchus) abandoned meadow, 2 ind., leg. A.Kacna; resedae (PANZER, 1797)), Spuis 2005.
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