ENCODE: Understanding the Genome Michael Snyder! " May 8, 2013 Conflicts: Personalis, Genapsys, Illumina! Slides From Ewan Birney, Marc Schaub, Alan Boyle Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) •# NHGRI-funded consor?um •# Goal: delineate all “func?onal” elements in the human genome •# Wide array of experimental assays •# Three Phases: 1) Pilot 2) Scale Up 1.0 3) Scale up 2.0 The ENCODE Project Consor?um. An Integrated Encyclopedia of DNA Elements in the Human Genome. Nature 2012 Project website: h5p://encodeproject.org The ENCODE Consor?um Phase 2 Brad Bernstein (Eric Lander, Manolis Kellis, Tony Kouzarides) Ewan Birney (Jim Kent, Mark Gerstein, Bill Noble, Peter Bickel, Ross Hardison, Zhiping Weng) Greg Crawford (Ewan Birney, Jason Lieb, Terry Furey, Vishy Iyer) Jim Kent (David Haussler, Kate Rosenbloom) John Stamatoyannopoulos (Evan Eichler, George Stamatoyannopoulos, Job Dekker, Maynard Olson, Michael Dorschner, Patrick Navas, Phil Green) Mike Snyder (Kevin Struhl, Mark Gerstein, Peggy Farnham, Sherman Weissman) Rick Myers (Barbara Wold) Sco Tenenbaum (Luiz Penalva) Tim Hubbard (Alexandre Reymond, Alfonso Valencia, David Haussler, Ewan Birney, Jim Kent, Manolis Kellis, Mark Gerstein, Michael Brent, Roderic Guigo) Tom Gingeras (Alexandre Reymond, David Spector, Greg Hannon, Michael Brent, Roderic Guigo, Stylianos Antonarakis, Yijun Ruan, Yoshihide Hayashizaki) Zhiping Weng (Nathan Trinklein, Rick Myers) AddiFonal ENCODE ParFcipants: Ellio? Marguiles, Eric Green, Job Dekker, Laura Elnitski, Len Pennachio, Jochen Wibrodt .. and many senior sciensts, postdocs, students, technicians, computer sciensts, stascians and administrators in these groups NHGRI: Elise Feingold, Mike Pazin, Peter Good 3 The ENCODE Consor?um Phase 3 Brad Bernstein (Eric Lander, Manolis Kellis, Tony Kouzarides) Ewan Birney (Jim Kent, Mark Gerstein, Bill Noble, Peter Bickel, Ross Hardison, Zhiping Weng) Greg Crawford (Ewan Birney, Jason Lieb, Terry Furey, Vishy Iyer) Jim Kent (David Haussler, Kate Rosenbloom) Mike Cherry John Stamatoyannopoulos (Evan Eichler, George Stamatoyannopoulos, Job Dekker, Maynard Olson, Michael Dorschner, Patrick Navas, Phil Green) Mike Snyder (Kevin Struhl, Mark Gerstein, Peggy Farnham, Sherman Weissman) Rick Myers (Barbara Wold) Sco Tenenbaum (Luiz Penalva) Tim Hubbard (Alexandre Reymond, Alfonso Valencia, David Haussler, Ewan Birney, Jim Kent, Manolis Kellis, Mark Gerstein, Michael Brent, Roderic Guigo) Tom Gingeras (Alexandre Reymond, David Spector, Greg Hannon, Michael Brent, Roderic Guigo, Stylianos Antonarakis, Yijun Ruan, Yoshihide Hayashizaki) Zhiping Weng (Nathan Trinklein, Rick Myers) Brenton Graveley (John Rinn, Others) .. and many senior sciensts, postdocs, students, technicians, computer sciensts, stascians and administrators in these groups NHGRI: Elise Feingold, Mike Pazin, Peter Good 4 Chip-seq (180 TFs Experimental Assays + Histone marks; 1770 data sets) RNA-seq (418) DNAse-seq (318) RNA-Sequencing Wang et al. 2009 Nat Gen. Rev." Func?onal data: ChIP-seq Sequence and align ChIP-seq Peak 300-500 bp Mo?f (8-12 bp) Immunoprecipitaon An?body Transcrip?on Factor ChIP-exo Histone Marks Func?onal data: DNase-seq DNaseI hypersensi?vity Sequence peak and align Transcrip?on DNaseI Factor Region of open chroman Histone Histone Func?onal data: DNase footprints DNaseI Sequence Footprint and align Transcrip?on DNaseI Factor Region of open chroman Histone Histone a b *0 ODSIHDWXUH b a r 3KHQRW\SHïDVVRFLDWHG613V e Y 5DQGRPVDPSOLQJRIPDWFKHG613V o *0 *HQRW\SHG613V *HQRPHV PHUVRQDOJHQRPHV LFKPHQWRUGHSOHWLRQ r ODSIHDWXUH r 3KHQRW\SHïDVVRFLDWHG613V e Y 5DQGRPVDPSOLQJRIPDWFKHG613V o *HQRW\SHG613V ROGHQ I *HQRPHV PHUVRQDOJHQRPHV LFKPHQWRUGHSOHWLRQ r ï 0 ORJ DFWLRQRI613VWKDW r E 7 '1DVH,SHDNV 7) WE 3) '5 ) 766 ROGHQ &7&) I c *:$6HQULFKPHQW ORJSYDOXH *2LPPXQHUHVSRQVH JHQHVDERYH 10ï 0 ORJ WKUHVKROG DFWLRQRI613VWKDW r E 7 '1DVH,SHDNV 7) WE 3) '5 ) 766 &7&) c *:$6HQULFKPHQW ORJSYDOXH *2LPPXQHUHVSRQVH JHQHVDERYH 10 WKUHVKROG d +XPDQ)HE 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