2017 Impact Report Presented by MESSAGE FROM THE WCFR Dear friends, Our capital campaign donors contributed $228,000 in 2017, GArcebhher,ardt,Coffm N Jicanamio Enge ineers GriBauechen,erCu, rBrile Dss,e-Annar riErnica &e Andrea HBrartyad,D y,Soran, iStd e&ph ALynnmandanie a HCaookemerFer, orEgun,lis sMaon,abetry Sah ra In our community, 50,000 women and children live in poverty and 1 in 4 children are food-insecure. Poverty bringing us within 16% of $2.1 million goal. We utilized a *GebArcher,hardt,Col e,N icol MJeariessasica GriBauggserCu, ,Pa rMarantriciais, ieMegan Has*BkelrauDloran,n, ,C Lindee Karenysa HCaooneeverFe, rr,Mollyne Pety, eM AegaLORIn MOLONEY runs deep in our lowest income neighborhoods, where 90% of school children are enrolled in the Free & President 2017 was a good year for Women & Children’s, full of change portion of the funds to purchase a new delivery van. Perhaps GArnelhauoCold,slesen, Don, JAdaea Jnenm ifer GBroaullmusmCuan,rri, e,J Srud C yDrisolor Mes & Nora E Searing HasBreitkelDelornb, seyLeerg,s, Er Binarbara *HCaopkinnnoFilons -,HiShe Carll lDlton,eeenntal Jessica Reduced Meals program. Poverty and food-insecurity also disproportionately affect single mothers, older adults and progress. We welcomed new staff and Board members, our you’ve seen our van around town, wrapped and loaded with G*AreneorouCold,ls leSh, rTan,ereaw nsaJe &ss Ticanaya GBrubeaum*Cur,gartne Dartivn,id r Con,& C Lauarolstancrae e HBratcheeneDourm, anKvillea,th S,l useeSaryna HosCatunnoFtlisernche,, MBrarbaar, GyudraKRISu C MASON building got a new roof, we have formed many new nutritious meals for delivery to our Nutrition-to-Go partners. *GenArrutile,*Coda, lliShMn,are rriyNeue & Molly Matthews *GBupteadCuille,l,shm KimJenan,ellbe erJleohny & Helen HBrathaennDwayowan,,ling CaKat,rol riDnaiane *HCaowanodFisrd,y,he ChKr,at erylJeaie nnPaste President partnerships, and most importantly, we increased the number GArenviun,ng,Co Wim Drerlliam.for Shd,aro & James Caron l & Norah GBuruealttyCue, ,sK Bhneatharbarrry, nDaebbie HBrathaesnaDoywayhale,, nM ,D arPennjaulisin e& Patricia HCaowaraFitzrwad, yMhug, Delarihnd,in Tarisha GAshdoweoEveryrge,Co msAn n,day,tod Lrecawk,a therenc Pam pathwayeela & Jan V. to a more secureGusBECtaCuUfs on,futuretler ,Kathy Hil arstartsy Laure withl food. But “enough”HavBrickenDsner,ragoo, K el foodDrly, ewKo isn’tr&tn Meyi kaenough!yla A truly justH CaugherliFitzngs, smJerrpaittryhick, ,&NANCY He Sa Aatlellyherxis MAHONEY of meals served by over 11,500. The “cherry on top” of 2017 was being honored with Greater GAiassissocietynnini,Conatant Mtys mustar, Josy Reph also & Shaensureron nutrition.Gwi WomenBegnn,gsCz ,Cheecho B &rerie eanwsChildren’ski, Virgini Freea RestaurantHBread &ick CommunitystromDner,reis ,,T MamRoargbmyero tKitchen & Kathleen does An justn that!*H *CumpharlFitzsonrepa,ys Dotr,ick, ViceCnnaroa Darlal President-Trea- G*AtibWeson,kCongein transform sSton,erphani ,Pa Litsae Jdonated whole food GwiingredientsBelnn,sbyD.R. M, Dol Lealyighnna intotfoot nourishing,Family Charit ready-to-eatable HBreapiggsD ,srumeals ,M fDatfeebotlhe, Parahinw tricia &our Kat restaurant.hy In 2017,H Caunt,rlso*F Rn,lebecceig Jolerli,a eTammy surer We secured funding from the City of Spokane to build a The commitment and love that goes into our services is GAtilmwewoan,Conno od,delivered Greta Anllydra, Jessi nutritionalca meals to H&RmoreBen nFunB ett,lthanocdk An dre20w partner locations throughoutHBreck,igmDuv Kran,isal,ten SpokaneH Suea Lsanther County, and offeredH*Curd, arnFl Helenesem, iArng,thur Pa mela& Carla GAuciraud,uContt, Jaime tKatardhleeno, Cha Srles & Karen HBadweqiDiri,geaehl rMi, Sirn,herjet Jolai een Gail HBrege,ittEd aMinisi,che on,Joalle Chnneris & Vicki HCautchrneFoinsy,llge on,Drr., BarWilMicheliDORIbaramlea & SONNTAG Diane demonstration kitchen – a place for women and children to certainly not about winning awards, but recognition from peers nutrition education classes. We provided 66,503 well-balanced meals and as we enter our third decade Secretary experience hands-on learning for the betterment of their health and local business leaders propels us to continue our mission GiAudveof Wit uConservicebon-hzett, LibeDow Joinrtynri 2018,ver Neighb we oarerhood ready toH expand*BerryagedoDalr,n, lP maour hilipBan n,rbmodelp Karl & even Jani ecfurther!e *HBregogayeEdnsiw,, ard CJosollsepheen, Nanciney ImCaslroand,Foselsll ateE,L rDavid, Stephan & Tanaie glaCoussynCook,babcil y, DiLLanCe HBagen,ertDhoud,augha Collee Hrtyeathen, Darvid & Mary HBreineown,Eimckholann, Bern tKerry,a deAndtterea IndependenCarroFonll, tCeiynjtn, thiIns KaurancelLISAly e DIFFLEYAgents & G*AvloWever,enell*Coo wouldSandr,ley, Davea Manot M &ri belyAnn nthe& Ar thrivingt Hanson and welcomingHBeagginstDav, ,J ennBaies, rplaceti feDen&r Liisnde thate ll we are without allHBrendr ofown,El iourckme Jes on,rwonderful,nni J amRyferanes & SCavolunteersuellie that helpB CarsonrokeForsst, Serha, KayronExecutive Director GAvoberel,Coy t,Sr ylviamanCare,y Ma& ElainryAnne HBeake,stDavis, ,M Junollye Brandy *HBrengown,Emy, ShamanuKathronleeel nPresbyterian Church InlandCarteFo rNor,st Jerilthl, weMurstie Caml aro Club us on a daily basis! Our volunteers do everything from prepping food and washing dishes, to laundry and own. We added new internship opportunities for WSU’s Master Our success is Spokane’s success. With the ongoing support of GAyodreleCosws, rriMki,ock, rgaDav Rnidobe &r tEli & zabDebetorah h *HBaletlow,ock,Dehne Anne Eryr, nnJay Me & Chloe *HBrenrown,Endo,y, Bi Mlliee Katganhryn Jack*CaskeysonFou, tz,Me J, oaMlannariey handyman projects. of Science Coordinated Program in Dietetics, Nutrition and our donors, partners, volunteers and Board, Women & GBoeacbel,hCohube rStulevli,r, en ElNic iz& abe &R enJanthe HBaletlortDingeaelanen, rToni, Suy, Pausannl e& Melanie *HBrenrown,Eng,y, Mary S tCaephrolanie *JCaacobullFriesederkon,z, Ol Diviaiing,ane Patty Exercise Physiology program and continued to engage seniors Children’s is ready to meet the needs of our community. And at G*Baoldberg,esColestr co,H San erbWholedra & Vsaalerile Coe rporation HBeam,znD HiaiguiaeLatellary,ur Cher, Mari y HBreuteunoEnger, ,Sha Scl,ott ronSu &san Stefanie Jay,Ch ambConni*Freiedrlein,lande Angr,e Rliqueichard & Kathryn GBolaiTheyden,leyCou, KaylaChagaverrierr,le Mari10,481s & lySalln yhours of their timeH*Bicame – equatingDk,l,enni RayAnns, &e ttHe J etoudiidith HBryiatt,anEr Di,ne Jaanst,neta J ulKie & Ed JenChsamben,Froman, Daerliwnin,BECKY SuMegasann BLANKENSHIP from WSU’s School of Nursing. the end of the day, the smiles on the faces of the families we GBomaiezrCoud,, ForKrsimey,restberl Amandy a HBamildiltDerbackon,erb yT, ab,Kayla Raymoitha nd E H*BryanigginsEst, t,aviaCa Tathe,mar Virinviaean & Que JenChsanden,Frucci, ler,Richa C iVickndrd y&i LSusan serve are the best awards of all! GBooajIfdw idali,Coyouin,w le ShaveSs,ahellmanth Stace yquestionsay & Ann eon volunteer HopportunitiesBamillm D&ond,erb Mely, i BndaLoetrisy orGa tewoulds Found likeatio ton sign upHBuigg tocklins Ebestes, inGa, sonlo Marvolunteer:ria,g Bao Lrbara visit our website atCe ChrruarlFrttesi-Juci,en Le &senigh AssocLISAiates CARGILL P.S. Last year, we launched a unique new fundraiser: Dinner on the GBorakwww.wcfrspokane.org/volunteerdon,er,Co zzJEranica,ica Megae n or emailHBanirsken,D, JessicaPeteeRu Toniytr er, GebhardtElizabeth at [email protected],ehl JuEver-lieanFos, sIsteaber, Brl andy L *JChohnen-Fu RAludobrllein,ghlf tAnnF, amPADDYLyiendilya Foundat CARLSONion Bridge: Celebrating Farm-to-Fork. It was quite an undertaking With gratitude, *GorBalton,c*Ch, r JameDavulierid, An& itaPatrice HBarbaugitz,D Ji anJulioh,e She, Srrry Ma K ry Lou HilBul,rgi KathyEvnan, Hayleys, Steven & Gloria JohnChishosonFullm,le Aprr,, HeKail aththryern to set up a full kitchen in Riverfront Park and tent the Howard GBotaltsdwchalkCrin,andal ,T omHl,eat Terri&her Aril HBardejorDkman,r,ia Domond,nna Laur Fealicia HilBul,rk, TiffFa Krranelly, Dy onald & Annetta JohnChrisonGstalb L, uColrtheae SUSANtJranh,ef fRo reChynna u& rchFOSTER-DOW Robi Wonmen GBraanfosnCri,ing, Deasw elDenl, &bora Eug Elizheneabet &h DoreeLISAn DIFFLEYHBardlaciDiln,k, lonChaunTirre, Mall arSTEFANIEcha BRUNO HilBule,rnFa Kas,r reHarenll,MELISSArum Mairy BERRY *JChohnriGst'ssonall o,,Ch Da Pauuvirchdla &of PeggMt. Spoy kane Street Bridge! 240 guests enjoyed a spectacular six-course GBraarham,ber,Crone, LeCaros Jamie &l Amy Executive DirectorHBardlaiin,Dilng, Sulon Msa,ol Tamaranly CDirector of DevelopmentHivelyBu &rn Fa,s, Er roSlizusw,Directorabetan Eugen hI. ieof Nutrition Services J&ohnCh risonGstaly,t ieEJelirissiza, Rbecaicha tJhEV Ard HOPKINS & Robyn alfresco dinner and helped us raise $57,000. We’re excited to GBstaffraary,ger, CrKateowe, Kagne Randy y & Linda HBarke,lanDiken Lstoreelhshilleorp,st BCommunications,ec Elskya HBuoffrrimanFeall, ,lSet k,ChaneExecutive Rh ut&h lJeanni Chefe JohnClevelsonGaman, Mdm,ia on,Mark Richa & Lrord i& Judith continue this new tradition on September 14, 2018 and invite GBrearen,ks*C ,Li rRoumpsaseler An, nAndrea HBarlolessDissom,,xs Jameson, Li bbPame y& Shela ila HBuollidart,Fedde Dy,onna Mariersen-Lethe, Karin JohnClevelsonGarcan, Tamaradia,, MNCHARLOTTEuriancely A NEMEC you to join the fun. Executive Director GBrearen,nesCu Lormby, Jacell, equelAnitayn J WaBohgnerD,r-Har odge,Katiele Chssristine HByollrd,owaFeed Dy,an L Cindhenea y JohnCobb,son-RoGarde Loretllssa,ta, LeMyslrniea GJESSICABrearenway,rosCu,mmi T er AGEBHARDTisnghlsey, Laura BONNI
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