View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Victoria University Eprints Repository ISSN 1356-1154 The Indonesia Human Rights Campaign TAPOL Bulletin No. 157 April 2000 A Reign of Terror in Aceh A major report on the grave human rights situation in Aceh has been published by TAPOL. It documents the escalation in human rights violations since the army announced the lifting of Aceh 's designation as a 'military operations area' in August 1998. Among its many recommendations is a call on the Indonesian armed forces and the Free Aceh Movement to end the violence and agree to a ceasefire. Entitled 'A Reign of Terror: Human Rights Violations Phase Two , Operation Wibawa 99 - Military Massacre in Aceh, 1998 - 2000 ',the Report focuses primarily on the of Civilians began in January 1999. The ostensible reason human rights situation in Aceh following the lifting of DOM for the new military operation was to capture an alleged in August 1998. From 1989 until 1998, Aceh was desig­ GAM leader whose identity was never verified, but it led to nated a military operations area, giving the armed forces a number of very grave incidents in which many civilians free rein to inflict massive human rights abuses on the peo­ were killed in cold blood. Massacres that occurred from ple of Aceh. Following the downfall of Suharto in May February until July 1999 resulted in more than a hundred 1998, Aceh was awash with complaints about the terrible deaths and a much larger number of wounded. Hundreds of things that had happened, killings, torture, disappearances, school buildings were torched and tens of thousands of vil­ the raping of women and dozens of subversion trials. The lagers fled from their homes and took refuge in camps for revelations shocked the whole country. the internally displaced. Meanwhile, nothing was done, de Civil society, with women taking the lead, called for DOM to be lifted and for the perpetrators of the abuses to be ACEH brought to justice. In August 1998. the armed forces com­ A Reign of Terror in Aceh pl mander-in-chief General Wiranto wr.s forced to come to Seeking justice in Aceh is getting nowhere p2 Banda Aceh, to offer his apologies and announce the lifting No respite in Aceh killings p4 of DOM. But nothing changed; in fact, military terror has Defending women's rights in Aceh p6 reached a new level of ferocity. While it was estimated by EASTTIMOR Amnesty International, in a report published in 1993, that at Impressions of East Tim or p8 least two thousand people killed in the three years from RIGHTS TRIALS 1989, there were no fewer than 215 deaths in the first ten Human rights court to be established pl2 weeks of 2000. with reports of more deaths pouring in every MILITARY day. Serious blows for the military pl4 Bakorstanas and Litsus powers revoked pl6 Four periods of escalating terror HUMAN RIGHTS President wants 1965 killings investigated pl8 The Report identifies four phases in the eighteen months LABOUR since DOM was lifted. Report on UK companies pl9 Phase One, Intimidation and the Re-Emergence of WEST PAPUA GAM, began immediately after the end of DOM, and was The Nabire tragedy p21 characterised by the unexplained killings of a number of Papuan Congress rejects 1969 Act p22 people thought to have been informants who had helped the UK involved in TNI misuse p23 Freeport comes under attack p24 armed forces during DOM. A group of eight soldiers were OBITUARY kidnapped and killed, apparently by GAM, the armed Free George McTurnan Kahin passes away p20 Aceh Movement, causing the security forces to seek re­ venge. aim was to capture eight hundred GAM acti~ists and sYll!­ pathisers and to adopt a 'much more aggressive approach . Many humanitarian workers, human rights defender~, NGO spite government promises, to bring the men guilty for activists have been harassed arrested, tortured and m some crimes during DOM to justice. Confidence in the Indonesian cases, killed. Army raids i~ the countryside ostensi~ly . to authorities plummeted and grassroots support for GAM search for members of GAM have resulted in many c1vihan grew. It was also during this period that students organisa­ deaths and disappearances. The rape and sexual harassment tions started to campaign for a referendum, to determine the of women has again become a feature. future status of Aceh, either as an autonomous region of Indonesia or as an independent state. Recommendations Phase Three, Return to Shock Therapy - Operasi Sadar The Report ends with a number of recommendations Rencong II covering the last five months of 1999 began in calling on the Indonesian Government to n;spond to the de­ August of that year. The strategy of killing dozens of people mands of the people of Aceh for full accountability for . past at a time was replaced by one of attrition, with sweepings by human rights abuses, for the creation of ad hoc human nghts the armed forces in villages; many people who disappeared courts to mete out justice to the perpetrators, for the protec­ during these operations were later found dead. GAM opera­ tion of witnesses, for compensation and rehabilitation for the tions also escalated with villagers often being the ones to victims of abuses, and for an end to the harassment and per­ suffer the casualties when the security forces undertook op­ secution of humanitarian activists and human rights defend­ erations against GAM. During this period, civil society was ers. It calls on both sides in the armed struggle to end the in the ascendant with demands for a referendum becoming violence and agree to a ceasefire. It calls on the Indonesian every more persistent. A three-day mass strike occurred in government to call a halt to the military operations now un­ August and in November an estimated one million people derway in Aceh and withdraw all non-organic troops from descended on Banda Aceh to attend a rally in favour of a the region including the special police forces, as the prelude referendum. There was a growing sentiment among civilian to withdrawing all organic troops, leaving the security organisations that GAM operations were solving nothing situation in the hands of a normal police force. It also ad­ and only exacerbating the situation, so the search for a dresses a call on the international community, in particular peaceful solution intensified. the US and EU governments, to press for the dispatch of UN Phase Four, Targeting Civilian Activists - Operasi special rapporteurs, in particular those dealing with extra­ Sadar Rencong III began at the end of 1999 and with the judicial killings, disappearances, torture and violence launching of a new operation in February this year. The po­ against women as well as the UN working group on arbi- lice chief of Aceh, announcing the new operation, said the trary detentions. • Seeking justice in Aceh getting nowhere Last November, a government-appointed commission to investigate human rights abuses in Aceh annolf,nced that seven thousand violations had occurred during and after the period ofDOM. It rec­ ommended that five prim.ary cases should be taken to court immediately. Nearly half a year later not a single trial has taken place. A middle-ranking army officer named as the chief suspect in a massa­ cre case has disappeared, casting the validity ofthe trial in doubt.. The five cases recommended for immediate trial by the It was decided last year that some of the Aceh trials in­ investigation commission which was set up last July by the volving both military and civilian defendants would be former President Habibie were: the rape of a woman in held in 'inter-connection' or koneksitas courts before a 1996, three massacres which took place in 1999 - at Idi Cut panel including civilian and military judges. This was pre­ on 2 February, in the vicinity of the KKA junction on 3 sented as being a way to ensure greater impartiality. The May and at the religious school of Tengku Bantaqiah in trials moreover were regarded as a top priority in support Beutong Ateuh on 23 July - and atrocities committed on a of Jakarta's policy to undermine calls for a referendum continuing basis at the notorious Rumoh Geudong torture about Aceh's future status. By finally responding to de­ centre during DOM, the period when Aceh was designated mands from the Acehnese for accountability for crimes as a 'military operations zone' and in particular during against humanity committed since 1989, the central gov­ 1997 and 1998. ernment would dampen pressure from civil society for pos- sible separation. Speed was therefore essential. Calls by Koneksitas courts human rights activists in Aceh and from TAPOL for these The military in Aceh have, throughout the reign ofter­ trials to be heard before properly constituted ad hoc human ror in Aceh, enjoyed complete impunity. Insofar as any rights courts have been ignored. trials have taken place anywhere in Indonesia, they have Under the koneksitas system, the military are also in­ been before military courts with lower-ranking offic·ers volved in pre-trial interrogations and as members of the facing charges of 'procedural errors' or 'exceeding orders'. prosecution team. Events of the past few months have The trials have been deliberately framed to protect senior shown how they have used this role to effectively sabotage officers who ordered the crimes. court proceedings. 2 TAPOL Bulletin No. 157, April 2000 Key witness/suspect disappears The first case scheduled for trial was the massacre and disappearance of more five dozen people in July at the re­ ligious school of Tengku Bantaqiah.
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