STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL l060 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. ·BULLETIN 814 SEPY.E·M1BE,C, 1948 AUGUST 27, 19~8 COMPLETE LIST MINIMUM RESALE .PRICES Effective September I, 1948 _TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT! _(EXPLANATORY NOTE:· For the convenience of the consumer AMENDED SPECIAL ~UUNG public and retailer alike, brands of alcoholic beverages ·are listed under separa.te type classifieations.) Licensees may not price-advertise alcoholic Type ·Page SPIRIT BLENDED WHISKIES ............................................................ 2, 3, 4 beverages, Including Malt Beverages, ·not listed BLENDS OF STRAIGHT WHISKIES --·······'··············-~·-····························· 4 , in Fair Trade Publications. STRAIGHT WHISKIES -~ RYE AND BOURBON ........................... 4, 5 · Effective October 22, 1945, the Department ruled thlat ~~~~~A:~s;I~:IEs··'::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ any alcoholic beverage8 .(except malt beverages) not listed. IRISH WHISKIES ···············-·······································:;......................................... 6 in Minimum Resale Price pamphlets, issued pursuant to SCOTCH WHISKIES .......................... :...................... :.................................. 6, 7 State Fair Trade Regulations .No. 30, may not be price BRANDIES • AMERICAN .............................................. :............................... 7 advertised (including direct or indirec·t r.eference to price) in any periodical, publication, circular, hand..1bill or direct =~!:~~~ : l1::~R~~~.... :.·.·.·.·.·-~~---.·-~~--~·-·.·.·.·.·-~~~--·.·.:.·.·.·.~~~-·.·_:_~--~~--·.·.·.·.·.·.·.~--~·-·.·.·.·.·.·.~---.~~--·.·.·.·-~·.... :.: ,: mailing piece in this State .by a manufacturer, wholesaler GINS • AMERICAN ················································································'··· 8, 9 or retailer. Private brands owned or controlled by 1a re­ GINS · IMPORTED ·············································'······································ 9, 10 tailer or exclusive brands confined to or di~tributed by SLO.E GINS ............................................................................................... :............. 10 one retailer are exicepted in the ruling. RUMS • AMERICAN ................................................................................... :... 10 RUMS · IMPORTED .............................................................................. 10, 11 The ruling was amended, eff.ective Tuesday, Septem­ CORDIALS AND LIQUEURS _ . ber 2, 19·47 to include malt beverages. (AMERICAN AND IMPORTED) .............. :....... 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 AS !~ note of caution, retailers are placed on notice ~gg~ ·~ ~~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::···1i ~~ that th~ amended ruling, effeotive September 2, 1947, PREPARED COCKTAILS ................................................................................. 16 prescribes 1the flat proh:Lbition ·.of the price. adver.tising of FRUIT FLAVORED BRANDIES ........................ :................................ 16, 17 all ·alcoholic beverages, including malt beverages, not CHAMPAGNES & SPARKLING WINES-AMERICAN ......... 17, 18 . TIS'ted in Fair Tl'lade, except Private and Exclusive brands CHAMPAGNES & SPARKLING WINES- IMPORTED ......~ .... : 18, 19 WINES - AMERICAN ...... 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 confined ito or distributed by one retadler. WINES • IMPORTED........................................................................ 28, 29, 30 Any viola:tion of ·the amended ruling shall subject the -~~::ggi~ ~ ~=g~~~~ :::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::... ~.~: '- ~~ licens'e to suspension or revocation. SPECIALTIES (VODKA, BITTERS, ETC.) •................................... 31, 32 ERWIN B. HOCK, BEER AND ALES ...•.............................................................. 32, 33, 34, 35 Oommissioner. Filed by the following manufacturers -and wholesalers~ AMERICAN B. ·D. COMPANY - KINSEY DISTILLING SALES COl\'IP ANY THE AMERICAN DISTILLING COMPANY, INC. KLUXEN, "HERMAN A. ANTONACCI WINE CO. • . G. KRUEGER BREWING COMPANY - K. ARAKELIAN, INC. · LAIRD. & COMPANY . ARDIN, IN.C., LUCIEN . LEROUX & CO., INC. ARROW LIQUEURS CORPORATION LIEBMANN BREWERIES, INC. AUSTIN, NICHOLS & CO., INC. LONDON & COMPANY, INC. BACARDI IMPORTS, .INC. MANY, BLANC & COMPANY, INC. P. BALLANTINE & SONS McKESSON LIQUOR COMPANY JAS. BARCLAY & CO., LIMITED MOHAWK LIQUEUR CORPORATION BELLOWS & COMPANY, INC. MONARCH WINE COMPANY, INC. BEVERWYCK BREWERIBS, INC. NAPA VALLEY GRAPE PRODUC'ES, INC. BISCEGLIA BROS. WINES CORPORATION CHAS. NASH & SONS - ' BLACK HORSE ALE, INC. NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORP •. BLACK PRINCE COMPANY, INC.· NA TION:AL WINE & LIQUOR CO. BLATZ BREWI.NG COMPANY NEW JERSEY APPLE GROWERS, INC. PETER BREIDT BREWING COMPANY OLD ORANGE COUNTY APPLE -BROWN-FORMAN DISTILLERS CORPORATION BRANDY- DISTILLERY, INC. BROWNE-VINTNERS CO., INC. PARK & TILFORD IMPORT CORPORATION C. V. A. CORPORATION PEOPLES BREWING CO. OF TRENTON . CALIFORNIA GRAPE PRODUCTS CO. PETRI WINE COMPANY OF N. Y., INC. CALVERT DISTILLERS CORPORATION PHILADELPHIA BREWING COMPANY CANADA DRY GINGER ALE, 'INCORPORATED ·PIEL BROS. , CANNIZZARO WINE COMPANY, INC. F. PIRRONE & SONS, INC. CARILLON IMPORTERS, LTD~ -PISACANE WINE COMPANY CARSTAIRS DIVISION of Calvert Distillers Corp. PLEASANT VALLEY WINE CO. CA TTANI & SONS, JOHN POPPER MORSON CORP. R. U. DELAPENHA & CO., INC. REINFELD, INC., JOSEPH H. DORCHESTER, INC. L. N. RENAULT & SONS, INC. DUGGAN's· DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORP. RENFIELD IMPORTERS, LTD. DUTCH SALES CO., INC. , ROBINSON-LLOYDS LTD. EASTERN WINE CORPORATION RUBSAM & HORRMANN BREWING CO. - ESBECO DISTILLING CORPORATION JACOB RUPPERT F. & A. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY SACCONE & SPEED (U.S.A.), INC. FEDERAL WINE AND LIQUOR CO. SAN BENITO CO., INC. FELL DISTRIBUTING CO. F. & M. SCHAEFER BREWING CO. FLAGSTAFF FOODS· SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, INC. THE FLEISCHMANN DISTILLING CORP•. SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, INC. (Import Division) FLEMING & McCAIG, INC. SCHIEFFELIN & CO. FRANKFORT DISTILLERS CORPORATION SEAGRAM-DISTILLERS CORPORATION · FRUIT INDUSTRIES, LTD. SHAW CO., INC., MUNSON G. GALLO WINE SALES OF N. J., INC. SONOMA VINEYARDS WINERY , GALSWORTHY, INC. - SOUTHERN COMFORT SALES CORP. OF N. Y. GAMBARELLI & DAVITTO, INC. STANDARD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY GARRETT & COMPANY, INC. · WALT STEWART, INC. THE GIBSON DISTILLING COMP ANY SUFFERN DISTRIBUTORS, INC. DUNCAN GILMOUR & CO., LTD. THE TAYLOR WINE· COMPANY GLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY· W. A. TAYLOR & CO. GLENROY· LTD. THREE FEATHERS DISTRIBUTORS, INC. GUTTENBERG WINE CO •. JOHN F. TROMMER, INC, - THE JOSEPH HENSLER BREWING CO. UNITED DISTILLERS OF AMERICA, INC•. HOF:FMAN IMPORT & DISTRIBUTING CO. HIRAM WALKER· INCORPORATED ITALIAN SWISS COLONY JULIUS WILE SONS ·& CO.; INC. J. & J. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY , · WILEN BROTHERS, .INC. , JACQUIN ET CIE., INC., CHARLES , WINE .GROWERS GUILD WILLIAM JAMESON DIVISION Seagram-Dist. Corp. .New Jersev State library . STATE OF ~EW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL 1060 J3road Street, Newark, N. J. BULLETIN. 814 AUGUST. 27. 1948. OFFICIAL NOTICE OF FAIR TRADE CONTRACTS AND PRICE LISTS ·FILED ~URSUANT TO REGULATIONS No. 30 · : All price lists which have been filed, together with Fair T~ade' ~on tracts, at the offices of the Depart~ent · of Alcoholic Beverage Control, pursuCDnt to Regulations No. 30, are set forth below. There cire .included the full price lists which appeared in Bulletin 805 (wh~ch was complete) as revised and supplemented by all changes in old item's and new ite~s filed. to date. , , The prices of those products listed in Bulletin 805 remain in effect until September I, 1948. Ail the minimum ·consumer prices set forth below are now, and .continue to remain in effect, except the aforementioned· new items and changes jn _old items, which .become effective September I, 1948 .at 10 _A. M. Until official notice of any change in price lists is published in a later bulletin issued by the Department, . retail licensees are prohibited (unless otherivise authorized by special permit) from selling the described pro- ducts except in accordance with the price lists herein published.' . MINIMUM MINIMUM BRAND SIZE CONSUMER PRICE BRAND SIZE CONSUMER PRICI · Spirit Blended Whi.skey Spirit Blended .Whiskey .(Cont.) * CALVE;RT SPECIAL * ALIYAH ORIGINAL . 4.39· ~le~ded Whiskey Fifths 3.60 Blended Whiskey Fifths Pints· .Pints . 2".74 2.27 * CARSTAIRS EST. 1788 * ALIYAH RESERVE Blended Whiskey· · Blended Whiskey Fif:bhs 3,,9.9 Fifths 4.01 Plnts 2:.53 Pints 2.53 * CARSTAIRS WHITE SEAL *ALIYAH SPECIAL Blended Whiskey Blended Whiskey · · Fifths 3'.49 . QUJartS 4.4:5 _Pints 2.16 Fifths 3:.59 Pints 2.26 * AUSTIN NICHOLS CLUB * CHARLES BOURBON RESERVE Quarts 4.79 WHISKEY Quarts 5.56 Blenden Whiskey Fifths 3.87 Blended Whiskey . 2.45" Fif°ths 4.48 Pints Pints 2.80 * B.P.R,. RESERVE - * CHARTER OAK Blended Whiskey Fifths 3.. 59 Blended Whiskey Quarts 5.50 Pints 2.26 Fifths 4.43 _* BALTLAND SUPREME Pints 2.79 Blended Whis~ey Quarts . 4.75 *COBBS Fifths 3·.83 Blended Whiskey ¥::?Gallons 8.63 Pints·. 2.41 Quarts 4.33 *BELLOWS. PARTNERS Fifths 3.49 CHOICE · Quarts 4.89·- Pints 2.20 Blended Whiskey Fifths 3·.95 * COBBS PREFERRED Pints 2.50 Blenci~d Whiskey · Fifths 4.56 Pints . 2.90 * BELLOWS SPECIAL RESERVE Blended Whiskey · Quarts 4.50 * CORBY'S RESERVE ' . Fif1ths 3.63 Blended Whiskey · Quarts· 4.4·9 Pints 2.29 Fifths 3.63 Pints 2.29 * BOURBON DE.
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