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Bunbury National Library Bibliotheque nationale 1*1 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographic Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A0N4 K1A0N4 Your file Voire r*«o#nc« Out Hie Notrt rilirenc* THE AUTHOR HAS GRANTED AN L'AUTEUR A ACCORDE UNE LICENCE IRREVOCABLE NON-EXCLUSIVE IRREVOCABLE ET NON EXCLUSIVE LICENCE ALLOWING THE NATIONAL PERMETTANT A LA BIBLIOTHEQUE LIBRARY OF CANADA TO NATIONALE DU CANADA DE REPRODUCE, LOAN, DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUIRE, PRETER, DISTRIBUER SELL COPIES OF HIS/HER THESIS BY OU VENDRE DES COPIES DE SA ANY MEANS AND IN ANY FORM OR THESE DE QUELQUE MANIERE ET FORMAT, MAKING THIS THESIS SOUS QUELQUE FORME QUE CE SOU AVAILABLE TO INTERESTED POUR METTRE DES EXEMPLAIRES DE PERSONS. CETTE THESE A LA DISPOSITION DES PERSONNEINTERESSEES. 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Community College 0275 Classical 0294 Marketing 0338 Curriculum and Instruction ........0727 Comparative 0295 Canadian Studies 0385 Early Childhood 0518 Medieval 0297 Economics Individual and Family Elementary 0524 Modem 0298 General 0501 Finance 0277 African 0316 Agricultural J503 Studies 0628 Guidance and Counseling 0519 American 0591 Commerce-Business ,...0505 Industrial and Labor Health 0680 Asian 0305 Finance 0508 Relations 0629 Higher 0745 Canadian (English) 0352 History 0509 Public and Social Welfare ....0630 History of 0520 Canadian (French) 0355 Labor 0510 Social Structure and Home Economics 0278 English 0593 Theory 0511 Development 0700 Industrial 0521 Germanic 0311 Folklore 0358 Theory and Methods 0344 Language and literature 0279 Geography 0366 Transportation 0709 Mathematics 0280 Gerontology 0351 Urban and Regional Planning ....0999 Music 0522 History Women's Studies 0453 Philosophy of 09P8 General 0578 Physical 0523 THE SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Geodesy 0370 Speech Pathology 0460 Engineering Agriculture Geology 0372 Toxicology 0383 General 0537 Geophysics 0373 Home Economics 0386 Aerospace ( 0538 Hydrology 0388 Mineralogy 0411 PHYSICAL SCIENCES Nutrition 0475 Paleobotany 0345 Pure Sciences Animal Pathology 0476 Paleoecology 0426 Chemical 0542 Food Science ana Paleontology 0418 Chemistry General 0485 r;„H rn.n Technology 0359 Paleozoology 0985 A :_ li .„! r\-r ie> Forestry and Wildlife 0478 Palynology 0427 t Plant Culture 0479 Physical Geography 0368 • Hydraulic .' 0545 Plant Pathology 0480 Physical Oceanography 0415 Industrial 0546 Plant Physiology 0817 Inorganic! 0488 Marine 0547 Range Management 0777 HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL Nuclear 0738 Materials Science 0794 Wood Technology 0746 Organic 0490 Mechanical 0548 SCIENCES Pharmaceutical 0491 Biology Environmental Sciences 0768 Metallurgy 0743 General 0306 Physical 0494 Health Sciences Polymer 0495 Mining 0551 Anatomy 0287 General 0566 Nuclear 0552 Biostalistics 0308 Radiation 0754 Packaging 0549 Audiology 0300 Mathematics 0405 Botany 0309 Chemotherapy 0992 Pet-oleum 0765 Cell. 0379 Physics Solitary and Municipal 0554 Dentistry 0567 General 0605 Ecology 0329 Education 0350 System Science 0790 Entomology 0353 Acoustics 0986 I lospital Management 0769 Astronomy and rV-'-rl— i—. "428 Genetics..' 0369 Human Development 0758 .: • 796 limnology 0793 Immunology 0982 •• • • '95 Microbiology 0410 Medicine and Surgery 0564 : •• • ,. ?94 Molecular 0307 Mental Health 0347 Neuroscience 0317 PSYCHOLOGY Nursing 0569 Elementary Particles and Oceanography 0416 Nutrition 0570 General 0621 Physiology 0433 High Energy 0798 Obstetrics and Gynecology ..0380 Fluidand Plasma 0759 Behavioral 0384 Radiation 0821 Occupational Health ana Clinical 0622 Veterinary Science 0778 Molecular 0609 Therapy 0354 Nuclear 0610 Zoology. 0472 Ophthalmology 0381 Biophysics Optics 0752 Pathology 0571 Radiation 0756 General 0786 Pharmacology 0419 Medical 0760 Solid State .,.., 0611 Physiological 0989 Pharmacy 0572 Statistics 0463 Physical Therapy 0382 Psychobiology 0349 EARTH SCIENCES Public Health 0573 Applied Sciences Psychometrics 0632 Biogeochemistry., 0425 Applied Mechanics ...0346 Social 0451 Geochemistry ,.. Radiology 0574 0996 Recreation 0575 Computer Science 0984 Table of Contents Table of Contents iv List of Tables and Figures v Abstract vii Acknowledgements viii Introduction 1 Chapter One 36 Chapter Two 58 Chapter Three 88 Chapter Four 120 Chapter Five 143 Chapter Six 182 Chapter Seven 203 Chapter Eight 253 Conclusion 302 Appendix 310 Bibliography 319 iv List of Figures and Tables Chapter Three Table 1: Halifax Savings Bank, 1832-1867 92 Table 2: Classification of Depositors, Halifax, 1836-38 94 Chapter Four Figure 1: Comparison of Public Debt Nova Scotia, 1840-1855 130 Table 1: Classification of Depositors, Halifax, 1859-60 137 Table 2: Occupations of Women Depositors, Halifax, 1836-1860 138 Chapter Five Table 1: Saint John Savings Bank in Account with Province, 1825-1867 149 Table 2: Summary Accounts of Saint John Savings Bank, 1825-1852 150 Table 3: Classification of Depositors, Saint John, 1839 151 Table 4: Account Distribution, Saint John, 1843 153 Table 5: Summary Accounts of Fredericton Savings Bank, 1830-1846 169 Table 6: Account Size, Fredericton, 1830-1846 171 Chapter Six Table 1: N.B. Savings Banks, Summary Accounts 195 Table 2: N.B. Savings Banks in Account with Treasurer 196 Figure 1: Comparison of Public Debt New Brunswick, 1842-1853 198 Table 3: Classification of Depositors, Saint John, 1852-1856 200 Chapter Seven Figure 1: Loan Debt of Canada, Current Account, 1868-1900 238 Figure 2: Loan Debt of Canada, Capital Account,
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