Order of the Arrow Annual Report 2007 CONTENTS Leadership Message . 01 Develop Leaders of Character . 02 Serve and Support Scouting . 05 National Service Awards . 06 Service Grants . 07 Promote Outdoor Adventure . 10 Be an Active, Honored Brotherhood . 14 Josh R. Sain Memorial Scholarship . 15 The Silver Buffalo . 16 Committee . 16 Leadership Message rotherhood, Cheerfulness In the following pages you will read and Service—the pillars that more about the vibrant activities of Bsupport our organization— the Order of the Arrow. The 2007 took on an even more crucial Annual Report of the Order of the role in 2007. Applying these core Arrow describes the successes of the principles, members of the Order past year and preparations for the of the Arrow came together future. Programs like ArrowCorps5 to continue to build on a solid and our strategic plan depend on foundation for an even more our ability to understand, apply, and successful future. We accomplished live the legacy of servant leadership. this goal by introduction of our new Thank you for your support of the national strategic plan—Living Order of the Arrow, and thank you the Legacy. This plan clearly and ArrowCorps5 has been a major for helping make 2007 one of the concisely states our fundamental undertaking since its inception most successful years in the Order’s mission and purpose. four years ago. Modeled on the 92-year history. acclaimed OA high adventure To introduce our new strategic plan programs, ArrowCorps5 will Yours in Brotherhood, and to prepare for the ArrowCorps5 demonstrate our commitment to service project, OA leadership from leadership in service. We spent across the country gathered for 2007 preparing ArrowCorps5 the National Conservation and leadership and galvanizing our Leadership Summit in Blooming- Brotherhood for the largest single Evan P. Chaffee ton, Indiana during the summer of service project ever attempted by 2007 National Chief 2007. At this event, youth and adult the Boy Scouts of America. In just leaders from across the country re- a few short weeks our brothers will flected on past accomplishments, be on the trail in five U.S. Forest applied lessons learned, and pre- Service sites doing what they do Larry M. Newton pared for future successes. best—cheerfully serving. 2007 National Vice Chief 01 Develop Leaders of Character Vision: the act of dreaming For more than 10 years, the traditional times like spring break. about great ideas, believing Order of the Arrow has supported in them, planning to innovative, high adventure service Our national leadership realized accomplish them, and projects. Beginning with the OA the “sense of leadership in service” ultimately achieving them. Trail Crew program at Philmont, created by these programs; so the initiative expanded to include consistent with the principles of In a year of many accomplishments, the Northern Tier High Adventure Brotherhood, Cheerfulness, and it is fitting that the largest gathering Base and the Florida Sea Base. Service, the Order needed to open of Arrowmen converged around our Moreover, Arrowmen have served conservation service projects to a shared vision—the new strategic in conservation and service- larger audience. Thus, the idea for plan—Living the Legacy—and the related activities at these bases ArrowCorps5 was born. In 2008, upcoming 2008 ArrowCorps5 project. with manpower even during non- Arrowmen will provide thousands 02 of hours of service to five U.S. Forest • Conservation Track, and tion chiefs from across the country provided the primary leadership for Service sites in the spirit first • Leadership Track. kindled at the BSA high adventure the conservation track program. bases. The conservation track was de- signed to train the core national The leadership track brought to- staff members for the 2008 Arrow- For four full years prior to gether lodge leaders to discuss and Corps5 program. Nearly 300 Arrow- 2008, the Order began planning plan for the Order’s future and to in- 5 men took part in this training. In ArrowCorps and developing a new teract with lodges from around the the summer of 2008, these highly five-year strategic plan to guide nation. Section chiefs designed and trained staff members will deliver the organization as a whole. In delivered the program, which pri- conservation service while inspir- the summer of 2007, leaders from marily consisted of interactive train- across the country gathered for ing sessions. The outcome for the three reasons: leadership of each person attending the NCLS was the development of • Discuss the 2008 - 2012 Order of the Arrow Strategic Plan— a local five-year strategic plan de- Living the Legacy, signed to support the local council, consistent with the national OA • Develop lodge plans parallel strategic plan. Each plan includ- to the Order’s national ed annual goals and action items strategic plan, and ing and nurturing the ideals of structured around the core pillars • Gather key members of the leadership in service within their of the national OA strategic plan: Order to train and plan for work crews. At the NCLS, the close Serve and Support Scouting, De- the 2008 ArrowCorps5 project. partnership between the Order and velop Leaders of Character, Pro- the U.S. Forest Service came to fru- mote Outdoor Adventure, and Be From July 28 to August 1, nearly ition. Trainers from the U.S. For- an Active, Honored Brotherhood. 1,300 Arrowmen gathered at est Service and current and former In reviewing these plans, the na- Indiana University for the National members of Order of the Arrow high tional committee sought national Conservation and Leadership adventure staff trained the conser- trends to guide future strategic Summit (NCLS). The program was vation participants in advanced planning. Arrowmen who attended divided into the: outdoor skills. Importantly, sec- NCLS showed overwhelming sup- 03 Section Officer Seminars conducted by the four regions. The National Leadership Seminar remains the premier leadership training program in the Order of the Arrow. In 2007, the four regions delivered fifteen courses to 536 youth and 252 adult Arrowmen. The program and trainers continue to receive excellent reviews; the positive impact on participants port and enthusiasm for the event from basic communication skills to is tremendous. and the new strategic plan, Living the management of complex lodge the Legacy. and chapter programs, to methods The National Lodge Adviser Train- for instilling the concepts of servant ing Seminar (NLATS) underwent To continue to succeed as an leadership in other members. major changes this year. The re- organization, the Order’s leaders vised course, entitled E3—Envision, must constantly cultivate the The 47 section conclaves held Enable, Empower—was introduced next generation of leaders to be in 2007 are the next step in this in the spring of 2007. The region proactive, innovative, and energetic leadership development trail. leadership delivered eight NLATS for whatever the future brings. These events are a mix of training, courses, training 181 advisers. This lodge development, and fellowship. revised program was well received. The next generation of leaders must For the fifth consecutive year, Advisers learned critical skills such also possess character. Creating the national Order of the Arrow as mentoring and motivating youth, leaders of character is a priority at committee established a training building and maintaining trust and all levels of the Order. Lodges start theme for implementation at each relationships, working together with the Lodge Leadership Develop- section conclave, called the Conclave with their council, and many others. ment Program to train youth officers Training Iniative. Section officers and adult advisers in everything received advanced training at the 04 Serve and Support Scouting Service is a defining characteristic The national Order of the Arrow retention, making the OA a more of the Order of the Arrow. This year, committee has produced several valuable partner to the council. A 302 lodges contributed 1,335,779 guides and tools to assist lodges second guide was produced by the hours of service to Scouting and the in supporting their councils. One Conclave Best Practices task force, community, valued at more than of these tools is the new Cub which began its work in early 2007. $8 million. Through this service Scout Support Tool Kit. This guide The guide identified and highlighted and support, each lodge strives to instructs lodges on how to create interesting and innovative activities be an integral part of the council programs centered on Cub Scout held at the section conclaves. program. 05 National Service WESTERN REGION Awards Talako Lodge Marin Council #35 To recognize lodges that excel San Rafael, CA in giving service to the council Orca Lodge and the community, the National Redwood Empire Council #41 Service Award is presented Santa Rosa, CA annually to two lodges in each region. These lodges must meet CENTRAL REGION the Quality Lodge standards and contribute significantly in Cho-Gun-Mun-A-Nock Lodge quality and quantity of service Hawkeye Area Council #172 to their councils, camps and Cedar Rapids, IA the community. Michigamea Lodge Calumet Council #152 The lodges recognized Munster, IN in 2007 were: NORTHEAST REGION Pamola Lodge Katahdin Area Council #216 Bangor, ME Ah’Tic Lodge Bucktail Council #509 DuBois, PA SOUTHERN REGION O-Shot-Caw Lodge South Florida Council #84 Miami Lakes, FL Echockotee Lodge 06 North Florida Council #87 Jacksonville, FL SERVICE GRANTS WESTERN REGION For many years, the national Tahosa Lodge Order of the Arrow committee Denver Area Council #61 has provided matching service Received $5,000 to renovate grants for a limited number of an existing council campsite lodge-sponsored council service to make it accessible to people projects. A total of $40,000 in with disabilities. grants was made available in Walamootkin Lodge 2007. The evaluators considered Blue Mountain Council #604 the innovative scope and design Received $5,000 to restore camp of each project submitted, the property so that it can be used number of Scouts impacted by the for camping and high adventure.
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