~T7'*r* J* r incy Reds Even Up Worlds 'Series To-Day YUKON COUNCIL ELECTION WILL BE HELD NOVEMBER 25TH. FERRELL RETURNING OFFICER HERE WERNECKE LEAVES,SOUTH) | tMORE MAYOl 7ES MAY VOL. 6 NO. 18 MAYO, Y* T- SATURDAY, Oct. 5, 1940 25gT a copy DELAY JTALJA DRM AERIAL ATTACKS ON BRITAIN ON REDUCED SCALE RECRUITING BEGINS LONDON, Oct, 4- The Admiralty has announc-; ed the sinking, of. seven German submarines & IN YUKON 2 Italian subs.'Attacks by enemy U-boats it The Miner is in receipt of a short dispatch was pointed out, have been more successful this week from Capt. George Black, M. P., against shipping, lately on account of the jstating that recruting has now started in Nazis beingDOing ableauiw tooo useuao Frenchrxcxiwi portspuxuo morejuw*o ;j_ „ r accessible for striking at British shipping, - ^ Bl^tB letter, dated from Whitehorse, Oct. 1st. reads in part: ITALIAN DRIVE HThe Officer Commanding R. C» M» P»> at DELAYED Dawson, Inspector Grennan wired me here to-^ LONDON, Octo 4 - British forces have been jday that he' has been instructed to recruit in striking hard at -It'alian water supplies in jYukon 150 men for the Canadian Army, from Egypt, causing serious set backs to the It- JDawson, Mayo and Whitehorse. alian preparations-for-'a drive. Many thousand The R. C. M. P. at each of three ds of Australian troops have been arriving Iplaces are to act as recruiting officere. The steadily to bolster the British army in the Icivilian doctors at each plaoe will make the East. -A medical examinations. The men as enlisted will report to Colonel Beeston at Victoria for SEE SWING TO•"•'. further orders*", BRITAIN'S. SIDE . MORE..HEN .LAID OFF LONDON, Oct, 4 - The members of the Vichy AT.THE, CALUMET. Government are going, to all lengths to-hold Dakar for the. Nazis,'wellinformed quarters .. ,- 'Several more miners were laid off. at the revealed this week. A' state of siege has •tjalumet this week while one or two others have been pi ace d*on Dakar "and strong measures are ]quit their jobs to go outside. Most of those beine taken to suppress the legions of French,affected by this week-ls layoff left by planes theret> from joining. •JrA'_.General,-' DeGaulle's_"_ ^^ «_ supp forn theii_ outJside'-.or • J _ '. Dawsoni^_... — ...V,whileA 1 ,s ao few-Pour othersnrliottfi orters. It is reported that many Frenchmen will be leaving next week. It is understood in Dakar are swinging over to the oauso- of that a number of married men are replacing Free Frenchmen leg1, by DeGaulle. some of those who left this week. YUKON COUNCIL ELECTION BANK OF MONTREAL NOVEMBER 25. LIQUOR PLEB - NOW IN MERVYNS ISCITE REFUSED AT .OTTAWA :' HOTEL • The-election for members of a new' Yukon Forced out •'of their fine premises in the Council-wiil be held, on November 25, 1940. bank building "by last week' s fire, A. fi Hall, The Controller has appointed the 'following and. Fraser McNaughton, Manager and Teller as returning-officers: Dawson - ».' 0..,.Elling j.respectively of the local branch of the; Bank sen? 'Whitehorse' - L- H.-Dennisoh. Mayo - of Montreal;,are.now carrying on in Room 1 J. E. Ferrell. at Mervyn's Hotel. Although the new temporary Writs issued by-,the Territorial Secretary quarters are somewhat oramped compared to for the election of members in the three el- ;the former premises, the two members of the eotoral districts are dated Oot. 3. Nominat .staff are getting along very nicely pending ion Day is fixed for Oct. 26th., Polling Day repairs to the damaged building. for November 25 and Declaration Day for Doc. 9. PLANE SOUTH TO-DAY: The White Pass Condor, No liquor plebiscite will be held in conn Pilots Vines & Wood, returned from Dawson to ection with the election as advioe has been day, southbound with the mail. Mrs. Ray Larkin received by Controller Jeckell that the Gov-was an incoming passenger for Mayo ernor General in Council has disapproved of the 3 Ordinances passed by the Council re liquor legislation. ••," J The Mayo Miner - Sat. Oct. 5, 1940 /. LOCAL a PERSONAL « \ THE'MAYO \:M2fet .' $ ALIENS NATURALIZED "Mayo *s Home 'Newspaper" SINCE 1922 MUST REGIS TER.- / Published TOekly at Mayo,Y.T< The Registrar General of Enemy Aliens desires A. A. Gillespie . Ed. & Mgr. it to be known that the Defenoe of Canada Reg ulations now require all persons who have Devoted to the interests of ' Mayo, become naturalized British subjeots since the Ken©, Galena and the Surrounding Silver first day of September, 1922, who at the time & Gold Districts. of their naturalization were of German or Ital }ion nationality, or of the nationality of any SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $!• a month" or" J5-. ! territory which was under German or. Italian for 6 months, payable in Adyanoe. Icontrol at the outbreak of war, to report for iregistration without delay to the nearest Rog- \ istrar of Enemy Aliens. (R. C M. P- post in CARD PARTY TO-NIGHT iMayp). Notices t-o this effect have been post- \ ed around town. The Mayo Chapter, I0DB.. U hoUtag •wuJ ***** ??^?.w"^l^!/^?. &2M-" er of its popular bridge parties in IODB I er should clearly understand that this ; reg House to-night, proceeds from whioh go to istration is in addition to, and entirely war work. Featuring to-night*s card party !separate from, National Registration will be the drawing for the handsome bag J donated by Mrs. George Black. Tickets on 1 PERSONALS the handbag have been on sale these past fewj Mrs. Sine. Dunnott, Jr., left by plane on weeks. ITuesday, en route to Vancouver where she will speno: the next two months. This will be. "Mickey'8 WERNECKE first trip to the coast. She reports having had AWAY : .... a fine trip over to Whitehorse on Tuesday's flight. _ ... Livingston Wemeoke, General Manager for 'Galena lost still another popular couple this the Treadwell Yukon Corporation, who had week when Mr. and Mrs. George Kazinsky been spending the past, three weeks in xmthe children, left for Dawson on Friday's ?»I?^?*^^ Northbound plane. **••George •*•<*. ^ seated in his Bellanoa piloted' by Chuok Grops.tis, in Dawson this winter, en route back to his headquarters in San Also leaving this week, en route outside, Francisco. It is understood that Pilot Grop- were Mr. and Mrs. Carl DeClarke and baby, Mrs. stis started off Sunday but turned back on John Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Bryers ,and acoount of fog and poor visibility. nephew Jackie Bryers; all well known Galenaites affected by the recent shut down. MOOSE HUNTERS Other T. Y. employees, recently laid off, BACK FROM TRIP left by plane Tuesday, including Miners Tom Gregory, Mike Tymo, Paul Kingek and Nick Kozi Ed. Kimbel, Mayo timber king, got back as well as J. Chapman, Sterling Paul, Ernie Wednesday morning from his recent trip down Tisher' and Malcolm Dickie. Paul, Tishor and the Stewart in quest of moose. Aocompanied Dickie were all members of the championship by three members of the Kimbel crew, Archie |Calumet Bombers softball team. Currie, E. F. McDonald and Rayder Morberg,v+~k«J SETTLE IN WHITEHORSE: From Whitehorse comes the hunters bagged two moose, nearly got an-, t and ^^ Ted Richards and baby other. The trip was made with Ed's powerful JJJgggL - are now nicely settled in Whitehorse gas i«utftch and house boat attached. where Ted has a job in the shipyards and has . En route to May© from Galena with a T* Y. been working there practically ever since he truck Monday night, Dick Kimbel bagged two landed two weeks ago. Mrs. Richards,•so .we moose at the big lake at the Half Way Road- hear,'':iike Whitehorse very much.; •• house. '• • MOST EXCITED young man in town to-day was • Ray Larkin, popular T. Y. miner at the Cal CAPT. BLACK, M. P umet. Ray came in Thursday night, along with WENT NORTH FRIDAY ••..• Louis Kazinsky and took in the farewell dance ~ ' - for Fred Marshall in Pioneer Hall. To-day Ray Captain George Black, M. P. for Yukon,.-was oted his wife to reach Mayo, by plane, from a through passenger, from Whitehorse for ^w~jDawson. she came up the coast on the last boat son on the finite pass Condor Friday. George |but .^aQb a trip to the Gold City by plane, bof- had been in Whitehorse in connection with J orb POming on to Mayo. Mr* and Mrs-. Larkin will a couple of court oases there; both of ™hion|make:: their home on Galena this winter. ho won. He hopes.to be able to spend a few l - .^ER-SPENDING the summer season-mining with days in Mayo before'heading south for the jj^f^ey: Ray on Highet Creek, *Goil Oil* Dick parliamentary session whieh begins in Nov- jMcrcure lifted sail Thursday for tho Mo- ember. 'U j.Questen to get ready for his trapping operat- . +ftriJions. in that area this winter. "Big Dave' RIVER QUITE HIGH. .Following-the persistent\ ^ toQk Dick tQ the McQuestcn in his power rains of last week, tho Stewart River was jb °t/ Dick took a big outfit with him, includ- up five feet this week from its season's low- a Drana new battery radio by means of of seven feet. Tuesdaytg level was 12 feet i hJeh hQ h to keep up with the fur market which is unusually high for this time of thef winter. • year, who has been a member of the Another perfect day greeted the SilverlandwS 'MiddlecoffEARLING RUDEcrew on Highet this season, came in to-day following a week of more or less Wet'wet this week and' is taking a hard-earned holiday foggy weather with little real sunshine.
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